Class SearchMetaInfoAbstraction

  extended by

public final class SearchMetaInfoAbstraction
extends java.lang.Object

The SearchMetaInfoAbstractionPlugin retrieves information related to any searches that have been done (for instance, spell-correction, terms and keys searched on, etc.) It adds its data to the AbstractedResults object, under the key "Search Info". If no search information is relevant to the current navigation/search state, this key will not exist.

All information added to the AbstractedResult object by the SearchMetaInfoAbstractionPlugin is contained within one master hash. This hash is keyed by the name of each search key (e.g. search interface) that was searched against. Each value in it is itself a hash. (This hash is roughly equivalent to the search reports returned by the Endeca API.)

For each of the hashes within each search key, the following keys are available:

Search Termcontains a string representation of the search term(s) sent in for that search
Spell Correctioncontains an array of applied spelling corrections. Each spelling correction in the array is a hash containing the following keys:
New Termindicating what the term was corrected to
AutoPhrasingcontaining a boolean indicating whether autophrasing was used
Spell Correctioncontaining a boolean indicating whether the term was spell-corrected
DYM Informationcontains an array of suggested "did you mean" corrections. Each suggestion in the array is a hash containing the following keys:
New Termindicating what the term was corrected to
AutoPhrasingcontaining a boolean indicating whether autophrasing was used
Spell Correctioncontaining a boolean indicating whether the term was spell-corrected
Number of Resultscontaining a number identifying how many results will match if this suggestion is used in a search
Pivot Linkcontaining link to the search results page for the suggested term

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.util.HashMap abstractifySearchMetaInfo(com.endeca.navigation.Navigation mNavigation)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SearchMetaInfoAbstraction()
Method Detail


public static java.util.HashMap abstractifySearchMetaInfo(com.endeca.navigation.Navigation mNavigation)