Content Acquisition System Web Service Stubs 3.2.2

Package com.endeca.itl.cas

Interface Summary

Class Summary
BaseConfig A Base Config allows a client to specify information that doesn't relate to specific modules for a particular crawl run.
ComparableValueFilter ComparableValueFilter is an abstract type that specifies the comparison operator to apply to a particular property.
ContentSourceConfig Content Source Config allow a client to specify information about the systems from which content is fetched in a particular crawl run.
CrawlConfig A CrawlConfig contains all information required for specifying the configuration of a crawl.
CrawlId This is a unique identifier for a particular crawl task.
CrawlValidationError CrawlValidationError contains information about one of the errors that may have been encountered when validating the configuration of a crawl.
CreateCrawl CreateCrawl holds the parameters to be passed as part of a createCrawl request.
CreateCrawlResponse CreateCrawlResponse holds the (empty) response of the service to a createCrawl request.
DateFilter DateFilter is a comparison filter that specifies the value (as a dateTime) to be compared against.
DeleteCrawl DeleteCrawl holds the parameters to be passed as part of a deleteCrawl request.
DeleteCrawlResponse DeleteCrawlResponse holds the (empty) response of the service to a deleteCrawl request.
FilePath A FilePath object represents a file path, for log files and such.
Filter Filter is a filter that is applied to a particular property of a record.
GetCrawlConfig GetCrawlConfig holds the parameters to be passed as part of a getCrawlConfig request.
GetCrawlConfigResponse GetCrawlConfigResponse holds the response of the service to a getCrawlConfig request: returns the configuration for the specified crawl.
GetMetrics GetMetrics holds the parameters to be passed as part of a getMetrics request: the ID of the crawl to be queried is required.
GetMetricsResponse GetMetricsResponse holds the response of the service to a getMetrics request: returns a list of metrics for the specified crawl.
GetServerInfo GetServerInfo holds the parameters to be passed as part of a getServerInfo request: there are none.
GetServerInfoResponse GetServerInfoResponse holds the list of name-value properties returned by the server
GetStatus GetStatus holds the parameters to be passed as part of a getStatus request: the ID of the crawl to be queried is required.
GetStatusResponse GetStatusResponse holds the response of the service to a getStatus request: returns the status enumeration for the specified crawl.
ListContentSources ListContentSources holds the parameters to be passed as part of a listContentSources request: there are none.
ListContentSourcesResponse ListContentSourceResponse holds the list of source ID values returned in response to a listContentSources request.
ListCrawls ListCrawls holds the parameters to be passed as part of a listCrawls request: there are none.
ListCrawlsResponse ListCrawlResponse holds the list of crawl ID values returned in response to a listCrawls request.
LongFilter LongFilter is a comparison filter that specifies the value (as a long) to be compared against.
Metric A Metric is a key-value pair that holds the value of a particular metric.
MetricCrawlMode A MetricCrawlMode extends the abstract Metric class by adding a CrawlMode enumeration value.
MetricCrawlState A MetricCrawlStatus extends the abstract Metric class by adding a CrawlStatus enumeration value.
MetricDate A MetricDate extends the abstract Metric class by adding a long value.
MetricLong A MetricLong extends the abstract Metric class by adding a long value.
MetricString A MetricString extends the abstract Metric class by adding a string value.
ModuleId This is a unique identifier for a particular repository source or output destination.
ModuleProperty A ModuleProperty is a key-value pair used to provide configuration information about a particular module (such as a content source or output destination).
OutputConfig Output Config allow a client to specify information about the destination to which content is written in a particular crawl run.
Property A Property is a key-value pair used to provide configuration information about the server or a particular module (such as a content source).
RegexFilter RegexFilter is a filter that applies a regular expression to a particular property.
Seed A Seed object represents a starting point for defining a crawl.
SourceConfig Source Config allow a client to specify information about the source for a particular crawl run, including what items to include and exclude and a list of seeds.
StartCrawl StartCrawl holds the Parameters to be passed as part of a startCrawl request.
StartCrawlResponse StartCrawlResponse holds the (empty) response of the service to a startCrawl request.
Status Status stores the state of the crawler, using the crawler state enumeration.
StopCrawl StopCrawl holds the parameters to be passed as part of a stopCrawl request.
StopCrawlResponse StopCrawlResponse holds the (empty) response of the service to a stopCrawl request.
TextExtractionConfig Text extraction Config allow a client to specify extraction-specific parameters to override default values.
UpdateCrawl UpdateCrawl holds the parameters to be passed as part of a updateCrawl request: the ID of the crawl to be updated is required, as is the new configuration to be used by that crawl.
UpdateCrawlResponse UpdateCrawlResponse holds the (empty) response of the service to a updateCrawl request.
WildcardFilter WildcardFilter is a filter that applies a wildcard to a particular property.

Exception Summary
CrawlAlreadyExistsFault CrawlAlreadyExistsFault is returned when creating a crawl that already exists.
CrawlInProgressFault CrawlInProgressFault is returned when crawl is unexpectedly in progress.
CrawlNotFoundFault CrawlNotFoundFault is returned when requested crawl was not found.
InvalidCrawlConfigFault InvalidCrawlConfigFault is returned when a crawl configuration is found not to be valid.
ItlFault Base class for all faults returned by the service.

Content Acquisition System Web Service Stubs 3.2.2

Copyright © 2006, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
PRODUCT: Content Acquisition System Web Service Stubs (casStubs)
VERSION: 3.2.2
ARCH_OS: n/a
DATE:    2012-02-28T13:13:19-0500