Setting Up Advisement Report Types

This chapter provides an overview of academic report types, lists the prerequisite and discusses how to set up advisement report types.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Advisement Report Types

The advisement report is the degree audit report that reflects a student's progress toward graduation. The report is the core function of the Academic Advisement application. The report displays the academic requirements for a student's program of study and indicates whether the student has completed those requirements. The report provides course details about the courses that are available and the courses already taken. It also is an indication of the student's progress. For example, the advisement report shows whether the student has taken a course. It can also show whether the student is enrolled in the course, or plans to take the course.

The advisement reports that appear on the pages called My Academic Requirements are based on advisement report types. If you plan to generate advisement reports using the Request Advisement Report or Generate Advisement Reports components, you must create advisement report types.

If you plan to give individuals access to the My Academic Requirements page, the Add Classes - Search by My Requirements page; the My Planner - Plan by My Requirements page, and the What-If Report - What-if Report Selection page, you must create at least two report types: one for use with the My Academic Requirements page, one for use with the Plan by My Requirements and Search by My Requirements pages (which can be the same as that used with the My Academic Requirements page), and one for the What-if Reports page.

If you plan to use the advisement transcript, and you do not want a degree audit to generate report results for every program status (such as a student's completed program of study), then you must define a report type using the Define Advisement Report component and identify the valid program statuses. The report type name must be the same as that of the respective advisement transcript.

Important! If you are using the Program Guide report types, you do not need to set up advisement report types.

When you define advisement report types, you define attributes for the report. For example, you define whether you want that type of advisement report to display in-progress courses, planned courses, or courses from the shopping cart. You can also set up special advisement report types that reference academic requirement groups with a special requirement usage (other than the Academic Advisement default, which is used for most general advisement requirements). You must also define the careers for which each advisement report type is valid as well as define the valid program statuses.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Advisement Report Types

To set up an advisement report type, use the Define Advisement Report Type component (SAA_RPT_TYPE).

This section lists a prerequisite and discusses how to define advisement report types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Select the Academic Advisement option on the Installation Student Administration page.

See Also

Pages Used to Select Student Administration Installation Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Advisement Report Types

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Advisement Report Type


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Academic Advisement, Define Advisement Report

Identify the type of report, identify the number of reports to keep, define the reports attributes, and identify valid careers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Advisement Report Types

Access the Define Advisement Report Types page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Academic Advisement, Define Advisement Report).

Effective Date

Enter the effective date that determines when this report type is available on the batch and online report request pages.

Descriptionand Formal Description

Enter text in the Description field to use for searching. This text does not appear on the advisement report.

Enter text in the Formal Description field. This text appears at the beginning of the advisement report, and it is used for searching.

Maximum Reports to Keep

Enter the number of report requests that you want to save. The default value is 1.

Institutions can save one or more report requests. Each time you run an advisement report, data used in the audit is sent to a number of results tables. If your institution wants to save more than one report, keep in mind that the results tables will grow quickly.

If you keep only one report, then the next time an advisement report is generated, the results will overwrite the previous results. If, however, you save more than one report for a specific advisement report type, then administrators will see multiple completed reports when they search for report results and they can select from among the saved reports. In self-service, students will be able to select a specific report on the What-If Report – What-If Report Selection page. For example, if you allow two what-if advisement report type requests to be saved, then a student can view either saved report when he visits the What-If Report – What-if Report Selection page.

Regardless of the value in the Maximum Reports to Keep field, the self-service pages of My Academic Requirements and Search by My Requirements will always display the most recent report only.

Report Attributes

Special Advising Report

Select to create an academic advisement report type that references academic requirement groups with a special requirement usage other than the default (Academic Advisement), which is used for most general advising requirements. If you select the Special Advising Report check box, the Requirement Usage field becomes available for entry.

Include In-Progress Courses

Select to include ungraded courses or graded courses with an in-progress type of grade (as defined in the Grading Scheme Table component) in the degree audit. In-progress courses are flagged as such on the advisement report.

Include Planned Courses

Select to include planned course information in the degree audit. Planned courses are flagged as such in the advisement report.

Include What-If Information

Select to include what-if course information in the degree audit. The what-if courses are flagged as such in the advisement report.

Students view what-if reports by accessing the My What-If Report - What-if Report Selection page.

Display Topics in AA Reports (display topics in academic advisement reports)

Select to display topic information on the advisement report. In the My Academic Requirements page, the topic information appears with the course description. In the .pdf view of the advisement report, the topic information appears in the course history section of the report.

Incl Completed Transfer Models (include completed transfer models)

Use this check box primarily with prospects and applicants who have completed transfer models in the system but who have not yet matriculated. Select this check box to include the internal course equivalents (course, test, and other) of a student's completed transfer model in the advising report evaluation. The system does not evaluate courses recorded under completed transfer models that do not match the student's what-if program or current program.

Include Shopping Cart Courses

Select to include courses from the student's shopping cart in the degree audit. The shopping cart courses are flagged as Planned courses on the My Academic Requirements page and as shopping cart courses on the .pdf report.

Requirement Usage

If you select the Special Advising Report check box, the Requirement Usage check box becomes available for entry. Select the usage that identifies the special academic requirement group that you want to evaluate for this report type. For example, you could create a special requirement usage to evaluate satisfactory academic progress or National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) eligibility. The system evaluates special requirement groups only when you run special advisement reports. In this case, you might create a requirement usage of NCAA.

Note. If you selected any of the respective Include In-Progress Courses, Include Planned Courses, Include What-If Information, and Include Shopping Cart Courses check boxes and also defined a Default AA What If Grade (on the Grading Scheme Table page) for a grade basis that matches that of the planned, in-progress, what-if, or shopping cart courses, the system will use that default grade in the degree audit. This value is needed for repeat checking. If no default grade is defined, the audit assumes successful completion of the course for the purpose of satisfying a degree requirement, but it does not perform repeat checking.

Valid Careers

Career Sequence Number

The system populates this field for the first row with a value of 1 and increments each additional row by one. The sequence number indicates a unique row of information and the order in which academic career information appears on the report. For example, if a student is active in two academic careers (undergraduate and graduate), the report type setup shown previously would produce a report wherein the student's undergraduate (Seq Nbr 1) degree audit appears first, followed by the student's graduate (Seq Nbr 2) degree audit. The order in which a student becomes active in a career has no effect on the print order. Career print order is always specified by the report type sequence.

Academic Career

Enter all possible careers that this report type can report. You can insert rows to add more than one career per report type. When you run the request process for this report type, the system generates degree audit information for each career in which the evaluated student is active. For example, if you have specified 10 careers for a single report type and you generate an advisement report for a student who has one career that matches one of the careers specified and another career that does not match, then only the details associated with the matching career will appear. The degree audit information for the non-matching careers will not appear. Academic career values are set up as translate values and are defined on the Academic Career Table page.

Formal Description

Enter a description for the career. This description is not printed on the advisement report; it is only for use by your institution.

Valid Program Statuses

Program Status

Select the program status values that are valid for the report type. Valid values are:

Active in Program - Select to include report results for students whose program status is Active in Program.

Cancelled - Select to include report results for students whose program status is Cancelled.

Completed Program - Select to include report results for students whose program status is Completed.

Deceased - Select to include report results for students whose program status is Deceased.

Discontinued - Select to include report results for students whose program status is Discontinued.

Dismissed - Select to include report results for students whose program status is Dismissed.

Leave of Absence - Select to include report results for students whose program status is Leave of Absence.

Suspended - Select to include report results for students whose program status is Suspended.