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Public Member Functions
EMDefaultStyleSheet Class Reference

Inherited by EMDefaultStyleSheetIPad.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(TTStyle *) - tableViewButton:
(UIImage *) - radioButtonUnselected
(UIImage *) - radioButtonSelected
(UIColor *) - formTextColor
(UIColor *) - featuredLabelColor
(UIColor *) - labelColor
(UIColor *) - salePriceLabelColor
(UIColor *) - priceLabelColor
(UIColor *) - tableBackgroundColor
(UIColor *) - tableCellHighlightColor
(UIColor *) - tableSeparatorColor
(UIColor *) - tableLabelColor
(UIColor *) - tableLabelShadowColor
(CGSize) - tableLabelShadowOffset
(UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle) - tableActivityIndicatorViewStyle
(UIColor *) - oddRowColor
(UIColor *) - evenRowColor
(UIColor *) - sortBarTintColor
(UIColor *) - linkTextColorDisabled
(UIColor *) - baseColor
(UIColor *) - lighterBaseColor
(UIColor *) - darkerBaseColor
(TTView *) - selectedBackgroundViewPlain
(TTView *) - selectedBackgroundViewGrouped
(TTView *) - selectedBackgroundViewGroupedTop
(TTView *) - selectedBackgroundViewGroupedBottom
(TTView *) - selectedBackgroundViewGroupedTopBottom
(NSString *) - facetValueSeparator
(UIColor *) - facetControllerBackgroundColor
(TTActivityLabelStyle) - facetControllerLoadingStyle
(UIColor *) - facetValueColor
(UIColor *) - facetValueCountColor
(UIImage *) - multiOrFacetValueUnchecked
(UIImage *) - multiOrFacetValueChecked
(UIColor *) - facetHeaderTextColor
(UIColor *) - facetHeaderHighlightedTextColor
(UIImage *) - facetResultExanded
(UIImage *) - facetResultCollapsed
(TTStyle *) - styleForFacetHeaderBackgroundView
(TTStyle *) - styleForFacetHeaderSelectedBackgroundView
(TTStyle *) - styleForFacetHeaderBackgroundViewPlain
(TTStyle *) - styleForFacetHeaderSelectedBackgroundViewPlain
(TTStyle *) - clearFacetsButton:
(TTStyle *) - clearFacetsButtonPlain:
(BOOL) - displayBreadcrumbsInListView
(UIImageView *) - breadcrumbCellAccessoryView
(UIColor *) - mainSearchBarTintColor
(UIColor *) - mainSearchBarHighlightColor
(TTStyle *) - mainSearchBar
(UIColor *) - navSearchBarTintColor
(UIColor *) - navSearchBarHighlightColor
(TTStyle *) - navSearchBar
(TTStyle *) - navSearchTextField
(TTStyle *) - starFillStyle
(CGSize) - starSize
(UIImage *) - fullStarImage
(UIImage *) - halfStarImage
(UIImage *) - emptyStarImage
(TTStyle *) - fullStarStyle
(TTStyle *) - halfStarStyle
(TTStyle *) - emptyStarStyle
(UIColor *) - productListBrandColor
(UIColor *) - productListTitleColor
(UIColor *) - productListPriceColor
(UIColor *) - productDetailFourLineTitleColor
(UIColor *) - productDetailFourLineDescriptionColor
(UIColor *) - productDetailSingleLineColor
(UIColor *) - productDetailSingleLineValue2Color
(UIImage *) - pinImage
(UIImage *) - selectedPinImage
(CGPoint) - pinCenterOffset
(CGPoint) - pinCalloutOffset
(UIColor *) - pinTextColor
(UIColor *) - selectedPinTextColor
(UIImage *) - storeLocatorLogoImage

Member Function Documentation

- (NSString *) facetValueSeparator


Search Bar

- (UIImage *) pinImage

Store Locator

Product Detail

- (TTStyle *) starFillStyle


The table label is used for the "Loading...", for the "No Results Found", and for the various error messages

- (TTStyle *) tableViewButton: (UIControlState)  state


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