Portlet Page Editor Tags for Adaptive Layout
Tag addportletsflyoutdata

URL to add Portlet Flyout Editor on MyPages or Community pages. (The flyout editor allows users to add and remove portlets from the current page.)

Tag Information
Tag Nameaddportletsflyoutdata

NameTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
sortpropsstringfalseN/AThe name of the data variable with list of supported sort properties for portlet search result.
propscopestringfalseportlet requestThe scope of the portlet sort properties, portlet request by default.
idstringtruenullThe name of the variable in memory where the PTURL DO data created by this tag is stored. Specify this ID in the data attribute (most commonly the DATAVAR attribute) for any display tag consuming PTURL DO data. Multiple data tags can share the same ID, in which case they are added to a list in the order they were processed.
scopestringfalseportlet requestThe scope used to store the data. See the Logic tag library for a list of all available scopes.
maxresultcolumnsintfalse3The maximum number of columns used to display results. Used to make sure the search results divide evenly by the number of columns. Also used in browse mode if there are no subfolders to display.

Copyright 2005 Plumtree Software, Inc.