Managing Applicants

This chapter provides an overview of applicant management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Applicant Management

There are different mechanisms for performing different types of applicant management tasks. This section briefly describes the following mechanisms and the tasks for which they are used:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Manage Applicant Page

The Manage Applicant page provides a central location for reviewing applicant data and performing applicant-related tasks. For the most part, the page summarizes data and provides links to other pages where users can add or update the data, but there are a few sections on the page where users enter data directly.

The Manage Applicant page has three tabs, two of which are divided into subsections for different types of data. The tabs are:

This diagram illustrates the hierarchical structure of the tabs and sections on the Manage Applicant page:

Information hierarchy on the Manage Applicants page

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActions in the Take Action Field

Talent Acquisition Manager provides many predefined recruiting tasks that you perform by selecting an action from the Take Action fields or Group Action fields that appear on several pages, including the Manage Applicant page.

Pages Where Actions are Available

Recruiting actions can be associated with either the overall applicant record or with a specific job application; the association determines which actions are available. For example, the action that prepares a job offer is only available for a specific job application, while the actions that merge duplicate applicant records are available only for the overall applicant. For convenience, some actions that apply to the overall applicant also available at the job application level.

Here is where you find action fields that are associated with specific job applications:

Here is where you find action fields that are associated with the overall applicant record:

Individual Actions Vs. Group Actions

In grids, the Take Action field appears in each row so that you can act on an individual row of data. The system initiates the selected action as soon as it is selected (that is, there is not a separate step for initiating the selected action).

If you were to use the keyboard up and down arrows to scroll through items in the drop-down list, the system would initiate the first action that you reached and render it impossible to scroll further to perform other actions. Therefore, to use the keyboard to perform actions on individual rows, users must first press the Alt-Down Arrow keyboard combination to open the drop-down list, use the up and down arrows to scroll through the values in the list, then press the Enter key to select the action and initiate the action.

Some grids also offer a Group Action field that appears below the grid and enables you to act on multiple rows of data at once. You first select the grid rows that you want to include, then you select the action in the Group Action field, and finally you click the Go button to initiate the action. Because the system does not initiate the action until you press the Go button, keyboard users do not have to perform any extra steps before using the arrow keys to scroll through items in the drop-down list box.

The Group Action field generally lists a subset of the actions that are available to perform on individual rows.

Group actions area available in these locations:

Summary of Action Availability

The following table lists the actions that you use to manage applicants. For each page where you can perform actions, the table indicates whether you can perform the action on one row of data (using the Take Action field) or many (using the Group Action field).

Note. Group actions are not available on the Manage Applicant page. Actions performed at the header level apply to the overall applicant record, while actions performed in the Applicant Activity grid apply to the specific job application.


Manage Applicant Page: Header Level

Manage Applicant Page: Applicant Activity Grid

Find Applicants Page: Search Results Grid

Job Opening Page: Manage Applicants Grid

Applicant List page


Add Applicant to New List

One row only

Not available

One or many rows

One or many rows

Not available

See Managing Applicant Lists.

Add Applicant to Saved List

One row only

Not available

One or many rows

One or many rows

Not available

See Managing Applicant Lists.

Add Note

Not available

Not available

Not available

Not available

Many rows.

See Managing Contact Notes.

Add Person of Interest

One row only

Note. Applicant must be an external applicant.

Not available

Not available

Not available

Not available

See Adding Persons of Interest.

Add to Another List

Not available

Not available

Not available

Not available

Many rows.

See Adding Applicants to an Existing List.

Change Applicant Status

One row only

Not available

One or many rows

One or many rows

Not available

See Changing Applicant Statuses.

Copy Applicant To Employee

Not available

One row only

One row only

One row only

Not available

See (AUS) Copying Salary Packages to Human Resources.

Create Interview Evaluation(s)

Not available

One row only

One row only

One or many rows

Not available

See Completing Interview Evaluations.

Create New List

Not available

Not available

Not available

Not available

Many rows.

See Creating Applicant Lists.

Create Salary Package Model

Not available

One row only

One row only

One row only

Not available

See (AUS) Creating Salary Packages.

Edit Application

Not available

Not available

Not available

Available only as group action

Not available

See Reviewing Applicants Linked to Job Openings.

Forward Applicant

One row only

Not available

One or many rows

One or many rows

Many rows.

See Forwarding Applicants.

Link Applicant to Job

One row only

Not available

One or many rows

One or many rows

Many rows.

See Linking Applicants to Job Openings.

Manage Applicant Checklist(s)

Not available

One row only

One row only

One row only

Not available

See Creating Applicant Checklists.

Manage Applicant Contracts

One row only

Not available

Not available

Not available

Not available

See Creating Applicant Contracts.

Manage Interviews

Not available

One row only

One or many rows

One or many rows

Not available

See Scheduling Interviews.

Merge as Source

One row only

Not available

Not available

Not available

Not available

See Manually Merging Applicants from the Source Record.

Merge as Target

One row only

Not available

Not available

Not available

Not available

See Manually Merging Applicants from the Target Record.

Pre-Employment Check

One row only

Not available

Not available

One row only

Not available

See Completing Pre-Employment Checks.

Prepare for Hire

Not available

One row only

One row only

One row only

Not available

See Hiring Applicants.

Prepare Job Offer

Not available

One row only

One row only

One row only

Not available

See Creating Job Offers.

Print Application Details

Not available

One row only

One or many rows

One or many rows

Not available

See Printing Application Details.

Reject Applicant

Not available

One row only

One or many rows

One or many rows

Not available

See Rejecting Applicants.

Route Applicant

Not available

One row only

One or many rows

One or many rows

Many rows.

See Routing Applicants.

Send Correspondence

One row only

Not available

One or many rows

One or many rows

Many rows.

See Sending Correspondence and Recruitment Letters.

Withdraw From Hire

Not available

Not available

Not available

One row only

Note. Valid only when the disposition is Ready to Hire and the job opening, if any, is in an Open status.

Not available

See Withdrawing a Hire Request.

One additional action, Invite Application, is available from the Recruitment Profile Match page when you search for employees with profiles that match a particular job opening's profile. When you invoke this action, the system sends the employee an email invitation to apply for the job opening.

See Performing Profile Searches.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcesses and Reports

To run a process or report, navigate to the appropriate run control page, enter any necessary parameters, and submit the process or report to the Process Scheduler.

Use this mechanism to perform these tasks:

See Also

Processing Duplicate Applicants

Using the Job Search Agent

Generating Applicant Reports

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Applicant Activity

You track an applicant's activity using the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Activity tab: Current Status section, which shows the applicant is in the recruitment process for each associated job opening.

This section provides an overview how to track selectees for Japan, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(JPN) Understanding How to Track Selectees for Japan

The standard PeopleSoft recruitment process begins with posting job openings and ends with hiring, when applicants become employees. In between job opening posting and hiring, there are the other recruitment activities, such as screening, interviewing, and offering and accepting employment.

The recruitment process followed by most Japanese companies, however, uses selectee dispositions between applicant and employee when processing new graduates. The new graduates become known as selectees when they have one of these four user-maintained dispositions related to preliminary offers:

Hire Decided is a fifth user-maintained disposition; when it is applied, the applicant is no longer considered a selectee. You manually enter the Hire Decided disposition when an applicant who has accepted a preliminary offer is about to be hired. The disposition of Preliminary Offer Accepted remains until that decision is made because it is possible that an applicant who has accepted might not in fact graduate and may not, therefore, be hired. The Hire Decided disposition distinguishes between those who have accepted and might be hired and those who have accepted and will be hired.

This flowchart illustrates the common additional Japanese recruitment stages for preliminary offers within the context of the standard recruitment process. The flowchart represents an organization that includes an acceptance letter with its version of a preliminary offer letter for the selectee to use when responding:

Japanese recruitment stages for preliminary offers within the overall recruitment flow

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Manage Applicant page: Applicant Activity tab


Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

Click an applicant name link in the Search Results grid on the Find Applicants page.

Review applicant recruitment data and perform various applicant related tasks.

Disposition Details


Click the link in the Disposition column in the Search Results grid on the Find Applicant page or on the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Activity tab: Current Status grid.

Edit disposition details. The options on this page vary depending on the applicant's disposition.

Applicant Resume


  • Click the Resume icon on the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Activity tab: Current Status section.

  • Click the Resume icon in the Applicants grid on the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Activity tab: Current Status section.

View an applicant's resume.

Add Expenses


Click the Add New Expense link or the Expense Details link on the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Activity tab: Expenses section.

Enter applicant expenses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Applicant Dispositions

Access the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Activity tab: Current Status section (on the Find Applicants page, click an applicant name link in the Search Results grid).

When you initially access the Manage Applicant page, the Applicant Activity tab is active. Click the Contact Notes tab or the Applicant Data tab to view additional applicant data.

When you initially access the Applicant Activity tab, the Current Status section is active. Click the Interview Schedule/Evaluation link or the Expenses link to view additional applicant activity information.

Page-Level Actions

Click the Add Applicant icon to display the Add New Applicant page.

Click the Save icon to save changes to the page.

Take Action and Go

Use the Take Action field at the top of the page to perform actions that relate to the overall applicant record (without regard to any particular job opening). Select an action to perform, then click the Go button to initiate the action.

In this context, the following actions are available: Add Applicant to New List, Add Applicant to Saved List, Add Person of Interest, Change Applicant Status, Forward Applicant, Link Applicant to Job, Manage Applicant Contracts, Merge as Source, Merge as Target, Pre-Employment Check, and Send Correspondence.

See Summary of Action Availability.

Applicant Activity

This grid lists the job openings that the applicant is associated with. If the applicant applied without selecting a job opening, this application is included in the list as well.

Job Opening

Click the job opening link to access the Job Opening page for that job opening.


An applicant's disposition is the applicant's status with regards to a particular job opening. The values are the statuses that have been defined for the Recruitment Summary status area. These statuses track the progress of an applicant through the recruiting process.

Click the disposition link to access the Disposition Details page.


Click to open a new window that displays the applicant's resume. The window contents depend on the resume format:

  • If the resume is an attachment, the file opens in the new window.

  • If the resume was entered into the Resume Text field in the application, the new window displays the Applicant Resume page.

If no resume exists for a particular applicant (for example, the applicant instead completed the work experience fields in the online application), then this column is blank. If none of the applicants in the grid have resumes, the entire Resume column is hidden.

Take Action

Use the Take Action field in the Applicant Activity grid to perform actions that relate to the specific job application. (However, some of the available actions affect the overall applicant record.) When you select an action, the system immediately initiates it; you do not need to click a separate Go button.

In this context, the following actions are available: Create Interview Evaluation, Create Salary Package Model, Manage Applicant Checklists, Manage Interviews, Prepare for Hire, Prepare Job Offer, Print Application Details, Reject Applicant, and Route Applicant.

See Summary of Action Availability.

Add New Disposition

Click this link to create a new row in the Applicant Activity grid. The system displays the Disposition Details page, where you select the disposition to assign to the new row and you optionally identify a job opening for the new row. If you do not identify a job opening, the job opening field for the new row displays the text No Job Opening Selected.

Note. Instead of using this link, you can use the Link Applicant to Job action to associate the candidate with a specific job opening. Using the Link Applicant to Job action provides the benefit of checking to see if the job opening has questions and, if it does, automatically generating an email requesting that the applicant use Candidate Gateway to answer the questionnaire.

View Activity History and View Current Activities

Only one of these links is visible at a time; use them to toggle the Applicant Activity grid between showing only the applicant's current dispositions and showing both current and past dispositions.

When viewing activity history, the Applicant Activity grid displays the applicant's previous dispositions for those job openings where the disposition has changed over time. In this mode, the Applicant Activity grid does not have a Take Action field, the Job Opening and Disposition columns show only plain text, not links, and the Add New Disposition link is hidden.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Disposition Details

Access the Disposition Details page (on the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Activity tab: Current Status section, click the link in the Disposition column).

Note. Page appearance varies depending on the applicant's disposition. The basic version of the page pictured here appears for most dispositions.

Disposition-Specific Page Elements

Additional fields appear for the three following dispositions:

Most of the disposition-specific page elements are associated with just one of these dispositions. However, there is one element, the Disposition History grid, that is common to all three. This grid displays the status applicant's status change history for the routings, interviews, and offers. The first column in the grid displays the status type: Route, Interview, or Offer. Clicking the link changes the page to the page to the mode for the indicated recruiting area.

Edit Disposition Details

Use this group box to manually change an applicant's disposition when there is not a predefined recruiting process that applies a particular disposition. Although the date field appears to be enterable, the system overrides any date that you manually enter with the current date.

Important! The best practice is to use the predefined recruiting processes to set the applicant's disposition. For example, the actions that you use to manage interviews, reject applicants, prepare offers, and so forth all set the disposition automatically. If you update the disposition manually, take care not to override dispositions for key actions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Interview Schedules and Evaluations

Access the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Activity tab: Interview Schedule/Evaluation section (on the Manage Applicant page, click the Interview Schedule/Evaluation link under the Applicant Activity tab).

See Reviewing Applicant Interview Schedules and Evaluations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Applicant Expenses

Access the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Activity tab: Expenses section (on the Manage Applicant page, click the Expenses link under the Applicant Activity tab).


Expense Details

Click to access the Add Expenses page, where you can edit expense details for the expense.

Add New Expense

Click to access the Add Expenses page, where you can add expense details for a new expense.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Applicant Expenses

Access the Add Expense page (on the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Activity tab: Expenses section, click the Add New Expense link or the Expense Details link).

Expense Code

Select an expense code, such as airfare, car rental, travel, or parking.

Expense Amount

Enter the expense amount and select a currency.

Charge Date

Enter the date on which the expense occurred.

Business Unit

Select the business unit to which the expense should be charged.


Select the department to which the expense should be charged.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Contact Notes

This section provides an overview of contact notes and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Contact Notes

Use the Manage Applicant page: Contact Notes tab to review existing contact notes and add new contact notes.

System-Generated Contact Notes

Talent Acquisition Manager automatically creates contact notes when you generate letters or email during the recruiting process. For example, the system creates contact notes when you:

When creating notes for letters, the letter itself becomes an attachment to the note.

Manually-Created Contact Notes

Users can manually create notes (with optional attachments) to record interactions that have not been automatically captured. When creating a note, the user indicates the contact method by choosing from the values that your organization establishes on the Contact Methods page. For example, contact methods can include inbound or outbound phone calls, emails, faxes, and so on.

See Defining Contact Method Types.

Users can make contact notes public or private. Only the user who creates a private note can view that contact note. All recruiters and hiring managers can view public notes.

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Manage Applicant page: Contact Notes tab


Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

Click an applicant name link in the Search Results grid on the Find Applicants page.

Click the Contact Notes tab on the Manage Applicant page.

Review and create contact notes for applicants.

Add Contact Note


In the Manage Applicant page: Contact Notes tab, click the Add Contact Note link or the Subject link for an existing note.

Add notes, with optional attachments, to record about interactions with an applicant.

Proxy Details


Click the Proxy Details link on the Add Contact Note page.

This link appears only if the applicant was submitted through a recruitment service that is acting as the applicant's proxy.

View the name, phone number, and email address of the contact for the recruitment service that is acting as the applicant's proxy.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Contact Notes and Interested Parties

Access the Manage Applicant page: Contact Notes tab (on the Manage Applicant page, click the Contact Notes tab).

Contact History

This grid lists the contact notes for an applicant. System-generated notes and manually-created notes appear together in the grid. Private notes are hidden from all users other than their creators.

Owner ID and Recruiter Name

These columns display the user ID and name of the person who created the note. For system-generated notes, these columns display information about the person who performed the action that triggered the note creation.


Displays the subject of the communication. For example, if the system created the contact note when a recruiter used the Forward Applicant action, the subject text is the subject that the recruiter entered in the forwarding message.

Contact notes for letters have the subject Interview Letter, Offer Letter, or Application Letter.

Click the subject text to access the full text of the communication in the Add Note page or the Forward Applicant page.

Add Contact Note

Click to access the Add Note page, where you can add a new contact note.

Interested Parties

Use this group box to enter the names and email addresses of interested parties. When you send correspondence to an applicant, you can select the Include Interested Parties option on the Send Correspondence page to send email correspondence to the persons that you list here.

See Sending Ad Hoc Correspondence.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Contact Notes

Access the Add Contact Note page (on the Manage Applicant page: Contact Notes tab, click the Add Contact Note link or click the Subject link for an existing contact note).

Proxy Details

This link appears only if the applicant was submitted through a recruitment service. Click the link to display the Proxy Details page.


Click this link to open the Send Correspondence page so that you can send email or a letter to the applicant.

See Sending Correspondence and Recruitment Letters.

Applicant Notes

Contact Method

Select a contact method, choosing from the methods that are defined on the Contact Method page.

See Defining Contact Method Types.

Note Audience

Select Public or Private to control who can see the note. Only the user who creates a private note can view that contact note. All recruiters and hiring managers can view public notes.


Enter a subject.

The subject that you enter appears in the Contact History group box on the Manage Applicant page: Contact Notes tab.


Enter the text of the note.


Use this group box for attachments that pertain to the interactions that you had with the applicant.

Click the Add Attachment link to display a browser window where you can search for the attachment to upload. Click the Delete Attachment link to remove the selected attachment from the note.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Applicant Data

This section discusses how to:

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Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data tab


Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

Click an applicant name link in the Search Results grid on the Find Applicants page.

Click the Applicant Data tab on the Manage Applicant page.

View an applicant's applications, resumes, contact information, and eligibility and identity information.

Application Details


Click the Application icon on the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data tab: Applications and Resumes section.

Review application details, including the applicant's resume, preferences, and qualifications.

View Questionnaire


Click the View Questionnaire link on the Application Details page.

Review an applicant's answers to screening questions that the applicant answered while preparing the application in Candidate Gateway.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing the Application Summary for an Applicant

Access the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data tab: Applications & Resumes section (click the Applicant Data tab on the Manage Applicant page).

Note. The Contact, Verification, and Eligibility & Identity sections under the Applicant Data tab correspond to the equivalent sections on the Add New Applicant page.

See Entering Applicant Data.


Use this group box to view all of an applicant's applications.


Click the icon in this column to open an existing application in the Application Details page, where you can view and edit the application.

Add Application

Click to access the Application Details page in add mode so that you can add a new application for the applicant.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Application Details

Access the Application Details page (click the Application icon on the Manage Applicants page: Applicant Data tab: Applications and Resume section).

The pages that you use to review and edit applicant data are the same as those you use to add new applicant data.

See Entering Applicant Data.

When you are reviewing an existing application (rather than creating a new one), this additional page element is available:

View Questionnaire

This link appears in the Job Openings grid. Click to access the View Questionnaire page, where you can review the applicant's answers to questions to screening questionnaires that the applicant completed in Candidate Gateway.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Questionnaire Details

Access the View Questionnaire page (click the View Questionnaire link on the Application Details page).

This page shows questions that the applicant answered online.

For each multiple-choice question, the page displays the possible answers; a selected check box indicates the applicant's answer.

For each open-ended question, the page displays the question, the applicant's answer, and a grid that lists the evaluators for the answer. Evaluators can use this grid to award points to the answer.

Important! This page displays does not display questions from the Prescreening and Online Screening levels.

Click to jump to parent topicLinking Applicants to Job Openings

This section provides an overview of how to link applicants to job openings and discusses how to link applicants to job openings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Link Applicants to Job Openings

If you find an applicant who is qualified for a specific job opening and should be considered, you can link the applicant to that job opening.

Establishing Links Between Applicants and Jobs

The link between an applicant and a job is what causes the job opening to appear on the Manage Applicant page and the applicant to appear on the Job Opening page.

Applicants are automatically linked to job openings when they apply for the job using Candidate Gateway or when a recruiter uses the Application Details page to add job openings to the applicant's application.

You can also link applicants to jobs by invoking the Link Applicant to Job action. When you link an applicant to a job using this method, the system displays the Link to Job Opening page. Use this page to specify one or more job openings to which the applicants is to be linked.

Questionnaires in Linked Jobs

When a user links an applicant to a job opening either by using the Link Applicant to Job action or by adding the job opening on the Application Details page, the system determines whether the job opening includes screening questions. If it does, the system sends an email informing the applicant of the link and asking the applicant to use Candidate Gateway to answer the questions. A link in the email takes the applicant to Candidate Gateway, where the applicant can sign in to an existing account or create a new account that will be automatically be associated with the existing applicant record.

The system also creates a contact note with a record of the outgoing email.

When multiple job openings are added to the application at once, the system sends only one email per applicant.

The request to answer questions is sent only to applicants who have provided an email address. Applicants without email addresses are still linked to the job opening, but no notification can be sent. When you link applicants to job openings using the Link to Job Opening action, the Link to Job Openings page displays information about which applicants do not have email addresses and therefore will not receive the notification.

When the candidate signs on to Candidate Gateway, the Welcome page displays a notification with the subject Questionnaire Completion <job opening ID>. The applicant can click the notification subject to complete an application for the job opening or openings; the application automatically includes the associated questions.

Because submitted applications are never editable in Candidate Gateway, the applicant will not be able to answer questions in an existing application. Instead, the applicant must create a new application, in effect reapplying for the job opening that is already linked to the applicant's record. As a result, an applicant who uses Candidate Gateway to complete the questionnaire ends up with two applications for the same job opening, and the applicant's name appears twice on the Manage Job Opening page.

Important! Be sure the text of your email notification gives the applicant clear instructions for reapplying.

The Recruiter Alerts pagelet (part of PeopleSoft HCM Portal Pack) includes an alert that displays the number of applicants who have not completed questionnaires for the job openings for which the user is on the recruiting team. Users can click the number to access the Questionnaire Request page, which lists each outstanding request and enables the user to send reminder notifications to selected applicants.

See Viewing Recruiter Alerts for Talent Acquisition Manager.

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Link to Job Opening


Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

Search for applicants, then in the Search Results grid, select Link Applicant to Job in the Take Action field or the Group Action field.

(This action is also available on other pages.)

Link an applicant to a job opening.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking Applicants to Job Openings

Access the Link to Job Opening page (on the Find Applicants page, select Link Applicant to Job in the Take Action field for an applicant).

Applicants To Be Linked

This grid lists the applicants that you selected when you initiated the Link Applicant to Job action.

Enter Disposition Information

Use this group box to enter the initial disposition for the applicants with regard to the job openings to which they are being linked.

Status Code and Status Reason

Select a status code (disposition) and status reason. The default disposition is the one with the identifier 015. The delivered label for this disposition is 015 Linked.

If you are linking applicants to a job that has a questionnaire, change the disposition to status code 019. The delivered label for this disposition is 019 Linked Questionnaire. This disposition indicates that the applicant has not completed the questionnaire, which can only be completed by an applicant who submits an application using Candidate Gateway.

The system allows you to choose any disposition, but using the 019 Linked Questionnaire disposition for a job opening that doesn't have a questionnaire, or using any other disposition for a job opening that does have a questionnaire, causes the system to issue a warning when you click the Submit button.

Status Date

Enter the date that the applicant is linked to the job. The default is the current date.

Enter Job Openings

Select the job openings to which you want to link the applicant. Security prevents you from adding any job openings that you do not already have permission to access.

See Understanding Row-Level Security for Recruiting.

If the job opening is associated with any questions, the system sends the applicant an email with directions for signing on to Candidate Gateway and submitting an application for the job; the online application automatically includes the questions.

Applicants Without Email

This grid lists applicants who do not have an email address in the system.

These applicants will not receive an email notifying them that they need to complete questionnaires for newly-linked job openings.

Click to jump to parent topicPrinting Application Details

This section provides an overview of how to print application details and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Print Application Details

To print application details for one or more applicants, use the Print Application Details action. This action is available in several contexts:

When you select the Print Application Details action for a single application, the system displays a read-only Application Details page that is formatted for printing. Data appears in collapsible sections. Initially, all sections are expanded, but you can selectively collapse sections before printing to control the amount of detail included in the printed output.

When you select the Print Application Details action for a group, the system displays the Print Application Details page. This is a standard run control page such as the ones you use to generate other reports. Use this page to submit a request to PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, which then generates the output for each selected application. When printing multiple applications, the system always includes all of the sections in the report.

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Application Details (printer-friendly)


  • Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

    In the Search Results grid, select Print Application Details in the Take Action field.

    (This action is also available on other pages.)

  • On the Find Applicants page, click an applicant name to access the Manage Applicant page, then click the Applicant Data tab.

    Click the Application icon to access the Application Details page, then click the Print Application Details link.

Displays application data in one long printer-friendly page.

Print Application Details


Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

Search for applicants, then in the Search Results grid, select Print Application Details in the Group Action field.

(This action is also available on other pages.)

Submit a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler request to print all of the selected applications in batch.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting a Single Application

Access the Application Details (printer-friendly) page (select the Print Application Details action in the Take Action field in the Search Results grid on the Find Applicants page).

Note. Only part of the page is shown here.

This page displays all of the application data in a printer-friendly format. Scroll to review all of the data.

Print this Page

Click this button to open a standard print dialog box and print the job opening. If you collapse any sections before printing, those sections appear collapsed on the final printout.

The final print output is further optimized for printing and thus differs from what you would get if you simply used your browser's print command. For example, the navigation links at the top of the page do not appear on the printout, and the section titles are rendered as dark text rather than as white text in a colored bar.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Multiple Applications

Access the Print Application Details page (select the Print Application Details action in the Group Action field under the Search Results grid on the Find Applicants page).

The system provides a run control ID for the Print Application Details process.

Select the language for the printouts, then click the Run button to generate the Application Details (HRS036) SQR report.

Click to jump to parent topicSending Correspondence and Recruitment Letters

This section provides overviews of the Send Correspondence action and of context-specific recruitment letters, then discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Send Correspondence Action

This overview describes the Send Correspondence action, which you use to produce ad hoc email and letters for applicants.

Send Correspondence

Use the Send Correspondence action to send the following types of correspondence:

The Send Correspondence action is available for a single applicant from the Manage Applicant page, and it is available for one or more applicants on the Find Applicants page, the Job Opening page, and the Applicant List page.

Note. You cannot use this method to send offer letters or interview letters, which require the context of their specific pages.

Email Generation

When you invoke the Send Correspondence action, the Send Correspondence page appears with Email as the default contact method. You can enter freeform message text, or you can select from a list of available templates. If you select a template, the system creates the message text, merging applicant data into the template as necessary. You can preview the system-generated message, but you cannot modify it.

Both template-based and freeform email messages require you to enter the email subject. You can optionally add attachments to the email as well.

Note. To support freeform text messages, the system applies the delivered HRS_EMAIL_GENERIC template when no other template is selected. As delivered, this template places a greeting before your message text and a sign-off after your message text. To remove this wrapper, you can modify the template.

Letter Generation

If you change the contact method to Letter, you must select a letter template. Once you select a template, the Generate button appears. Clicking this button generates a merged letter and opens it in a new browser window so that you can print and send it. You can optionally preview the merged letter before generating it.

When you generate a letter, it is up to you to print and send it. Letters that you generate using Send Correspondence are not added to the queue of letters for the HRS Letter Generation process (HRSLETTER).

Contact Notes Created by Send Correspondence

When you send email or generate a letter using the Send Correspondence action, the system saves the message as a contact note.

You can view the note on the Manage Applicant page: Contact Notes tab. The note is designated as public or private based on the setting you choose when you create the correspondence. Anyone can view public notes, but only the sender can view private notes.

For email correspondence, the email subject becomes the note subject. When you click the subject to view the note details, the correspondence appears in the Send Notification page. You can modify the correspondence (though you cannot change the contact method) and then resent the correspondence. For template-based email, you can change the subject, the attachments, and the Cc and Bcc recipients, but you cannot change the template selection, nor can you modify the message.

For letter correspondence, the default note subject is Application Letter. When you click the subject to view the note details, the Add Contact Note page appears, and the letter appears as an attachment to the note. You can edit the note as necessary, including replacing the attachment if you modified the generated letter before printing and sending it.

Note. If you do not end up sending the letter, you should manually delete the contact note from the applicant's record. If you modify the letter before sending it, you should update the contact note accordingly.

Template Selection

The Send Correspondence action uses BI Publisher for PeopleSoft templates for both email and letter correspondence. The templates that are available for selection are those with the HRS_APP_LETTERS report definition.

See PeopleTools: BI Publisher for PeopleSoft PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Context-Specific Recruitment Letters

This overview discusses the generation and delivery of context-specific recruitment letters.

Types of Recruitment Letters

PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition manager enables you to generate context-specific recruitment letters during these recruiting activities:

The pages where you perform these recruiting activities all display a Letter field that you use to select a letter template.

Batch Letter Generation Vs. Manual Letter Generation

All of the pages that support recruitment letters include a Generate Letter link that you click to manually generate the letter. The system merges applicant data into the selected template and opens the resulting letter in a new browser window.

If you select a letter but do not generate it manually, the system automatically places the letter in a queue to be processed by the HRS Letter Generation (HRSLETTR) Application Engine process.

When a letter has been placed in the queue but has not yet been processed, manually generating the letter removes it from the queue. Because manually generating a letter prevents it from being processed by the HRS Letter Generation process, the person who manually generates the letter is responsible for delivering the letter.

Note. Applicant letters that you send from the Send Correspondence page are never added to the queue for the HRS Letter Generation process.

When you manually generate a letter, the system automatically creates a contact note with the letter as an attachment. The HRS Letter Generation process, on the other hand, creates a single file with all of the letters that were generated, so individual letter documents do not exist, and the system does not create a contact note or associate an attachment with the applicant record.

Letter Delivery

After generating a letter manually, users have two delivery options: hard copy and email.

For hard copy delivery, users can print the letter from the browser window where the letter is displayed. Users can also save the letter to a local disk and print it from there. The default file format for the generated letter is .rtf (rich text file), which is compatible with most word processing applications.

For email delivery, an Email Applicant link enables users to access the Send Correspondence page with the generated letter already attached. Users can enter their own email message text before sending. If there is no email address for the applicant, the system displays a warning.

Note. Only interview and job offer letters can be emailed. The Application Details page does not have the Email Applicant option.

Clicking the Email Applicant link before generating the letter displays the Send Correspondence page without any attachments. Although you can select letter templates from the Send Correspondence page, the available templates are not context-sensitive: choices are always the same as those on the Application Details page, even if you access the Send Correspondence page from the Interview Schedule page or the Prepare Job Offer page.

Modified Letters and the Upload Option

To modify a template-based letter, you must generate it, save it locally, and make your changes to the local copy. To ensure accurate records, you must then upload the modified document to the system.

For interview letters and offer letters, the system provides an Upload Letter link that you can click to upload the modified document to the correct context. If you subsequently click the Email Applicant link, the system automatically attaches the modified letter (rather than the original) to the email.

Contact Notes

Contact notes, which appear on the Manage Applicant page: Contact Notes tab, are automatically created for recruitment letters that you generate individually (The HRS Letter Generation process does not create contact notes for letters that it produces in batch.) By default, the automatically-generated contact notes are designated as public, but you can make a note private so that only the sender can see it.

The system generates contact notes when:

If you perform multiple letter-related actions, the applicant ends up with multiple contact notes that refer to the same interaction. For example, if you generate a letter, then upload a modified letter, then email the modified letter, the system creates three separate contact notes related to this one letter. To eliminate redundant contact notes, delete these extra contact notes manually on the Manage Applicant page: Contact Notes tab.

When you email a letter to the applicant, the email subject becomes the contact note subject. When you generate or upload a letter, the default subject text describes the letter context: Application Letter, Interview Letter, or Offer Letter.

Clicking the subject of a contact note opens a page that displays the note details; the actual letter appears as an attachment to the note. You can edit the note as necessary. If the contact note is for an email, the note details appear in the Send Notification page, where you can modify the email and then resend it.

Letter Selection

Recruitment letters use BI Publisher for PeopleSoft templates. The templates that are available for selection are those with the following report definitions:

Delivered Letter Templates

Talent Acquisition manager delivers the following recruitment letter templates:

Report Definition

Template ID

Template File





Acknowledges receipt of applicant's resume.




Notifies applicant of no current job openings.




Thanks applicant for interest in company and that their qualifications are being reviewed.




Interview rejection letter.




Thanks applicant for interest in company and that their qualifications are being reviewed.




Notifies applicant of scheduled interview date and time.




Notifies applicant of scheduled interview date and time.




Notifies applicant of scheduled interview date and time.




Notifies applicant of offer and compensation package.




Notifies applicant of offer and compensation package.

See Also

Entering Application Details

Scheduling Interviews

Creating Job Offers

PeopleTools: BI Publisher for PeopleSoft PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Send Correspondence and Recruitment Letters

Page Name

Definition Name



Send Correspondence


Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

Search for applicants, then in the Search Results grid, select Send Correspondence in the Take Action field or the Group Action field.

(This action is also available on other pages.)

Send ad hoc letters and emails to applicants. Letters must be template-based; email can be freeform or template-based.

Send Correspondence Preview


Click the Preview button on the Send Correspondence page when it is configured to send a freeform email.

Preview the content of a freeform email. You must return to the Send Correspondence page before sending the email.

Note. The default template that the system uses for freeform email adds text before and after the message that you create; use this page to see your message with the template text applied.

Find Email Address


Click the Find link on the Send Correspondence page.

Search for and select employees to whom you want to forward applicants.

Generate Recruitment Letters


Recruiting, Administration, Generate Recruitment Letters, Generate Recruitment Letters

Run the process that generates letters from the recruiting letter queue.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSending Ad Hoc Correspondence

Access the Send Correspondence page (select the Send Correspondence action in the Take Action or Group Action field on the Find Applicants, Manage Applicant, or Job Opening page).

Message Type and Method

Contact Method

Select Email or Letter.

The default value is Email. In this mode, the page shows standard email fields.

If you select Letter:

  • In the Recipient Information section, the Cc and Bcc fields are hidden.

  • In the Message section, the Subject and Message fields are hidden, and a Notes field appears instead.

  • The Sender Information and Attachments sections are hidden entirely.


Select a letter template to use. This field is optional when you send email and required when you send a letter.

Recipient Information


This field appears for both email and letter correspondence. It displays the names of the applicants to whom you are sending correspondence and is not editable.

If you are sending the correspondence to multiple applicants, all names appear together. However, the system sends separate correspondence to each applicant: template-based messages are generated separately for each recipient, and the applicants do not see each other's names in the To field of the email they receive.

Cc, Bcc, and Find

These fields appear only for email correspondence.

By default, the sender's preferred email address appears in the Cc field, and the Bcc field is empty. You can edit these fields directly to add or remove recipients, or you can look up recipients who are employees by clicking the Find link to access the Find Email Address page.

See Finding Email Addresses.

Include Interested Parties

Select this check box if you want the people listed as interested parties for the applicant to receive a copy of this email. An applicant's interested parties are listed on the Manage Applicant page: Contact Notes tab.

The system sends the interested parties copies of the correspondence, but does not display their names or email addressed on this page.

Sender Information

If the Contact Method is Email, the From field in this section displays the sender's name.

If the Contact Method is Letter, this entire section is hidden.



This field appears only for email correspondence.

Enter the email subject. This field is required for email correspondence (whether freeform or template-based).


This field appears for both email and letter correspondence.

Select Public to allow any user to view the contact note for this correspondence.

Select Private to allow only the sender access to the contact note.


This field appears only for email correspondence.

For freeform email, enter the text of the email message. If you select a template, this field disappears until you click the Preview button, at which point the field displays the non-editable template-based message text.

Note. To support freeform text messages, the system applies the delivered HRS_EMAIL_GENERIC template when no other template is selected. As delivered, this template places a greeting before your message text and a sign-off after your message text. If your organization is using the delivered template, your message should not duplicate the greeting or sign-off text from the template.


This field appears only for letter correspondence.

Enter any comments that should be saved in the contact note that the system creates when it generates the letter.


If the Contact Method is Email, use this section to add attachments to and remove attachments from the email.

If the Contact Method is Letter, this entire section is hidden.

Action Buttons


Click to preview the email or letter.

When you preview a letter or a template-based email, the message text appears directly on the Send Correspondence page. If you are not satisfied with what you see, select a different letter (or clear the Letter field) to make changes.

When you preview a freeform email, the message text appears on the Send Correspondence Preview page. You can return to the Send Correspondence page without sending.


Click to send the email and create the associated contact note.

This button appears only when the Contact Method is Email.


Click to generate a letter and display it in a new browser window. The system creates the associated contact note immediately. If you don't print and send the letter, be sure to delete the contact note.

When you generate the letter, the original browser window returns to the page from which you invoked the Send Correspondence action.


This button appears only if you access the page from the applicant's list of contact notes (under the Contact Notes tab on the Manage Applicant page). Click to resend email correspondence if there were delivery issues or if you have modified the email. You can always modify the subject, the attachments, and the Cc and Bcc recipients before resending, but you can modify the message text only for freeform correspondence.


Click this button to return to the previous page without sending the correspondence.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFinding Email Addresses

Access the Find Email Address page (click the Find link on the Send Correspondence page or the Forward Applicant page).

Find Employees

Enter a full or partial employee ID or name and click Search to display the search results.

Search Results

This group box displays the search results. Select one, several, or all employees in the search results and click the Add Selected button to add their email addresses to the appropriate fields on the page from which you initiated the email address lookup.


Indicates whether this is the preferred email address for the employee. If an employee has multiple email addresses, the system lists all email addresses and indicates which email address is the preferred email address so that you can select the email address that is most appropriate.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Batch Recruitment Letters

Access the Generate Recruitment Letters page (Recruiting, Administration, Generate Recruitment Letters, Generate Recruitment Letters).


Choose a language and select the Specified option to generate all letters using the language that you explicitly select.

Select the Recipient's option to print each letter in the preferred language of its recipient. In this case, the language that you select in the Language field is used only when there is no record of the recipient's preferred language.


Click to run the HRS Letter Generation job (HRSLETTER) using PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

Note. If you select Printer in the Type field on the Process Scheduler Request page, you must enter the URL address for your printer in the Output Destination field.

Click to jump to parent topicForwarding Applicants

This section provides an overview of applicant forwarding and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Applicant Forwarding

Recruiters can forward applicants to one or more persons to enable those persons to review the applicant. When recruiters forward an applicant, the system sends a notification (HRS_FORWARD_APPLICANT) to the people that the recruiter specifies on the Forward Applicant page.

Forwarding an applicant is similar to routing an applicant. However, when you forward an applicant, the system does not change the applicant disposition. The system does, however, add a contact note to the Manage Applicant page: Contact Notes tab.

When you forward an applicant action, the applicant's resume is attached to the notification email. If you forward an applicant who has multiple applications, only the resume from the most recently created application is sent. If the most recent application does not have a resume, there is no attachment.

Attached resume files are delivered in their original file format. If the resume text was pasted into the Resume page rather than uploaded as an attachment, the resume text is sent as a text (.txt) file, which does not retain formatting. If an application has both online resume text and a file attachment, only the file attachment is sent.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Forward Applicants

Page Name

Definition Name



Forward Applicant


Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

Search for applicants, then in the Search Results grid, select Forward Applicant in the Take Action field or the Group Action field.

(This action is also available on other pages.)

Forward applicants.

Forward Applicant Preview


Click the Preview button on the Forward Applicant page.

Preview a message.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForwarding Applicants

Access the Forward Applicant page (on the Find Applicants page, select Forward Applicant in the Take Action field for an applicant).

Page-Level Actions


Click to access the Forward Applicant Preview page, where you can preview the email before you send it. Before you can preview the message, you must enter an email address and a message subject.

Forward Applicant

This group box displays the names and IDs of the applicants that you selected to forward.

Recipient Information

Use this group box to enter email addresses of the people to whom you want to forward these applicants.


Click to access the Find Email Address page, where you can search for and select employees to whom you want to forward these applicants.

See Finding Email Addresses.


Use this group box to enter a subject for the message that you are sending and the actual message.


Select Public to allow any user to view the contact note for this correspondence.

Select Private to allow only the sender access to the contact note.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreviewing the Email

Access the Forward Applicant Preview page (click the Preview button on the Forward Applicant page).

This page displays the message as it appears after the message that you enter is merged into the message template for forwarded email.

Click to jump to parent topicRejecting Applicants

This section discusses how to reject applicants.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Reject Applicants

Page Name

Definition Name



Reject Applicant


Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

Search for applicants, then in the Search Results grid, select Reject Applicant in the Take Action field or the Group Action field.

(This action is also available on other pages.)

Update an applicant's disposition to show that the applicant has been rejected.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRejecting Applicants

Access the Reject Applicant page (on the Find Applicants page, select Reject Applicant in the Take Action field for an applicant)

Applicants Being Rejected

This grid lists the applicants who were selected when you performed the Reject action.

Select Status

Status Code

If you use the delivered status definitions, the field displays 110 Reject, which is the disposition that will be applied after you submit the status change.

Status Reason

Select a reason for applying the Reject disposition.

Submit and Cancel

Click the Submit button to complete the disposition update, or click the Cancel button to return to the Job Opening page without updating the applicant's disposition.

Submit & Send Correspondence

Click to complete the disposition update and send correspondence to the rejected applicant.

Click to jump to parent topicChanging Applicant Statuses

This section discusses how to change applicant statuses.

Note. Applicant statuses are the statuses that you define for the Applicant recruitment area, which deals with the overall availability of the applicant. This differs from the applicant's disposition, which is the applicant's status relative to a particular job opening.

See Also

Setting Up Recruiting Statuses

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Change Applicant Statuses

Page Name

Definition Name



Select New Applicant Status


Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

Search for applicants, then in the Search Results grid, select Change Applicant Status in the Take Action field or the Group Action field.

(This action is also available on other pages.)

Change an applicant's status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Applicant Statuses

Access the Select New Applicant Status page (on the Find Applicants page, select Change Applicant Status in the Take Action field for an applicant).

Status Code

Select a status code. The delivered statuses are 010 Active, 020 Hired, 030 Inactive, and 040 Queued. These are the status codes that are defined for the Applicant recruitment area on the Statuses and Reasons page.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Applicant Lists

This section provides an overview of applicant lists and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Applicant Lists

Applicant lists are manually-constructed groups of applicants that recruiters can use to facilitate the recruiting process. Recruiters can add applicants to a list and then perform tasks for one, several, or all applicants on the list at the same time. For example, a recruiter can create a list of applicants to contact, a list of applicants that are hot prospects but for whom there is no current job opening, or a list of college students who expressed interest in employment during an on-campus recruiting event.

Lists can be public or private. The creator of an applicant list is the owner of the list. All recruiters and hiring managers have access to public lists. They can view public lists, take actions on the applicants in the lists, add applicants to the lists, and view primary list information, but they cannot make changes to the primary list information. Only the list owner can edit primary list information for public lists. For private lists, only the list owner can view and make changes to the lists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Applicant Lists

Page Name

Definition Name



Applicant Lists


Recruiting, Applicant Lists, Applicant Lists

View existing applicant lists.

Create New List


  • Click the Create New List button on the Applicant Lists page.

  • Select Create New List in the Group Action field on the Applicant List page.

  • Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

    Search for applicants, then in the Search Results grid, select Add Applicant to New List in the Take Action field or the Group Action field.

    (This action is also available on other pages.)

Create an applicant list.

Applicant List


Click a list name on the Applicant Lists page.

Manage an applicant list and its membership.

Edit Primary List Information


Click the Edit Primary List Data link on the Applicant List page.

Edit information about the list such as its name and whether it is private or public.

Select Applicant List


  • Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

    Search for applicants, then in the Search Results grid, select Add Applicant to Saved List in the Take Action field or the Group Action field.

    (This action is also available on other pages.)

  • On the Applicant List page, select Add to Another List in the Group Action field.

Select the applicant list to which you want to add an applicant.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Existing Applicant Lists

Access the Applicant Lists page (Recruiting, Applicant Lists, Applicant Lists).


Select which applicant lists you want to view and click the Refresh icon to view those lists. Values are:

Only My Lists: Select to view only lists that you own.

All Lists: Select to view all public lists along with any private lists that you own.

Find List and Go

Enter a partial or full list name to search for that list and click Go to display the search results.

List Details


Click a link to access the Applicant List page, where you can view details for all applicants on the list.


Displays whether the list is public or private.

Date Created and Owner

Displays the name of the user that created the list and the date that the list was created.

Page-Level Actions

Create New List

Click this button to access the Create New List page so that you can create a new applicant list.

Find Applicants

Click this link to navigate to the Find Applicants page, where you can search for applicants and use the Add Applicant to New List or Add Applicant to Saved List action to add the applicants to lists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Applicant Lists

Access the Create New List page (on the Applicant Lists page, click the Create New List button).

Name Your New List

List Name and Description

Enter identifying information about the new list. The name appears on the Applicant Lists and Applicant List pages; the description appears on the Edit Primary Applicant List Data page.


Select Active or Inactive. When a list is inactive, only the list owner can view the list, even if it is a public list. You cannot add applicants to inactive lists.


Select to make the list a public list. Deselect this check box if you want this list to be private.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Applicant Lists

Access the Applicant List page (on the Applicant Lists page, click the Add Applicants button).

Add Applicants

Click to access the Find Applicants page, where you can search for and select applicants to add to the list.

Delete List

Click to delete the list. Only the list owner can delete the list.

Edit Primary List Data

Click to access the Edit Primary List Information page, where you can change the list name, description, status, and availability (public or private).

Find Applicant and Go

Enter the partial or full name of the applicant that you are searching for and click Go to display the search results.



Click an applicant's name to access the Manage Applicant page for that applicant.

Preferred Contact

Displays the email address, phone number, or mailing address of the applicant, depending on the applicant's preferred contact method. You can update an applicant's preferred contact method on the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data tab: Contact section.

<Select Action> and Go

Use the unlabeled group Action field at the bottom of the page to perform actions that relate to the overall applicant record (without regard to any particular job opening). Select an action to perform, then click the Go button to initiate the action.

In this context, the following actions are available: Add Note, Add to Another List, Create New List, Forward Applicant, Link Applicant to Job, Route Applicant, and Send Correspondence.

See Summary of Action Availability.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEditing Primary Applicant List Data

Access the Edit Primary List Information page (on the Applicant List page, click the Edit Primary List Data link).

List Name and Description

Enter identifying information about the new list. The name appears on the Applicant Lists and Applicant List pages; the description appears only on this page.


Select Active or Inactive. When a list is inactive, only the list owner can view the list. You cannot add applicants to inactive lists.


Select to make the list a public list. deselect this check box if you want this list to be private.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Applicants to an Existing List

Access the Select Applicant List page (on the Find Applicants page, select Add Applicant to Saved List in the Take Action or Group Action field).

Select List

Select the applicant list to which you want to add the applicant. All public lists are available, as are private lists that the user owns.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Applicant Checklists

This section provides an overview of checklists and discusses how to create applicant checklists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Checklists

A checklist helps you remember all the details that you need to get applicants through recruiting and hire processes. You can use standard checklists that you create in the Checklist component, or you can create an individualized checklist for a particular applicant. When you hire an applicant, the checklists for that applicant are passed to PeopleSoft Human Resources.

See Also

Creating Checklists

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Page Name

Definition Name



Applicant Checklist


Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

Search for applicants, then in the Search Results grid, select Manage Applicant Checklist in the Take Action field.

(This action is also available on other pages.)

Create a checklist for an applicant.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Applicant Checklists

Access the Applicant Checklist page (on the Find Applicants page, select Manage Applicant Checklist in the Take Action field).

The fields on this page are a subset of those on the Employee Checklist page in PeopleSoft HR: Administer Workforce.

See Creating a Person Checklist.

Click to jump to parent topicAdding Persons of Interest

This section provides an overview of persons of interest and discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up and Working with Search/Match

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Persons of Interest

Many organizations must add applicants to the human resources system as persons of interest before the applicants are actually hired. For example, you might want to add an applicant to the system as an external trainee so that you can enroll the applicant in training prior to being hired. When you add an external applicant as a person of interest, the system adds the applicant to the human resources system and assigns human resources ID to the applicant.

To add an applicant as a person of interest, use the Add Person of Interest action. This action is available only for external applicants. You cannot add internal applicants (employees or non-employees) as persons of interest because they already exist in the HR system.

Depending on whether the Person of Interest field on the Recruiting Installation - Applicants page is set to Yes or No, you may be required to check whether the applicant is already in the human resources database. When checking is required, submitting an applicant as a person of interest causes the system to search the HR system and display a list of potential matches. You review this list and, if you find a true match, you identify the record so that the system can associate the applicant with the existing record rather than creating a new record.

See Defining Applicant-Related Settings.

After you add an applicant as a person of interest, you can confirm the transaction by verifying that the system has added an EmplID field to the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data tab: Contact section.

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Definition Name



Add Person of Interest


Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

Search for applicants and click an applicant name to access the Manage Applicant page.

On the Manage Applicant page, select Add Person of Interest in the Take Action field at the top of the page, then click the Go button.

Select the person of interest type for the applicant and submit the applicant to the human resources system.

Search Results


Click the Submit button on the Add Person of Interest page.

The Search Results page appears if the system is configured to search the system to see if the person you are adding already exists in the system.

View Search/Match results and investigate potential matches.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Person of Interest Types and Adding Persons of Interest

Access the Add Person of Interest page (on the Manage Applicant page, select Add Person of Interest in the Take Action field at the top of the page, then click the Go button).

Select Type

Select the person of interest type that you want to assign to the applicant. Define person of interest types on the Person of Interest Type Tbl (person of interest type table) page.

See Setting Up Person of Interest Types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Search/Match Results

Access the Search Results page (click the Submit button on the Add Person of Interest page).

See Reviewing Search/Match Results.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Duplicate Applicants

This section provides an overview of duplicate applicant processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Duplicate Applicant Processing

Sometimes an applicant has more than one record, each with its own applicant ID. Duplicate applicant records can occur when applicants register in Candidate Gateway more than once or when they submit their applications using different methods. For example, an applicant who was hired for short-term seasonal work might create a new Candidate Gateway account when applying to return to your organization the following year, resulting in both an active applicant record and a hired applicant record.

Talent Acquisition Manager provides two mechanisms for merging duplicate records:

Target and Source Records

The following diagram illustrates the process of merging duplicate records. In the diagram, there are initially two different applicant IDs representing the same applicant. One record is marked as the Target record; this record will be updated with data from the other records and will remain active after the merge process. The other record is marked as the Source record; its data will be copied over to the target record and it will become inactive after the merge process. Each record is associated with a different job opening. When the records are merged, the surviving applicant record is automatically associated with both job openings.

The Applicant Merge process joins multiple applicant and relates all associated job openings to the surviving applicant.

Source records still exist after being merged, but they are assigned an inactive status. Use the Recruiting Installation component to configure the inactive status to assign to the duplicate records.

See Defining Applicant-Related Settings.

Automated Processes for Managing Duplicate Records

The system provides two Application Engine processes that work together to help you manage duplicate records:

To use these processes for duplicate applicant processing:

  1. Access the Process Duplicate Applicants page (Recruiting, Administration, Process Duplicate Applicants, Process Duplicate Applicants).

    This page lists previous instances of the Find Applicant Duplicates process. All instances except the most recent have a Closed status, and the most recent instance will automatically be closed when you create a new instance.

  2. Click the Create New Search button to access the Find Duplicate Applicants page, where you specify criteria to be used in identifying potential duplicates.

  3. Select your search criteria and click the Run button to initiate the Find Applicant Duplicates process.

    This process finds potential duplicate applicant records that match the search criteria that you define. Email, address, and middle name searches are case-sensitive.

    For the system to consider two applicants a match, all search criteria that you define on the Find Duplicate Applicants page must match exactly. Records with duplicate email addresses, phone, and national ID numbers, regardless of type, are identified as potential duplicate records. For example, if one applicant record has a home email address that matches the business email address from another applicant record, the system counts this as a potential match regardless of the fact that the address types are different.

    The process runs against active applicant records only: it does not include applicant records in the status that the Recruiting Installation - Applications page identifies as the inactive status for duplicates. This restriction prevents records that were inactivated during previous merges from reappearing in your search results.

    See Defining Applicant-Related Settings.

    Note. If you need to merge an inactive applicant record, use the manual merge process.

  4. Return to the Process Duplicate Applicants page and click the View Duplicates link to access the Review Duplicate Applicants page, then review the process results and identify records to merge.

    The system groups each set of potential duplicate applicants into duplicate sets. If you determine that the applicants in a duplicate set are in fact duplicates, identify which applicant records will survive the merge and mark them as target records. Mark records that are to be merged into the target as source records, and explicitly identify the matching target record. For each duplicate set, there can be multiple source and target records.

    To determine which records should be merged, you might need to review detailed information about a record. To do this, click the applicant record ID to access the Manage Applicant page.

  5. Click the Run button on the Review Duplicate Applicants page to run the Duplicate Applicant Merge process and complete the merge for any records that you have marked for merging.

    If you return to the Review Duplicate Applicants page after the process is complete, the merged applicant records are read-only. Unmerged applicant records, however, are still editable. You can continue to identify target and source records and run the Duplicate Applicant Merge process as long as there are still unmerged applicants on the page.

Manual Merges

If you have already identified duplicate records, you can manually merge them without running the search process that finds potential duplicates for you. To do this, access the Manage Applicant page for one of the duplicate records, then use the Take Action field to initiate the merge. There are two merge actions available:

Note. Manual merges also use the Duplicate Applicant Merge Application Engine process (HRS_DUPE_MRG), however, you do not use the Process Scheduler Request page to initiate the process. Rather, the system automatically initiates the process when you click the Merge button.

Data Merging

When you merge applicant records, the following data changes occur:

Note. If you merge records for internal applicants (employees and non-employees), the system deletes or modifies the applicant record only. Information held in Personal Data tables is never modified or deleted.

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Process Duplicate Applicants


Recruiting, Administration, Process Duplicate Applicants, Process Duplicate Applicants

Create new instances of the duplicate applicant search process and access the results of those searches.

Find Duplicate Applicants


  • Click the Create New Search button on the Process Duplicate Applicants page.

  • Click a link in the Status column on the Process Duplicate Applicants page.

Select fields for duplicate matching and initiate the process of searching for duplicates.

Review Duplicate Applicants


  • Click the View Duplicates link on the Process Duplicate Applicants page.

  • Click the Merge Applicants link on the Screen Applicants page or on the Screening Results page

Review the results of the process that searches for duplicate applicants, identify records to merge, and initiate the merge process.

Merge As Target


Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

Click an applicant name to access the Manage Applicant page.

On the Manage Applicant page, select Merge As Target in the Take Action field at the top of the page, then click the Go button.

Merge the applicant record with one or more other applicants that you identify. The applicant whose record you use to initiate the action will be the surviving applicant.

Merge As Source


Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

Search for applicants and click an applicant name to access the Manage Applicant page.

On the Manage Applicant page, select Merge As Source in the Take Action field at the top of the page, then click the Go button.

Merge the applicant record with a target applicant that you identify. The target applicant will be the surviving applicant.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInitiating Duplicate Applicant Processing

Access the Process Duplicate Applicants page (Recruiting, Administration, Process Duplicate Applicants, Process Duplicate Applicants).

Page-Level Actions

Create New Search

Click this button to access the Find Duplicate Applicants page, where you can select new duplicate applicant search criteria and run the Find Applicant Duplicates process.


Click to refresh the status links with the current status of the process.

Review Duplicate Processes


Displays the status of the process instance. Click a status link to access the Find Duplicate Applicants page, where you can review the duplicate applicant search criteria used for the process.

Values are:

  • Search Requested: Indicates that the Find Applicant Duplicates process has been initiated.

  • Search In Progress: Indicates that the Find Applicant Duplicates process is running.

  • Search Completed: Indicates that the Find Applicant Duplicates process is complete but that the results have not been reviewed.

  • Review In Progress: Indicates that the results of the Find Applicant Duplicates process are being reviewed. The system assigns this status when you click the View Duplicates link for the process.

  • Merge Completed: Indicates that the Duplicate Applicant Merge process has finished running.

    You can continue run the merge process on additional sets of duplicate records.

  • Closed: Indicates that the search is closed. The system assigns this status to queued or pending processes when you run the Find Applicant Duplicates process for a new process. Only one process can be active at a time. This ensures data integrity and avoids process conflicts among target and source applicants during the merge.

View Duplicates

Click to access the Review Duplicate Applicants page, where you can identify duplicate sets and merge duplicate applicant records. This link appears after the Find Applicant Duplicates process is complete.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Search Criteria and Running the Find Applicant Duplicates Process

Access the Find Duplicate Applicants page (on the Process Duplicate Applicants page, click the Create New Search button or click a link in the Status column).

Note. Once you initiate the Find Applicant Duplicates process, this page becomes read-only. You must then create a new search to establish new search criteria.

Select the data that must be identical for applicants to be considered as duplicates.

Note. Email, address, and middle name searches are case-sensitive. Records with duplicate email addresses, phone, and national ID numbers, regardless of type, are identified as potential duplicate records. For example, if one applicant record has a home email address that matches the business email address from another applicant record, the system counts this as a potential match regardless of the fact that the address types are different.

When you first access this page for new duplicate processing, the search settings are copied from the settings for the previous search.

Click the Run button to access the Process Scheduler Request page, where you initiate the duplicate search process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying and Merging Duplicate Applicant Records

Access the Review Duplicate Applicants page (on the Process Duplicate Applicants page, click the View Duplicates link).


After you have reviewed potential duplicates and identified records that you want to merge, click the Run button to initiate the Duplicate Applicant Merge process and complete the merge for the indicated records.

You can process subsets of the potential duplicates. For example, you can run the process for the first 10 duplicate sets and then the rest at a later time.

Note. After you start the Duplicate Applicant Merge process, you cannot cancel it. You must be certain that you want to merge the applicant records before you schedule the process.

Duplicate Review

Use this group box to specify how the system merges duplicate applicant records. Applicants with matching data are grouped into duplicate sets. Review each set and decide if the applicant records are duplicates.

Duplicate Set ID

Displays the ID number for the duplicate set. Refer to the group box header to see how many total duplicate sets exist.

Duplicate Set Status

Displays the status of the merge process. Values are:

No Merges: Indicates that the system has not merged duplicate applicant records for the duplicate set.

Merged: Indicates that the system has merged duplicate applicant records in the duplicate set.

Review Duplicate Applicants


Click the applicant ID link to access the Manage Applicant page, where you can view additional details for the applicant. (On the Manage Applicant page, clicking the Applicant List link returns you to the Review Duplicate Applicants page.)


Specify how the applicant records are merged. Values are Source and Target. For each duplicate set, there can be multiple source and target records. You cannot edit these fields after you run the Duplicate Applicant Merge process and merge the applicants.

Leave these fields blank if you determine that the applicants in a duplicate set are not duplicates or if you have not yet made a determination.


Select the target for each source record. The drop-down list box lists the applicant IDs for applicants in the same duplicate set who have been identified as targets.

This column appears on the page only after you select Source in the Relationship column for an applicant.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManually Merging Applicants from the Target Record

Access the Merge As Target page (on the Manage Applicant page, select Merge As Target in the Take Action field at the top of the page, then click the Go button.)

Person ID

Identify one or more applicant records that will be merged into the current record.


Click to run the Duplicate Applicant Merge process and complete the merge.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManually Merging Applicants from the Source Record

Access the Merge as Source page (on the Manage Applicant page, select Merge As Target in the Take Action field at the top of the page, then click the Go button.)

Target Person

Identify the applicant record into which the current record will be merged.


Click to run the Duplicate Applicant Merge process and complete the merge.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Job Search Agent

This section provides an overview of the Job Agent (HRS_JOB_AGNT) Application Engine process and discusses how to run the Job Agent process.

See Also

Reviewing and Searching for Job Postings

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Job Agent Process

Job Agent functionality enables the system to notify applicants of job postings that meet the applicants' saved criteria.

Applicants establish their criteria in Candidate Gateway by saving searches with the criteria for the types of jobs in which they are interested in applying. These saved searches are processed whenever an administrators runs the Job Agent (HRS_JOB_AGNT) process.

During the Job Agent process, the system:

  1. Deleted expired job search agents in HRS_AGNT_PROF.

    The system determines whether the job search agent has expired by taking the date that the job agent was created and adding the number of days that you enter in the Days Job Search Agent Active field on the Recruiting Installation - Applicants page. The process compares the resulting date to the system date. If the resulting date is less than the system date, the system deletes the job search agent.

    See Defining General Settings for Templates, Approvals, and Integrations.

  2. Searches for job postings that match the job agent search criteria, and writes the results to a file called HRS_AGNT_RSLT.

    In addition to meeting the applicant's search criteria, job postings must meet certain general requirements:

  3. Posts a notification in the Notifications grid on the Careers Home page in Candidate Gateway.

    Applicants can click on the subject link for the notification to view the message, which contains links to the job postings that meet the applicant's criteria.

    If the applicant has multiple job search agents, the system posts a separate notification for one.

  4. Sends the applicant an email notification using the JobAgentNotification template.

    This occurs only if the applicant's contact information includes an email address. The email includes links to the job openings that match the applicant's criteria, up to the maximum number of job openings specified in the Max Job Posts Per Notification field in the Recruiting Installation - Jobs page. If the number of matches exceeds the maximum, the notification email also directs the applicant to visit Candidate Gateway to access complete search results.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Enter values for these fields in the Recruiting Installation component:

See Apply Online.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Job Agent Process

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Job Search Agent


Recruiting, Administration, Run Job Search Agent, Job Search Agent

Run the Job Agent process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Job Agent Application Engine Process

Access the Job Search Agent page (Recruiting, Administration, Run Job Search Agent, Job Search Agent).

This run control page does not have any parameters.

Click Run to access the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Request page, where you schedule the Job Agent process.

Note. Best practice is to set up the request so that the Job Agent process runs at regular intervals.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Applicant Reports

This section lists the pages used to generate certain applicant-related reports.

See Also

PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition Manager Reports

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Page Name

Definition Name



Applicant Listing


Recruiting, Reports, Applicant Listing, Applicant Listing

Generate an Applicant Listing report, which you can use to view job opening information with a list of the candidates being interviewed for the positions. The report groups job openings by department ID.

Applicant Summary by Job


Recruiting, Reports, Applicant Summary by Job, Applicant Summary by Job

Generate the Applicant Summary by Job report, which you can use to view the number of applicants and percentage of total applicants that applied to a job opening, sorted by source type and specific source.

Applicant Summary by Source


Recruiting, Reports, Applicant Summary by Source, Applicant Summary by Source

Generate the Applicant Summary by Source report, which you can use to view the number of applicants and percentage of total applicants sorted by source type and specific source (regardless of job opening).

Job Group Movement Analysis


Recruiting, Reports, Job Group Movement Analysis, Job Group Movement Analysis

Generate the Job Group Movement Analysis report, which you can use to generate racial and gender demographic data regarding the hiring process. This report provides an analysis of the number of males and females by ethnic group who were applicants, hires, promotions, or terminations during a specified time period. The report shows which sex and ethnic groups are moving in and out of the organization and which groups are offered opportunities for advancement.