Setting Up a Payroll Interface Definition (Part 1)

This chapter provides an overview of the control tables and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Control Tables

The Payroll Interface control tables, sometimes referred to as the setup tables, are a set of 10 components that you use to set up the export and import interface definitions. As shown in the following table, the components can be organized into four general usage groups. Although some dependencies exist, all 10 components work together and, for the most part, can be set up in any order.



Use these components to identify the third-party payroll system and the employees who will be processed each pay period.

  • System Table (SYSTEM_TABLE) component

  • Employee Table (INTRFC_EMPLOYEE) component

Use these components to identify the PeopleSoft HCM tables and fields that store the payroll-related data, and to define the file and data formatting.

  • PS Tables (PS_TABLES) component

  • Field Definition Table (INTRFC_FIELD) component

  • Definition Table (INTRFC_DEFINITION) component

Use these components to set up additional processing for the payroll-related data. The processing can be simple (grouping fields) or more complex (invoking special COBOL routines).

  • Group Table (INTRFC_GROUP) component

  • Instance Table (INTRFC_INSTANCE) component

  • Process Table (INTRFC_PROCESS) component

Use these components to identify the export or import files and to connect the PeopleSoft HCM pay groups to the third-party payroll system for processing.

  • File Handle Table (INTRFC_FILEHANDLE) component

  • Configuration Table (INTRFC_CONFIG) component

Note. Beginning an implementation is often easier if you clone (copy) an existing interface definition. After you have created the clone, you can use the control tables to further configure the export or import interface definition.

See Also

Cloning a Payroll Interface Definition

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Null Blank Character Flds (null blank character fields), and Null Zero Numeric Flds (null zero numeric fields)

Select to indicate whether blank and zero PeopleSoft character fields should be written to the export file as null data. Null implies no data value for the field. You can override this option at the field level.

Convert Case

Select if the system requires uppercase.

Note. You can override this setting for specific files.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the System Table

To set up the System Table, use the System Table (SYSTEM_TABLE) component.

This section provides an overview of the System Table and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the System Table

Use the System Table to set up a system ID that identifies the third-party payroll system.

Payroll Interface delivers several system IDs, including CSV, PHY, LOG, and NFC. These system IDs correspond to these delivered data formats: comma-separated-values, physical, logical, and National Finance Center. You can use the delivered system IDs or create your own.

You can use multiple system IDs to set up interface definitions for multiple third-party payroll providers. The system IDs separate the information required for each third-party implementation.

See Also

Sample Data Definitions

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Page Name

Definition Name



Interface System Table 1


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, System Table, Interface System Table 1

Set up system IDs.

Interface System Table 2


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, System Table, Interface System Table 2

Set up payroll statuses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up System IDs

Access the Interface System Table 1 page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, System Table, Interface System Table 1).

System ID

Select to enter a system ID that identifies the third-party payroll system. You can use one of the system IDs delivered with Payroll Interface (CSV, LOG, NFC, PHY, and so on) or you can define your own.

System Code

Select the appropriate system code.

  • ADP Interface: ADP third-party payroll system.

  • Other: Third-party payroll system other than ADP.


For documentation only. Payroll Interface does not use this value.


Select to indicate how data changes are exported.

  • Field Change Only: Export only fields with changed data.

  • Record With Field Changes: Export entire records, but only those with fields that have changed.

Note. The physical file format (PHY) does not export field changes only. The entire row is exported if a defined field changes.


Select to indicate how employees are identified by the third-party payroll system.

  • Using Interface Employee Table: Converts the PeopleSoft EMPLID to the third-party payroll system employee ID (PI Emplid).

    Note. If you select this option, you must map the PeopleSoft EMPLID to the third-party payroll system employee ID (populate the PI_EMPLID_TBL table) for each employee before you run the Export process. If you do not do this, the system will issue an error message.

    Perform the mapping by either (1) manually entering the third-party payroll system employee ID in the Employee Table - Interface Employee Table page, PI Emplid field or (2) using PeopleCode to automate the process, when possible. You must update the mapping when employee changes occur, for example, new hires or terminations.

  • Using PeopleSoft Employee ID: Automatically inserts the PeopleSoft EMPLID in the Employee Table - Interface Employee Table page, PI Emplid field (and populates PI_EMPLID_TBL) when you run the Export process.

  • Using National ID: Automatically inserts an applicable national identification code (for example, the employee's Social Security Number or Social Insurance Number) in the Employee Table component - Interface Employee Table page, PI Emplid field (and populates the PI_EMPLID_TBL table) when you run the Export process.

Employee Field ID

Select to indicate which Payroll Interface field contains the employee ID. The value of the employee field ID is defined on the Field Definition Table component - Interface Field2 page. Because of the three convert options, the field that you select as the employee field ID does not need any PS Record/PS fields mapped to it on the Interface Field2 page.

Effect Date Transaction Ind (effective date transaction indicator)

Select Current to export only data that's current at the end of the pay period; select All to export both current and retroactive data.

Note. Be sure to verify that your payroll vendor's import utility accepts multiple effective-dated transactions.

The effective date indicator performs two main functions:

  • Selecting employees for processing: If you choose All, all employees who have ever been in the pay group being processed are eligible for processing. If you choose Current, only those employees who were in the pay group during the pay period are eligible for processing.

  • Retrieving employee data: If you select All, the meaning of the value All Effdts (all effective dates) in the Where Clause Type field on the PS Tables page literally means all effective dates. If you choose Current, then All Effdts on the PS Tables page refers to all effective dates that are effective during the pay period.

Process Filter

Select to indicate whether the system should process records with a company value that is different from the process company.

  • None: All rows that are created by Payroll Interface for each company and pay group combination are inserted into the PI_PARTIC_EXPT table and are available for export. The last history rows that are created for the current system ID are retrieved for comparison.

  • Company: If you define a key field of Company on the Definition Table component - Interface Definition Fields page, this field is compared to the process company. The system exports only records with a matching company. For comparison, the system retrieves the last history rows that were created for the current system ID and company.

    See Working with Company Filtering.

Character Set

Select to enter the appropriate character set for the language that is used in the export or import file.

Note. The Import process recognizes only the ASCII character set.

See Working with Character Sets.

File Type

Select a file type:

  • CSV (comma-separated value): Data is delimited, or separated, by commas.

  • Logical: Data is defined using an identifier followed by its value, not fixed format. For example, the field identifier of 1X2 might always immediately precede a value of 1 or 2 to indicate martial status. The field identifier is defined by your third-party payroll system and must exactly match the field identifier that is defined in Payroll Interface. If you use a logical file, select External Field ID Indicator and enter the field length.

  • Other Delm (other delimited): Data is delimited by the character that you specify in the Data Delimiter field.

    Note. A delimited data file can contain only one Payroll Interface record definition of the data type. You can have two record definitions only for a Stop Transaction record. Common examples are deductions, savings plans, additional pay, and direct deposit.

    Numeric values cannot contain the thousands edit characters. For example: 1,100,100 appears in both the import and export files as 1100100. The system does support a display character for the decimal place, for example, 100.50 or 100,50.

  • Physical: Data is defined by its position in the file. For example, a value of 1 or 2 in the 30th character position in the file might represent marital status. In such files, blank characters are often inserted to maintain positional integrity when a data value is not available to take that position.

  • Tab Delm (tab delimited): Data is delimited by the Tab character.

Logical File Type and Delimiter File Types

Use the options in the Logical File Type group box and Delimiter File Types group box to further define the export file.

Literal String Character

If the decimal character is the same as the delimiter character, it must be enclosed in the literal string character. This applies to both export and import files. For example, if the decimal character is a comma, and the file type is CSV, all numeric values that contain decimals must be enclosed by the literal string character: "100,50" for example.

In an export file, all character values must be enclosed by the literal string character. A sample record might be: 1235,"abcd","ef gh", "Last Name, First Name".

When data values contain the literal string character, the single character is repeated within the data value when it is written to the export file. During the import process, the system examines the data value for two literal string characters together and changes them to just one. For example, a data value from the database is Suite 200, Unit "A" West. The data value is written to the export file as "Suite 200, Unit ""A"" West". The import process interprets the export data string and loads it into the database as: Suite 200, Unit "A" West.

Remove Trailing Spaces

You can override this selection at the field level.

Include Header

For delimited file types, select to indicate whether a header record is the first record. When this option is selected for export files, a header is written as the first record in the file. The header name is the external column name for each field on the record. When this option is selected for input files, the header record is compared to the record definition. If they do not match, the system stops processing for that file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Payroll Statuses

Access the Interface System Table 2 page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, System Table, Interface System Table 2).

Payroll Statuses

Payroll Status

Select the pay statuses of the employees to process. This setting directly corresponds to the Selecting Active Employees check box on the Payroll Interface Run Control page.

Note. Employee payroll status is assigned in Job data.

Note. Payroll Interface processes only the current row if more than one effective sequence exists for a particular date.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Employee Table

To set up the Employee Table, use the Employee Table (INTRFC_EMPLOYEE) component.

This section provides an overview of the Employee Table and discusses how to set up employee IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Employee Table

Use the Employee Table component to determine how your employees are identified in the third-party payroll system.

You can export data from any table or view in PeopleSoft HCM, as long as the record includes the PeopleSoft EMPLID. To identify employees in a third-party payroll system, you can use the PeopleSoft EMPLID and map the PeopleSoft EMPLID to a third-party employee ID (PI Emplid) or some other unique identifier such as a Social Security Number.

See Also

Deduction Processing and Multiple Jobs

Export Processing and Multiple Jobs

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Page Name

Definition Name



Interface Employee Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Employee Table, Interface Employee Table

Set up employee IDs when the third-party payroll system employee IDs are independent of the PeopleSoft EMPLID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Employee IDs

Access the Interface Employee Table page Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Employee Table, Interface Employee Table).

System ID

Select the System ID for the third-party payroll system.

PI Emplid (Payroll Interface employee ID)

Enter the ID that uniquely identifies your employees to the third-party payroll system.

Note. The value of the PI Emplid field can be the third-party payroll system employee ID, the PeopleSoft EMPLID, or a national identifier such as the employee's Social Security Number. The option that you select for the System Table - Interface System Table 1 page, Convert field determines how the PI Emplid field is populated.

See Setting Up the System Table.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the PS Tables

To set up the PS Tables, use the PS Tables (PS_TABLES) component.

This section provides an overview of the PS Tables and discusses how to select PeopleSoft tables and fields.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the PS Tables

Use the PS Tables component to identify the PeopleSoft HCM tables and fields that contain the data that will be exported to the third-party payroll system or used during the Export process.

You can export data from any table or view in PeopleSoft HCM, as long as the record includes the PeopleSoft EMPLID field. The system uses the parameters on the PS Tables page to construct the SQL select statements.

Note. Any field that is identified in the PS Tables component can be added to the Field Definition component. Any field that is defined in the Field Definition Table component can be added to the Definition Table component.

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Page Name

Definition Name



PS Tables


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, PS Tables, PS Tables

Select PeopleSoft tables and fields that contain employee payroll-related data. Data is extracted from these tables and fields during the Export process.

PeopleSoft Field Inquiry


Click the Field Attribute Button link on the PS Tables page.

View attributes for a selected field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting PeopleSoft Tables and Fields

Access the PS Tables page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, PS Tables, PS Tables).

System ID

The system ID for the third-party payroll system.

Process Type

Select to indicate which Payroll Interface process to perform with the table or view.

Where Clause Type

Select to indicate which type of SQL Where clause to construct when retrieving the data from the database:

  • Empl ID: Employee ID only.

  • ID and Active Effdt: Employee ID and the active effective date as of the pay end date.

  • ID, Active Effdt, Active EffSeq: Employee ID, the active effective date, and the latest effective sequence as of the pay end date.

  • ID, All Effdts, Active EffSeq: Employee ID, all effective-dated rows that fall between the pay-begin date, the pay-end date (non-retroactive processing), and the latest effective sequence for each effective date.

  • ID, All Effdts: Employee ID and all the effective-dated rows that fall between the pay-begin date and the pay-end date (non-retroactive processing).

  • ID, Effdt=Pay End Dt: Employee ID and effective date equal the pay end date.

To become more familiar with the differences between these Where clause types, try them out using PeopleSoft Query.

See PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Query PeopleBook

Note. If you select Import in the Process Type field, this field is not available.

Paygroup Company in Where

Select to indicate whether the Where clause for retrieving data from this PeopleSoft table should include a test on the Company field. When this check box is selected, the system compares the Company field in the record against the Company field in the employee's job data.

Select this check box when an employee could have more than one entry in the PeopleSoft table that could be uniquely identified by the Company field. An example of this is the employee's tax data.

Paygroup Country in Where

Select to indicate whether the Where clause for retrieving data for this PeopleSoft table should include a test on the Country field. When this check box is selected, the system compares the Country field in the record against the Country field from the company/pay group to which the employee belongs. The company/pay group is based on the employee's job data.

Select this check box when an employee could have more than one entry in the PeopleSoft table that could be uniquely identified by the Country field. An example of this is the employee's national ID data.

Ded Calc Data (deduction calculation data)

Select to indicate that one or more fields listed for this table or view comes from the PI_DED_CALC table. When you run the Export process with a run control defined to exclude DedCalc, the system excludes any record for which this check box is selected.

When the PS record table name is PI_DED_CALC, this check box is always selected.

Data Required

Select to indicate that a row of data must be returned from the database for this table, but not that every field that is defined for this record must contain data.

If a row of data is not returned for this record, the system issues an error message, and no data for the employee is written to the export file.

Job Data

Select if the record contains COMPANY, PAYGROUP, or ACTION.

If the PS record table name is JOB, this check box is always selected.

Field Details

Use the Field Details group box to define field attributes.

Note. You should enter Order by (sequence) values for all key fields. The EFFDT and EFFSEQ fields must be in descending order (Collate Order Desc). All other fields should be in ascending order (Collate Order Asc).

Order by

Select to indicate the sequence in which the field should be processed. A number from zero (blank) to 99 represents the sequence of the field in the ORDER BY clause of the SQL select statement.

Collate Order

This field is applicable only when the value for the Order by field is greater than zero. Select to indicate the sequence order of the field in the ORDER BY clause of the SQL select statement. (If the value of the Order by field is zero or not specified, the collate order is none by default.)

Asc: Ascending order. Sequences data from lowest to highest. This is the default value for all fields.

Desc: Descending order. Sequences data from highest to lowest.

Note. The EFFDT and EFFSEQ fields must be in descending order.

See Working with Key Fields.

Key Field

This check box is automatically selected if the field is defined in PeopleSoft Application Designer as a key for a PS record.

You must manually select this check box for views.

Effective Date

Only one field can be the Effective Date field. The system uses the Effective Date field name in constructing the Where clause of the SQL select statement when the SELECT_WHERE_TYPE includes the effective date.

The Effective Date field for the DED_CALC Table is Pay End Date.

Effective Sequence

Only one field can be marked as the Effective Date sequence number. The system uses the effective date sequence number in constructing the Where clause of the SQL select statement when the SELECT_WHERE_TYPE includes the Effective Date sequence field.

This field is used with the JOB record and any other records with both an effective date and effective sequence.

Field Attribute

Click to view the PeopleSoft Field Inquiry secondary page.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Field Definition Table

To set up the Field Definition Table, use the Field Definition Table (INTRFC_FIELD) component.

This section provides an overview of the Field Definition Table and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Field Definition Table

Use the Field Definition Table component to define the data type and format of the fields that appear in the export file. Any field that is identified in the PS Tables component can be added to the Field Definition component.

Note. The Field Definition Table component and the Definition Table component contain effective-dated entries. You must keep these components synchronized. Be sure that future-dated rows in the Field Definition Table component are not referenced in the Definition Table component before their effective dates. Also, if you mark a field inactive in the Field Definition Table component, be sure that the field is no longer included in the Definition Table component.

See Working with Key Fields.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Interface Field1


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Field Definition Table, Interface Field1

Set up third-party payroll system fields.

Interface Field2


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Field Definition Table, Interface Field2

Set up corresponding PeopleSoft fields.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Third-Party Payroll System Fields

Access the Interface Field1 page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Field Definition Table, Interface Field1).

Field Definition

Process Type

Select the Payroll Interface process.

Note. Exp/Imp (export/import) can be used as the process type only if the characteristics of the field are the same for both import and export. Otherwise, you need to set up records for each process type. The Employee ID field is the only field that is mapped as both an export and import type; you do not need to define a PS record or field name for it.

External Field ID

If the System Table - Interface System Table 1 page, External Field ID Indicator option is selected, the external field ID becomes by default the value that you enter here. The external field ID can be up to 10 characters.


Select from the following options:

  • Character

    Use the Justification field to specify whether characters are left or right justified.

    Note. When you are mapping from a large field to a smaller field, the results are truncated. For example, if you map '0123456789' from a 10–character field to a 7–character field, the result is '0123456'.

  • Date

    Use the Date Format field to specify the third-party payroll system's date format.

  • Number

    Use the Display Decimal and Decimal Char (decimal character) fields to specify a decimal separator.

  • Signed

    Use the Sign Position field to select the placement of the sign for signed numerical fields.

  • Value

    Select to specify a predefined data item for the Text field. For example, with the Pay Run ID field, enter Pay Run ID as the text. (Including Pay Run ID in the header record may help ensure that the correct file is processed.)

    If using the company filtering feature, use the Processing Company or Processing Pay Group values for the Text field.

    See Working with Company Filtering.


Select to enter a translate value.

Note. This field is active only if you have selected Value in the Type field.

See Working with Text Translate Values.

External Column Name

Select to enter a name of up to 50 characters if the Interface field is used in a delimited data file structure with a header. The system uses this name to construct the header record.

Default Value

If you use constant in the Text field, the value that you enter here is used.

You can also use a default value for the character type. For example, if the field is part of a header record, you can specify some fixed text as the default value.

Field Format

Use the options in the Field Format group box to define the file's field formats.

Field Length (in bytes)

For physical file formats, the length determines where the field will be positioned. When you are setting up the Interface Definition Fields page, you can view the exact character position of the field.

Integer Length

The system calculates the integer length to verify that you have set up a numeric field as intended.

For a signed field type, the system subtracts one position from the integer length to allow for the sign. Use Sign Position to specify where the sign goes.

Blank if Zero

This field is active only for number or signed field types. Select if the payroll system uses blanks in place of zeros.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Corresponding PeopleSoft Fields

Access the Interface Field2 page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Field Definition Table, Interface Field2 ).

Field Definition

PS Record Name and PS Field1 Name, PS Field2 Name, PS Field3 Name

Select the PeopleSoft record and field names that correspond to the third-party payroll system field. If the third-party payroll system field value is derived from multiple PeopleSoft fields, enter the additional field names as well.

Process ID

Select when a COBOL process is required to correctly translate or format a PeopleSoft value to a third-party payroll system value.

Note. Process IDs are defined on the Interface Process Table.

PI Translate Indicator (payroll interface translate indicator)

Select to specify how translate values are handled:

  • No Translate Values

  • Translate All

  • Translate or Use Default Value: Translate if a translate value is found; if not, use the default value that is defined on the Interface Field1 page.

  • Translate or Use PS Value: Translate if a translate value is found; if not, use the PeopleSoft value.

Instance ID

Select to control which values of a field should be mapped to the external payroll system.

Translate Values

Select to translate PeopleSoft field value PS Value 1 (and, if needed, PS Value 2 and PS Value 3) to the third-party payroll system value, PI Value. For example, if DEDCD (deduction code) is KUDEN9 and DED_CLASS (deduction class) is B (before tax), then the translated value is D1.

Translate values are available for all export fields and for the Currency Code field for import.

See Also

Creating COBOL Routines

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Definition Table

To set up the Definition Table, use the Definition Table (INTRFC_DEFINITION) component.

This section provides an overview of the Definition Table and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Definition Table

Use the Definition Table component to define the physical structure of the export or import file, including the records in the file and the fields in the records. Any field defined in the Field Definition Table component can be added to the Definition Table component.

Note. Each record in the file must include the field that is defined as the EMPLID on the System Table component.

Warning! If you use PeopleSoft Application Designer to change any of the tables or fields set up using the PS Tables component, you must make sure that these changes are reflected in the PS Tables component as well. If you think that a change that you have made has not taken affect, delete the database cache file and log back into the system.

See Also

PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Application Designer Developers Guide PeopleBook

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Page Name

Definition Name



Interface Definition File


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Definition Table, Interface Definition File

Set up a file layout for the import or export file.

Interface Definition Record


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Definition Table, Interface Definition Record

Set up the records in a file.

Interface Definition Fields


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Definition Table, Interface Definition Fields

Set up the fields in a record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a File Layout

Access the Interface Definition File page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Definition Table, Interface Definition File).

File ID Definition

System ID

Select the system ID for the third-party payroll system.

Convert Case

Select this check box to have the system automatically select the Conv. Case check box for each new field that you enter on the Interface Definition Fields page of this component. If you need to update the value of the Conv. Case check box for existing fields, you must manually select or deselect that check box on the Interface Definition Fields page for each of those fields. Selecting or deselecting the check box on this page does not update existing values.

Include Header

Is on or off by default according to values that are set up on the System Table component for the selected system ID.

PI Record Length

Select to enter the record length for the file type. For comma-separated (CSV), tab-delimited, and other delimited file types, the value must be zero.

Max Fields Per Output Rec (maximum fields per output record)

Used for logical records. Select the value that is defined by the third-party payroll system.

External Field ID Indicator

Used for logical records. When this check box is selected, the data records contain the external field ID as defined on the Interface Field1 page for all of the fields that are defined in the interface definition record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Records Within a File

Access the Interface Definition Record page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Definition Table, Interface Definition Record ).

Rec Seq Nbr (record sequence number)

Select to indicate the sequence of each record within the file.

Note. The system assigns sequence numbers as you add or delete records. If your external system requires a specific record sequence, make sure the sequence reflects that.

Record ID

Each record definition should have a unique ID. Record definitions are used for organizing data for the Export process and for defining the export file. So you are likely to have more record definitions on this table than are described by your payroll system documentation.

If the third-party payroll system has its own record IDs, you might want to use those.

Record Type

Select from the following:

  • Header: Written out first to identify the beginning of a file. Multiple headers are allowed.

  • Trailer: Written out last to identify the end of a file.

  • Data: Imported or exported data. A data record must have a primary PS record.

  • Process: Record definitions used by a COBOL process and associated with specific process events, such as stop deductions. Process records must also identify the Base Rec field (base record).

  • Not Procd (not processed): Used for import files only. This indicates a payroll system record within the import file that is not processed by Payroll Interface.

    If you select any type other than Process, then the row builds a record type within the file.

    If you have multiple data-type records, the first data record should have the Primary PS Record set to Job.

    Note. (for CSV files) Each data-type record needs to be assigned to a separate, individual interface definition file. If you have multiple records (and interface definitions), assign each of them to the appropriate PI Configuration ID.

PS Record

Select to identify the PeopleSoft table that is selected from (for export) or inserted into (for import) as the primary PeopleSoft table for this interface record.

Note. Each data record must contain the field that is defined as the employee field ID on the System Table component.

Base Rec (base record)

Available for process record types.

The data value that is used in the Base Rec field is a record sequence number from another row on this table. The base record ties the indicated process to another sequence number row. For example, if the row that is labeled with sequence number 80 concerns deduction data and the row that is labeled 140 defines the process ID that is used to stop the deduction, then 80 is the base record for record sequence number 140.

Occur Ind (occurrence indicator)

Select to identify the correspondence between rows in the PS record and the records in the export file.

  • Multi Recs to Multi Defn Recs (multiple records to multiple definition records)

    Data is pulled from a PeopleSoft record that may have multiple records (or rows) of information to multiple definition payroll system records (or rows) of information. The Occurrence Key field is required to distinguish each occurrence.

    Example: Ded Calc and Additional Pay may have more than one row of employee data that the system needs to read to determine whether data changed. You would pull all rows of data and write them to multiple rows on the payroll system data file.


    (SSN, Ded Code, Ded Amount)






    (SSN, Pay Code, Pay Amount)




  • Multi Recs to Single Defn Rec (multiple records to single definition record)

    Data is pulled from a PeopleSoft record that may have multiple records (or rows) of information to a single payroll system record (or row) of information.

    Example: Direct Deposit may have more than one row of employee data that the system needs to read in order to determine whether the data changed. You would want to pull all rows of data from PeopleSoft and write them to one row on the payroll system data file.


    (SSN, Trans/ABA, Account #, Account Type, Amount)


  • Single Rec to Single Defn Rec (single record to single definition record)

    Data is pulled from a single PeopleSoft record (or row) and put in a single payroll system record (or row) of information.


    (Name, Address, City, Country)

    "Doe,Jane","854 Mill Rd","Anywhere","USA"

Instance ID

Defined on the Instance Table - Interface Instance Table page.

Process ID

Select when a special COBOL process is required to correctly translate or format PeopleSoft values for your payroll system.

Payroll Interface delivers process IDs for several special events. These events set an indicator that can be used later by another special process indicator:

See Reviewing Delivered COBOL Processes for Special Events.

Record Terminated Value and Record Terminated Length

Available for data entry only if the file type selected on the Interface Definition File page is Physical or Logical. Enter a value only if your external payroll system needs a specific value to identify the end of the record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Fields Within a Record

Access the Interface Definition Fields page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Definition Table, Interface Definition Fields).


Use the options in the Fields group box to define, order, and group the individual fields in a record.

Field Sequence (field sequence number) and Field ID

Select to enter a field and its position within the record (field IDs are defined on the Field Definition Table component).

Note. When you set up a transaction and its corresponding stop transaction, the field sequences in both records must match.

Redefine (redefine)

If the field's position in a record is also used by a subsequent field for a different purpose, use this check box to select the secondary field for later use. The secondary field must immediately follow the first definition with this position in the record.

Start Position, Field Length, and Field1 Name

Calculated from the Interface Field Table.

For physical files, the starting position and field length can be used to validate that the length of the fields has been set in the correct layout.

Convert Case

Used for ASCII files only. Select to override the case default for a field.

Reverse Sign

Select if the field is signed numeric type and the payroll system requires that the sign be reversed.

Key Field

Select from the following values:

  • None: Indicates a data-only field.

    Non Key: Indicates a non-key field.

  • Record: Defines a field as a primary record key. The system formats only one record per employee.

    Note. To make a field a record key, every key value in every row above the field must also be defined as a record key. The system delivers a COBOL error message if you order the key field in a manner such as Non Key, Record, and Non Key.

  • Occurrence: Defines a field as an occurrence key. Occurrence key processing allows multiple records to be formatted.

    See Working with Key Fields.

  • Effdt: Defines a field as an effective-date key. An effective-date key is special type of occurrence key. In addition to occurrence key functionality, further processing eliminates redundant information.

    See Working with Key Fields.

  • Company: If a field is defined as Company and the value on the System Table, Interface System Table 1 page - Process Filter field is set to Company, the system activates a filtering mechanism. Only rows with a Company value matching the processing company (the company tied to the run ID) are formatted and passed to the interface.

    See Working with Company Filtering.

Group ID

Select to indicate that the field belongs to a group of fields. All fields in the record with the same group ID are exported or imported together (if a data change occurs to one field in the group, all fields in the group are exported).

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Group Table

To set up the Group Table, use the Group Table (INTRFC_GROUP) component.

This section provides an overview of the Group Table and discusses how to set up group IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Group Table

Use the Group Table component to define a group ID. Group IDs are used to group two or more fields for export or import:

Note. The import group ID can associate an additional field and value for the PeopleSoft import table. This allows a record position in the import file to be translated to a key value in the PeopleSoft import table.

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Definition Name



Interface Group Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Group Table, Interface Group Table

Set up group IDs that identify multiple fields to be imported or exported together.

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Access the Interface Group Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Group Table, Interface Group Table).

Process Type

Select to enter the Payroll Interface process, either export or import.

For export processing, a group ID is used to identify multiple fields that must be exported together when data changes in any field in the group.

For import processing, a group ID identifies multiple fields that correspond to one row in the PI Check Table or the PI Balance Table. The PI Check Table and PI Balance Table are populated when you import data by way of Payroll Interface from your third-party payroll service.

Note. The import group ID can associate an additional field and value for the PeopleSoft import table. This allows a record position in the import file to be translated to a key value in the PeopleSoft import table.

PeopleSoft Record Name and PeopleSoft Field1 Name

Available for process type import. Select to define the PeopleSoft record and field where the import data is inserted. This allows translation of a record position in the import file to a key value in the PeopleSoft table.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Instance Table

To set up the Instance Table, use the Instance Table (INTRFC_INSTANCE) component.

This section provides an overview of the Instance Table and discusses how to set up instance IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Instance Table

Use the Instance Table component to define instance IDs that act as filters and process records (row instances) or fields (field instances) based on specific data values.

Instance IDs work like a dynamic Where clause and can be assigned to:

See Working with Transactions.

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Interface Instance Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Instance Table, Interface Instance Table

Set up instance IDs to filter PeopleSoft data that is mapped to Payroll Interface fields or records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Instance IDs

Access the Interface Instance Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Instance Table, Interface Instance Table).


Instance Indicator

Select either:

  • Value: Controls selection according to the value in a field. Deduction Class is an example. The specified values indicate which condition must be met for the system to select data for processing.

    Note. Use the word ZERO to specify that the value should be compared to the number 0.

  • Ordinal: Controls selection according to the occurrence of data or entry within a table. For example, in PeopleSoft, an employee can have several entries within the Direct Deposit Distribution Table. An ordinal instance type tells Payroll Interface which occurrence or row of data within the PeopleSoft record to select for export.

PeopleSoft Record Name and PeopleSoft Field1 Name

Select to identify the PeopleSoft record and PeopleSoft field that are tested against the specified values.

Include Exclude Indicator

Select to include or exclude the value when it matches the condition that you specified.

Instance Information


Select to indicate which occurrence or entry in the PeopleSoft record to use for processing. The sequence order is dictated by the select order on the primary PeopleSoft table used to define the interface ID field or record.

When using an ordinal instance type, Payroll Interface selects only the occurrence that corresponds to the row number from the PeopleSoft record defined for export.

Field1 Value

Select to indicate a value to use during processing.

To create an instance ID based on the value of zero, use the literal value ZERO instead of 0.

To create an instance ID based on the value of space, use the literal value SPACE instead of pressing the space bar.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Process Table

To set up the Process Table, use the Process Table (INTRFC_PROCESS) component.

This section provides an overview of the Process Table and discusses how to set up a COBOL process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Process Table

Use the Process Table component to access the COBOL processes that are delivered with Payroll Interface. These processes enable transaction processing or other types of processing such as data translation or data formatting.

You can add your own COBOL routines to the system. You can also document and control which user exit program is called for any process that you define and describe any changes that you make to the provided processes.

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Interface Process Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Process Table, Interface Process Table

Set up a COBOL process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a COBOL Process

Access the Interface Process Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Process Table, Interface Process Table).

Process Details

Process ID

Select the process ID for one of the delivered COBOL processes or enter a process ID for your own COBOL routine.

See Reviewing Delivered COBOL Processes.

If you create your own COBOL routine, you must set up a process ID for the routine using this page.

See Creating COBOL Routines.

PI Process Phase

Select to identify when the system runs the COBOL process. A process phase is hard-coded into each COBOL process that is delivered with Payroll Interface; if you change the process phase, you must also modify the COBOL process.

A process ID can have more than one PI process phase attached to it. The following are translate values for PI process phase:

  • After Field Translation

  • Before Field Translation

  • Export File Creation

  • Import Processing

  • Record Processing


Select to indicate whether the process applies to a record or a field.

User Defined Process

Select if the process is one that you have defined or it is delivered with this turned on.

User Exit Program

If User Defined Process is selected, select to specify the name of the user-defined program that will transfer the control to run the process. A value of space characters indicates a common routine (PIPSPRCS) that is delivered with the Payroll Interface system.

Returned Values

Returned Value

Applies only when the value for the PI Process Phase field is Before Field Translation.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the File Handle Table

To set up the File Handle table, use the File Handle Table (INTRFC_FILEHANDLE) component.

This section provides an overview of the File Handle Table and discusses how to assign file handles to external files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the File Handle Table

Use the File Handle Table component to define file handles that identify the export or import files and their physical location on the computer system. File handles are connected to the file IDs, which are set up using the Definition Table component.

This diagram shows the relationship between file IDs and file handles:

Relationship between file IDs and file handles

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Interface File Handle Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, File Handle Table, Interface File Handle Table

Assign a handle to each external file that is imported or exported.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning File Handles to External Files

Access the Interface File Handle Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, File Handle Table, Interface File Handle Table).

File Handle

Select to enter any combination of two-digit alphanumeric characters, regardless of the external file's format. Each file handle number should be assigned a unique process type (export or import).

File Name

Select to enter the exact path and file name that corresponds to the file handle's location. Be sure to use the appropriate syntax for your operating system (Windows-based, Unix-based, and so on).

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Configuration Table

To set up the Configuration table, use the Configuration Table (INTRFC_CONFIG) component.

This section provides an overview of the Configuration Table and discusses how to set up configuration IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Configuration Table

Use the Configuration Table component to define a configuration ID. The configuration ID is the connection mechanism that joins PeopleSoft HCM to the third-party payroll system and enables the exchange of data.

This diagram shows that the configuration ID connects the file ID to the file handle:

Connecting to the export file

This diagram shows that the configuration ID also connects the PeopleSoft HCM pay group to the third-party payroll system:

Connecting the pay group to the third-party payroll system

Note. The configuration ID is entered on the Pay Group Table - Definition page, PI Configuration ID field and is used to identify the payroll system and the interface files that apply to the pay groups.

See Also

Setting Up Payroll Schedules

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Interface Configuration Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Configuration Table, Interface Configuration Table

Set up configuration IDs and link file IDs to file handles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Configuration IDs

Access the Interface Configuration Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Interface Controls, Configuration Table, Interface Configuration Table).

System ID

Select to identify the system ID for the third-party payroll system.

File IDs

Use the options in the File IDs group box to link file IDs to file handles.

File ID and File Handle

Select to identify the export file or import file and to specify each file's handle as defined using the File Handle Table component.