Managing Job Openings

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicSearching for Job Openings

This section provides an overview of job opening searches, describes common elements in the job opening search pages, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Job Opening Searches

This section provides an overview of job opening searches.

Find Job Openings and Brows Job Openings

There are two methods of searching for existing job openings:

Performing Actions from the Job Opening Search Pages

Both the Find Job Openings page and the Browse Job Openings page provide the ability to perform actions on selected job openings. On both pages, the available actions vary depending on whether you searched for jobs in specific statuses.

The following table lists all possible actions that can be performed from the Find Job Openings page and the Browse Job Openings page. The table additionally describes when the action is available and what it does.




Add Note

Always available.

Select this action to create a note that will be added to all of the selected job openings.


Available only when you search for job openings where the status is Draft.

Performing this action deletes the selected draft job openings immediately, without asking for user confirmation.

Approve, Deny, and Pushback

Available only when you search for job openings where the status is Pending or Denied.

Use these actions to perform approval-related actions.

If a user other than the assigned approver (or that approver's proxy) initiates an approval-related action, the action will not update the job opening.

Note. Although administrators can override approvals, they must perform approval actions on the Job Opening page. This ensures that the administrator reviews the job opening data before taking action.

Cancel, Close, and Hold

Available only when you search for job openings where the status is Open.

Performing these actions makes a corresponding status change to all selected job openings.

Note. For security reasons, recruiting administrators are the only users who can make direct edits to the Status Code field on the Job Opening page. Therefore, non-administrators who want to close a job opening, cancel it, or put it on hold must do so using the actions on the Find Job Openings or Browse Job Openings page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used on Job Opening Search Pages

Create New Job

Click to access the Enter Primary Job Opening Information page, where you can create a new job.

Find Job Postings

Click to access the Search Postings - Basic Search page, where you can search for job postings.

See Searching for Job Postings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Search for Existing Job Openings

Page Name

Definition Name



Find Job Openings


Recruiting, Find Job Openings, Find Job Openings

Search for existing job openings.

Browse Job Openings


Recruiting, Browse Job Openings, Browse Job Openings

View existing job openings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Job Openings

Access the Find Job Openings page (Recruiting, Find Job Openings, Find Job Openings).

Enter Search Criteria

Initially, the Enter Search Criteria section is expanded and displays all available search fields. After you perform a search, this section is collapsed, and the title changes to View Job Opening Search Criteria. You must expand the section before you can revise your criteria and perform another search.


Click this button to search for job openings that meet the criteria you've entered.


Click this button to clear all of the search criteria fields, including the default value in the Status field.

Job Opening ID

Enter or select a single job opening ID. Searching by ID is the most efficient way to access the record for a specific job opening whose ID you know.


Select the status to include in the search. The default value is Open. You can clear the field, or select one of these other options: Canceled, Closed, Denied, Draft, Hold, and Pending.

Most Recent Activity

To search based on how recently the job opening has had a status change, select the time period to check for status-related activity: Active within Today, Active within Yesterday, Active within Last 3 Days, Active within Last Week, Active within Last 2 Weeks, Active within Last Month, Active within Last Year, or Active within View All.

Changes other than status changes are not considered activity for purposes of searching based on when the most recent activity occurred.

Job Opening Type

Select the type of jobs to include in the search: Continuous Job Opening or Standard Requisition.

Hot Jobs

Select Yes or No to filter results according to whether the job opening has been identified as a hot job.

Display Jobs

Select which jobs to include in the search based on your role relative to the job opening. Options are:

  • All Jobs.

  • Jobs Assigned to me.

    A job is assigned to you if you are the primary hiring manager or primary recruiter.

  • Jobs Associated to me.

    A job is associated with you if you created it or you are on the hiring team.

  • Jobs Created by me.

Manager, Recruiter and Originator

Enter or select the employee ID of a person associated with the job opening.

Business Unit

Enter or select a business unit to include in the search.

Position Number

Enter or select a position to include in the search.


Enter words to look for in the job posting title. The system searches for job openings that contain the words you enter; an exact match is not necessary.

Recruitment Contact

Select an external recruitment contact to include in the search.

Search Results

The Search Results grid displays the job openings that meet your search criteria. The columns in the grid correspond to the similarly-named search fields and job opening fields.

Job Opening

Displays the primary posting title for the job opening. If no job postings exist, this is the posting title that was initially entered on the Enter Primary Job Information page.

The posting title is a link that you click to access the Job Opening page.

Target Openings and Available Openings

Displays information about the total number of positions to be filled and the number that have not yet been filled.

Hot Job

Displays Y (yes) or N (no) to indicate whether the job opening is a hot job.

Page Elements for Performing Actions

Select Action and Go

Select an action to perform on the selected job openings (those where you selected the check box next to the job title), then click the Go button to perform the action.

The available actions vary depending on whether you searched for jobs in specific statuses.

See Understanding Job Opening Searches.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBrowsing for Job Openings

Access the Browse Job Openings page (Recruiting, Browse Job Openings, Browse Job Openings).

The list of job openings that meet your filtering criteria appears in a grid with the same columns as the Search Results grid on the Find Job Openings page.

View Drafts

Click to update change the page's display filters and refresh the view so that only jobs with Draft status appear.

The system sets the first display field (which filters based on your relationship to the job) to All Jobs and sets the second filter (which filters on status) to Draft. The third display filter retains its previous value.

Find Job Openings

Click to display the Find Job Openings page.


There are three drop-down list boxes for filtering job openings. After changing values in any of these fields, click the refresh icon to apply the selected filter.


The first drop-down list enables you to filter according to your relationship with the job opening. Jobs Associated with me are job openings that you created or where you are part of the hiring team. Jobs Assigned to me is a subset of the jobs associated with you; it includes only job openings where you are either the primary recruiter or the primary hiring manager. This is the default value. The other filtering options are Jobs Created by me and All Jobs.

<Job Opening Status>

The second drop-down list box enables you to filter by status. The default value is Open. Other values include All, Canceled, Closed, Denied, Hold, and Pending.

<Most Recent Activity>

The third drop-down list box enables you to filter by how recently the job opening has had a status change. Changes other than status changes are not considered activity for purposes of searching based on when the most recent activity occurred.

To use this filter, select the time period to check for status-related activity: Active within Today, Active within Yesterday, Active within Last 3 Days, Active within Last Week, Active within Last 2 Weeks, Active within Last Month, Active within Last Year, or Active within View All.

Page Elements for Performing Actions

Select Action and Go

Select an action to perform on the selected job openings (those where you selected the check box next to the job title), then click the Go button to perform the action.

the available actions vary depending on whether you used the second Display field (the one used to filter by job opening status) to search for jobs in specific statuses.

See Understanding Job Opening Searches.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Job Openings

This section provides an overview of job opening pages, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Job Opening Pages

The Job Opening page provides a single point from which you can complete many job-related and applicant-related recruiting tasks. It includes four tabs:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

This icon appears next to the job title when the job is a hot job.

See Managing Hot Jobs.


Click to save your work.


Click to clone the current job opening. The system displays the Clone Job Opening page.

Create New

Click to create a new job opening. The system displays the Enter Primary Job Information page.

Previous Job Opening

Click to display the previous job opening from the Find Job Openings or Browse Job Openings list.

Next Job Opening

Click to display the next job opening from the Find Job Openings or Browse Job Openings list.

Job Opening List

Click to display either the Find Job Openings or Browse Job Openings page, with your previous search or filter criteria intact.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Job Openings

Page Name

Definition Name



Find Job Openings


Recruiting, Find Job Openings

Search for and select job openings.

Job Opening


Click the job opening link in Search Results group box on the Find Job Openings page.

Manage all aspects of a job opening, including managing applicants, finding applicants, reviewing activity, creating notes, attachments, and expenses, and viewing or updating the job opening itself.

Job Opening page: Manage Applicants tab: View Applicants section


This is the section you see when you initially access the Job Opening page.

Review applicants for a job opening, and perform various applicant-related activities.

Job Opening page: Find Applicants tab


Click the Find Applicants tab on the Job Opening page.

Search for applicants for the job opening.

Job Opening page: Activity & Attachments tab


Click the Activity & Attachments tab on the Job Opening page.

Review job status history, notes, attachments, expenses, and saved results from applicant searches.

Add Note


Click the Add Note link on the Job Opening page: Activity & Attachments tab.

Add a note to a job opening.

Add Expenses


Click the Add Expense link on the Job Opening page: Activity & Attachments tab.

Add an expense to a job opening.

Job Opening page: Job Opening Details tab


Click the Job Opening Details tab on the Job Opening page.

Review or edit job opening details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Applicants Linked to Job Openings

Access the Job Opening page: Manage Applicants tab: View Applicants section (on the Find Job Opening page, click the job opening link in Search Results group box).

Print Job Opening

Click to access the Select Job Openings page, where you configure and generate a printed version of the job opening data.

Screen Applicants

Click this link to access screening-related functionality.

See Screening and Routing Applicants.

Interview Schedule

Click this link to access interview-related functionality.

See Interviewing Applicants.

Manage Applicants


To show only applicants who are at a specified stage in the hiring process, select the stage. The values in the drop-down list box correspond to the values that you see in the Disposition column in the Applicants grid.

Select All, which appears at the end of the list, to view all applicants without regard to their disposition.


This grid displays applicants who are linked to the current job opening.


Use this check box to select applicants who will be affected by an action that you perform using the Group Action field.

Applicant Name and ID

These fields display identifying information about the applicant. Click the Applicant Name link to display the Manage Applicant page, where you can see more detailed information about the applicant.


Possible applicant types are Emp (employee), Ext (external applicant), or Oth (other).

The Oth value appears when the applicant type is Non-Employee, a value generally used for applicants who, although not current employees, already have data in the PeopleSoft HCM system.


Displays the applicant's current status in the hiring process.

Certain dispositions (those that are in the Screen, Route, Interview, and Offer phases) are links. Click the link to display the Disposition Details page where you can view and update disposition information.

See Reviewing Disposition Details.

Dispositions that are in the Review, Applied, Hire, and Reject phases are not links.

See Defining Statuses and Reasons Codes.


Click to open a new window that displays the applicant's resume.

  • If the resume is an attachment, the file opens in the new window.

  • If the resume was entered into the Resume Text field in the application, the new window displays the Applicant Resume page.

  • If no resume exists for a particular applicant (for example, the applicant instead completed the work experience fields in the online application), then this column is blank.

    If none of the applicants in the grid have resumes, the entire Resume column is hidden.


Click to open a new window that displays the Application Details page, where you can review the applicant's complete application. The Application Details page appears in read-only mode.

Last Updated

Displays the date and time that the application disposition was last modified

Take Action

Select an action to be performed on a specific applicant. The system performs the action immediately.

Use the Take Action field in the Applicants grid to perform actions that relate to the specific job application. (However, some of the available actions affect the overall applicant record.) When you select an action, the system immediately initiates it; you do not need to click a separate Go button.

In this context, the available actions are Add Applicant to New List, Add Applicant to Saved List, Change Applicant Status, Copy Applicant to Employee, Create Interview Evaluation, Create Salary Package Model, Forward Applicant, Link Applicant to Job, Manage Applicant Checklists, Manage Interviews, Pre-Employment Check, Prepare for Hire, Prepare Job Offer, Print Application Details, Reject Applicant, Route Applicant, Send Correspondence, and Withdraw from Hire.

See Actions in the Take Action Field.

Group Action

Group Action and Go

Select an action to be performed on all selected applicants. Unlike actions performed on a single applicant using the Take Action field, the system does not perform the action immediately. Instead, you must click theGo button to initiate the selected action.

Generally, the actions available as group actions are a subset of the actions that you can perform on individual applicants. These are the actions that you can not perform on a group: Copy Applicant to Employee, Create Salary Package Model, Manage Applicant Checklists, Pre-Employment Check, Prepare for Hire, Prepare Job Offer, and Withdraw from Hire.

Additionally, the Edit Applicants action is exclusively a group action. Perform this action to open the Application Details page. When you access the Application Details page this way:

  • The page initially displays the first selected application,

  • The Previous Applicant and Next Applicant links enable you to page through all of the applicants in your original selection.

  • The Applicant List link returns you to the Job Opening page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFinding Applicants Within the Context of a Job Opening

Access the Job Opening page: Find Applicants tab (on the Job Opening page, click the Find Applicants tab).

Saved Searches & Automatches

The Saved Searches & Automatches subsection renders the Saved Searches page within the context of the job opening. In this context, the grid shows only the saved searches that are associated with the current job. ]

See Working With Saved Searches.

The same searches appear in the Related Searches grid on the Activity & Attachments tab, but additional columns are visible here on the Find Applicants tab, and the Find Applicants tab provides the ability to delete automatch and criteria searches.

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search subsection renders the Find Applicants page within the context of the job opening so that users can more easily search for qualified applicants.

See Performing Applicant and Profile Searches.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Job Opening Activity

Access the Job Opening page: Activity & Attachments tab (on the Job Opening page, click the Activity & Attachments tab).

Job History

This grid displays the activity history related to the job opening. Any changes made to the job opening status are reflected in this grid.


This grid displays a list of saved applicants searches that have a job opening as part of the search criteria. You can click the <Name> link to display the search criteria. An additional link for each search enables to view the search results.


This grid displays a list of notes related to the job opening.

View Note

Click to display the Add Note page and view the content of the note.

Add Note

Click to display the Add Note page.


This grid displays a list of attachments related to the job opening.

Description and Audience

If the attachment audience is Public, then anyone with access to the job opening can delete the attachment, edit the attachment description, or modify the audience.

If the attachment audience is Private or Interview,only the person who uploaded the attachment can delete the attachment, modify the description, or modify the audience.

Interview attachments don't automatically appear in on the Interview Schedule page, but the Interview Schedule page provides links that enable you to copy Interview attachments from the job opening to the interview.

Add Attachment

Click to display a browser window, where you can search for document to attach to the job opening.


This grid displays a list of expenses associated to the job opening.

Expense Detail

Click to display the Add Expense page and view the detailed information of the expense.

Add Expense

Click to display the Add Expense page, where you can add a new job opening related expense.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Notes to Job Openings

Access the Add Note page (on the Job Opening page: Activity & Attachments tab, click the Add Note) link).


Select the audience for this note. Valid options are:

  • Interview: Interview notes can be viewed by anyone who has access to the job opening, but only the creator of the note can modify the note. Interview notes don't automatically appear in on the Interview Schedule page, but the Interview Schedule page provides links that enable you to copy Interview notes from the job opening to the interview.

  • Private: Private notes can be viewed and edited only by the originator.

  • Public:Public notes can be viewed and edited by anyone who has access to the job opening.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Expenses to Job Opening

Access the Add Expenses page (on the Job Opening page: Activity & Attachments tab, click the Add Expense link).

Job opening expenses are costs incurred for the job opening, such as costs of advertising or engaging an agency to handle the job opening. If the expense cannot be attributed to a specific applicant, use the Add Expenses page to tie the expense to the job opening.

Expense Code

Select the expense code.

Expense Amount

Enter the amount of the expense.

Charge Date

Enter the date the expense was incurred.

Business Unit

Select the business unit. The default is the business unit associated to the job opening.


Select the department. The default is the department associated to the job opening.

Applicant Name

Enter the applicant name. For job opening expenses, this should be blank.


Enter a description of this expense.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Job Opening Details

Access the Job Opening page: Job Opening Details tab (click the Job Opening Details tab on the Job Opening page).

The page that appears is similar to the page that you use to create job openings. This is used to review the job opening when approvals is used.

See Creating Job Openings, Understanding Job Opening Templates.

There are restrictions on who can update the job opening data:

Click to jump to parent topicPrinting Job Openings

This section provides an overview of printing a job opening and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Job Opening Printing

To print job opening information for a single selected job opening, click the Print Job Opening link that appears on many job-related pages in the system. Clicking this link generates a print-friendly consolidated view of the job opening sections that you choose to include.

When you select specific sections of information that you want to include in your printout, two types of sections are available:

Note. The job opening printout never includes any applicant data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Print Job Openings

Page Name

Definition Name



Select Job Opening Sections


Recruiting, Find Job Openings

Click a job opening in the Search Results grid to access the Job Opening page.

Click the Print Job Opening link on the Job Opening page. (This link also appears on many other job-related pages in the system.)

Select which sections of the job opening to include when printing.

Job Opening Printable Details


Click the Preview Printable Details link on the Select Job Opening Sections page

Review and print the selected job opening data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Sections to Print

Access the Select Job Opening Sections page (click the Print Job Opening link on the Job Opening page).


Select the check box for the sections that you want to include in your job opening printout. The Job Information section is always selected, even if you click the Deselect All link. This ensures that identifying information about the job opening always appears in your printout.

Section to Print

Displays a list of sections that are available for printing. The specific sections in the list depend on the job opening.

First, you see the sections that correspond to the job opening template that controls layout of the Job Opening Details tab. Sections appear in the order determined by the template. These section names use the format <PAGE>.<Section>. In terms of the layout on the Job Opening page, PAGE refers to the links directly under the Job Opening Details tab and section refers to the sections that appear when you click those links. For example, if the Qualifications link under the Job Details tab has a section for competencies, that section appears in the list as QUALIFICATIONS.Competencies.

Next, the grid lists the sections that correspond to the grids in the Activity & Attachments Tab on the Job Opening page. The grid lists these sections using the format OTHER.<Section>. For example, if the job opening has any notes (and you have access to at least one note), the grid includes a row for OTHER.Notes.

Preview Printable Details

Click this link to continue to the Job Opening Printable Details page, where you can preview and print the selected job opening data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreviewing and Printing Job Opening Details

Access the Job Opening Printable Details page (click the Preview Printable Details link on the Select Job Opening Sections page).

Note. This is a partial screen shot.

This page displays all of the selected job opening information in a consolidated format. Scroll to review all of the data that you chose to include.

Print this Page

Click this button to open a standard print dialog box and print the job opening. If you collapse any sections before printing, those sections appear collapsed on the final printout.

The final print output is further optimized for printing and thus differs from what you would get if you simply used your browser's print command. For example, the navigation links at the top of the page do not appear on the printout, and the section titles are rendered as dark text rather than as white text in a colored bar.