Portlet Page Editor Tags for Adaptive Layout
Tag portletbrowsemode

Displays the javaScript required to switch to browse mode. The current community's folder can be opened directly by using -1 as the id argument.These tags are only available on the Portlet Selection layout, which applies to the DHTML flyout for adding portlets to a page.

<pt:portletpageeditor.portletbrowsemode pt:openFolder='openFolder' pt:flyoutID='flyoutControl'/>

Tag Information
Tag Nameportletbrowsemode

NameTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
openFolderstringfalseopenFolderUsed to insert a javascript function to open a subfolder. The function has one argument: the folder ID.
flyoutIDstringtruenullSpecifies the ID of the div that will have the flyout effect.
idstringfalseN/AThe name of the variable in memory where the browse mode flag will be stored. If this attribute is not present, then the flag will not be stored.
scopestringfalseportlet requestThe scope used to store the data. See the Logic tag library for a list of all available scopes.

Copyright 2005 Plumtree Software, Inc.