Defining Development Plans

This chapter provides an overview of development plans and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Development Plans

The most common way to ensure that regulated individuals attain the standards required for professional certification is to enroll them in development plans. In the Manage Professional Compliance business process, assemble development plans from these elements:

The ability to combine the individual elements of training courses, competencies, accomplishments, and activities enables you to set up company development plans and associate them with a particular classification level that may apply either to individuals or to an entire group of professionals.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before defining development plans, set up the accomplishments, competencies, and courses that you select for use within Manage Professional Compliance. Set up the accomplishments and competencies that you need for professional compliance in the content catalog that is part of the Manage Profiles business process, and define the training courses that you need in Administer Training. These preparations avoid duplication of data related to general worker development.

The only development elements that you define entirely within Manage Professional Compliance are activities.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Development Plan

To set up a development plan, use the Development Accomplishment (PCMP_DEV_ACPS), Development Competency (PCMP_DEV_COMP), Development Training Course (PCMP_DEV_CRSE), Development Activity (PCMP_DEV_ACT), and Development Plan (PCMP_DEV_PLAN) components.

This section provides an overview of development plan setup, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Development Plan Setup

The first stage in creating a development plan is to identify the accomplishments, competencies, courses, and activities that you plan to use. After these elements are in place, assemble them into a development plan.

To create a development plan:

  1. Identify the appropriate accomplishments using the Accomplishment page.

  2. Identify the required competencies using the Competency page.

  3. Identify the relevant development courses on the Training Course page.

  4. Set up professional compliance activities on the Activity page.

  5. Assemble a development plan from the list of accomplishments, competencies, courses, and activities using the Plan page.

    After you identify the elements of the development plan, you can create the plan itself. Because development plans are directly associated with particular classification levels—that is, each classification level is associated with a "default" plan—the search record used for the development plan menu option contains a list of classification levels for each professional type/regulatory authority combination that you have set up.

    Note. After you have defined a "default" development plan for each classification level, you can enroll individuals in these plans on the Development Record page.

    All development elements have SETID as the high-level key so that development plans can be organized at the business unit level.

See Also

PeopleSoft HR PeopleBook Manage Profiles Preface

PeopleSoft HR 9.1 PeopleBook: Administer Training

Defining Professional Compliance Types

Manage Professional Compliance Reports

Enrolling Regulated Individuals in Development Plans

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Development Plans

Page Name

Definition Name





Workforce Monitoring, Professional Compliance, Define Development Information, Accomplishment, Accomplishment

Identify accomplishments that you want to add to the development plan.



Workforce Monitoring, Professional Compliance, Define Development Information, Competency, Competency

Identify competencies that you want to add to the development plan.

Training Course


Workforce Monitoring, Professional Compliance, Define Development Information, Training Course, Training Course

Identify courses that you want to add to the development plan.



Workforce Monitoring, Professional Compliance, Define Development Information, Activity, Activity

Define the activities that you want to add to the development plan.

Development Plan


Workforce Monitoring, Professional Compliance, Define Development Information, Development Plan, Development Plan

Assemble a development plan from the list of accomplishments, competencies, courses, and activities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Accomplishments

Access the Accomplishment page (Workforce Monitoring, Professional Compliance, Define Development Information, Accomplishment, Accomplishment).


Select the accomplishments that you want to use in the development plan. You can select from items with these content types: test, degree, licenses/certificates, membership, NVQ, language, and honor/award.


This field is selected if the accomplishment must be renewed. Renewal requirement data is set up when you define the accomplishment. The Manage Professional Compliance business process pulls this information into the recertification process.


Displays the renewal length. The Manage Professional Compliance business process references this information in the recertification process.


Displays the renewal period. The Manage Professional Compliance business process references this information in the recertification process.

See Also

Setting Up the Content Catalog

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Competencies

Access the Competency page (Workforce Monitoring, Professional Compliance, Define Development Information, Competency, Competency).


Select the competencies that you want to use in the development plan.

See Also

Setting Up the Content Catalog

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Development Courses

Access the Training Course page (Workforce Monitoring, Professional Compliance, Define Development Information, Training Course, Training Course).

Course Code

Select the courses that you want to use in the development plan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Development Activities

Access the Activity page (Workforce Monitoring, Professional Compliance, Define Development Information, Activity, Activity).

Development Activity

Select and describe the activities that you want to use in the development plan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssembling a Development Plan

Access the Development Plan page (Workforce Monitoring, Professional Compliance, Define Development Information, Development Plan, Development Plan).

Note. Development Plans are directly associated with particular classification levels. As a consequence, the search record that is associated with the Development Plan menu lists classification levels for each professional type/regulatory authority combination that you have set up.

Professional Compliance Type

Displays the professional compliance type that you entered to access the page. To define professional compliance type, use the PC Type (professional compliance type) page.

Regulatory Authority

Displays the regulatory authority that you entered to access the page. To define regulatory authorities, use the Reg Authority (regulatory authority) page.


Displays the classification that you entered to access the page. To define the classifications, use the Classification page.

Development Area

Development Type

Select a development element that you want to include in the development plan: Accomp (accomplishment), Activity, Competency, or Course.

Development Area

Select the specific development elements (accomplishment, competency, activity or course) that you want to include in the development plan. You can select from the elements that are defined for the SetID on the Accomplishment, Competency, Training Course, and Activity pages.

Note. After you create development plans and add regulated individuals to the Manage Professional Compliance process, you can enroll individuals in these plans using the Development Record and Development Area pages.

See Also

Defining Professional Compliance Types

Defining Regulatory Authorities

Setting Up Regulatory Authority Classifications

Entering and Maintaining Regulated Individual Data

Click to jump to parent topicRunning a Compliance Plan Report

This section lists the page used to run a Compliance Plan report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run a Compliance Plan Report

Page Name

Definition Name



Company Compliance Plan


Workforce Monitoring, Professional Compliance, Reports, Company Compliance Plan, Company Compliance Plan

Use the Compliance Plan report (PCMP002) to collect complete details of a company's compliance plan.