WCI Data Tags
Tag currprofiledata

Creates a single data collection with information about the current User Profile.

The data collection is set in the specified Tag variable. By default, data tags store data collections in a list, even for a single collection. Data tags do not replace data in a Tag variable if something is stored there already but they append their new data to the existing data instead. Assembling a list of data from multiple data tags is done by specifying the data tags to use the same Tag variable. The downside with data collections stored in lists is that a single data collection is not directly referenceable using the '$' syntax. Instead of using a foreach tag to iterate over the list for a single data collection, use the 'noarray' attribute. See description for this Tag library for example.

Nothing is set in the Tag variable if this tag is not used on a User Profile page.
Note, this tag displays information about the user who's profile is being viewed; not the logged-in user.

A data collection is a bag of "properties": name/value pairs where values are typically Strings. When assigned in tag variables, data collections and their properties are accessible in tag attributes through a special syntax: ${tag variable name}.{property name}

Example:   <pt:logic.value pt:value="$mytag.nameproperty" />

When the tag framework executes the tags, the expression is replaced with the property value in the data collection. See description of ptdata tag library for more information and examples of tag collections.

Data properties
This data collection contains the following data properties:

fullname, email, imuser, phone, employeeid, department, title, zipcode, manager, _profileuserid, _profileusername, _profiledescription, _profileloginname, _profileuniquename, _profileauthname, accessingfromintranet, hostpagequerystring
Note that not all UserInfo properties are set for every user.

Tag Information
Tag Namecurrprofiledata

NameTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
keystringtruenullThe name of the tag variable the profile data collection is stored.
scopestringfalseportlet requestThe scope used to store the data. See Tagdoc for the logic tag library for a list of all available scopes.

Copyright 2005 Plumtree Software, Inc.