Gets the count of records beneath this dimension value, for the current navigation state.

Namespace:  Endeca.Data
Assembly:  Endeca.Data (in Endeca.Data.dll) Version: (


public Nullable<long> RecordCount { get; set; }
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Property RecordCount As Nullable(Of Long)
Visual C++
property Nullable<long long> RecordCount {
	Nullable<long long> get ();
	void set (Nullable<long long> value);

Field Value

The record count for this DimensionValue, or null if refinement statistics are not enabled in Developer Studio for the dimension containing this dimension value.


The record count is the number of records that would be returned if this dimension value was added to the current navigation state by a call to SelectDimensionValue(DimensionValue).

If not null, this value is same as the value of the DGraph.Bins property.

See Also