Creating the Plan Implementation and Plan Aliases

This chapter provides an overview of plan implementation and plan aliases and discusses how to:

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The final product of a calculation—a benefit amount in all its optional forms—depends on several components, such as service, final average earnings, vesting, and early and late retirement factors. The rules that you define for individual functions provide values for these components. These rules are interdependent. For example vesting may depend on service, and the benefit formula may depend on both vesting and service.

To ensure that results are available when needed, a calculation must process the benefit components in the proper order. For example, if vesting is dependent on service, then you need to know how much vesting service an employee has before starting the vesting calculation.

The final step of a plan implementation is to put all the function results that you create in a sequence to form the final calculation jobstream. The jobstream provides a high-level overview of a plan; it consists of the separate processes in the correct order.

You then place the plan in the system's overall list of plans. Until you add the plan to this list, many fields on other pages that prompt against pension plans do not recognize the plan as a valid value. Because the pension plan list also establishes the plan order when a calculation encompasses multiple plans, the page where you maintain the list is the Order Plan page.

Finally, you need to define aliases to calculate a plan's normal retirement date (NRD), early retirement date (ERD), and other specific plan information. Many of the functions have parameters that refer to this information, so you cannot run calculations until you create these definitions.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating a Plan Implementation

To create a plan implementation, use the Plan Implementation (PLAN_IMPLEMENT) component.

This section provides an overview of plan implementation, lists the page used to create a plan implementation, and discusses how to:

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Just as you create function results to deploy the plan definitions, you create a plan implementation to deploy the function results. You use the Plan Implementation page to do this.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Plan Implementation


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Put the function results for a plan in the correct processing order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Function Results to a Plan Implementation

Access the Plan Implementation page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Pension, Pension Plan Implementation, Plan Implementation, Plan Implementation).

Plan Implementation

Effective Date

When you run a calculation or periodic processing, the system looks at the rules date you specify (the as of date on the Calculation page) and fetches the appropriate components from the corresponding effective date on this page. After the system loads the jobstream into the Calculation page group, the person running the calculation can view the list, choose to run only certain processes from the list, or enter override for specific function results.

If the jobstream changes, enter a new effective date with the new information. Most plans have only a single plan implementation effective date. Plan changes are usually reflected in new effective dates within function results, not in the plan implementation. However, if you add or remove any function results, you need to create a new effective date for the plan implementation.

Note. Always add a new plan implementation effective date when you add or remove function results from a plan implementation.

Single Job Environment

Deselect this check box to use the multiple jobs functionality.

Plan Selection

This grid lists the processes that make up the jobstream.

When you first enter a plan implementation effective date for a particular plan, all the function results that you have already set up automatically appear in the jobstream. Add all custom statements and user code modules manually. Function results appear in the system's default order. You need to rearrange them.

Any function results that you create after the first time you save the Plan Implementation page are not automatically added to the jobstream. You must add the processes manually.

Be sure to check the order of the function results, both those automatically entered and manually entered.


Select this check box to copy a module or to designate a location for pasting.


The default value is the description that is associated with the function result or custom statement definition, but you can modify it. It's very important to have clear descriptions, particularly for benefit formulas, because this is the text that identifies the calculation results on the calculation worksheet.


Although you can remove any process by deleting a row, PeopleSoft recommends that, instead, you deactivate the process by deselecting the Active check box. You can then move the process to the end of the jobstream to get it out of the way. Deactivating a process rather than removing it ensures that you still have a complete list of all the function results that exist for the plan.


The jobstream can include three types of processes:

  • Custom Statement and Function Result are processes you build within Pension Administration.

  • User Code refers to custom code modules that you set up to handle processes beyond the scope of the system's predefined functions. Unlike the predefined user code options within the parameter pages, which handle specific defined functions and are expected to return particular types of results, user code processes inserted into the Plan Implementation page are completely user defined.

Function results must be in the jobstream in order to be processed. The fact that another process references a function result does not mean that the system gets the result on demand. If the first function result is not in the jobstream, any other processes that reference the result generate errors.

Custom statements can go directly into the jobstream, but they do not have to if another process references them. If a custom statement is not in the jobstream, the first process within the jobstream that references that custom statement initiates a subprocess to resolve the custom statement.

Function Result

Enter the name of the function result, the custom statement name, or user code COBOL executable.

If the process is a function result or custom statement, you can prompt for valid values in the Function Result field. If you're adding user code, you have to type the name of your COBOL module.

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Order your processes on the Plan Implementation page.

Plan eligibility should always be the first process you run. This enables both periodic processes and calculations to filter out ineligible employees immediately. This also builds the timeline of eligible and ineligible periods so that the system can determine which group, and therefore which definition, an employee falls into at any time.

After plan eligibility, the order of the other functions depends on the dependencies within your plan. For example, if you require a completed service calculation before calculating vesting, you must run vesting service before running vesting.

Be sure the consolidation function results are also appropriately ordered. For example, put consolidated hours before any service function result that uses those hours.

Using the Default Processing Order

When you first access the Plan Implementation page, the function results that you have set up appear by default in the following order:

  1. Plan eligibility

  2. Consolidated earnings

  3. Consolidated hours

  4. Consolidated contributions

  5. Participation

  6. Service

  7. Vesting

  8. Plan eligibility (retirement types)

  9. Final average earnings

  10. Cash balance accounts

  11. Employee accounts

  12. Social security

  13. Covered compensation

  14. Early and late retirement factors

  15. Death coverage factors

  16. Benefit formula

  17. Employee paid benefit

  18. Optional forms of payment

  19. 415 limits

Reordering Processes


You can use the Sort button to move inactive processes to the end of the jobstream. It does not rearrange any other processes.

To rearrange other processes, select a row, copy it, paste it into the right position, then delete the original.

Sel (select)

Select the Sel check box to select the associated module.


To copy a module, click the Copy button, which then becomes a Paste button. If you decide not to paste, click the Reset button (available only after a copy action) to change Paste back to Copy.

To paste the module into the right position, insert a blank row where you want to put the module, select that row by selecting the Sel check box, then click the Paste button. If you select a row that already has data, the system does not overwrite what's there; instead, it asks if you would like to insert a blank row after that row and paste into the blank row.

Remember to go back and delete the original row after pasting.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating Processes

Select the Active check box for each process that you want included in either periodic processing or calculations. This means that consolidations and the calculation functions must be active. If you deselect this check box for a process, both periodic processing and calculations bypass the process.

Deselecting the Active check box enables you to remove processes from the jobstream without deleting them from your list.

Click to jump to parent topicOrdering Plans

When you run a calculation for multiple plans, the system processes plans in the order that you specify. To set up the plan order, use the Plan Order (ORDERPLANS) component.

This section provides an overview of the Plan Order page, lists the page used to order plans, and discusses how to set the order of plans.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Plan Order


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Set the order for processing plans.

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Placing a plan in the Plan Order page is the final step necessary for establishing a plan in the system.

Until you add a plan to the Plan Order page, many fields that prompt against pension plans do not recognize the plan as a valid value. This is therefore a critical step even if you only have one plan.

Access the Plan Order page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Pension, Pension Plan Implementation, Plan Order, Plan Order).

Benefit Plan

Insert a row for each benefit plan.


Specify the order for each benefit plan. To resort the grid so that plans appear in the correct order, click the column header for this field.

Note. PeopleSoft suggests that you leave gaps between the order numbers so that you can later add rows between the existing rows.

When you enter a plan, the system displays its description and pension type (qualified or nonqualified).

Always run the qualified plans first and then the nonqualified plans. This is important for correct processing of 415 limits, which apply to all qualified plans.

Under certain circumstances, you set up a special 415 "dummy" plan to house the 415 rules. This plan belongs in a fixed spot in the plan order, after the last qualified plan and before the first nonqualified plan. It does not run if there are any nonqualified plans before it.

Set your plans up in the following order:

  1. All qualified plans

  2. The 415 dummy plan

  3. All nonqualified plans

Another reason to run nonqualified plans last is so that results from your qualified plans are available for any nonqualified limit plans that make up the difference between limited and unlimited benefits from qualified plans.

See Also

Applying Section 415 Limits

Click to jump to parent topicAdding Miscellaneous Plan Specification Information

To add miscellaneous plan specification information, use the Plan Aliases (PLAN_ALIASES) component.

This section provides an overview of miscellaneous plan specification information, lists the page used to add miscellaneous plan specification information, and discusses how to add plan alias parameters.

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Some of the information that you add may be needed for a calculation. Other information is used for retirement counseling and to track repayment of employee contributions.

A pension plan typically has a standard normal retirement date (NRD) and early retirement date (ERD). Several of the system's core functions reference these dates, for example, the cash balance accounts function produces the balance at NRD, and the employee paid benefit function projects the employee account balance to NRD. You can also reference these dates on the calculation page, when you specify an assumed benefit commencement date.

Another significant date for a plan participant is the date of first vesting. Although this date is not directly referenced in a calculation, it is relevant for retirement counseling.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Plan Aliases


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Add miscellaneous plan specification information.

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Access the Plan Aliases page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Pension, Pension Plan Implementation, Plan Aliases, Plan Aliases).

Plan Alias Parameters

ERD Alias Name and NRD Alias Name

Enter date aliases to specify the plan's ERD and NRD.

Vesting Date Alias Name

Periodic processing resolves this alias during each run. You can then look up this date on the Plan Information page (under Pension, Pension Information, Review Plan History).

You cannot use the vesting function to determine the vesting date; you have to set up an independent date alias that figures out the vesting date. For example, if you use five year cliff vesting, you could set up a date alias that adds five years to the date of hire. However, this does not account for leaves of absence or other interruptions in service.

Employee Contribution Account

Enter the name of the employee contribution account that provides final balance information for the payment summary record. This is an employee accounts function result.

Service Calculator

Duration Options

Specify the duration option for the service calculator to use.

Surviving Spouse Eligibility

Enter the name of the eligibility statement.

Note. If you have set up an automatic benefit, you must specify a surviving spouse eligibility statement. If there are no eligibility conditions other than being married, set up a statement that is always true for married participants—for example: if marital status = married.

See Also

Ensuring That Retirees Recover Their Contributions

Tracking Balances and Totals

Maintaining Employee Plan Data

Creating the Benefit Formula Definition

Setting Up a Spouse Eligibility Statement

Viewing Employee Data