Establishing Retiree Administration Control Tables

This chapter discusses how to:

Note. To track pension payees, you need to establish the payees in the PeopleSoft system. This requires you to perform several tasks, which are described in "Establishing Pension Payees."

See Also

Establishing Pension Payees

Click to jump to parent topicActivating Pension Administration and Setting PeopleTools Options

On the Installation Table - Products page, select Pension Administration (access this page under Set Up HRMS, Install, Installation Table, Products).

Note. If you are using PeopleSoft Human Resources full position management, consider switching to partial position management. You almost certainly do not want to manage retirees by position. You change to partial position management on the Installation Table - HRMS Options page.

On the PeopleTools Options page, select two check boxes: Multiple-Company Organization and Multiple Jobs Allowed (access this page under PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, PeopleTools Options). You need to do this because:

Note. You must select Multiple Jobs Allowed in order to run Pension Administration. However, if your organization does not have employees with multiple concurrent jobs, you can run the application in a single user environment by selecting Single Job Environment on the Plan Implementation page.

See Also

Setting Up and Installing PeopleSoft HCM

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Retiree Departments and Security

Within a company, payees need to belong to departments. You may want to create separate departments for different categories of payees: retired employees, beneficiaries of employees, and QDRO alternate payees. Alternatively, you can set up a single department and distinguish payee types by creating a job code for each one.

Creating departments specifically for pension payees enables you to secure the payee data using the department security tree. Be sure to add the payee department (or departments) to the department security tree; otherwise users cannot access payee data.

An alternative approach to structuring a retiree organization is to create a retiree department organization that mirrors the organization for active employees. You can then put payees into the same departments that housed them as employees. This approach offers the ability to report on payees based on their originating departments. However, this method also presents the significant burden of maintaining two or more identical organizations. This is especially significant if your organization changes frequently. PeopleSoft does not recommend this approach unless you have a real need for the enhanced reporting capability.

See Also

Maintaining Departments

Setting Up and Administering HCM Security

PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Tree Manager PeopleBook

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Other Control Tables

The other control tables you need to set up for payees are locations, job codes, and pay groups. You must create an establishment ID before you set up the locations. You must create an earnings program before you set up the pay groups.

Note. Although Pay Group is a required field in pension payee job records, the system does not make pension payments using PeopleSoft payroll processing. Instead, it produces the Trustee Extract file, which provides payment information for the third-party who produces the pension checks.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating a Logical File for the Trustee Extract

Pension Administration produces the Trustee Extract file, which provides payment information for the third-party who produces the pension checks.

When you run the Trustee Extract process, the system writes the data to the file that you define using the system variable TRSPYMT. You can set up the variable so that the file resides on any accessible drive.

Your database platform determines how you define this variable. See your database administrator for more information on defining a system variable.

For example, to set up this variable on a Windows client, access the Control page and click the System button. Enter TRSPYMT as the variable name, and provide a directory path (including a file name) for the value.

See Also

Creating the Trustee Extract File