Setting Up Profile Integration

This chapter provides an overview of profile architecture and discusses how to:

See Also

Understanding Profile Integration for Job Openings

Understanding Profile Information in Job Applications

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Profile Architecture

Profiles are widely used by organizations to describe the attributes of jobs or individuals. Typically, profiles summarize the competencies, qualifications, and skills of a job or a person. The Manage Profiles business process in PeopleSoft Human Resources provides a framework for developing and managing profiles that meet your industry or organizational requirements.

During the recruitment process, PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition Manager uses profiles to capture job requirements and applicant qualifications.

These are some of the architectural elements for profiles that are relevant to Talent Acquisition Manager:


An organized collection of data that represents attributes of a person or of a business object such as a job code.

Content Type

A category of information in a profile. Delivered content types that support recruiting processes include competencies, languages, memberships, degrees, licenses & certificates, and so forth.

Content Item

A specific attribute that is associated with a particular content type. For example, for the content type Competencies, content items are specific competencies such as analytical thinking or the ability to prioritize tasks.

Profile Type

Profile types define the structure of your profiles. A profile type includes content types, but not content items. That is, a particular profile type might include content types such as competencies and memberships, but it does not reference particular competencies or particular memberships.

The profile type also defines whether the profile is linked to person IDs to create person profiles, or linked to business entities, such as job code or positions, to create non-person profiles.

Four profile types are delivered as system data. Use the CLUSTER, ROLE, and JOB profile types to create non-person profiles, and the PERSON profile type to create profiles that describe your employees.

Click to jump to parent topicChoosing the Primary Person Profile Type for Recruiting

To set up the primary person profile type for recruiting, use the Assign Default Profile Types (JPM_DFLT_JP_TYPES) component.

This section provides an overview of the primary person profile types and discusses how to set up the primary profile types for recruiting.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Primary Person Profile Types

PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition Manager uses profiles to capture job requirements and applicant qualifications. The content types that are available for use in job openings and in applications are those that belong to the system's primary person profile type, as defined on the Assign Profile Defaults page. The delivered primary person profile type is PERSON.

Using the primary person profile type ensures that applicant profile data is stored in a format that is compatible with employee profile data and that profile data can follow those applicants who become employees. When your organization analyzes requirements for defining your primary person profile type, be sure that recruiting requirements are considered.

All content types in the primary person profile type are included on the Application Data page, where you enter applicant qualifications. On this page, the fields and layout for content types and items are determined solely by the profile configuration as defined using the Manage Profiles business process; there is no recruiting-specific formatting or configuration involved.

See Entering Applicant Data.

Additional recruiting-specific configuration enables you to use choose which content items to use in job openings, during screening, and for the online application form in Candidate Gateway:

See Also

Configuring Profiles for Recruiting

Setting Up Job Opening Templates

Setting Up Resume Templates

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Definition Name



Assign Profile Type Defaults


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Assign Default Profile Types, Assign Profile Type Defaults

Identify the primary person profile type for the system. This person profile type provides the structure for applicant and job opening qualifications in Talent Acquisition Manager.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Primary Profile Types for Recruiting

Access the Assign Profile Type Defaults page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Assign Default Profile Types, Assign Profile Type Defaults).

Primary Person Profile Type

Enter the primary person profile type. This is a system-wide setting that is used throughout PeopleSoft Human Resources. In Talent Acquisition Manager, the primary person profile type determines the content types that are available for use in job openings and in applications.

The delivered primary person profile type is PERSON.

See Assigning Profile Type Defaults.

Primary NonPerson Profile Type

Talent Acquisition Manager does not use the system's primary nonperson profile type.

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring Profiles for Recruiting

To configure profiles for recruiting, use the Content Section Configuration (HRS_JPM_SECT_CFG) component.

This section provides an overview of content type configuration for recruiting and discusses how to configure profiles for recruiting use.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Content Type Configuration for Recruiting

Profiles types that you create using PeopleSoft Human Resources are used by multiple PeopleSoft applications. To cater to all applications, the primary person profile type may contain content types that you do not want to use for recruiting. Also, the content types that you do use often include properties (fields) that are not relevant to the recruiting process.

To select which content types to use, and how to use specific content type properties, use the Content Section Configuration page to enter recruiting-specific configuration options for each content type in the primary person profile type.

Data Integrity Considerations

Changes to the content type definition in the Manage Profiles module can cause data integrity issues in Talent Acquisition Manager. Be sure to finalize your profile and content type configuration before performing the additional profile configuration for Talent Acquisition Manager.

Preventing Duplicates After Changing the Primary Person Profile Type

If you change the primary person profile type, the Content Section Configuration page will initially store duplicate entries for content types: one entry is associated with the previous primary person profile type, and one is associated with the new primary person profile type.

To correct this situation, access every Content Section Configuration entry and save it. (It is not necessary to make change before saving.) The save process cleans up the duplicate records.

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Content Section Configuration – <Content Type>


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Recruiting, Templates, Content Section Configuration, <Content Type>

Configure profile content types for use in Talent Acquisition Manager.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring Profiles for Recruiting Use

Access the Content Section Configuration – <Content Type> page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Recruiting, Templates, Content Section Configuration, <Content Type>).

The search dialog for this page enables you to access content types from the primary person profile type. You cannot add additional content types using this page.

Note. The page title changes according to the content type that you are configuring.

Applicant may add items

Select this check box to indicate that Candidate Gateway will allow applicants to add content items to their applications. Deselect this check box if applicants can modify the details for the content items that are part of the job opening, but not add new ones.

For example, you may want applicants to provide proficiency ratings for specific competencies, but you do not want applicants to add additional competencies that you do not consider relevant to the recruiting process. Because this check box is selected for the Competencies content type, the competencies that you associate with the job opening appear in the Candidate Gateway application form, and applicants can rate themselves for those competencies, but they cannot add any additional competencies.

Note. When the system loads content items from a job opening into the Candidate Gateway application form, it loads only items that are visible to employees. For example, if a Job Opening has four competencies, and the first two have the evaluation type Self and the last two have the evaluation type Official, only the first two items appear in the Candidate Gateway online application form.

If this check box is deselected, the Summary check box is automatically selected and greyed out for all required fields, and the detail check box column is hidden for all fields. You can select the Summary check box for any additional properties that the applicant needs to supply. Because the applicant cannot add content items, the system does not provide the applicant with access to the corresponding detail page, and the only opportunity for data entry is within the summary grid.

If this check box is deselected, this content type is included when you use the Copy Limited Items from Job Opening button on the Application Data page. That button copies content items from job openings into job applications.

For example, the delivered content type configuration for competencies prevents applicants from adding competencies to their applications. The assumption is that you want to rate applicants on specific job-related competencies that you have defined in the job opening. To facilitate data entry on the Applicant Data page, and to ensure that you rate applicants on the correct set of competencies, you click the Copy Limited Items from Job Opening button. If there are any competencies that are associated with the job openings listed in the application, the system copies those competencies to the application so that you can enter applicant-specific ratings.


This grid lists all the properties (fields) for the content type. Content type properties are defined using the Manage Profiles module in PeopleSoft Human Resources.

Field Name and Label Text

These fields identify a specific field that is part of the content type definition. For example, the content type Competencies, which you use for applicant competency ratings, includes fields such as Rating Model and Proficiency.


If this check box is selected, the property is required. Otherwise, it is optional. For example, in the Degrees content type, the degree itself is a required property, while additional properties such as the school code are optional.

This check box is read-only; this setting comes from the content type definition in the Manage Profiles module.

Summary and Details

Select the Summary check box to include the property as a column in the grid that represents this content type.

Select the Details check box to include the property on the detail page for this content type. This check box is not available when the Applicant may add items check box is deselected.

These settings affects the grids and detail pages on the Job Opening page and on the job application form (the Complete Application page) in Candidate Gateway. They do not affect the grids on the Application Data page in Talent Acquisition Manager.


Use In Screening

Select this check box to make the field available for screening. Fields where this check box is selected are included in the criteria list on the Job Opening Screening Criteria page, where you choose which of the available criteria to use in a specific screening level. Each selected item is treated as a separate screening item, and users must set up screening scoring bearing in mind the interrelationships between items.

For example, the delivered configuration for the Competencies content type has only one field that is available for screening: the proficiency field. When you add a competency to a job opening, you will enter data such as the competency name, rating type, and the rating. But when you configure the screening criteria for the job opening, the rating is the only competency-related information that is listed in the grid where you select screening criteria. (Because the rating is associated with a particular competency, rating model, and evaluation type, the screening process automatically looks for a rating for the associated competency, rating model, and evaluation type).

If you were to change the configuration for competencies so that the competency name was the only field used in screening, then the screening process would simply check that the applicant's application lists the competency, regardless of the applicant's rating.

Only certain fields are available for selection, including the content item ID (JPM_CAT_ITEM_ID for regular content types and JPM_ADHOC_DESCR for ad hoc content types), rating-related fields (JPM_RATING1 through JPM_RATING3), and yes/no indicators (JPM_YN_1 through JPM_YN_5).


Displays the default value for the property.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Profile Integration for Job Openings

To set up profile integration for job openings, use the Recruiting Installation (HRS_INST) and Configure Direct Reports UI (HR_DR_UI_CFG) components.

This section provides an overview of set up for profile integration for job openings and lists the pages used to set up profile integration for job openings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Set Up for Profile Integration for Job Openings

This overview describes certain setup tasks for job opening profile integration.

Integration Activation

When creating job openings, you can automatically populate the profile-based job qualifications with content items from selected profiles. For example, when replacing a key employee, you can copy attributes such as competencies and languages from the employee's profile into the job opening. Similarly, you can pull requirements from a job profile. You can even combine requirement sources by selecting up to three profiles from which to load requirements.

Use the Recruiting Installation - General page to activate profile integration for job openings and to choose whether to allow the use of person profiles in addition to non-person profiles.

Person Profile Security for Job Openings

If you use full profile integration, including integration with person profiles, users who are creating job openings can select person profiles whose content types are to be copied into the job opening. This ability is dependent on the user's security settings.

The system applies standard row-level security to ensure that users don't select profiles for employees that they are not authorized to view.

Users with the Profile Mgmt Manager role in their User Profile are authorized to view profiles for themselves and for their direct reports. To support this authorization, you must configure direct report access for the job opening component (HRS_JOB_OPENING)

Important! The direct report configuration for the HRS_JOB_OPENING component must exactly match the configuration for the JPM_PERS_PTSEL_MGR component, as direct reports processing for profiles within the job opening component must mirror that of the manager self-service for person profiles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Profile Integration for Job Openings

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Recruiting Installation - General


Set Up HRMS, Install, Product and Country Specific, Recruiting Installation, General

Activate profile integration for job openings, and set up other system-wide recruiting settings. The option to activate person profile integration is available only after nonperson profile integration is activated.

See Defining General Settings for Templates, Approvals, and Integrations.

Configure Direct Reports UI


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Direct Reports for Managers, Configure Direct Reports UI, Configure Direct Reports UI

Configure direct reports for the HRS_JOB_OPENING component.

See Setting Up Access to Direct Reports Data.