Reviewing Installation Setup and System Defaults

This chapter provides an overview of installation setup and system defaults and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Installation Setup and System Defaults

There are several settings on the system's installation pages that you should review before setting up any of the Campus Solutions applications. Specifically, you should review settings that point the system to the applications that you have installed, settings that begin and maintain incremental numbering, and settings that define basic default values throughout the system. It is a good idea to review the country codes and country address formats defined on the installation pages, too. If any of these settings are not correct or do not reflect the institution's design decisions, you could experience problems getting the system to operate properly.

Click to jump to parent topicSelecting General Installation Options

To set up general installation options, use the Installation Table component (INSTALLATION_TBL).

This section discusses how to:

Note. Only the pages that are relevant for Campus Solutions are described here.

See Also

PeopleSoft Human Resources Management System documentation

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Select General Installation Options

Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up HRMS, Install, Installation Table, Products

Select which PeopleSoft applications and application parameters are installed on the system. Ensure that the settings on this page are accurate before using the Campus Solutions system.

Product Specific


Set Up HRMS, Install, Installation Table, Product Specific

Set up product-specific values for Campus Solutions.

Last ID Assigned


Set Up HRMS, Install, Installation Table, Last ID Assigned

Set up ID assignment numbers for Campus Solutions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Installed Applications

Access the Products page (Set Up HRMS, Install, Installation Table, Products).

If the institution has installed only the Campus Solutions application, then clear the Human Resources check box and select the Student Administration check box. If Human Resources is selected but that application is not installed, values set to appear automatically in the Campus Solutions system might not appear, and you could get random error messages as you navigate through the system.

If you installed PeopleSoft Contributor Relations, select the Contributor Relations check box, along with the Student Administration check box.

If the institution has installed both the HRMS and Campus Solutions applications, then select both the Human Resources and Student Administration check boxes. If you have both applications, you might review the other settings to determine if they are set properly for HRMS.

The Campus Self Service product combines a group of self-service applications. These applications are used with Campus Solutions. If you have installed this product or any self-service application, select the appropriate check box here.

Note. When both HRMS and Campus Solutions applications are installed, the Campus Solutions functions take precedence over HRMS. That is, where the two applications have similar features or the same tables, the system points to the Campus Solutions features or tables first.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Product-Specific Values

Access the Product Specific page (Set Up HRMS, Install, Installation Table, Product Specific).

Human Resources

EMPLID Field Length

Define the length of all new IDs created in the system for both people and organizations. The default value is 4 characters but can be changed to a maximum of 11. This value is used to calculate the number of zeros that will precede an ID when the system automatically generates a new ID.

For example, using the default length of 4, a system-generated ID or organization ID will be 0001, 0002, 0003, and so forth. When ID 9999 is generated, the system no longer inserts preceding zeros before the ID number. The next system-generated ID will be 10000.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up ID Numbering

Access the Last ID Assigned page (Set Up HRMS, Install, Installation Table, Last ID Assigned).

Last Employee ID Assigned

Enter the next ID number that you want the system to assign, for both people and organizations, when the system automatically generates IDs.

Click to jump to parent topic(AUS, CAN, JPN, NZL, NLD) Selecting Country-Specific Information

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions applications support specific demographic data for the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Netherlands.

This section discusses how to enter country-specific information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Select Country-Specific Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Country Specific


Set Up HRMS, Install, Installation Table, Country Specific

Enter country-specific installation information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Country-Specific Information

Access the Country Specific page (Set Up HRMS, Install, Installation Table, Country Specific).

Click the Installed HR Countries link to access the Installed HR Countries page, where you can enter which country-specific collapsible sections you want displayed in the system.

See Also

PeopleSoft HRMS Application Fundamentals PeopleBook, "Setting Up Local Country Functionality"

Click to jump to parent topicSelecting Student Administration Installation Options

To set up installation options, use the Student Admin Installation component (INSTALLATION_SA).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Select Student Administration Installation Options

Page Name

Definition Name



Installation Student Admin (Installation Student Administration)


Set Up SACR, Install, Student Admin Installation, Installation Student Admin

Set up or review incremental numbering for items throughout the system.

SA Features


Set Up SACR, Install, Student Admin Installation, SA Features

Turn on country-specific features. Enable the CRM for Higher Education feature.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Student Administration Options

Access the Installation Student Admin page (Set Up SACR, Install, Student Admin Installation, Installation Student Admin).

Auto-Numbering Parameters

Each field on this page is automatically incremented or automatically appears by default throughout the system. Set the last used numbers so that automatic numbering does not create numbers that already exist in the data.

If you want the increments of any of these fields to start at a number other than zero, enter that number on this page before you do anything else in the system.

Note. After you have begun converting or entering data and running processes, you can access this page to determine the last number that was incremented for each of the fields listed, but you should not change the numbers.

Last Course ID Assigned

Displays the last course ID assigned. Used by PeopleSoft Student Records.

Last Equiv Course ID Assigned (last equivalent course ID assigned)

Displays the last equivalent course ID assigned. Used by Student Records.

Last Course Sharing Sequence

Displays the last course sharing sequence. Used by PeopleSoft Academic Advisement.

Last Course List Sequence

Displays the number of the last course list created. Used by Student Records for enrollment requirements; also used by Academic Advisement for regular academic advisement course lists and for Program Guide course lists.

Last Facility ID Assigned

Displays the last facility ID assigned. Use to enable the system to display by default an automatically incremented facility ID number each time that you create a new facility on the Facility Table setup page. If you do not want to use auto incremental numbering, you are required to enter a value for Facility ID when adding a new facility.

Used by various applications.

Last Class Note ID Assigned

Displays the last class note ID assigned. Used by Student Records.

Last Enroll Target Seq Number (last enrollment target sequence number)

Displays the last enrollment target sequence number. Used by Student Records and Recruiting and Admissions for Enrollment Management Enrollment Targets.

Last Application Nbr Assigned (last application number assigned)

Displays the last application number assigned. Used by Recruiting and Admissions.

Last Requirement ID

Displays the number of the last requirement ID created. Used by Student Records for enrollment requirements; also used by Academic Advisement for regular academic advisement requirements and for Program Guide requirements.

Last Requirement Group

Displays the last requirement group. Used by Student Records for enrollment requirement groups; also used by Academic Advisement for academic requirement groups, including Program Guide requirement groups.

Last Test Type Rec Nbr (last test type record number)

Displays the last test type record number. Used in processing suspense records for data loads. Used by Recruiting and Admissions.

Last ATP Rec Nbr (last admissions testing program record number)

Displays the last ATP record number. If you enter 50,000 in this field, next time that you run the ATP data load SQR process (CCATPLOD), each school loaded will have a number assigned starting from 50,000. This field is not connected to the institution's unique ATP code. Used by Campus Community and Recruiting and Admissions.

Last External SA Event ID (last external student administration event ID)

Displays the last external student administration event ID. Used by various applications, including Contributor Relations.

Last Event Nbr Assigned (last event number assigned)

Displays the last event number assigned. Used by various applications, including Contributor Relations.

Transcript Default Date

Displays the transcript default date. This is the default date used for processing academic advisement degree audit reports. To set the default to the current date, leave this field blank. Used by Academic Advisement.

Last Topic Link Assigned

Displays the last topic link ID assigned. Used by Student Records on the Catalog Data page.

Default Values

In this group box, enter an Academic Institution to use as a default throughout the system.

Academic Advisement

In this group box, enter an option that affects the type of advisement report that a student sees in self service.

See Also

Managing Batch Academic Advisement Reports

Using Academic Advisement Self Service

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Country-Specific Features and Enabling CRM for Higher Education Feature

Access the SA Features page (Set Up SACR, Install, Student Admin Installation, SA Features).

If CRM and Campus Solutions are both licensed at your institution, select the CRM for Higher Education check box to enable CS and CRM to share data in real time.

See Enabling Integration with CRM for Higher Ed.

(AUS, CAN, NZL, NLD, and GBR) Country-Specific Features

Select the appropriate check box to enable functionality specific to each country, which is setID-based.

Important! In order to use country-specific functionality in the system, you must also activate the country's features on the Academic Institution 6 setup page for institution-based functionality.

DEST, HECS, Centrelink, TAC

Select to enable Australian features: Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations reporting, Higher Education Contribution Scheme functionality, Centrelink reporting, and Tertiary Admissions Centre admissions functions.

Last CART Request ID

Displays the last CART Request ID that the system assigned to a Centrelink Academic Reassessment Transformation (CART) request file. Each request file has a unique request ID.

The system automatically increments the Last CART Request ID each time the CART Request File process loads a request file.

If required, reset the Last CART Request ID number. Set a number so that automatic numbering does not create numbers that already exist in the data.

This field appears only if you select the DEST, HECS, Centrelink, TAC check box.


Select to enable Canadian reporting functionality.

New Zealand

Select to enable New Zealand features: National Student Index data and Single Data Return functionality.

The Netherlands

Select to enable Dutch functionality.

United Kingdom

Select to enable United Kingdom features.

See Also

(AUS, CAN, GBR, NZL, NLD) Activating Other Student Administration Features

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Primary Permission List Preferences

To set up primary permission list preferences, use the Org Defaults by Permission List component (OPR_DEF_TBL_HR).

This section provides an overview of primary permission lists and discusses how to:

See Also

Creating and Maintaining User Profiles

Using Self-Service Campus Personal Information

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Security Administration

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Primary Permission Lists

When you are using the User Profiles Management process, it is necessary for you to set up primary permission lists when you give user IDs access to pages.

Use the Primary Permission List table to set predefined tableset sharing as well as systemwide defaults and settings for each of the primary permission lists. The system displays by default the values that you indicate for a particular permission list in the Primary Permission List Preferences table—such as business unit, setID, currency, country, or company code —when a user associated with that permission list logs in to Campus Solutions or Contributor Relations. You can tailor the Campus Solutions systems for each user, controlling the default values that users see on pages in the system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Primary Permission List Preferences

Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Org Defaults by Permission List, Defaults

Set predefined tableset sharing and systemwide defaults for each primary permission list.



Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Org Defaults by Permission List, Settings

Set the systemwide default settings for each permission list. By using this page, you can tailor the system for each permission list, controlling the default values that users see on pages in the system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Permission List Defaults

Access the Defaults page (Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Org Defaults by Permission List, Defaults).

Note. These defaults override the defaults that you set for these options in the Installation table for this permission list.

The TableSet Record Group Control table regulates what users see in prompt tables.

Alternate Character Enabled

Select to indicate if you want alternate character searching enabled for this permission list.

Business Unit

Indicate the default business unit for this permission list from among the list of valid business units stored in the Business Unit table.


Indicate the default setID for this permission list from among the list of valid set IDs stored in the TableSet ID table.

Warning! The values that you indicate here affect business unit and setID defaults for this permission list throughout the system.


Enter the default company for this permission list.


Enter the default country for this permission list.

Regulatory Region

This field is not used in Campus Solutions.

See PeopleSoft Human Resources Management System documentation

To Currency

Select a currency to act as default values for this permission list in Campus Solutions.

Currency Rate Type

Select a currency rate type to act as a default value for this permission list in Campus Solutions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Industry Sector and Payroll Information

Access the Settings page (Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Org Defaults by Permission List, Settings).


Select the industry for this permission list. Select Education to indicate that this is an education database.

Industry Sector

Select the industry sector for this permission list. Values are:Core, Public Sct (public sector), and US Federal.

Carry ID

Select to carry an ID of the last individual or organization that you enter or select from search box to search box and page to page. You do not have to reenter or reselect the ID each time, if you want to continue editing or reviewing data for the same individual.

If you choose any country other than the U.S. on the Defaults page, country-specific fields may appear on the page as well.

See Also

PeopleSoft Human Resources Management System documentation