Defining Plan Participation

This chapter provides an overview of plan participation definition and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Plan Participation Definition

Use the participation function to establish age, service, and possibly plan entry date requirements that employees must meet before they begin to accrue pension benefits.

If you have a service requirement, you must create a service function result to measure service for participation purposes. This may be different from the service function result used when measuring plan service accrual. This is because participation service often measures service from hire date, whereas plan service usually measures service from participation date.

Participation Results

A participation function result returns:

The participation function result name references the status.

When the participation status is Not Participating, the calculation ends without calculating a benefit. While this is normally the only use for the participation status result, you can reference this status for other reasons.

Set up a function result alias in order to reference the participation date. Although this alias is not required, the calculation gives a warning if there isn't one. By defining the function result alias even if you're not going to use it, you spare your users this warning.

You can integrate participation requirements into other functions (such as service) by referencing the participation date. For example, on the service parameter pages you can exclude service prior to this date.

Refer to the participation status (the yes or no result) to incorporate, for example, participation requirements into a custom statement with criteria such as the following: If participation status equals Y

See Also

Understanding Function Result Aliases

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Participation Requirements

To define participation requirements, use the Participation (PARTICIPATION) component.

This section provides an overview of the Participation page, lists the page used to define participation requirements, and discusses how to enter participation requirements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Participation Page

Use the Participation page to define participation requirements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Participation Requirements

Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Pension, Components, Participation, Participation

  • Enter age and service requirements.

  • Enter date adjustments or allow immediate participation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Participation Requirements

Access the Participation page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Pension, Components, Participation, Participation).

Establish Immediate Participation

Immediate Participation

For plans without participation requirements, select this option to make the age and service requirements options unavailable for data entry. You can still defer participation until a plan entry date specified in the Participation Date Adjustments group box.

Age Requirements


Select if the plan has a service requirement.


Enter a date alias result for the date when an employee meets the age requirement—for example, a date alias that adds 21 years to the employee's date of birth.

See Using Date Aliases and Date Options.

Service Requirements


Select this option if the plan has a service requirement.

You can enter one or two service requirements. Select One if there is a single service requirement. Otherwise, indicate whether employees begin participation after meeting the Greater of (the later of) or the Lesser of (the earlier of) the two requirements.

Service 1 and Service 2

Enter the required years of service, even if you're measuring service in months. If the service requirement is less than a full year, use a fraction—for example, .5 for a six-month requirement.

Service Result

Enter the service function results used to measure participation service. Remember, if participation is a prerequisite for service credit, your participation service function result has to be different than the service credit function result.

Note. Place the participation service function result before the participation function result in the calculation job stream.

See Creating the Plan Implementation and Plan Aliases.

Participation Date Adjustments

No Date Adjustments

Employees may not become eligible to participate on the exact date when they meet the participation requirements specified above. They may have to wait, for example, until the following month or the following quarter.

Select No Date Adjustments if the plan has no such adjustments.

Rounding Method

Use this option, for example, to round to the first day of the following month. Indicate the method in the adjoining field.

Next Following and Coincident or Next Following

Use to set specific plan entry dates, up to four per year. The participation date is delayed until the next of the specified dates. Indicate the entry date or dates in the Month <#> and Day <#> fields—for example, 1/1, 4/1, 7/1, and 10/1 for quarterly plan entry dates. If you set up the adjustment on 6/25, participation begins on 7/1.

See Also

Using Date Aliases and Date Options

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with the Participation Date

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDetermining the Participation Date

If participation is based on age, the participation date is the same day an employee attains the specified age, subject to any date rounding or plan entry date adjustments you specify.

If participation is based on service, however, the system doesn't necessarily determine the exact date an employee attains the specified amount of service. Instead, the system:

  1. Looks at the service history to find the period when the employee attained the specified amount of service.

  2. Uses the first day of the next period.

How exact this date is depends on how you set up your service requirement.

If participation requires one year of elapsed time, set up an elapsed time service definition to use months or anniversary years. Employees who attain one year of service in exactly a year use the day after their one-year anniversary as the participation date. Results are less accurate for employees who don't attain a full year of service during their first year—for example, because of leaves of absence.

You generally attain greater accuracy in calculating the participation date by measuring participation service in months rather than years. If you use months, the system sets the first day of the next period to within a month of the actual participation date, rather than to within a year of the date.

For greater accuracy, you can create a date alias or a series of aliases that adjust the participation date. You then use this alias instead of the participation date anywhere that you require this information.

Finally, you can set up the participation date using a date alias to begin with, then enter that date alias as the age requirement in the participation parameters. Even though the alias doesn't necessarily reflect the date when the employee attains a specific age, it does reflect the date that the employee meets participation requirements.

Note. The participation date can't be before either the hire date or the start date of the participation definition. The system verifies that an employee is eligible for the plan before providing a participation date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicHandling Multiple Definitions of Participation

The system applies the participation definitions that are effective for a given time period.

If your pension plan has multiple definitions of participation set up under an effective-dated row on the Participation Function Result page, include only the last participation definition. Do this by deleting the prior participation definitions so that only the last definition remains.