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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1
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1.  Overview of Resource Management

Oracle Solaris Cluster Application Environment

Resource Group Manager Model

Description of a Resource Type

Description of a Resource

Description of a Resource Group

Resource Group Manager

Callback Methods

Programming Interfaces

Resource Management API

Data Service Development Library

Oracle Solaris Cluster Agent Builder

Resource Group Manager Administrative Interface

clsetup Utility

Administrative Commands

2.  Developing a Data Service

3.  Resource Management API Reference

4.  Modifying a Resource Type

5.  Sample Data Service

6.  Data Service Development Library

7.  Designing Resource Types

8.  Sample DSDL Resource Type Implementation

9.  Oracle Solaris Cluster Agent Builder

10.  Generic Data Service

11.  DSDL API Functions

12.  Cluster Reconfiguration Notification Protocol

13.  Security for Data Services

A.  Sample Data Service Code Listings

B.  DSDL Sample Resource Type Code Listings

C.  Requirements for Non-Cluster-Aware Applications

D.  Document Type Definitions for the CRNP

E. Application


Resource Group Manager Administrative Interface

Oracle Solaris Cluster provides a set of commands for administering a cluster.

clsetup Utility

You can perform most Oracle Solaris Cluster administration tasks interactively with the clsetup(1CL) utility.

You can administer the following Oracle Solaris Cluster elements with the clsetup utility:

You can also perform the following operations with the clsetup utility:

Administrative Commands

The Oracle Solaris Cluster commands for administering RGM objects are clresourcetype, clresourcegroup, clresource, clnode, and cluster.

The clresourcetype, clresourcegroup, and clresource commands enable you to view, create, configure, and delete a resource type, a resource group, and the resource objects that are used by the RGM. These commands are part of the administrative interface for the cluster, but are not designed to be used in the same programming context as the application interface that is described in the rest of this chapter. However, the clresourcetype, clresourcegroup, and clresource commands are the tools for constructing the cluster configuration in which the API operates. Understanding the administrative interface sets the context for understanding the application interface. See the clresourcetype(1CL), clresourcegroup(1CL), and clresource(1CL) man pages for details about the administrative tasks that you can perform with these commands.