Entering Applicant Data

This chapter provides overviews of applicant records and of profile information in job applications. It then lists common elements used on applicant data pages and describes how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Applicant Records

This overview discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApplicant Record Creation

There are four ways that applicant records are created in the system:

Note. Use the Manage Applicant component to view and update applicant data, regardless of how that data entered the system. On the Manage Applicant page, the Applicant Data tab provides the same sections as the Add Applicant page.

See Also

Reviewing Applicant Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApplicant Data

On the Add New Applicant page (and on the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data tab), applicant data is organized into four sections:

Contact Details

Contact details include basic identifying information about the applicant along with the applicant's name, address, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Note. You must enter and save the applicant's first and last name before you can access the Applications section of the applicant data.

The Contact Details section is also where you specify the applicant type:

If you select an existing employee ID to associate with the applicant, the system uses that information to set the applicant type to either Employee or Non-employee. If you clear the employee ID, the system changes the employee type to External.

When you select an employee ID, the system copies employee data into corresponding fields in the applicant record. Copied data includes personal information, eligibility & identity information, and profile information. The profile data is part of the job application; access the Applications subsection and then view the job application to review the profile data.

See Profile Data for Internal Applicants.


The Add New Applicant page does not display the Applications subsection until you save the record with at least a first name and last name.

You can create an unlimited number of job applications for an applicant. Each application can be linked to a different job opening, or to no job opening.

See Job Applications.


Use the Verification section of the applicant data to review and add references for the applicant.

Also, if the applicant data includes an email address, you can use this section to request references. The system sends an email to the applicant and, for Candidate Gateway users, places a reference request notification in the notifications section of the Careers Home page in Candidate Gateway. A request for references does not create a contact note; no history of requests is maintained.

Eligibility & Identity

Enter eligibility and identify information as required by your organization or to comply with local or country regulatory requirements. Eligibility and identity information includes, but is not limited to, data such as:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicJob Applications

An applicant can have an unlimited number of job applications. Each application can be linked to one or more specific job openings, or to no job opening.

The application form includes these sections:

Note. When you enter application data using the Add New Applicant page in PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition Manager, you use a single page that includes all possible sections. When applicants apply using Candidate Gateway, the organization and presentation of the application data fields is different, and applicants do not necessarily see all of the sections or all of the profile content types that appear on the Add New Applicant page.

See Also

Understanding Resume Templates

Applying for Jobs

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Profile Information in Job Applications

This section discusses the use of profile information in job applications.

Profile Architecture

Profiles describe the attributes of jobs or individuals. In PeopleSoft Human Resources, you use the Manage Profiles business process to set up content types for a profile. Content types are categories of person or job attributes. For example, Oracle delivers content types for competencies, degrees, licenses & certifications, and many other attributes that are relevant to recruiting.

Content items are the specific attributes that the person or job has—that is, the specific competencies, degrees, and so forth.

Optional Instance Qualifiers provide logical groupings for content items. For example, competency ratings use the evaluation type as an instance qualifier. This enables the system to differentiate between self-evaluations, manager evaluations, peer evaluations, and so forth. Profile settings determine which types of evaluations are visible to employees and which types can be updated by employees.

The content types that are available for use in PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition Manager are those that belong to the primary person profile type as defined on the Assign Profile Type Defaults page. Only unsecured content types (those that everyone is allowed to see) are used.

Profile Data for Internal Applicants

Talent Acquisition Manager uses applicant profile information to capture the applicant's qualifications and skills and to match those to job openings, which also include profile information. The applicant's profile information is contained in the job application.

Because your employees already have profiles, the system copies employee profile data into the job applications that an internal applicant creates. The internal applicant can optionally modify the profile data in the application before submitting it.

Note. An employee can have multiple person type profiles. Talent Acquisition Manager uses only the profile with the primary person profile type. If the employee does not have this type of profile, no profile data is copied into the application.

When copying employee profile data into an application:

If the employee subsequently creates an additional application, the system pulls the employee data into the new application, and also adds any data from the most recently submitted application. This ensures that any new profile content that gets added to a job application gets carried through to the subsequent job applications. Note, however, that profile content that is manually removed from an application continues to appear in each new application as long as it is part of the employee's profile.

Changes to applications never get copied to the employee profile data. And after the system initially populates the profile data in a job application, changes to profile data in one application (or in the employee profile) do not affect any other applications.

See Setting Up Profile Integration.

Competency Evaluation Types in Job Applications

In job openings, content types represent desirable (or required) attributes for applicants. For many content types, the applicant either will or won't have the attribute.

Competencies present a more complex situation because they include a rating scale and an evaluation type. The evaluation type indicates who assigned the rating. When an employee submits an application and the employee's existing competency ratings are copied into the application, it is important that the employee not be able to modify ratings where the evaluation type is anything other than Self.

Profile architecture uses the concept of an Instance Qualifier to organize content types according to specified data. In the case of competencies, the evaluation type is the instance qualifier. The instance qualifier setup for competencies not only lists the evaluation types, it indicates which ones employees can view (for example, employees can view manager evaluations, but not peer evaluations), and which one is the default value for employees (for competencies, Self is the employee default).

Job applications handle content items with instance qualifiers according to these rules:

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements on Applicant Data Pages

Applicant ID

This identification number is automatically assigned by the system when you first save the applicant record.

Add Applicant

Click this link to begin adding a new applicant record.

Manage Applicant Activity

Click this link to save the applicant data and then access the applicant's data in the Manage Applicant page.

See Managing Applicants.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Contact Information

This section discusses how to enter contact information.

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Definition Name



Add New Applicant: Contact Details section

Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data tab: Contact section


  • Recruiting, Add New Applicant, Add New Applicant

    Access the Contact Details section.

  • Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

    Click an applicant name to access the Manage Applicant page, then access the Applicant Data tab: Contact section.

Enter contact information for an applicant.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Contact Information Details

Access the Add New Applicant page: Contact Details section (Recruiting, Add New Applicant, Add New Applicant).

Applicant Information

Empl ID

If this is a current or former employee, or a person of interest, select the employee ID. When you select an employee ID, the system copies information from the PeopleSoft Human Resources tables and automatically assigns the applicant type.

Applicant Type

Select the type of applicant. Values are Employee, External Applicant, and Non-Employee. The default is External Applicant.

Status Code

Select a status code. This is the overall applicant status, not the applicant's disposition with regards to any particular job opening.

You can use the status values that are provided with the PeopleSoft system, or you can define your own status values and rules. As delivered, the statues are:

  • Active: This is the default status for new applicants.

    The system also assigns this status when an applicant's resume is in a Success status as part of the resume extraction process.

  • Hired: The delivered status change effect rules ensure that the applicant's overall status is set to Hired when the applicant's disposition for a particular job opening changes to Hired.

  • Inactive: Use this status for applicants that have withdrawn.

    Under the delivered status change effects, when you change an applicant's status to Inactive, the applicant's disposition for any job openings that they have applied for is set to Withdrawn. The system excludes inactive applicants from job opening screening.

    The system also assigns this status when an applicant's resume is in a Rejected status as part of the resume extraction process.

  • Queued: The system assigns this status when an applicant's resume is in a Draft or Unresolved status as part of the resume extraction process.

    A recruiter could also set this status on the Add New Applicant or Manage Applicant pages if they wanted to note that this applicant needs additional information to be collected or some other action before becoming an active applicant.

Status Reason

Select a status reason. Define status reasons for status codes on the Statuses and Reasons page.

Status Date

Enter a status date.

The date defaults to the system date and is used only for informational purposes. You can use this date for equal employment opportunity (EEO) reporting and other auditing functions.

Preferred Contact

Select the preferred method of contact for the applicant. Values are: EMail, Mail, Not Specified, and Phone.


Use this group box to enter name information for the applicant.


Use this group box to enter address information for the applicant. The fields that appear change depending on the country that you select in the Country field. Define address formats on the Address Format page in the Country Table (COUNTRY_TABLE) component.

Email Addresses

Use this group box to enter email address information for the applicant.


Select the preferred email address. The system uses an applicant's preferred email address as the default when it sends correspondence and notifications. The preferred email address also appears on pages throughout the system. If you enter more than one email address for an applicant, you must select a preferred email address.

Phone Numbers

Use this group box to enter phone information for the applicant.


Select the applicant's preferred phone number. The preferred phone number appears on pages throughout the system. If you enter more than one phone number for an applicant, you must select a preferred phone number.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Job Applications

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Application Details

Page Name

Definition Name



Add New Applicant page: Applications section

Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data tab: Applications & Resumes section


  • Recruiting, Add New Applicant, Add New Applicant

    Access the Applications section.

  • Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

    Click an applicant name to access the Manage Applicant page, then access the Applicant Data tab: Applications & Resumes section.

Review a list of the applicant's job applications.

Application Details


  • Click the Add Application or Edit Application link on the Add New Applicant page: Applications section.

  • Click the Add Application link or the Edit Application icon on the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data tab: Applications & Resumes section.

  • Click the Application icon in various applicant grids, including the search results grid on the Find Applicants page and the Manage Applicants grid on the Job Opening page.

  • Recruiting, Find Job Openings, Find Job Openings.

    Access a specific job opening, then on the Job Opening page, select Edit Application from the Group Action field and click the Go button.

Enter or review the applicant's complete job application details.

Resume Text Printable Version


Click the Printable Version link in the Resume Text section of the Application Details page. This link appears only after the application has been saved.

View resume test on a printer-friendly page. Use your browser's print command to print this page.

View Questionnaire


Click the View Questionnaire link in the Job Openings grid on the Application Details page.

The link appears only for job openings that are associated with screening questions. The link is active only if the applicant has completed the questionnaire (which means it is never available when a user is adding a new applicant).

Review an applicant's answers to a completed questionnaire.

See Reviewing Questionnaire Details.

Add Work Experience

Edit Work Experience


Click the Add Work Experience link or the Edit Employment History link in the Work Experience area of the Application Details page.

Enter work experience information.

Add <Content Type>

Update <Content Type>


  • Click the Add <Content Type> link under a content type grid on the Application Details page.

  • Click an existing entry in any content type grid on the Application Details page

Add or update applicant profile information such as competencies, degrees, licenses & certificates, language skills, and so forth.

See Understanding Profile Information in Job Applications.

Add Priority Placement


Click the Add Priority Placement link or the Edit Priority Placement link on the Application Details page.

Add or edit priority placement information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReview an Applicant's Applications

Access the Add New Applicant page: Applications section (select Recruiting, Add New Applicant, Add New Applicant, then click the Applications link).

Note. You can create multiple applications for an applicant.


This group box displays the applications on file for this applicant.

Edit Application

Click this link to access the Application Details page.

Use this link the first time you are adding an application for this applicant. If you click the Add Application link, the system creates a new row in the Applications grid and this first row will remain blank.

Add Application

Click this link to access the Application Details page, where you can enter application details for a new application.

For this link to work, you must enter a first and last name for the applicant on the Add New Applicant page: Contact Details section. When you click this link, if you haven't already saved the page, the system saves the applicant and generates an applicant ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Application Details

Access the Application Details page (click the Edit Application link or the Add Application link on the Add New Applicant page: Applications section).

Note. The sections between the Education Level group box and the U.S. Federal group box vary depending on the content types in the system's primary person profile.

Applicant Name and Applicant ID

These fields display identifying information about the applicant.

Page Elements for Performing Actions

Print Application Details

Click to access the Print Application - Application Details page, which provides a printer-friendly format for the application data.

Save and Continue

Click to save the application and continue entering information.

Save and Submit

Click to save and submit the application. the Add New Applicant page: Applications section appears and the application that you submitted appears in the Applications grid.

Resume Text

Use this group box to attach an applicant's resume or copy the text of the resume into the Resume Text field.

Resume Title

Enter a title for the resume. This title identifies the application in the Applications grid on the Add New Applicant page: Applications section and the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data tab: Applications section.

Language Code

Select the language in which the resume is written.

Resume Text

Enter or paste the text of the applicant's resume. Pasted text retains its original formatting. You can optionally format resume text using the provided formatting tools.

Printable Version

This link appears only if you enter resume text in the Resume Text field and submit the application. Click the link to access the Resume Text Printable Version page, where you can view and print the applicant's resume.

Add Resume Attachment

Click to browse for and upload a resume. After the resume is successfully attached, the View Resume Attachment field and the Delete Attachment button appears on the page and the system removes the Add Resume Attachment link from the page.

View Resume Attachment

Click the filename link to view the resume. The system opens the resume in a separate browser window.

This field appears only after you attach a resume. If you delete the attached resume, the system removes this field from the page.

Delete Attachment

Click to delete an attached resume. This button appears only after you attach a resume. After you delete an attached resume, the Add Resume Attachment link appears and the system removes the View Resume Attachment and Delete Attachment options from the page.


Use this group box to attach additional files such as cover letters and transcripts. The fields in this group box do not appear until you add an attachment.

File Name

Displays the name of the file that you uploaded. Click to view the attachment. The system opens the attachment in a separate browser window.


Enter a description for the filename. The system populates this field to match with the attachment filename, however, you can change it.

Attachment Type Code and Type Description

Select an attachment type.

Attachment types are defined on the Attachment Type Setup page. When you select an attachment type the system populates the Type Description column with the short description that you enter on the Attachment Type Setup page. The system uses the Attachment Type Code field to determine whether the maximum number of attachments of this type has been reached for the applicant.

See Setting Up Application Attachments.

Last Updated

Displays the date and time that the attachment entry was last modified.

Uploaded By

Displays the name of the user who uploaded the attachment.

Add Attachment

Click to browse for and upload an attachment.

Delete Attachment

Click to delete the selected attachments.


Desired Start Date

Enter the date that the applicant would like to start working.

This field can be used to screen applicants. It is compared to the Start Date field on the Job Opening page.


Select Regular if the applicant is seeking a permanent job, Temporary if the applicant wants a temporary contract, or Either if the applicant is willing to consider both.

This field can be used to screen applicants. It is compared to the Regular/Temporary field on the Job Opening page.


Select either Full-Time or Part-Time if the applicant is seeking a particular type of job, or Either if the applicant is willing to consider both full-time and part-time jobs.

This field can be used to screen applicants. It is compared to the Full/Part-Time field on the Job Opening page.

Willing to Relocate

Select this check box if the applicant is willing to move to a new location.

Willing to Travel and Travel Percentage

Select this check box if the applicant is willing to travel for work, and enter a value in Percentage Travel field to indicate the amount of time the applicant is willing to spend travelling.

The Travel Percentage field can be used to screen applicants. It is compared to the Travel Percentage field on the Job Opening page.

Geographic Preference

First Choice and Second Choice

Select the applicant's first and second location choices, if the applicant has expressed preferred locations for work.

The recruiting locations that appear in these prompts are those that are associated with the set ID for the business unit to which the user belongs. Recruiting locations are defined on the Recruiting Location page.

This field can be used to screen applicants. It is compared to the RS Location field on the Job Opening page.

See Defining Recruiting Locations.


Enter comments about an applicant's geographic preference. This is a free-format field so you can use this field to suit the needs of the organization. For example, you could use the field to indicate national regions, such as north or west, or international regions. The screening process does not evaluate these comments.

Desired Work Days

Select the check boxes next to the days that the applicant is willing to work.

Additional Preference Fields

Minimum Pay, Currency Code, and Pay Frequency

Enter the applicant's minimum salary requirements, select the currency code, and specify the related unit in the Pay Frequency field.

For example, if the applicant will accept a pay rate of 70,000 CAD per year, enter 70,000 in the Minimum Pay field, select CAD in the Currency Code field, and select Year in the Pay Frequency field.

Minimum pay can be used to screen applicants. It is compared to the Minimum Salary field on the Job Opening page.

Desired Shift

If the applicant wants shift work, select the appropriate shift from the available options.

This field can be used to screen applicants. It is compared to the Shift field on the Job Opening page.

Desired Hours Per Week

Enter the number of hours per week that the applicant prefers to work.

This field can be used to screen applicants. It is compared to the Standard Hours/Week field on the Job Opening page.

Application Acknowledgement Letter


Select a letter template for generating a form letter to send to the applicant. The letters that are available for selection are those with the report definition HRS_APP_LET.

See Sending Correspondence and Recruitment Letters.

Date Letter Printed

Displays the date that the letter was printed. The system automatically populates this field after you manually generate the letter or when the Print Recruitment Letters batch process prints the letter.

Generate Letter

Click this link to generate a letter using the selected letter template. The system opens the letter in a new window, where you can review it, save it locally, and optionally modify it. Once you generate a letter, you are responsible for printing and sending it; generating the letter removes it from the queue of the Print Recruitment Letters batch process.

When you generate a letter, the system populates the Date Letter Printed field with the system date and adds the letter to the Contact History grid on the Manage Applicant page: Contact Notes tab.

See Managing Contact Notes.

Job Families

Use this grid to identify one or more job families that the applicant is interested in. This information can be used as a means of searching for applicants that are interested in jobs within a specific job family. Job families are defined on the Job Family page.

Job Openings

Use this grid to link applicants to specific job openings.

Job Opening ID and Job Description

Select a job opening to associate with this job application. When you save the application, the applicant is linked to the job opening. If you use the delivered status processing, the applicant's initial disposition for the job opening is Applied.

Note. You cannot remove rows from this grid; linking an applicant to a job opening is permanent. If you linked an applicant to a job opening in error, change the applicant's disposition with regards to that job opening to Withdrawn or another appropriate value.

View Questionnaire

Click this link to view the completed online questionnaire for this job opening. The online questionnaire consists of any screening questions that are associated with the job opening.

The link appears only for job openings that are associated with screening questions, and the link is active only if the applicant has completed the questionnaire. Applicants complete questionnaires in Candidate Gateway, either when initially applying or after receiving a notification that there is an incomplete questionnaire that requires attention.

Add Job Opening

Click this link to add a blank row to the Job Openings grid so that you can select another job opening to associate with this application.

Personal Information

(USF) Disability Code

If the applicant is disabled, select the code that identifies the type of disability. Otherwise, select No Handicap. Define disability codes on the Handicap Table page.

Eligible to Work in U.S.

Select Yes or No to indicate whether or not the applicant is eligible to work in the United States.

This field is the same as the identically-named field that appears on the Add Applicant page under the USA group box of the Eligibility & Identity tab. (On the Manage Applicant page, the Eligibility & Identity tab appears as a subsection under the Applicant Data tab.) Changes made to this field anywhere in the system carry over to all of the applicant's applications and to the Eligibility & Identity tab.

In Candidate Gateway, job applications include this field only if the resume template includes the Federal Preferences section.

Are you a former employee

Select Yes or No to indicate whether the applicant is a former employee. This setting is independent of the applicant type and employee ID that you enter on the Add Applicant Data page: Contact Details section.

Previous Termination Date

If the applicant is a former employee, enter the applicant's last day worked, if known.

Referral Source

Use this group box to enter referral information for the applicant.

Source ID and Sub Source ID

You can select Employee and Marketing type recruitment sources in the Source field. If subsources have been defined for the selected source, you can enter a subsource as well.

If you use the Link Applicant to Job action to associate the application to another job opening, the referral information does not apply to the new job opening. However, if you use the Job Openings grid on this page to associate the application with another job opening, the referral information does apply to the additional job opening.

Specific Referral Source

Enter additional information about the selected referral source.

Empl ID, Referral Name, and Applicant is a Family Member

When you select an Employee type recruitment source, the system adds these fields so that you can enter additional information about the employee that referred the applicant.

See Setting Up Recruitment Sources.

Work Experience

Use this grid to display and define the applicant's work experience.

Start Date and End Date

Based on the start date and end date that you enter for each row in the grid, the system calculates the applicant's years of work experience. When there is no end date, the system calculates the years of work experience through the current date.

This information can be used to screen applicants. The calculated value is compared to the Years of Work Experience requirement entered in the Work Experience & Education matrix on the Job Opening page.

Note. When the screening process evaluates whether an applicant meets particular education & experience requirements, it fails applications where there are no work experience entries with start dates, even if there are zero years of work experience required.

Add Work Experience and Edit Employment History

Click these links to access either the Add Work Experience or Edit Work Experience page. Use these pages to enter new or edit existing work experience information.

Education Level

Highest Education Level

Select the highest level of education attained by the applicant. Education levels are defined on the Content Item page using the content type DEG. (degree).

This information can be used to screen applicants. The selected value is compared to the Highest Education Level field entered in the Work Experience & Education grid on the Job Opening page.


Use this grid to list relevant training courses that the applicant has taken. For each course, enter the course title, the school name, and the course date. Click the Add Training link to add a blank row to the grid so that you can enter another training course.

<Profile Content Type>

Job applications include a separate grid for each profile content type in the system's primary person type profile. Grids appear alphabetically by content type code (which is different from the content type name that appears as the grid label).

Note. The exact configuration of these grids depends on how the content type is configured by the Manage Profiles business process.

See Setting Up Profile Integration.

<Content Item Name>

In each content type grid, the first column displays the name of the specific content item that you added.

For example, in the Competencies grid, the first column (labeled Competencies) displays a specific competency such as Analytical Thinking, while in the Degrees grid, the first column (labeled Degrees) displays a specific degree name such as Bachelor of Arts.

To modify information about a content item that you have already added to the grid, click the value in this first column to access the corresponding detail page.

<Additional Column Names>

The columns that appear in each grid depend on the settings in the Content Section Configuration page for the content type. Specifically, fields for which you select the Summary check box on the Content Section Configuration page appear as grid columns.

Add <Content Item>

Click this link to access the content item detail page, where you enter specific content items (such as Analytical Thinking and Bachelor of Arts). The fields on the detail page depend on the content type definition within the Manage Profiles business process.

Save the data on the detail page to add the content item to the grid.

Copy Limited Items from Job Opening

Copy Limited Items from Job Opening

Click this button to add certain content items from the job openings that are associated with the application. The system copies job opening content items for the content types that are configured such that applicants cannot add content items. Specifically, these are the content types where the Applicant May Add Items check box is not selected on the Content Type Configuration page.

For example, the delivered content type configuration for competencies prevents applicants from adding competencies to their applications. The assumption is that you want to rate applicants on specific job-related competencies that you have defined in the job opening. To facilitate data entry, and to ensure that you rate applicants on the correct set of competencies, you click the Copy Limited Items from Job Opening button. If there are any competencies that are associated with the job openings listed in the application, the system copies those competencies to the application so that you can enter applicant-specific ratings.

(USF) Priority Placement

Use this grid to enter priority placement codes for the applicant. This information, along with the salary grade and level, is used by the Priority Placement process to identify applicants who should be considered as a candidate for a specific job opening. This information is compared to the priority placement codes and salary information entered on the Job Opening page.

Add Priority Placement and Edit Priority Placement

Click these link to access the Add Priority Placement or Edit Priority Placement page. Use these pages to enter new or edit existing priority placement information for the applicant.

(USF) Federal Preferences

Use this group box to enter federal preferences.

Federal Civilian Employee

Select the appropriate check box to indicate whether the applicant is a current or previous employee of the federal government or an agency.

This information can be used to screen applicants. The check boxes that are selected here are compared to the Recruiting Type field on the Job Opening page.

Highest Pay Plan and Highest Grade

Enter the applicant's highest pay plan or grade.

Minimum Acceptable Pay Plan and Minimum Acceptable Grade

Select the minimum pay plan and grade that the applicant will accept.

Minimum Acceptable Grade can be used to screen applicants. This field is compared to the Minimum Pay Grade field on the Job Opening page.

Highest Career Tenure

Select the applicant's highest career tenure. Values are Conditional, Indefinite, None, and Permanent.

Veterans Preference

Select the veterans hiring preference that applies. Veterans preference values are defined on the Setup Veterans Preference page.

Reserve Category

Select the employee's reserve category, or select Not Applicable.

Uniformed Service

Select the type of uniformed service in which this veteran served. Values are: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, and Navy.

Military Grade

Select the veterans military grade.

Military Separation Status

Select the veterans military separation status.

Military Service Start Date and End Date

Enter the applicant's military service dates.

Creditable Military Service

Enter the amount of military service for which the applicant receives credit.

Military Service Verified

Select this check box if you have verified the applicant's military service.

Effective Date

Enter the effective date for the applicant's military status.

Military Status

Select the applicant's military status.

This field can be used to screen applicants. This field is compared to the Draft Status field on the Job Opening page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Content Item Details

Access the Add <Content Type> page (click the Add <content type> link on the Add Application Data page).

The fields on the content type detail pages depend on the content type configuration in the Manage Profiles business process.

Apply and Add Another

Click this button to save the current content item information to the application and clear the page so that you can enter information about a new content item.

See Also

Setting Up the Content Catalog

Click to jump to parent topicEntering References

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter References

Page Name

Definition Name



Add New Applicant page: Verification section

Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data tab: Verification section


  • Recruiting, Add New Applicant, Add New Applicant

    Access the Verification section.

  • Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

    Click an applicant name to access the Manage Applicant page, then access the Applicant Data tab: Verification section.

Review references for an applicant, and add and edit references.

Add Reference Details

Edit Reference Details


Click the Add Reference link or the Edit Reference link on the Add New Applicant page: Verification section.

Add or edit reference information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Requesting References

Access the Add New Applicant page: Verification section (select Recruiting, Add New Applicant, Add New Applicant, then click the Verification link).


Use this group box to view the name of each reference, their title, and their employer.

Add Reference

Click to access the Add Reference Details page, where you can enter new reference information for the applicant.

Edit References

Click to access the Edit Reference Details page, where you can edit existing reference information for the applicant.

Request Reference

Click to send a request for references email notification (HRS_UPDATE_REFERENCES) to the applicant. The applicant must have an email address on record in order for the system to send this request.

The notification instructs the applicant to use Candidate Gateway to enter reference information. If the applicant is not yet a registered user of Candidate Gateway, the system generates a Candidate Gateway user ID and password for the applicant and includes them in the email notification. By using these system-generated logon credentials, the applicant ensures that the Candidate Gateway account is properly associated with the existing applicant record.

Once signed in to Candidate Gateway, the applicant also sees a request for references notification in the Notifications grid on the Careers Home page.

See Using Candidate Gateway.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Reference Details

Access the Add Reference Details page (click the Add Reference link or the Edit Reference link on the Add New Applicant page: Verification section).

Enter information about the person who provided the reference, then use the Comments field to record your notes.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Applicant Eligibility and Identity Information

This section discusses how to add eligibility and identity information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Applicant Eligibility and Identity Information

Page Name

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Add New Applicant page: Eligibility & Identity section

Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data tab: Eligibility & Identity section


  • Recruiting, Add New Applicant, Add New Applicant

    Access the Eligibility & Identity section.

  • Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

    Click an applicant name to access the Manage Applicant page, then access the Applicant Data tab: Eligibility & Identity section.

Enter eligibility and identity information for an applicant.

Add National ID

Edit National ID


Click the Add National Identification link or the Edit National ID link on the Add New Applicant page: Eligibility & Identity section.

Enter national ID information for an applicant.

Add Citizenship

Edit Citizenship


Click the Add Citizenship link or the Edit Citizenship Details link on the Add New Applicant page: Eligibility & Identity section.

Enter citizenship information for an applicant.

Add Visa Permit Details

Edit Visa Permit Details


Click the Add Visa Permit link or the Edit Visa Permit Details link on the Add New Applicant page: Eligibility & Identity section.

Enter visa permit information for an applicant.

Add Bank Account

Edit Bank Account


Click the Add Bank Account link or the Edit Bank Account link on the Add New Applicant page: Eligibility & Identity section.

Enter bank account information for an applicant.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Eligibility and Identity Information

Access the Add New Applicant page: Eligibility & Identity section (select Recruiting, Add New Applicant, Add New Applicant, then click the Eligibility & Identity link).

Personal Information

Use this group box to enter date of birth, gender, and marital status.

Date of birth and gender can be used to screen applicants. Date of birth is used to calculate the applicant's age and is compared to the Maximum and Minimum Age fields on the Job Opening page.

Country-Specific Personal Information

Enter additional country-specific information for applicants. Entering citizenship information for an applicant is similar to entering citizenship information for an employee.

See Entering Country-Specific Person Data.

For USA only, military status can also be used to screen applicants. Military status is compared to the Draft Status field on the Job Opening page.

National Identification

Add National Identification and Edit National Id

Click to access the National ID page, where you can enter new or edit existing national ID information for the applicant. Entering national ID information for an applicant is similar to entering national ID information for an employee.

See National ID.


Add Citizenship and Edit Citizenship Details

Click to access the Citizenship page, where you can enter new or edit existing citizenship information for the applicant. Entering citizenship information for an applicant is similar to entering citizenship information for an employee.

See Tracking Employee Passport and Citizenship Information.

Visa Permit

Add Visa Permit and Edit Visa Permit Details

Click to access the Visa Permit Details page, where you can enter new or edit existing visa permit details. Entering visa information for an applicant is similar to entering visa information for an employee.

See Entering an Employee's Visa or Permit Information.

Bank Accounts

Add Bank Account and Edit Bank Account

Click to access the Bank Account page, where you can enter new or edit existing bank account information for the applicant. Entering bank account information for an applicant is similar to entering bank account information for an employee.

See Recording a Person's Bank Account Information.

Applicant Disability

Use this group box to enter country-specific disability information. Entering disability information for an applicant is similar to entering disability information for an employee.

See Entering Disability Information.

Accommodation Request

Use this group box to enter accommodation requests for an applicant with a disability. Entering accommodation requests for an applicant is similar to entering accommodation requests for an employee.

See Entering Accommodation Requests.

Accommodation Options

Use this group box to enter accommodation options for an applicant with a disability. Entering accommodation options for an applicant is similar to entering accommodation options for an employee.

See Entering Accommodation Options.