Navigation Tags
Tag horizontalrowcontainermenu

This tag generates HTML for dynamic horizontal menus - where the content of a menu is displayed in a row shared by multiple tabs.

In addition to generating the HTML for the tabs, it also defines necessary javascript functions that are shared between multiple instances of this tag. Customization of the generated tabs, such as custom stylesheets and images, are supported through attributes.

This tag is a display tag which only accepts horizontalrowtab or equivalent data tags as data.

Tag Information
Tag Namehorizontalrowcontainermenu
Related Child Tag(s)horizontalrowtab

NameTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
tabsvarstringtruenullThe ID for this set of horizontal tabs. A horizontalrowtab displayed in this container must define the CONTAINERVAR attribute as this ID.
defaulttabiconstringfalseportal/public/img/icon_community.gifAn icon on the image server with path from the image base URL. For example, portal/public/img/icon_community.gif. The default image is icon_community.gif.
tabonstylestringfalseNavTabOnBgThe style class used on the active tab table cell .Default style class is NavTabOnBg
taboffstylestringfalseNavTabOffBgThe style class used on the unactivated tab table cell .The default style class is NavTabOffBg

Copyright 2005 Plumtree Software, Inc.