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Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1 |
1. Introduction to Administering the Geographic Edition Software
3. Administering the Geographic Edition Infrastructure
4. Administering Access and Security
5. Administering Cluster Partnerships
7. Administering Protection Groups
8. Monitoring and Validating the Geographic Edition Software
Monitoring the Runtime Status of the Geographic Edition Software
Viewing the Geographic Edition Log Messages
Displaying Configuration Information for Partnerships and Protection Groups
How to Display Configuration Information About Partnerships
How to Display Configuration Information About Protection Groups
9. Customizing Switchover and Takeover Actions
A. Standard Geographic Edition Properties
B. Legal Names and Values of Geographic Edition Entities
C. Disaster Recovery Administration Example
E. Troubleshooting Geographic Edition Software
F. Deployment Example: Replicating Data With MySQL
You can display the current local cluster partnership configuration, including a list of all partnerships that are defined between the local cluster and remote clusters.
You can also display the current configuration of a specific protection group or of all the protection groups that are defined on a cluster.
This section provides the following procedures:
You must be assigned the Basic Solaris User RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Geographic Edition Software and RBAC.
# geops list partnershipname
Specifies the name of the partnership. If you do not specify a partnership, then the geops list command displays information on all partnerships.
For information about the names and values that are supported by Geographic Edition software, see Appendix B, Legal Names and Values of Geographic Edition Entities.
Example 8-1 Displaying Partnership Configuration Information
This example displays configuration information about the partnership between local cluster-paris and remote cluster-newyork.
# geops list paris-newyork-ps
You must be assigned the Basic Solaris User RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Geographic Edition Software and RBAC.
# geopg list [protectiongroupname]
Specifies the name of a protection group.
If you do not specify a protection group, then the command lists information about all the protection groups that are configured on your system.
Example 8-2 Displaying Configuration Information About a Protection Group
This example displays configuration information for avspg, which is configured on cluster-paris.
# geopg list avspg