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Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1
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Document Information


1.  Introduction to Administering the Geographic Edition Software

2.  Before You Begin

3.  Administering the Geographic Edition Infrastructure

4.  Administering Access and Security

5.  Administering Cluster Partnerships

6.  Administering Heartbeats

7.  Administering Protection Groups

8.  Monitoring and Validating the Geographic Edition Software

9.  Customizing Switchover and Takeover Actions

10.  Script-Based Plug-Ins

A.  Standard Geographic Edition Properties

B.  Legal Names and Values of Geographic Edition Entities

C.  Disaster Recovery Administration Example

D.  Takeover Postconditions

E.  Troubleshooting Geographic Edition Software

F.  Deployment Example: Replicating Data With MySQL

Overview of MySQL Replication

MySQL Database Resource Group

MySQL Replication Resource Group

MySQL Application Resource Group

Initial Configuration of MySQL Replication

Installing MySQL and Configuring the MySQL Database Resource Group

How to Configure the MySQL Replication

Configuring the MySQL Application Resource Group

Administering MySQL Protection Groups

Planning for Your MySQL Protection Group

Creating, Modifying, Validating, and Deleting a MySQL Protection Group

How to Create the MySQL Configuration

Modifying a MySQL Protection Group

Validating a MySQL Protection Group

Data Replication Layer Process for Validating the Application Resource Groups and Data Replication Entities

How to Delete a MySQL Protection Group

Administering MySQL Application Resource Groups

How to Add an Application Resource Group to a MySQL Protection Group

How to Delete an Application Resource Group From a MySQL Protection Group

Administering MySQL Data-Replicated Components

How to Add a Data-Replicated Component to a MySQL Protection Group

Data Replication Subsystem Process for Verifying the Replicated Component

How to Modify a MySQL Data-Replicated Component

How to Delete a Data-Replicated Component From a MySQL Protection Group

Replicating a MySQL Protection Group Configuration to a Partner Cluster

Activating and Deactivating a MySQL Protection Group

Activating a MySQL Protection Group

Deactivating a MySQL Protection Group

Resynchronizing a MySQL Protection Group

Recovery Strategy After a Takeover of a MySQL Protection Group

How to Recover After a Takeover

G.  Error Return Codes for Script-Based Plug-Ins


How to Add a Data-Replicated Component to a MySQL Protection Group

A protection group is the container for the application resource groups, which contain data for services that are protected from disaster. The Geographic Edition software protects the data by replicating it from the primary cluster to the secondary cluster. By adding a data-replicated component to a protection group, the software monitors the replication status of a MySQL database. The software also controls the role and state of the database during protection group operations such as start, stop, switchover, and takeover.

Before You Begin

Before you add a replication component to a protection group, ensure that the following conditions are met:

  1. Log in to a cluster node.
  2. Add a data-replicated component to the protection group.

    The following command adds a replication component to a protection group on the local cluster and propagates the new configuration to the partner cluster if the partner cluster contains a protection group with the same name.

    # geopg add-replication-component -p property [-p...]  MySQL-replicated-component protection-group

    In this syntax, -p property specifies the properties of the data-replicated component group. You can specify the following script-based plug-in properties:

    • switchover_args — Specifies the command-line arguments for the switchover script

    • takeover_args — Specifies the command-line arguments for the takeover script

    • start_replication_args — Specifies the command-line arguments for the start_replication script

    • remove_config_args — Specifies the command-line arguments for the remove_configuration script

    • create_config_args — Specifies the command-line arguments for the create_configuration script

    • stop_replication_args — Specifies the command-line arguments for the stop_replication script


    Caution - Make sure that the command-line arguments are the same for all scripts.

    For more information about the properties you can set, see Property Descriptions for Script-Based Plug-Ins.

    Also in this syntax, MySQL-replicated-component specifies the name of the new data-replicated component, and protection-group specifies the name of the protection group that will contain the new data-replicated component.

    For information about the names and values that are supported, see Appendix B, Legal Names and Values of Geographic Edition Entities.

    For more information about the geopg command, refer to the geopg(1M) man page.

    Note - Because the add operation for the replication component is performed during the scripted registration, an example is not provided here.

Data Replication Subsystem Process for Verifying the Replicated Component

During protection group validation, the MySQL data replication layer validates the application resource groups and the data replication entities by verifying that an application resource group in the protection group has its Auto_start_on_new_cluster property set to false.

When you bring a protection group online on the primary cluster, bring the application resources groups participating in that protection group online only on the same primary cluster. Setting the Auto_start_on_new_cluster property to false prevents the Oracle Solaris Cluster resource group manager from automatically starting the application resource groups. In this case, the startup of resource groups is reserved for the Geographic Edition software.

Application resource groups should be online only on the primary cluster when the protection group is activated.

The Mysql geocontrol module supplies a script that is used by the script-based plug-in module. The script entry points require the same set of arguments. These arguments are validated for semantics and completeness. The following validation checks are performed:

When the validation is complete, the Geographic Edition software adds the application resource group to the protection group.

Note - Every entry point of the underlying script-based plug-in has a validation method. In the case of the MySQL replication, all the validation methods are the same.