Setting Up Biographical Information

This chapter discusses how to:

See Also

Designing Campus Community

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Names, Addresses, and Phone Numbers

See Designing Campus Community.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Personal Attributes

To set up personal attributes, use the Ethnicity Table component (ETHNICITY_TBL), Language Table component (LANGUAGE_TABLE), Religious Preference Table component (REL_PRE_TABLE_GBL), and Decedent Data component (SA_DECEASED_DATA).

For NZL, also set up the Ethnicity NZL component (SSR_ETHNICITY_NZL), the Ethnicity Map NZL component (SSR_ETHNIC_MAP_NZL), and the Iwi Table component (SCC_TRIBE_TBL).

This section discusses how to:

Note. Languages are set up from the HRMS Accomplishments component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Personal Attributes

Page Name

Definition Name



Ethnic Groups


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Ethnic Groups

Define ethnic groups.

Ethnicity NZL


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Ethnicity NZL.

Set up Statistics New Zealand ethnic codes.

Ethnicity Map NZL


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Ethnicity Map NZL.

Map Statistics New Zealand ethnic codes to PeopleSoft ethnic groups.

Citizenship NZL


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Citizenship NZL

Set up SDR country of citizenship codes.

Citizenship Map NZL


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Citizenship Map NZL

Map SDR country of citizenship codes to PeopleSoft country codes.

Residency Map NZL


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Residency Map NZL

Map SDR residency values to PeopleSoft residency values.

Iwi Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Iwi Table

Set up codes for Iwi tribes.

Religious Preference Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Religious Preference Table

Define religious preference codes.

Language Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Content Catalog, Content Items, Language Table

Define language codes.

See Setting Up Campus Community and PeopleSoft HRMS Shared Elements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Ethnic Groups

Access the Ethnic Groups page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Ethnic Groups).

Ethnic Group

Ethnic Category

Select the category with which you want to associate the ethnic group. You can associate many ethnic groups with the same ethnic category.

PeopleSoft delivers some ethnicity groups predefined and associated with U.S. recognized ethnic group categories. These categories are translate values (White, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, and Not Specified.) Do not modify these delivered values. Modifications to these translate values could require substantial programming effort. You can, however, create additional ethnic groups and associate them with existing ethnic categories to reflect the diverse ethnicities that comprise your campus community.

See Also

Entering Ethnicity Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(NZL) Setting Up Statistics New Zealand Ethnic Codes

Access the Ethnicity (NZL) page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Ethnicity NZL).

PeopleSoft delivers Statistics New Zealand ethnicity codes and descriptions predefined. You can add new codes, but do not modify the delivered codes.

The code that you enter must be three digits in length.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(NZL) Mapping Statistics New Zealand Ethnic Codes to PeopleSoft Ethnic Groups

Access the Ethnicity Map NZL page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Ethnicity Map NZL).

Ethnicity Code (NZ)

Enter the Statistics New Zealand numeric code for the ethnicity that you want to associate with this PeopleSoft ethnic group.

This three-digit code is used to build the Ethnicity field reported in Single Data Return (SDR). This setup table maps the SSR_ETHNICITY_CODE to the ETHNIC_GRP_CD.

See Also

Preparing for SDR Reporting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(NZL) Setting Up SDR Country of Citizenship Codes

Access the Citizenship NZL page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Citizenship NZL).


You can select a status of Inactive for codes that are not relevant to your institution—codes that are Inactive are not available for selection in the SDR Citizenship field on the Citizenship Map NZL page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(NZL) Mapping SDR Country of Citizenship Codes to PeopleSoft Country Codes

Access the Citizenship Map NZL page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Citizenship Map NZL).

SDR Citizenship

Select the SDR Citizenship value that you want to associate with the PeopleSoft country code.

SDR Citizenship values are defined on the Citizenship NZL page—only values with an Active status are available for selection.

This three digit code is used to build the Citizen field reported in the Single Data Return (SDR). This setup table maps SSR_Citizen to Country.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(NZL) Map SDR Residency Values to PeopleSoft Residency Values

Access the Residency Map NZL page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Residency Map NZL).

Use this page to map SDR residency values of Y or N to PeopleSoft residency values.

Values in the Residency field are based on the values defined on the Residency Table (RESIDENCY_TABLE) page.

See Setting Up Residency Rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(NZL) Setting Up Codes for Iwi Tribes

Access the Iwi Tribes page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Iwi Table).

Iwi codes are used in Single Data Return (SDR) reporting. The PeopleSoft system delivers Iwi codes and their descriptions predefined. The codes are 4 digits each, reported in a 12-character field in SDR. You can specify up to three codes for an individual, for a total of 12 characters.

Ethnic group is mapped to ethnicity code and reported in SDR. IWI is reported as is. There is no mapping from Iwi code to or from ethnic group. Iwi codes are reported from SCC_TRIBE_CODE in record SCC_IWI_TBL

See Also

Preparing for SDR Reporting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Religious Preference Codes

Access the Religious Preference Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Religious Preference Table).

PeopleSoft delivers some religious preference codes predefined. You can create additional codes for each religious preference that people at your institution might have. When you enter religious preferences for individuals, you can specify more than one.

See Also

Entering Religious Preferences

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Decedent Data

When an individual dies, enter the date and place of death, and the death certificate number if you have it, on the Decedent Data page. When you enter and save the date of death on that page, the system displays the word DECEASED on each page in your database across your institution about that individual.

Note. All of the decedent's data continues to exist unless or until you delete the individual's ID.

Though you hope not to use this feature frequently, consider setting it up so it is available when the need arises.

See Setting Up Service Indicators.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Self-Service Ethnicity Reporting

This section discusses how to set up self-service ethnicity options for U.S.-based customers wanting to survey their faculty, staff, and students to collect IPEDS information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Self-Service Ethnicity Reporting

Page Name

Definition Name



Self Service Ethnicity Setup


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Self Service, Self Service Ethnicity Setup

Allow and configure entry of ethnicity data on self-service pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Self-Service Ethnicity Options

Access the Self Service Ethnicity Setup page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Self Service, Self Service Ethnicity Setup).

This setup component enables institutions to define setup choices for each self-service center. The choices you make here affect the options that appear on the self-service Ethnicity page.

See Using Self-Service Personal Attributes Data.

Answer Mapping

The selections made for these seven Answer Mapping values apply to all three self-service centers.


Select the value to be inserted into the Ethnicity records if the person answers Yes to the question "Are you Hispanic or Latino?" Only active, current Ethnic Group values with an EEO Ethnic Group = 3 (Hispanic) are returned in this prompt.

Not Hispanic

Select the value to be inserted into the Ethnicity records if the person answers No to the question "Are you Hispanic or Latino?" All active, current Ethnic Group values with an EEO Ethnic Group not equal to 6 (Not Specified) are returned in this prompt.

American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White, and No Response

Select the value to be inserted into the Ethnicity records depending on the user's responses to the question "What is your race? Select one or more."

The prompts will return values respective to the EEO Ethnic Group related to the label as follows:

American Indian or Alaska Native returns only active current ethnic groups mapped to an EEO Ethnic Group = '5' (American Indian or Alaska Native).

Asian returns only active current ethnic groups mapped to an EEO Ethnic Group = '4' (Asian).

Black or African American returns only active current ethnic groups mapped to an EEO Ethnic Group = '2' (Black or African American).

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander returns only active current ethnic groups mapped to an EEO Ethnic Group = '7' (Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander).

White returns only active current ethnic groups mapped to an EEO Ethnic Group = '1' (White).

No Response returns only active current ethnic groups mapped to an EEO Ethnic Group = '6' (Not Specified).

Note. Oracle strongly recommends that you create an appropriate generic ethnic group value for 'Not Hispanic' mapped to an EEO Ethnic Group = '6' and that other values selected on this page should be generic ethnic group values. For example, set Hispanic as a value for the 'Yes, Hispanic' answer or Asian for selecting the Asian check box when answering the second question.

Functional Area Setup

These fields are specific to the functional area selected – Student Center or Faculty Center – as determined by the selection made in the Functional Area field.

Campus Personal Information reflects the setup for either the Student Center or Faculty Center, depending on security setup for the user. For students, activate the Self Service Ethnicity component on the CC_PORTFOLIO_2 menu in a user's security setup. For faculty, active the Self Service Ethnicity component on the CC_PORTFOLIO_3 menu in a user's security setup. If both are activated in a user's security permission lists, two Ethnicity links appear in the menu. To avoid confusion, activate only one for a user at any time. For users without access to either Faculty Center or Student Center, the Self Service Ethnicity component will be part of the CC_PORTFOLIO component in the user's permission lists.

Functional Area

The functional area you selected on the Self Service Ethnicity Setup search page appears here. It indicates for which component the setup choices apply. The delivered values are Student Center or Faculty Center.

Welcome Instructions/Text

Enter the Message Set Number and Message Number to appear as introductory text, as well as the specific message to appear in the introductory section of the page. The Message Text field displays the text from the Message Catalog for the selected message number. The delivered message set number and message number for the Welcome Instructions are set as the defaults. The text of this message may be changed using the Message Catalog.

First Question Text

Enter the Message Set Number and Message Number to appear as the first ethnicity question on the page. The Message Text field displays the text from the Message Catalog for the selected message number. The delivered message set number and message number for the First Question are set as the defaults. The text of this message may be changed using the Message Catalog.

Second Question Text

Enter the Message Set Number and Message Number to appear as the follow-up ethnicity question on the page. The Message Text field displays the text from the Message Catalog for the selected message number. The delivered message set number and message number for the Second Question are set as the defaults. The text of this message may be changed using the Message Catalog.

Additional Background Information

Collect Additional Information

Select this check box to indicate that the system displays a Background Information grid on the Self Service Ethnicity page to collect additional background detail. Collecting additional background information is optional and not required by IPEDS.

Display Primary

Select this check box to indicate that the system displays a Primary column in the Background Information grid.

Display Percentage

Select this check box to indicate that the system displays a Percentage column in the Background Information grid.

Background Question Text

If you selected the Collect Additional Information check box, enter the Message Set Number and Message Number to appear as the additional background question on the page. The Message Text field displays the text from the Message Catalog for the selected message number. The delivered message set number and message number when collecting additional background information are set as the defaults. The text of this message may be changed using the Message Catalog.

Ethnic Groups to Display

Enter ethnic group codes to appear in the Background Information grid as available choices. Only ethnic group codes selected here will be included in the Background prompt in the Self Service Ethnicity Page Background Information grid.

Note. If you choose to collect additional background information, the values selected to be displayed in self service should include at least one additional ethnic group for each of the racial categories, beyond what is selected in the Answer Mapping region for each racial category. In addition, it is recommended that you provide an 'Other' option for each racial category, such as Asian–Other, American Indian or Alaska Native–Other, and so on. This will provide the self-service user with a choice beyond those specific ethnic groups you have selected to display.

Ethnicity Page Edit Control

Display Only

Select this check box to indicate whether this page should be open for editing or appear as display-only information.

Display Only Text

If you select the Display Only check box, enter the Message Set Number and Message Number to appear on the page when the page is unavailable for editing. The Message Text field displays the text from the Message Catalog for the selected message number. The delivered message set number and message number that will be used when the page is Display Only are set as the defaults. The text of this message may be changed using the Message Catalog.

See Also

Using Self-Service Campus Personal Information

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up FERPA Privacy Control

See Setting Up FERPA Privacy Control.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Individual Relationships

To set up individual relationships, use the Relationships component (RELATIONSHIP_TABLE) and the Relationship/Marital Status component (MAR_STATUS_TABLE).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Individual Relationships

Page Name

Definition Name



Relationship Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Relationship Table

Define reciprocal individual relationships.

Relationship/Marital Status


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Relationship / Marital Status

Enable marital status so the system can verify the status when you create relationships between two individuals and warn you when data is inconsistent.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Reciprocal Relationships

Access the Relationship Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Relationship Table) .


The system displays the relationship (for example, mother, father, or employer) to modify or review.

Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values could require substantial programming effort.


Select the gender (such as male or female) that is associated with this relationship.

For example, the associated gender for the relationship of Mother is usually Female. For the relationship of Spouse, the gender could be either male or female, so you would select All.

Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values could require substantial programming effort.

Limit Relationship

Select this check box to indicate that individuals can have only one of these relationships in your system at a time.

For example, if you are defining the relationship of Mother and you select the Limit Relationship option, the system does not permit an individual to have more than one mother. If you are defining the relationship of Spouse, you probably want to select the Limit Relationship option to prevent an individual from having more than one spouse at a time.

Reciprocal Relationship

If the Create Reciprocal Relationship check box is selected on the Campus Community Installation page, you must specify the reciprocal relationships and their associated genders here.

Reciprocal Relation

Identify the reciprocal relation associated with the relationship that you are defining. Each relationship can have up to three reciprocal relationships.

For example, the reciprocal relationships associated with Mother are Daughter and Son, and for StepMother, StepDaughter, and StepSon. You might also include Oth Relat (other related) to cover those whose gender is specified as Unknown on the Biographical Details page.

Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values could require substantial programming effort.


Select the gender that is associated with the reciprocal relationship specified. Select either All, or Male, Female, or Unknown.

For example, for Daughter, the associated gender is Female. For Son, it is Male.

Note. You can select the gender of All when only one reciprocal relationship exists. However, you cannot select All when a relationship has several reciprocals.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnabling Marital Status Verification

Access the Relationship/Marital Status page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Relationship / Marital Status).

Marital Status

Select the marital status to verify, usually Married.

Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values could require substantial programming effort.


Specify the relationship type to verify in association with the specified marital status, typically the status of Married and the relationship of Spouse.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Relations to the Institution

To set up relations to the institution, use the Legacy Table component (LEGACY_TABLE).

This section discusses how to define or review legacy affiliation types that are used to identify relations to the institution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Relations to the Institution

Page Name

Definition Name



Legacy Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Legacy Table

Define the types of legacy affiliations that individuals can have with your institution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Legacy Affiliation Types

Access the Legacy Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Legacy Table).

Include Institution Info

Select this check box to include the academic information relevant to the specified legacy relationship when this affiliation is selected for the related individual on the Legacy Information page in the Relationship component.

For example, if you want to know the institution that a related individual with this affiliation attended, and the academic program in which he or she was enrolled, select the Include Institution Info check box to ensure that the institution and academic program fields will be available on the Legacy Information page.

See Also

Establishing Relationships

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Emergency Contacts Data

There is no specific setup for emergency contacts data. However, before you can enter emergency contacts for an individual, names and addresses must be set up and the individual whose contacts you want to enter must exist in your database.

See Also

Entering Emergency Contact Data

Click to jump to parent topic(USA) Setting Up Work Experience Classification Codes

To set up work experience classification codes, use the Standard Industry Table component (US_SIC_TABLE) and the Standard Occupation Table component (US_SOC_TABLE).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Work Experience Classification Codes

Page Name

Definition Name



Standard Industry Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Standard Industry Table

Add or review valid Standard Industry Classification (SIC) codes.

Standard Occupation Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Standard Occupation Table

Add or review the valid Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Reviewing SIC Codes

Access the Standard Industry Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Standard Industry Table).

PeopleSoft delivers your system with SIC codes loaded in the table. Your institution is responsible for making sure the codes are current and that they reflect any changes made by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Note. If you use HRMS, the SIC codes required by your institution might already exist in your system.

See Also

U.S. Department of Labor (which publishes the SIC codes list)

PeopleSoft HRMS 9.0 Application Fundamentals PeopleBook, "Setting Up Jobs"

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding SOC Codes

Access the Standard Occupation Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Standard Occupation Table).

PeopleSoft ships your system with SOC codes loaded in the table. Your institution is responsible for making sure that the codes are current and that they reflect any changes made by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Note. If you implemented HRMS, the SOC codes required by your institution might already exist in your system.

See Also

U.S. Department of Labor (which publishes the SOC codes list)

PeopleSoft HRMS 9.0 Application Fundamentals PeopleBook, "Setting Up Jobs"