Portlet Page Editor Tags for Adaptive Layout
Tag objectrenamehelper

Provides a rename div around the requested object name.

Tag Information
Tag Nameobjectrenamehelper

NameTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
objectidstringtruenullThe object ID of the object to rename.
objectnamestringtruenullThe current name of the object to rename.
classidstringtruenullThe class ID of the object to rename.
renamejsstringfalsePTCommonOpener.showRenameFieldThe optional prefix of the javascript rename function.
savejsstringfalsePTCommonOpener.renamePTObjectThe optional prefix of the javascript save function.
in_prefixstringfalser_textThe optional prefix of the input text.
span_prefixstringfalser_spanThe optional prefix of the text span.
edit_prefixstringfalser_editThe optional prefix of the edit div.
show_prefixstringfalser_showThe optional prefix of the show div.

Copyright 2005 Plumtree Software, Inc.