Using Self-Service Campus Personal Information

This chapter provides an overview of PeopleSoft Campus Self-Service personal information and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Campus Self-Service Personal Information

The personal information functionality of PeopleSoft Campus Self-Service exposes familiar PeopleSoft Campus Community information to self-service users. It provides an easy way for self-service users to update basic personal information about themselves at any time without having to visit your offices or complete and mail a hardcopy form.

All authenticated roles can use self-service functionality. They can use it to maintain their own personal information. They can also use it to review the holds and to do items on record at your institution for themselves.

Note. For security reasons, the following data is view-only for self-service users: national identification number, citizenship, driver's license, visa or permit data, veteran status, gender, birth date, marital status, extracurricular activities, and internal honors and awards.

The navigation tabs that are used in self-service personal information are defined on the Navigation Tabs Setup page.

See Also

Setting Up Self-Service Navigation

Click to jump to parent topicDisplaying and Accessing Self-Service Personal Data

The Personal Data Summary page contains links to self-service pages showing the individual's personal data. Optionally, you can also set the summary page to display the person's contact information and lists of holds and to do's for the student's convenient viewing and for any staff viewing data for that individual.

You can enter the label to use as the link for redirecting the user to the self-service page where the displayed address, phone number, or email address can be edited or updated. You can also set how many negative service indicators (holds) to display and how many pending checklist items (to do's) to display on the summary page.

This section describes how to:

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Personal Data Summary Options


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Self Service, Personal Data Summary Options

Optionally, set the types of addresses, phone number, and email address and the number of holds and to do's to display for an ID on the Personal Data Summary page.

Personal Data Summary


Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Personal Data Summary

View a summary of links to your personal data, and view a list of your holds and to do's.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Data to Display on the Personal Data Summary Page

Access the Personal Data Summary Options page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Self Service, Personal Data Summary Options).

The Personal Data Summary Options page contains links to self-service pages that show the individual's personal data. You can optionally set the individual's contact information and holds and to do's to display on the summary page.

Contact Information

You can select the type of contact information to display and enter the label to use as the link for redirecting the user to the self-service page where the address, phone number, or email address can be edited or updated.

If you do not use the U.S. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) functionality, you can enter the URL to your institution's privacy site in the Privacy settings link field.

Holds and To Do List Sections

You can also specify how many negative service indicators (holds) and pending checklist items (to do's) to display for the person.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing Personal Data

Access the Personal Data Summary page (Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Personal Data Summary).

Options set on the Personal Data Summary Options page render the Contact Information, Holds, and To Dosdata on the Personal Data Summary page. If the individual had negative service indicators assigned or any pending checklists, the page would (according to the sample options page) also list the first 10 holds (service indicators) and all of the individual's pending checklist items.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Self-Service User Preferences

User preferences enable self-service users to set default values for themselves to minimize the need for repetitive data entry. After they have been set, the default values remain associated with the user until changed or deleted. Self-service users can select their own user preferences or you can do it for them by using the User Profiles Management process to assign them the latest values corresponding to their profiles.

See Also

Creating and Maintaining User Profiles

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User Preferences


  • Select the User Preferences link on the Personal Data Summary page

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, User Preferences

Enter default values for academic value and other elements required often by the system.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Self-Service Addresses, Names, Phones, and Demographic Data

Self-service users can view and update their own addresses, names, phone numbers, and demographic data, including gender, date of birth, and marital status.

Addresses, names, phones, and demographic data are set up in the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system. When you set up Personal Data Summary Options for PeopleSoft Campus Self Service, you can choose which address, phone, and email type to display by default on self-service pages. No additional setup is required.

Links under Campus Personal Information enable online self-service users to view, modify, or update their own:

See Also

Designing Campus Community

Setting Up Names, Addresses, and Phone Numbers

Setting Up Emergency Contacts Data

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  • Click the address link on the Personal Data Summary page. An address link is either or both of the labels entered for the Address Box 1 and Address Box 2 on the Personal Data Summary Options page

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Addresses, Addresses

View your current address types as permitted by the Type Control page, and the associated address data.

Edit Address


  • Click the edit button on the Addresses page.

  • Click the ADD A NEW ADDRESS button on the Addresses page.

  • Click the Edit Address link on the Emergency Contact Detail page .

When you access this page using the edit button on the Addresses page or the Edit Address link on the Emergency Contact Detail page, you can edit or update the address.

When you access this page using the ADD A NEW ADDRESS button, you can add an address type and associated data for yourself to be effective now or on a future date.

Delete Address


Click the Delete (type) address link on the Addresses page. (Self-service users can edit only the home and mailing addresses, so no Delete button appears for these address types.)

Delete an address type and associated data.



  • Click the Names link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Names, Names

View your current name types as permitted by the Type Control page, and the associated name data.

Change Name

Add a new name


  • Click theedit button on the Names page to access the Change Name page.

  • Click the ADD A NEW NAME button on the Names page to access the Add a new name page.

When accessed from the edit button, you can view or update the name type.

When accessed from the ADD A NEW NAME button, you can add a name type and new name with a current for future effective date.

Phone Numbers


  • Click the Contact Information Description link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Click the ADD A PHONE NUMBER button on the Emergency Contact Detail page, and then select the phone type to edit or delete.

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Phone Numbers

View and update your current phone types as permitted by the Type Control page, and phone numbers.

Buttons on this page also enable you to add or delete rows to add or delete phone numbers.

Email Addresses


  • Click the Contact Information Email Address link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Email Addresses

View and update your current email address types as permitted on the Type Control page, and email addresses.

Buttons on this page also enable you to add or delete rows to add or delete email addresses.

Internet Addresses


  • Click the Internet Addresses link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Internet Addresses

View and update internet addresses, including website and FTP site addresses.

Buttons on this page also enable you to add or delete rows and to add or delete internet addresses.

Emergency Contacts


  • Click the Emergency Contacts link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Emergency Contacts

View the name, address, and phone numbers for your emergency contact.

Emergency Contact Detail


Click the ADD AN EMERGENCY CONTACT button on the Emergency Contact page.

Add an emergency contact for yourself, and enter the contact information.

Demographic Information


  • Click the Demographic Data link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Demographic Information

View a summary of your demographic data such as your date of birth, gender, marital status, national ID, and so on.

Note. If a photo is loaded into the system from the Photograph page in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions, that photo appears in the upper right on this page.

See Entering Photographs.

FERPA Restrictions


  • Click the FERPA Restrictions link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, FERPA Restrictions

View data that you have restricted from being released.

Edit FERPA/Directory Restrictions


Click the EDIT FERPA DIRECTORY RESTRICTIONS button on the FERPA Restrictions page.

Place restrictions to prevent the release of data about yourself.

Release To Publication


Click the Release To Publication link on the Edit FERPA/Directory Restrictions page. (The link appears only when the Restrict check box is selected.)

Release restricted information for inclusion in specific internal directory publications.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Self-Service Personal Attributes Data

Self-service users can view and update the list of languages that they read, write, and speak.

Languages are set up in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions. No additional setup is required for self-service.

Note. Religious preference and decedent data personal attributes are not available from Campus Self Service. These are set up and maintained in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions only.

This section lists the pages used for self-service personal attributes.

See Also

Setting Up Personal Attributes

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  • Click the Languages link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Languages

View or edit a list of the languages that you read, write, or speak and the proficiency with which you read, write, or speak them.

Language Detail


  • Click the name of the language on the Languages page to access a view-only version of the Language Detail page.

  • Click the edit button on the Languages page to access an updatable version of the Language Detail page.

  • Click theADD A LANGUAGE button on the Languages page to access and enterable version of the Language Detail page.

When you access this page from the name of the language, view details of that language and your proficiency.

When you access this page using the edit button, view and modify details of that language and your proficiency.

When you access this page using the ADD A LANGUAGE button, add a language to your list of languages.



  • Self Service, Student Center, Demographic Data link, Ethnicity

  • Self Service, Faculty Center, View Personal Data Summary link, Demographic Data link, Ethnicity tab

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Personal Data Summary link, Demographic Data link, Ethnicity tab

Students, staff, and faculty identify their ethnicity and enter details about their racial background.

Self Service Help


Click the Explain link on the Ethnicity page.

Students, staff, and faculty review ethnicity definitions from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) website.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Ethnicity Data

The appearance of this page changes, based on the settings defined on the Self Service Ethnicity Setup page. If the page is set up as display only, students and faculty are only able to see their ethnicity data on file in the system; they cannot add or update it through Campus Self Service.

Ethnicity questions are asked in two parts. First, self-service users may indicate whether they are or are not of Hispanic or Latino origin. Second, users may indicate their race. Users can click the Explain link to access the Self Service Help page that describes the way to answer the two questions, based on information from the NCES website:

When a self-service user answers Question 1, the system inserts a value matching the Self Service Ethnicity Setup Answer Mapping for the respective answer into the Ethnicity records. When a self service user answers Question 2, the system inserts values matching the Self Service Ethnicity Setup Answer Mapping for the respective answers into the Ethnicity records. For example, if the user selects Asian and 'Asian' is the ethnic group mapped to that answer on the Self Service Ethnicity Setup Answer, a row for Asian will be inserted into the ethnicity tables.

The Background Information grid only appears if you have set it up in the Additional Background Information section of the Self Service Ethnicity Setup page.

When collecting additional background information, the values that you selected in the Answer Mapping section of the Self Service Ethnicity Setup do not appear in the Background prompt. The values that do appear have been selected in the Ethnic Groups to Display on the Self Service Ethnicity Group page and match the self-service user's answers to the questions. For example, when the user selects 'Yes, I am Hispanic or Latino' and also selects the American Indian or Alaska Native check box, only those active, current ethnic groups selected in Ethnic Groups to Display on the Self Service Ethnicity Setup that map to Hispanic or American Indian EEO Ethnic Groups will display in the Background prompt.

If the user answers 'No, I am not Hispanic' and does not answer the second question, the Background prompt displays all non-Hispanic ethnic groups selected in Ethnic Groups to Display on the Self Service Ethnicity Setup page. If the user then selects a Background value that maps to one of the five answers to Question 2, the related check box will be set when the Submit button is selected. Finally, users must click the The Information is correct as entered check box to confirm their selections and Submit their information. Even if users choose not to answer the questions, they will be prompted to select The Information correct as entered to indicate that they have reviewed the survey questions.

The IPEDS Ethnicity survey questions are optional. If a self-service user does not wish to divulge the information, they may simply leave the questions unanswered and select the The Information is correct as entered check box then select Submit.

A detailed technical red paper, including data examples, is available on Oracle's My Oracle Support website.

See Also

"Campus Solutions IPEDS and Ethnicity Red Paper," posted to My Oracle Support in June 2009.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Self-Service Identification Data

Self-service users can enter and change their own personal identification numbers from within Campus Self Service. No specific setup is required.

Note. For security reasons, other identification data is either not available from Campus Self Service (external system ID and residency data) or is used as display-only (visa and passport data, driver's license information, or photos) These are set up and maintained in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions only.

This section lists the page used for self-service identification data.

See Setting Up Personal Identification Data.

See Managing Personal Identification Data.

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Personal Identification Number


  • Click the Personal Identification Number link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Personal Identification Number

Create a personal identification number for yourself.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Self-Service Participation Data

Self-service users can view and update lists of their own licenses and certificates, memberships, and publications from within Campus Self Service. In addition, individuals can view lists of their own extracurricular activities and honors and awards.

Participation data is set up in the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system. No additional setup is required for self-service.

Note. Athletic participation is not available from Campus Self Service. You set up and maintain athletic participation data in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions only.

This section lists the pages used for self-service participation data.

See Also

Managing Participation Data

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License and Certificates


  • Click the Licenses/Certificates link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Licenses and Certificates

View a list of your licenses and certificates.

License/Certificate Detail


  • Click the name of the license or certificate on the License and Certificates page to access a view-only version of the License/Certificate Detail page.

  • Click the edit button on the License and Certificates page to access an updatable version of the License/Certificate Detail page.

  • Click the ADD A LICENSE/CERTIFICATE button on the Licenses and Certificates page to access an enterable version of the License/Certificate Detail page.

When you access this page from the name of the license or certificate, view details about that license or certificate.

When you access this page using the edit button, view or modify details about that license or certificate.

When you access this page using the ADD A LICENSE/CERTIFICATE button, add another license or certificate to your list of licenses and certificates.



  • Click the Memberships link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Memberships

View a list of your memberships.

Membership Detail


  • Click the name of the membership on the Memberships page to access a view-only version of the Membership Detail page.

  • Click the edit button on the Memberships page to access an updatable version of the Membership Detail page.

  • Click the ADD A MEMBERSHIP button on the Memberships page to access an enterable version of the Membership Detail page.

When you access this from the name of the membership, view details about that membership.

When you access this page using the edit button, view or modify details about that membership.

When you access this page using the ADD A MEMBERSHIP button, add another membership to your list of memberships.

Extracurricular Activities


  • Click the Extracurricular Activities link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Extracurricular Activities

View a list of your extracurricular activities.

Note. Self-service users can view extracurricular activities information, but they cannot enter, modify, or update it.

Honors and Awards


  • Click the Honors/Awards link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Honors and Awards, Academic Honors and Awards

View a list of your academic honors and awards.

Note. Self service users can view academic honors and awards information, but they cannot enter, modify, or update it.



  • Click the Publications link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Publications

View a list of your publications.

Publication Detail


  • Click the name of the publication on the Publications page to access a view-only version of the Membership Detail page.

  • Click the edit button on the Publications page to access an editable version of the Membership Detail page.

  • Click the ADD PUBLICATION button on the Publications page to access an enterable version of the Membership Detail page.

When you access this page from the name of the publication, view details of that publication.

When you access this page using the edit button, view and modify details of that publication.

When you access this page using the ADD PUBLICATION button, add a publication to your list of publications.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Other Self-Service Biographical Data

You can also use Campus Community self service to enable students to manage other biographical data.

This section lists the pages used to enter other self-service biological data.

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Work Experience


  • Click the Work Experience link on the Personal Data Summary page .

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Work Experience

View a list of your work experience.

Employment Details


  • Click the name of the work experience on the Work Experience page to access a view-only version of the Employment Details page.

  • Click the edit button on the Work Experience page to access an updatable version of the Employment Detail page.

  • Click the ADD A WORK EXPERIENCE button on the Work Experience page to access an enterable version of the Employment Details page.

When you access this page from the name of the work experience, view details of that work experience.

When you access this page using the edit button, view and modify details of that work experience.

When you access this page using the ADD A WORK EXPERIENCE button, add a work experience to your list of work experiences

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Self-Service Service Indicators Data

Self-service service indicators are presented in Campus Self Service as holds.

The Holds link under Campus Personal Information enables self-service users to assume responsibility for viewing and resolving their own negative service indicator issues.

Note. Positive service indicators are not presented from Campus Self Service. Positive service indicators are set up and applied in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions only.

Service indicators are set up in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions. When you define a service indicator in Campus Solutions, you can choose whether to display the indicator (as a hold) on self service pages for all IDs to which the indicator is assigned. When you set up Personal Data Summary Options for Campus Self Service, you can choose how many holds to display and whether to display their monetary value, if any. No other setup is required.

This section lists the pages used for self-service service indicators data.

See Also

Setting Up Service Indicators

Managing Service Indicators

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Your Holds


Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Holds

View holds placed on services for yourself and determine how and when to resolve them.

Hold Item


  • Click the name of the hold item in the Holds box on the Personal Data Summary page

  • Click the name of the hold item on the Your Holds page.

View information about a specific hold and determine how to resolve it and whom to contact

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Self-Service Checklists Data

Checklists data is presented as a to-do item list in Campus Self Service.

The To Do List link under Campus Personal Information enables self-service users to assume responsibility for viewing and resolving their own pending checklist items.

Checklists are set up in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions. When you set up Personal Data Summary Options for Campus Self Service, you can choose how many to-do items to display. No additional setup is required for self service.

This section lists the pages used for self-service checklists data.

See Also

Setting Up Checklists

Managing Checklists

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To Do List


Self Service, Campus Personal Information, To Do List

View your pending checklist items and determine what to do to satisfy the requirements.

To Do Item


  • Click the name of the To Do item in the To Do List box on the Personal Data Summary page

  • Click the name of the To Do Item on the To Do List page.

View information about a specific checklist item and determine what is required and whom to contact.