(USA) Meeting Regulatory Requirements for the United States

This chapter provides an overview of U.S. regulatory requirements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding U.S. Regulatory Requirements

If U.S. government employment regulations apply to your company, you need to implement plans and practices to ensure that your company consistently meets U.S. reporting requirements.

HR provides tables to help you manage the information that you need to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS) is the only report in which disabled employees are counted.

Additionally, PeopleSoft provides the following regulatory reports:

See Also

Creating and Tracking Incidents

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Control Tables for Regulatory Requirements

To set up the control tables for regulatory requirements, use the Affirmative Action Plan (AAP_TBL), Establishment Table (ESTAB_TBL1_GBL), Location Profile (LOCATION_TBL2_GBL), Job Groups (EEO_JOB_GROUP), Job Tasks (JOB_TASK_TABLE), Job Code Task Table (JOBCODE_TASK_TABLE), Review Controlled Estb Ids (CONTROLLED_ESTABS), and Occupational Classif. Codes (US_OCC_TBL) components.

You must set up information in the Establishment table to meet U.S. regulatory requirements.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Control Tables for Regulatory Requirements

Page Name

Definition Name



Affirmative Action Plan


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Maintain Affirmative Actn Plan, Affirmative Action Plan

Define the affirmative action plans. Affirmative action plans are defined by establishment ID.

Establishment Address


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Define Regulatory Rqmts Data, Establishments, Establishment Address

Identify the establishment, indicate its regulatory region, and enter the address and other country-specific information. Set parameters for electronic filing.

Establishments - Phone Numbers


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Define Regulatory Rqmts Data, Establishments, Phone Numbers

Identify phone numbers for the establishment.

Location Address


Click the Go to Locations link on the Establishment Address page.

Enter address information for a specific location.

Location Profile


Click the Go to Locations link on the Establishment Address page, and then select Location Profile.

Specify a salary administration plan for the location, as well as tax and country-specific location information.

Job Groups


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Define Regulatory Rqmts Data, Job Groups, Job Group

Set up Job Groups codes.

Job Tasks


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Define Regulatory Rqmts Data, Job Tasks, Job Tasks

Define job task outcomes. For example, if a job requires an employee to pick up heavy boxes and move them, then define moving heavy boxes as the essential job task.

Do not define the job task as lifting heavy boxes because an employee with a disability could use a forklift to move them.

Job Code Tasks


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Define Regulatory Rqmts Data, Job Code Tasks, Job Code Tasks

Define job tasks associated with each job code.

Review Controlled Estb Ids (review controlled establishment IDs)


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Review Controlled Estb Ids, Review Controlled Estb Ids

Shows all establishments that have designated the selected headquarters unit as their controlling establishment.

Occupational Classif. Codes ( occupational classification codes)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Monitoring, Occupational Classif. Codes, Occupational Classif. Codes

Define occupation classification codes.

See Also

Defining Establishments

Establishing Locations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Affirmative Action Plans

Access the Affirmative Action Plan page (Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Maintain Affirmative Actn Plan, Affirmative Action Plan).

Plan Description

Enter a description of this affirmative action plan.

Person Responsible

Select the employee ID of the person responsible for administering this plan.

Plan Year

Start Date, End Date, and Active

Enter the start date of this plan. The system calculates the end date and selects the Active check box if this is the current year plan.

Job Groups Represented in Establishment

EEO Job Group, Minority Goal and Female Goal

Select an EEO job group and enter the minority goal and female goal for that job group.

Allocate Goals

Click the Allocate Goals link to access Ethnic Group, Total Goal and Female Goal fields.

Allocate Goals

Ethnic Group, Total Goal and Female Goal

Enter the plan's total and female goals for the selected ethnic group. Click the Roll Up Values links to add the goals for the Minority Goal and Female Goal. Click the Done button to return to the main page. These values will be rolled forward to the EEO Job Group Goals in the Job Groups Represented in Establishment group box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Establishment Criteria for EEO-1 Reports

Access the Establishment Address page (Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Define Regulatory Rqmts Data, Establishments, Establishment Address).

Beginning in 2005, the U.S. Equal Employee Opportunity Commission only accepts EEO-1 Report submissions through their web-based filing system. Previously, the Commission accepted computer-generated printouts of the EEO-1 Report. For employers required to submit the annual EEO-1 Report, PeopleSoft provides a process for submitting the report via a Data File uploaded through the EEO-1 Web Application. While the submission of the EEO-1 report using Alternate Reporting Format (ARF) is voluntary, employers who elect to use this method must comply with all of its requirements without exception.

Establishment ID

In order for the system to select a valid list of EEO-1 employees, this field must not be blank on the employee's Job record.

Section C

EEO-1 Govt Contractor Type

Select a government contractor type. In order for the system to select a valid list of EEO-1 establishments, this field value should be any value other than Not Applicable.

Section G

Certifying Official

Select a certifying official to populate the certification information of the EEO-1 report. Section G certification is associated with each establishment ID for the company. This allows unique certifying official data to be associated with the EEO-1 report for each establishment.

Copy Details From Headquarters

Select this check box to populate the certification information of the EEO-1 report from headquarters data if one certifying official is appointed to complete all establishment EEO-1 reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Job Task Codes

Access the Job Code Tasks page (Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Define Regulatory Rqmts Data, Job Code Tasks, Job Code Tasks ).

Total Percent Time Spent

The system calculates and displays this when you move out of the % Time Spent field. The total cannot exceed 100%.

Jobtask Set ID

Select from Jobtask SetID. Values come from the TableSet ID page.

Job Task

Select from Job Task. Values come from the Job Tasks page.

Imprtce (importance)

Select the importance of the job task to the particular job code.

Freq (frequency)

Enter how often the job task occurs for each job code. Values come from the Frequency table.

Cons. (consequence)

Select the result that occurs if the job task isn't performed.

% Time Spent (percentage time spent)

Enter the percentage of time that is spent on the job task.

Note. Once created, this information is particularly useful for discussing job requirements with applicants. Although the ADA prohibits you from asking applicants if they have disabilities, you can show them a job's task list and ask them if they might have difficulties in completing the tasks. This way, you offer the applicants the opportunity to describe their disabilities and any accommodations that they need to perform the job tasks.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) Reporting

To set up the PRWORA report, use the Record Definition component (HR_RFW_RECDEFN), Variable Definition component (HR_RFW_SYSVAR), Data Definition component (HR_RFW_DSODEFN), Report Type Definition component (HR_RFW_RPTDEFN), Clone Report Type component (HR_RFW_RPTCLONE), and New Hire Report Configuration component (HR_RFWPRW_CONFIG).

This section provides an overview of the PRWORA report and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) Report

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) was enacted as a means of locating individuals and recovering delinquent child support payments through wage garnishment. Consequently, employers are required to report specific information on all newly hired salaried employees generally within 20 days of their date of hire. States are responsible for collecting the data and administering the program.

Note. The PRWORA reporting feature provides the flexibility to maintain and manage state-specific regulatory reporting requirements. You must review and modify the Report Type Definitions to add information specific to your organization.

At the very minimum, employers must submit a report to the state that includes the following information :

Some states require more information such as:

Additionally, some states require reporting of independent contractors who meet particular criteria. For example, the state of Massachusetts requires persons with earnings greater than $600 per year be reported.

Note. It is the customer's responsibility to review the laws in your respective filing state and confirm the report layout is correct for your organization. Many states require organization-specific details that are not stored in your PeopleSoft system. This information must be entered in the "Override" field on the Report Type Definition page for the respective fields.

Report Assumptions

The following assumptions and defaults are made by the system when generating the PRWORA New Hire report:

Setting up the New Hire Report

The New Hire Report provides an online method of defining the PRWORA Federal- and State-level reporting requirements. With it, you can select the fields you want included in your New Hire Report, define records and variables, set up report columns, and clone copies of a report. Once the report is customized for your purposes, you can generate the appropriate data/text file for electronic reporting.

Setting up the New Hire Report Layout

The New Hire Configuration page contains the federal and state report definitions used by PeopleSoft HCM to generate the electronic reporting files for a particular regulatory region or state. From this page you can view and customize the report definition layout. Only those states supporting electronic filing are listed.

See Also

PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals for HCM Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up the New Hire Report and Layout

Page Name

Definition Name



Record Definition


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Electronic Reporting, Record Definition, Record Definition

Define the PeopleSoft records used as a source for the reporting layout's required fields.

Variable Definition


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Electronic Reporting, Variable Definition, Variable Definition

Define variables (or tokens) used to calculate (or specify) a field.

Data Object Definition


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Electronic Reporting, Data Definition, Data Object Definition

Specify the database record and relationships between other database records to retrieve data from the database. This definition is used to extract the data from the database to generate the file layout and reports.

Data Definition - Relationships


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Electronic Reporting, Data Definition, Relationships

Define child and related data objects.

Report Type Definition


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Electronic Reporting, Report Type Definition, Report Type Definition

Define specific report attributes that apply across the entire report. This information is specified by the reporting agency.

Report Columns


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Electronic Reporting, Report Type Definition, Report Columns

Define the required columns as records and fields in the report layout (header, body, and trailer records) as specified by the reporting agency. Attributes of the column can also be specified as a variable. Customer-specific values may be necessary in the "Override" column.

Clone Report Type


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Electronic Reporting, Clone Report Type, Clone Report Type

Copy an entire existing report layout to a new report.

New Hire Report Configuration


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Monitoring, Regulatory Requirements, New Hire Report Configuration, New Hire Report Configuration

The list of reporting entities (by state or federal) defined in the database. You can view the layout directly from this page.

This information is used as a prompt for selecting which type of report and electronic file layout must be generated.

See Generating the PRWORA New Hire Report and Electronic File.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting up Record Definitions

Access the Record Definition page (Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Electronic Reporting, Record Definition, Record Definition).

Select All Fields

Select this button to bring in all fields of record.


Select this check box to use this field in the report. deselect this check box to not use this field in the report layout.

Field Name

Actual database field name.


This field defaults with the field description from the database object. This can optionally be overwritten to be more informative or to reflect the field description used by the reporting entity.


Indicates whether the field is a database key on this record. PeopleSoft will default the keys of the record when it is initially defined. All key fields are grayed out and not editable by users.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up System Variables

Access the Variable Definition page (Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Electronic Reporting, Variable Definition, Variable Definition).

Use the Variable Definition page to define the variables that will be used in the creation of the New Hire Report. Variables are defined to address particular attributes of the file layout required by the reporting entity. Reporting entities can specify on their required file layouts general, report-wide attributes, or attributes specific to an individual field.

An example of a report-wide variable may be that the report requires only Employees to be contained in the report population. Other states may require that Contingent Workers (for example, consultants) also be included in the report population. Variables are defined for constant values (EMP or CWR, respectively). Another example of a report-wide variable is if all date fields must use a specific format (for example, MMDDYYYY). Variables are defined specifying each possible format.

Variables are later specified on the Report Type Definition and Report Columns layout pages.

The Database Field Details define which variable value will be resolved whenever data is fetched from the appropriate record.

Data Type

Specify the type of data required by the reporting entity.

System Computed

Indicate a variable is system-computed if the variable content is generated at run time by the New Hire process. These values are delivered and maintained by PeopleSoft.


Select if the variable must always have a designated value. Selecting this option enables you to enter data into the Constant Details section. Define a variable as a constant. Examples include:

  • Employees are always indicated with EMP.

  • Contingent workers are always indicated with CWR.

  • A hire action is always 'HIR'.

(Constant) Value

Enter the value of the Constant.

Database Field

Select to make the field available for entry and define the Database Field Details.


If Database Field is selected, specify the database Record and Field Name from which the variable's value will be resolved.

Field Name

If Database Field is selected, specify the database Record and Field Name from which the variable's value will be resolved.


Select this check box if the Record and Field Name are dependent upon the SetID of another record and field being populated first in order to resolve the Record and Field.

Record 1

Populate this field when SetID is selected. The setID Record1 and Field Name 1 must be resolved prior to deriving the value of Record and Field.

Field Name 1

Populate this field when SetID is selected. The setID Record1 and Field Name 1 must be resolved prior to deriving the value of Record and Field.


Choose this button in order to define the Application Class Details. This type of variable is created when more complex logic must be applied in order to determine the variable's value.

Class ID

Select the Class ID of the PeopleSoft Application Class. The application class must be written before defining this variable.

Package Tree Viewer

Click the Package Tree Viewer link to access the Application Packages Lookup page.


Select the PeopleSoft Application Class Path of the Class ID. The application class must be written before defining this variable.

Method Name

Select the PeopleSoft Application Class Method Name of the Class ID. The application class must be written before defining this variable. Several methods are delivered, but you might have to add your own depending on the state's requirements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Data Object Definitions

Access the Data Object Definition page (Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Electronic Reporting, Data Definition, Data Object Definition).

The Data Object Definition page defines which main record is used and the criteria used to select information from the database. It also indicates whether the data object will be used as Level Zero or main driving object to generate the report. Data is fetched from the database based on the selection criteria entered for the data object.


The actual PeopleSoft record name.

Database Query

Select this radio button in order to build the query retrieval criteria.

Logical Operator

(AND, OR) These are logical operators. You use them within an IF statement. AND is used between two conditions. It indicates that both statements must be met for the selection to be made. For example, A and B must be true for a selection.

OR is used between two conditions. It indicates that only one of the statements must be met for selection to be made. For example, A OR B can be true for a selection.

Entry Type 1

Specify Record/Field or Variable type.


Relational Operators: Equal (=), Less than (<), Less than or equal (<=), Greater than (>), Greater than or equal (>=), Less than or Greater than (< >) (for example, not equal).

Relational operators compare two expressions and provide a truth value. You can use parentheses to group expressions or to enhance readability.

Record 1 Name

When the entry type is "Record/Field," specify the record in the condition.

Field Name 1

When the entry type is "Record/Field," specify the field in the condition.

Variable Name 1

When the entry type is "Variable," specify the variable in the condition.

Entry Type 2

Specify Record/Field or Variable type for comparison to Entry Type 1 values.

Record 2 Name

When the entry type is "Record/Field," specify the record in the condition.

Field Name 2

When the entry type is "Record/Field," specify the field in the condition.

Variable Name 2

When the entry type is "Variable," specify the variable in the condition.


The actual query generated by the conditions defined in the Query Retrieval Criteria section. This area is read-only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Child and Related Data Objects

Access the Data Definition - Relationships page (Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Electronic Reporting, Data Definition, Relationships).

The Data Definition - Relationships page is used to define child and related data objects. More criteria can be used to define additional conditions required to fetch the data from the child and related data objects.


A unique number assigned to each child data object.

Child Data Object

A pre-defined data object that is a child of the current data object.

Related Data Object

A pre-defined data object that has a relationship to the current data object.

Additional Criteria

Define additional conditions required to fetch the data from child and related objects.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Report Type Definitions

Access the Report Type Definition page (Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Electronic Reporting, Report Type Definition, Report Type Definition).

This is the primary component used to define the electronic file layout definition template as required by the reporting entity (for example, the state or federal agency). There is a template defined for each state in this table. You probably need to modify the information on the Report Columns page where information is specific to your organization, particularly in the variable override field values.

On the Report Type Definition page, define any attributes that apply across the entire report. Attributes might include, for example, requiring that: any date fields are formatted YYYYMMDD, all numbers are left justified, and the report population should include all employees who are hired or rehired.

Data Object

The primary record used as a basis to select the majority of information. New Hire Reporting (PRWORA) would most likely be the JOB record data object, where EEO or I-9 electronic reporting may be based on the PERSON record.


Enter a unique sequence number to control the order in which the table rows are read into the program

Variable Name

Enter the name of the report-wide variable.

Note. PeopleSoft recommends that you leave gaps between the sequence numbers. Then if it becomes necessary to insert new rows between existing rows, you do not have to alter the sequence numbers in the subsequent rows.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Report Columns

Access the Report Columns page (Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Electronic Reporting, Report Type Definition, Report Columns).

On the Report Columns page, define all headers, body, and trailers of the actual report. List all fields (for example, columns) and any specific formatting required for each field. Use this page to define the various attributes like the column length, output type, column number (sequence) and if any special processing is required.

In case file layouts change over time, simply insert a new, effective-dated row and all the Report Type Details will be copied forward to the new row. Update the new row accordingly. Keep the original row intact, in case a retroactive electronic file submission is necessary at a later date.

Down Arrow

Used to move the active row down one (1) row at a time.

Up Arrow

Used to move the active row up one (1) row at a time.

Output Type

Specify if this row is for the Header1, Header, Body, Trailer, or Trailer1. The default is Body.

The output file is generated in this order:


Entry Type

Select Variable or Record/Field. If Record/Field is selected, then the Record and Field combination values must be entered. If Variable is selected, the record and field combinations are unavailable for entry. The variable is then editable on the Variable tab, or when the fields are expanded.


The database record used as a prompt for on-line PRWORA processing. This is a prompt table for the Record Definition.


Valid values are any field defined on the PRWORA Field Definition table for the chosen record.


Indicate the length of the field to be used on the text file. This should be the length mandated by the reporting entity. This is specified here on the layout template, not at the PRWORA field definition page, because lengths can vary from state to state.

If the PeopleSoft field is longer than the Reporting Entity’s defined length, the value will be truncated in the output file.

Access the Report Columns, Variable Definition tab. Select the Variable Definition tab on the Report Columns page.

Variable Name

Select from the pre-defined list of variables that will represent the required reporting content. At a minimum, become familiar with the variables that are referenced on the Report Type Definition you’ll be using for your PRWORA file generation.

See Setting Up System Variables.


This field is visible and becomes available when it is necessary to provide a value that is specific to your organization and is applicable to all rows reported in the electronic file. This constant will be the value used during the PRWORA processing.

Note. Select Show All Columns to view all the report columns on one page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCloning a New Hire Report

Access the Clone Report Type page (Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Electronic Reporting, Clone Report Type, Clone Report Type).

Use this feature to copy an entire report type definition to a new report type.

Report Type

The report type template (and description) selected to be copied.

New Report Type

Provide a name for the new report type template along with a description.

Effective Date

Provide the effective date the new report type definition will become effective.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the New Hire Report Layout Definitions

Access the New Hire Report Configuration page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Monitoring, Regulatory Requirements, New Hire Report Configuration, New Hire Report Configuration).

The New Hire Configuration page contains the actual file layout definitions which specify the content and layout of the resulting ASCII text output files. This page stores all federal and state report definitions used by PeopleSoft HCM and lists the entities currently supporting the New Hire (PRWORA) electronic reporting feature. If a state (or territory) does not submit new hire data electronically, that state (or territory) will not be listed.

This page is used later when selecting which layout to generate during the report generation process.


Select the state (or territory) or Federal reporting entity.

Report Type

Select the pre-defined report type definition that applies to the selected state (or reporting entity).

View Layout

Click to access the Report Type Definition page for the selected report type.

Click to jump to parent topicMeeting Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Plan Reporting Requirements

Human Resources supports Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan (EEO/AAP) reporting requirements by enabling you to classify jobs and positions filled by applicants and employees in specific gender and ethnic groups. Use this information to define affirmative action goals and timetables and generate the necessary government reports.

Requirements that have been set forth by the U.S. government have made it necessary that Affirmative Action plan and goal information be reported based on establishments and job groups. Regulations pertaining to EEO/AAP reporting are Executive Order 11246 (EEO) and Public Law 88-352, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Equal Employment Act of 1972. Recordkeeping and reporting requirements have been amended by Title 41 of the Code of Federal Regulations part 60-2 (AAP reporting) and part 61-250 (VETS reporting).

Human Resources supplies standard reports with the appropriate information in the standard federal reporting format.

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing U.S. Establishment Functionality

The U.S. government set requirements for Affirmative Action plan and goal information reporting based on establishments and job groups. The establishment/location allows for a many-to-many relationship to exist between location and establishment ID.

You can enter the regulatory region that is associated with the location. Select one or more establishment IDs for the location. You can also use the establishment-location relationship for Affirmative Action planning, EEO, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and other U.S. federal reporting regulations. Enter one or more location codes to associate with the establishment.

Note. In order for reports to be counted, populate the establishment ID on the job record for employees in U.S. locations.

See Defining Establishments.

See Establishing Locations.

Establishments in Affirmative Action Reporting

EEO reports are organized by establishment. A company's headquarters unit and each of its hiring locations are considered separate establishments. A single-establishment employer is required to file a single report.

A multi-establishment employer (doing business at more than one hiring location) files separate reports for each of the following locations:

In addition, multi-establishment employers must file a consolidated report covering all establishments, as well as a list of all the establishments with less than 50 employees that are included in the tabulations on the consolidated report but for which no individual establishment report is filed.

Note. Human Resources does not provide consolidated reporting information for companies with a total of fewer than 50 persons if all establishments are located in a single state.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up EEO Reporting Requirements

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requires that most companies file one or more reports from the series EEO-1 through EEO-5. These reports count male and female employees in certain ethnic groups by federal employment categories. Before running the EEO reports, you need to set up the following data about your organization's establishments and EEO job categories:

  1. Create U.S. establishments on the Establishment - Establishment Address page (Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Define Regulatory Rqmts Data, Establishments, Establishment Address).

  2. Enter EEO job categories on the Job Code Table - Job Code Profile page (Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Job Attributes, Job Code Table, Job Code Profile).

  3. Assign establishment IDs on the secondary page of the Location Table - Location Profile page (Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Define Regulatory Reqmts Data, Establishments, Go to Locations, Location Profile).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Adverse Impact Reporting Requirements

The Adverse Impact report (HRS001) provides analysis information on recruitment and hiring practices to help determine whether specific actions by an employer are influenced by ethnicity, sex, or other EEO/AA issues. The report compares employment hiring decisions for white males to members of ethnic minorities and females. The government requires certain employers to assess adverse impact annually. This report helps in determining the effect of EEO/AA issues on hiring practices and employee movements in an organization, such as promotions, transfers, and terminations.

Use the report to detect evidence of adverse selection within ethnic groups in the recruitment and hiring activities. The report compares white males, selected ethnic groups, and sex, and includes a total for each group and for each category as a whole. In addition to the count totals, the report calculates the ratio of total offers in each group to the total applicants in the group, and the impact on ethnic minorities as compared to white males.

Entering Applicant Data for the Adverse Impact Report

You need to enter certain data for job applicants and employees before you run the Adverse Impact report. The system recognizes a person as both a new hire and an applicant for purposes of the Adverse Impact report if you hire the person through the Hire component in PeopleSoft HR Administer Workforce.

However, if you enter a person as an applicant through PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition Manager, the system only counts the applicant for the Adverse Impact report if you complete certain fields on the Applicant Personal Data page and the Application Data page. The following table shows the pages and fields in HR Recruiting that you must complete for the Adverse Impact report to run properly.

Affected Page

Affected Fields


Add New Applicant - Contact Details page


Must be completed.

Add New Applicant - Eligibility/Identity page

Add New Applicant - Eligibility & Identity page


Ethnic Group

Must be completed.

Application Details page

Eligible to Work in U.S.

Check box must be selected.

Job Opening - Screening Results Page

Apply Results button

Results Applied field in grid (read-only)

The application must have been through a standard screening process (not prescreening or online screening) and had the screening results applied.

See Also

Entering Applicant Data

Entering Application Details

Screening and Routing Applicants

Click to jump to parent topicMeeting Job Group Movement Analysis Reporting Requirements

This section provides an overview of the Job Group Movement Analysis report and discusses how to enter applicant data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Job Group Movement Analysis Report

The AAP Job Group Movement Analysis report helps you analyze which gender and ethnic groups are moving in and out of your organization or which groups are offered opportunities to advance. It reports the number of people in protected classes that are affected by specific job action categories. Use this report to see how employees move through career progressions within your company, especially if you are initiating or complying with affirmative action plans. It shows the number of people by ethnic group and gender being affected by specific personnel actions, including applications, offers, hires, promotions, and terminations in each job group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Applicant Data

The system recognizes a person as both a hire and an applicant for purposes of the Job Group Movement Analysis report if you hire the individual through the Hire component in Administer Workforce.

However, if you enter a person as an applicant through PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition Manager, the system only counts the applicant for the Job Group Movement Analysis report if you complete certain fields on the Applicant Personal Data page and the Application Data page. The following table shows the pages and fields in HR Recruiting that relate to the Job Group Movement Analysis report.

Affected Page

Affected Fields


Add New Applicant - Contact Details


Must be completed.

Add New Applicant - Eligibility & Identity


Must be completed.

Applicant Data - Eligibility & Identity Page

Ethnic Group

Must be completed.

Application Details page

Eligible to Work in U.S.

Check box must be selected.

Job Opening - Screening Results Page

Apply Results button

Results Applied field in grid (read-only)

The application must have been through a standard screening process (not prescreening or online screening) and had the screening results applied.

See Also

Entering Applicant Data

Entering Application Details

Screening and Routing Applicants

Click to jump to parent topicMeeting VETS-100 Reporting Requirements

Under the Veterans Employment Opportunity Act of 1998, certain employers must submit the VETS-100 report as part of the federal contractor program. If your organization is a nonexempt federal contractor or subcontractor with contracts or subcontracts totaling $25,000 or more, you must submit the report to the Department of Labor every year.

The report details the number of special disabled veterans, Vietnam-era veterans, and other protected veterans in your workforce by job category and hiring location, as well as the total number of employees, special disabled veterans, Vietnam-era veterans, and other protected veterans hired during the reporting period.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the VETS-100 Report

If you are a federal contractor subject to VETS-100 reporting requirements, you must set up specific company, establishment, job code, and employee information in your system before you run the report. Run the VETS-100 Process to perform the calculations and load the values into a temporary table, and then run the VETS-100 Analysis process to create a report of the findings for internal use (optional) and the VETS-100 Submit process to create the digital file for submission.

Using Military Discharge Date

Use the Military Discharge Date to enter the discharge date for employees. This date is used to determine which veterans qualify for the Newly Separated Veteran designation. The Military Discharge Date provides accurate data for the following year's reporting cycle. Newly Separated Veterans are determined by verifying that a valid military status is selected and that the military discharge date is within 365 days of the reporting date.

Establishments in VETS-100 Reporting

VETS-100 reporting is organized by establishment. A company's headquarters unit and each of its hiring locations are considered separate establishments. A single-establishment employer files a single completed form.

A multi-establishment employer (doing business at more than one hiring location), files separate forms for each of the following locations:

The USF Vets-100 by POI (U.S. federal veterans-100 by personnel office identifier) report generates a Veterans employment report by POI.

The USF Vets-100 by Sub-Agency report generates a Veterans employment report by sub-agency.

VETS-100 Process

Because the VETS-100 report is complex and time consuming to run, PeopleSoft has separated the process from the report. Run the process on a high-powered server at a time when it is not heavily used. You can also run the process by establishment over the course of a few days, rather than running it for all employees at once.

The VETS-100 Process collects the data and stores it in a temporary table. The data stays in this table until you run the VETS-100 Submit process for it. Running the VETS-100 Process successive times does not delete or overwrite data unless you run it twice for the same establishment or fail to run the VETS-100 Submit process between reporting years.

VETS-100 Analysis

The VETS-100 Analysis process is an informational report that displays the data that you submit to the government when you create the VETS100.TXT file with the VETS-100 Submit process. Running this report does not affect the data in the temporary table. Run the VETS-100 Process before running this report. You can also use the VETS-100 Analysis process to report on VETS-100 history; you cannot report on years before 2000.

Vets-100 Submit

The VETS-100 Submit process creates a digital file that meets the VETS specifications using the data in the temporary table and transfers the data from the temporary table to a history table. The VETS-100 Submit process only removes data from the temporary table that should be written to the digital file. If the temporary table contains data for the entire organization and you run the VETS-100 Submit process for the headquarters only, data for establishments outside of headquarters remains in the temporary table until you run the VETS-100 Submit process to capture it. You can also use the VETS-100 Submit process to recreate a digital file based on VETS-100 history.

When calculating the minimum and maximum employee counts, PER027.SQR uses a method in which the first day of the selected reporting period is compared to the last day of the reporting period. The day with the most employees is considered the maximum count, while the day with the fewest is considered the minimum count. This method is very broad and VETS does not prefer this method. However, the preferred method according to VETS regulation is not required and the method used is subject to the discretion of the employer reporting the data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Data for the VETS-100 Report

Before you run the VETS-100 Process, complete the tables and fields required for the report.

Affected Page

Affected Fields


Company - Company Location


The company must be set up for the report to run properly.

Company - Default Settings

Federal EIN (federal employer's tax identification number)

This nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service is required for VETS-100 reporting.

Establishment - Establishment Address

Establishment Description


Headquarters Unit

Each company for which you perform VETS-100 reporting must identify an establishment as its headquarters unit. A company is a single-establishment company, if this establishment is also the headquarters unit. If the company is a multi-establishment company, you must designate an establishment as the headquarters unit. This setup is essential for the VETS-100 Federal Contractor Structured Query Report (SQR) to work properly.

Establishment - Establishment Address

NAICS code (North American industrial classification system code)

VETS-100 Unit Number

Dun and Bradstreet Number

This is a six-digit classification code that identifies the industrial classification of your company's primary economic activity. This information appears on the VETS-100 report. If the government requires you to provide a standard industrial classification (SIC) code instead of a NAICS code, enter it in the NAICS field.

The government no longer uses the VETS-100 Unit Number for VETS-100 reporting. Use this field to enter the company number provided by the Department of Labor.

The Dun and Bradstreet number is also referred to as the DUNS number or the Dun and Bradstreet Universal Numbering System.

Job Code Table - Job Code Profile

Job code

EEO-1 Job Category

If you are a federal contractor subject to VETS-100 reporting requirements, you must report on all employees within your company. All of the job codes must be linked to an EEO-1 job category, and all employees must be assigned a job code.

When you assign a job code to an individual employee in the Job Data component, the employee is automatically linked to an EEO-1 job category. When you run the VETS-100 report SQR, the system processes the employee's veteran status information and combines it with other employees within the same EEO-1 job category. The system selects the EEO-1 job category information as of the report run date.

Add New Applicant - Eligibility/Identity

Military Status

If you select Vietnam-Era Veteran as an employee's military status, the system includes the employee in the count for the Vietnam Era Veterans column of the VETS-100 report.



If you select the Disabled Veteran check box, the system includes the employee in the Special Disabled Veterans column of the VETS-100 report.

See Also

(USA, USF) Understanding ADA Regulatory Requirements in the U.S.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the U.S. Regulatory Reports

This section discusses how to run the EEO-1 Job Analysis report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run the U.S. Regulatory Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Adverse Impact Analysis


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Reports, Adverse Impact, Adverse Impact Analysis

Run the Adverse Impact report (HRS001) to provide information on recruitment and hiring practices.

Job Group Movement Analysis


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Reports, Job Group Movement Analysis, Job Group Movement Analysis

Run the Job Group Movement Analysis report (HRS002) to provide gender and ethnic group movements in and out of an organization and track career patterns.

Terminations Analysis


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Reports, Terminations Analysis, Terminations Analysis

Run the Terminations Analysis report (PER019) which analyzes terminations within your organization.

Job Group Analysis


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Reports, Job Group Analysis, Job Group Analysis

Run the Job Group Analysis report (PER024) to analyze the makeup of your workforce based on skills groups.

Job Group Analysis Summary


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Reports, Job Group Analysis Summary, Job Group Analysis Summary

Run the Job Group Analysis Summary report (PER024A) to analyze the makeup of your workforce based on job groups.

Workforce Analysis


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Reports, Workforce Analysis, Workforce Analysis

Run the Workforce Analysis report (PER025). This report tracks hiring practices by department based on job titles.

Job Group Roster


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Reports, Job Group Roster, Job Group Roster

Run the Job Group Roster report (PER030), which lists employees in job groups in job title order. It includes the ethnic background and the current salary information.

EEO-1 Employer Info


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, EEO Reports, EEO-1 Employer Info, EEO-1 Employer Info

Run the EEO-1 Employer Information report (PER016). Use EEO Report Run Type to distinguish between a formal Government run (Govt Run) or an Informational run (Info Rpt). Select Govt Run as the type only when preparing reports for the government. At any other time, select Info Rpt.

EEO-1 Job Analysis Report


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, EEO Reports, EEO-1 Job Analysis Report, EEO-1 Job Analysis Report

Run the EEO-1 Job Analysis report (PER017). This report supplies standard job category counts instead of employee counts for the private sector.

EEO-4 State/Local Govt


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, EEO Reports, EEO-4 State/Local Govt, EEO-4 State/Local Govt

Run the EEO-4 State and Local Government report (PER031). This report provides employment counts in the prescribed format for state and local governments.

EEO-5 Job Analysis


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, EEO Reports, EEO-5 Job Analysis, EEO-5 Job Analysis

Run the EEO-5 Job Analysis report (PER022). This report supplies standard job category counts for school-related categories.

OSHA-200 Log (Occupational Safety and Health Administration – 200 log)


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Reports, OSHA-200 Log, OSHA-200 Log

Run the OSHA-200 Log report (OHS001). This report lists the case numbers and details of each injury and illness that occurred during a particular calendar year.

OSHA 301 Incident Report - Report Data


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Reports, OSHA 301 Incident Report, OSHA 301 Incident Report

Create OSHA-301 incident reports. To create a new OSHA-301 incident, you must have an incident that has been specified as being OSHA reportable. The OSHA-301 data is kept distinct from your incident data, but uses the incident data as a starting point. This allows you to tailor the data in your OSHA-301 report to make sure it meets OSHA requirements without having to make changes to the original incident data.

OSHA 300 Incident Log


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Reports, OSHA 300 Incident Log

Generate the OSHA 300 log. The OSHA-300 Log is calculated from Incident and Injury data stored in your system, and not from the data entered in the OSHA-301 report. The report includes all incidents that resulted in injuries specified as OSHA Reportable. Reports are run by establishment, so the establishment value should be populated for all incidents with reportable injuries.

OSHA 300A Annual Summary


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Reports, OSHA 300A Annual Summary

Generate the OSHA 300A Summary. This report provides an overview of the data contained in the OSHA-300 Incident Log. The values in this summary are determined using the same algorithms and the same source data as the OSHA-300 report. This report is run separately for each establishment.

Vets-100 Process


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, VETS-100 Reports, VETS-100 Process, VETS-100 Process

Run the VETS-100 Process (PER027). This report lists federal job classifications and the number of employees and new hires in the last 12 months who are disabled veterans or Vietnam veterans.

Vets-100 Analysis


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, VETS-100 Reports, VETS-100 Analysis, VETS-100 Analysis

Run the VETS-100 Analysis report (PER027C). This reports on the VETS-100 data created by the VETS-100 process.

Vets-100 Submit


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, VETS-100 Reports, VETS-100 Submit, VETS-100 Submit

Run the Vets-100 Submit report (PER027C). This report creates the digital file for submission to the government.

IPEDS-S Report (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System-Full Staff Survey report)


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Reports, IPEDS-S, IPEDS-S

Run the IPEDS-S (Fall Staff Survey) report (PER040). This report is a mandatory report for U.S. higher education institutions that receive funding from a U.S. Federal government program. The report is divided into separate parts for different types of employee: full-time faculty members, other full-time employees, part-time employees, and new hires.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the EEO-1 Job Analysis Report

Access the EEO-1 Job Analysis Report page (Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, EEO Reports, EEO-1 Job Analysis Report, EEO-1 Job Analysis Report).

From Date and End Date

Use to set the date parameters of the report. Results are retrieved only for job categories filled between these dates.

Also output CSV file (also output to comma-separated value file)

Select to print the CSV file along with the EEO-1 Job Analysis report.

Include Column Headers

Select to include column headings in the CSV file. This check box becomes available when Also output CSV file is selected.

Establishments in Company

Enter a three character company code to run the EEO-1 report for a single company. The report will be run for all establishments associated with the company code and an electronic data file will be created for each company's report. The company code provided is appended to the data file name.

Single Establishment

Enter an establishment code to run the EEO-1 report for a single, non-controlled establishment.

See Also

Meet Regulatory Requirements Reports

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating the PRWORA New Hire Report and Electronic File

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the New Hire Report and Electronic File Process

The Generate New Hire Report & Electronic File Application Engine process (HR_RFWPRW_AE) creates an electronic file based on the current State and Federal configuration data defined in the Electronic Configuration Definitions.

Your organization is responsible for physically getting this data file to the Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) and/or to the respective state Welfare/New Hire Reporting agency.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Generate the New Hire Report and Electronic File

Page Name

Definition Name



New Hire Report Generation


Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Reports, PRWORA-Newhire, New Hire Report Generation

This page provides the criteria necessary to create the electronic report, along with a standard state (or Federal) PRWORA New Hire Report. This report is generated as an Adobe (PDF) file.

New Hire Report Log


Click View Log on the New Hire Report Generation page.

Provides basic information about the resulting electronic file (who ran it, run date, PID, State format used, From/Thru Dates and File name).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the New Hire Report and Electronic File

Access the New Hire Report Generation page (Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Regulatory Reports, PRWORA-Newhire, New Hire Report Generation page).

Regulatory Region

Select the format of the electronic report you wish to generate.

Test Mode

Select this check box to insert an asterisk in place of a space. This is used when verifying the actual content of the electronic file. When the New Hire Report is created, not in test mode, spaces will exist where intended.

Multi Company Organization

Select this check box if your implementation applies for multiple companies. The system will then select all New Hires according to the Report Type Definition for all companies.


Provide a company name if the New Hire process is for a single company.

Multi-State Employer

Select to indicate that your company has multiple locations, but reports all employees only to a single state in that state's specified format.

From Date and Thru Date

Select the date range of the New Hire Report.

File Name

Provide the name of the resulting output filename to be specified by the user. State file submission requirements provide guidelines for this naming convention. Organizations are responsible for providing a compliant file name.

This field is unavailable for entry out if this is for a Federal report.

View Log

Click to access the New Hire Report Log page.


Click to run the application engine program (HR_RFWPRW_AE). This process generates the electronic file along with a standard state or Federal New Hire listing (as an Adobe Acrobat file), depending on the reporting agency.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the New Hire Report Log

Access the New Hire Report Log page (click View Log on the New Hire Report Generation page).

When the New Hire Report & Electronic File process is run, the New Hire Report Log is updated with basic information about the electronic file, including output filename, reporting period, number of employee and employer records, date time stamp and what user ID ran the report.

It is up to the implementation team to purge the log files as necessary.

See Also

Meet Regulatory Requirements Reports