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Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1
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1.  Introduction to Administering the Geographic Edition Software

Geographic Edition Administration

Geographic Edition Administration Tools

Command-Line Interface

Analyzing the Application for Suitability

2.  Before You Begin

3.  Administering the Geographic Edition Infrastructure

4.  Administering Access and Security

5.  Administering Cluster Partnerships

6.  Administering Heartbeats

7.  Administering Protection Groups

8.  Monitoring and Validating the Geographic Edition Software

9.  Customizing Switchover and Takeover Actions

10.  Script-Based Plug-Ins

A.  Standard Geographic Edition Properties

B.  Legal Names and Values of Geographic Edition Entities

C.  Disaster Recovery Administration Example

D.  Takeover Postconditions

E.  Troubleshooting Geographic Edition Software

F.  Deployment Example: Replicating Data With MySQL

G.  Error Return Codes for Script-Based Plug-Ins


Geographic Edition Administration Tools

You can perform administrative tasks on a cluster that is running Geographic Edition software by using the command-line interface (CLI).

Command-Line Interface

Table 1-1 lists the commands that you can use to administer the Geographic Edition software. For more information about each command, refer to the Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Reference Manual.

Table 1-1 Geographic Edition CLI

Enables or disables the Geographic Edition software on the local cluster and displays the runtime status of the local cluster
Configures and manages the heartbeat mechanism that is provided with the Geographic Edition software
Creates and manages the partnerships between clusters
Configures and manages protection groups