Standard Tags
Tag openerlink

The pt:openerLink tag creates a link that can open or view an object (or properties of an object) that already exists within the portal.

For example, the code below is transformed into a link that brings users to a specific page within a Community.

<pt:standard.openerlink pt:objectid="219" pt:classid="514" pt:mode="2" target="myWindow" onclick="'','myWindow','height=800,width=700,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no, location=no');">view community page</pt:standard.openerlink>

Tag Information
Tag Nameopenerlink

NameTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
objectidinttruenullThe ID of the portal object referenced in the Class ID attribute (i.e., the User or Community ID). To access the object ID, use the PRC.
classidinttruenullThe portal object type (class ID).
modeinttruenullThe action of the link (Opener mode). 1 = Open, 2 = View, 3 =ViewMeta.

Copyright 2005 Plumtree Software, Inc.