WebCenter Interation (WCI) UI Tags
Tag login

This tag displays a Login / Logout link to the Plumtree login page depending on the current state of the user. I.E. A logged in user will see the Logout link, while a user who has not yet logged in will see the Login link. If this tag is used as a singleton tag (I.E. <pt:ptui.login/>), rather than as a tag requiring both opening and closing tags, then the link string text will be placed within the generated Anchor tag, otherwise the HTML inside the tag will be used.

Tag Information
Tag Namelogin

NameTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
redirectstringfalseN/AThis attribute specifies an URL to be redirected to after login, instead of the standard MyHome page.
usebaseurlbooleanfalsetrueThis attribute specifies whether or not the portal base URL (up to "server.pt?") should be prepended to the redirect URL, if one is present.
usespanbooleanfalsetrueThis attribute controls whether or not this tag wraps the output in a span with an ID of either pt-login-link or pt-logoff-linkfor use in DHTML manipulation, or just displays the text.

Copyright 2005 Plumtree Software, Inc.