Standard Tags
Tag treeurl

This tag outputs a URL to a tree that allows users to select options from a structured list of Plumtree objects. This URL is suitable for use in JavaScript.

This tag does not display the contents of the tag and should only be used as a singleton tag (i.e. <pt:standard.treeurl/>), rather than as a tag with both an open and close tag.

The code below creates a URL to a tree that can be used to select a user. See the DevCenter documentation for more details.

<pt:standard.treeurl pt:RootID="1" pt:Multi="false" pt:SelectMd="2" pt:SubmitMd="2" pt:Submit="PickerSubmit" pt:Title="User" pt:SubTitle="Pick a user" pt:Class="1"/>

Tag Information
Tag Nametreeurl

No Attributes Defined.

Copyright 2005 Plumtree Software, Inc.