Creates a new FilterCompare object.

Namespace: Endeca.Navigation.Analytics
Assembly: Endeca.Navigation (in Endeca.Navigation.dll) Version: (


public FilterCompare(
	string fieldName,
	FilterCompare..::..FilterCompareOp function,
	string val
Visual Basic
Public Sub New ( _
	fieldName As String, _
	function As FilterCompare..::..FilterCompareOp, _
	val As String _
Visual C++
	String^ fieldName, 
	FilterCompare..::..FilterCompareOp^ function, 
	String^ val


Type: System..::..String
The name of an Endeca property or dimension. The value of fieldName will be compared to the literal value of val. Note that this value is ignored for the DVAL function.
Type: Endeca.Navigation.Analytics..::..FilterCompare..::..FilterCompareOp
A comparison function of type FilterCompare..::..FilterCompareOp. See the Function property for a list of the comparison function names.
Type: System..::..String
A literal value to be compared to the value of fieldName. For the FilterCompare.DVAL function, this value specifies the ID of a dimension value.

Note that this value is ignored for the FilterCompare.IS_NULL and FilterCompare.IS_NOT_NULL functions.


The FilterCompare compares the value for the Endeca property or dimension fieldName to the value specified by val using the function specified by function.

The filter evaluates to true for a given record if the specified comparison function evaluates to true when applied to the value for fieldName from the record (lhs) and the specified val (rhs). For example, if fieldName is "Price" and the record has a Price of 1.00, and the function is FilterCompare.LT and val is 2.00, then the filter would evaluate to true.

See Also