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Oracle Solaris Cluster Software Installation Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1
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Document Information


1.  Planning the Oracle Solaris Cluster Configuration

2.  Installing Software on Global-Cluster Nodes

3.  Establishing the Global Cluster

4.  Configuring Solaris Volume Manager Software

5.  Creating a Cluster File System

6.  Creating Zone Clusters

7.  Uninstalling Software From the Cluster

Uninstalling the Software

How to Unconfigure Oracle Solaris Cluster Software to Correct Installation Problems

How to Uninstall Oracle Solaris Cluster Quorum Server Software

How to Unconfigure a Zone Cluster

How to Uninstall the Availability Suite Feature of Oracle Solaris 11


Uninstalling the Software

This section provides the following procedures to uninstall or remove certain software products from a global cluster.

How to Unconfigure Oracle Solaris Cluster Software to Correct Installation Problems

Perform this procedure if the installed node cannot join the cluster or if you need to correct configuration information. For example, perform this procedure on all nodes to reconfigure the transport adapters or the private-network address.

Note - If the node has already joined the cluster and is no longer in installation mode, as described in Step 2 of How to Verify the Quorum Configuration and Installation Mode, do not perform this procedure. Instead, go to How to Uninstall Oracle Solaris Cluster Software From a Cluster Node in Oracle Solaris Cluster System Administration Guide.

Before You Begin

Attempt to rerun cluster configuration of the node by using the scinstall utility. You can correct certain cluster node configuration failures by repeating Oracle Solaris Cluster software configuration on the node.

  1. Add to the cluster's node-authentication list each node that you intend to unconfigure.

    If you are unconfiguring a single-node cluster, skip to Step 2.

    1. On an active cluster member other than the node that you are unconfiguring, assume the root role.
    2. Specify the name of the node to add to the authentication list.
      phys-schost# /usr/cluster/bin/claccess allow -h nodename
      -h nodename

      Specifies the name of the node to add to the authentication list.

      You can also use the clsetup utility to perform this task. See How to Add a Node to an Existing Cluster in Oracle Solaris Cluster System Administration Guide for procedures.

  2. On a node that you intend to unconfigure, assume the root role.
  3. Shut down the node.
    phys-schost# shutdown -g0 -y -i0
  4. Reboot the node into noncluster mode.
    • SPARC:
      ok boot -x
    • x86:
      1. In the GRUB menu, use the arrow keys to select the appropriate Oracle Solaris entry and type e to edit its commands.

        For more information about GRUB based booting, see Booting a System in Booting and Shutting Down Oracle Solaris 11.1 Systems.

      2. In the boot parameters screen, use the arrow keys to select the kernel entry and type e to edit the entry.
      3. Add -x to the command to specify that the system boot into noncluster mode.
      4. Press Enter to accept the change and return to the boot parameters screen.

        The screen displays the edited command.

      5. Type b to boot the node into noncluster mode.

        Note - This change to the kernel boot parameter command does not persist over the system boot. The next time you reboot the node, it will boot into cluster mode. To boot into noncluster mode instead, perform these steps to again add the -x option to the kernel boot parameter command.

  5. Change to a directory, such as the root (/) directory, that does not contain any files that are delivered by the Oracle Solaris Cluster packages.
    phys-schost# cd /
  6. Remove the node from the cluster configuration.
    • To unconfigure the node but leave Oracle Solaris Cluster software installed, run the following command:
      phys-schost# /usr/cluster/bin/clnode remove

      The node is removed from the cluster configuration but Oracle Solaris Cluster software is not removed from the node.

      See the clnode(1CL) man page for more information.

    • To unconfigure the node and also remove Oracle Solaris Cluster software, run the following command:
      phys-schost# /usr/cluster/bin/scinstall -r [-b BE-name]

      Removes cluster configuration information and uninstalls Oracle Solaris Cluster framework and data-service software from the cluster node. You can then reinstall the node or remove the node from the cluster.

      -b BE-name

      Specifies the name of a new boot environment, which is where you boot into after the uninstall process completes. Specifying a name is optional. If you do not specify a name for the boot environment, one is automatically generated.

      See the scinstall(1M) man page for more information.

  7. Repeat Step 2 through Step 6 for each additional node to unconfigure.


If the cluster node that you are removing is at least partially configured with the cluster, running the clnode remove command might exit with errors such as Node is still enabled. If such errors occur, add the -F option to the clnode remove command.

Next Steps

Before you reinstall or reconfigure Oracle Solaris Cluster software on the node, refer to Table 2-1. This table lists all installation tasks and the order in which to perform the tasks.

To physically remove the node from the cluster, see How to Remove an Interconnect Component in Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1 Hardware Administration Manual and the removal procedure in the Oracle Solaris Cluster manual for your storage array.

How to Uninstall Oracle Solaris Cluster Quorum Server Software

Before You Begin

Before you uninstall Oracle Solaris Cluster Quorum Server software, ensure that you have completed the following tasks:

  1. Assume the root role on the quorum server host computer to uninstall.

    Alternatively, if your user account is assigned the System Administrator profile, issue commands as nonroot through a profile shell, or prefix the command with the pfexec command.

  2. Uninstall the quorum server software.
    quorumserver# pkg uninstall ha-cluster/group-package/ha-cluster-quorum-server* \
  3. (Optional) Clean up or remove the quorum server directories.

    By default, this directory is /var/scqsd.

How to Unconfigure a Zone Cluster

  1. Assume the root role on a node of the global cluster.

    You perform all steps of this procedure from a node of the global cluster.

  2. Take offline each resource group in the zone cluster and disable its resources.

    Note - The following steps are performed from a global-cluster node. To instead perform these steps from a node of the zone cluster, log in to the zone-cluster node and omit “-Z zone-cluster” from each command.

    1. Take each resource offline.
      phys-schost# clresource offline -Z zone-cluster resource-group
    2. List all enabled resources in the zone cluster.
      phys-schost# clresource show -Z zone-cluster -p Enabled
      === Resources ===
      Resource:                                       resource
        Enabled{nodename1}:                               True
        Enabled{nodename2}:                               True
    3. Identify those resources that depend on other resources.
      phys-schost# clresource show -Z zone-cluster -p resource_dependencies
      === Resources ===
      Resource:                                       node
        Resource_dependencies:                           node

      You must disable dependent resources first before you disable the resources that they depend on.

    4. Disable each enabled resource in the cluster.
      phys-schost# clresource disable -Z zone-cluster resource

      See the clresource(1CL) man page for more information.

    5. Verify that all resources are disabled.
      phys-schost# clresource show -Z zone-cluster -p Enabled
      === Resources ===
      Resource:                                       resource
        Enabled{nodename1}:                               False
        Enabled{nodename2}:                               False
    6. Move each resource group to the unmanaged state.
      phys-schost# clresourcegroup unmanage -Z zone-cluster resource-group
    7. Verify that all resources on all nodes are Offline and that all resource groups are in the Unmanaged state.
      phys-schost# cluster status -Z zone-cluster -t resource,resourcegroup
    8. Delete all resource groups and their resources from the zone cluster.
      phys-schost# clresourcegroup delete -F -Z zone-cluster +
  3. Halt the zone cluster.
    phys-schost# clzonecluster halt zone-cluster-name
  4. Uninstall the zone cluster.
    phys-schost# clzonecluster uninstall zone-cluster-name
  5. Unconfigure the zone cluster.
    phys-schost# clzonecluster delete zone-cluster-name

How to Uninstall the Availability Suite Feature of Oracle Solaris 11

Perform the following steps on each node where you want to uninstall the Availability Suite feature of Oracle Solaris software.

  1. Assume the root role.
  2. Uninstall all Availability Suite feature packages.
    phys-schost# pkg uninstall group/feature/storage-avs \
    storage/avs/avs-cache-management \
    storage/avs/avs-point-in-time-copy \
    storage/avs/avs-remote-mirror \