Managing Constituent Data

This chapter discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Constituent Data

Click to jump to parent topicSearching for Records

This section provides an overview of records and discusses how to use Search/Match functionality.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Records

Contributor Relations uses Search/Match functionality to search for constituent records. The search and results pages are identical to those used by Campus Community, and they enable you to search for specific people based on basic information such as name and address. Use this page to ensure that a person does not already have an existing record before you add the person to the system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Search for Records

Page Name

Definition Name



Search Criteria


Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Search/Match

Specify sets of criteria and arrange them in order for searching for duplicate or multiple records.

Search Results


Click the Search button on the Search Criteria page.

View search results that are based on the criteria you entered on the Search Criteria page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Search/Match Functionality

To avoid entering duplicate personal records, use Search/Match functionality any time that you are entering a new person in the database. Search/Match criteria is utilized when you save a new person, but if a potential duplicate is detected, use Search/Match anyway to investigate the existing person records. Start with Search/Match to look for the person before adding them to the database. Search/Match also is used to search for external organizations.

To set up Search/Match for Contributor Relations, use the delivered search parameters and result codes. These predefined sample searches are PSCS_CR SEARCH for Person and Org. These delivered search parameters enable you to include fields specific to Contributor Relations in your search results set.


Here is an example of Contributor Relations-specific Search/Match functionality that an institution might use:

Here are the results of the search in this example:

See Also

Setting Up Search/Match

Click to jump to parent topicAdding People to the System

This section lists the pages used to add people to the system. These pages maintain all biographical information about the constituent.

Note. Contributor Relations uses Campus Community pages to maintain biographical information.

See Adding a Person to Your Campus Solutions Database.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Add People to the System

Page Name

Definition Name



Biographical Details


Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Add/Update a Person, Biographical Details

Enter biographical information, such as name, addresses, phone, email, gender, citizenship information, and marital status.



Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Add/Update a Person, Regional

Enter regional biographical information, organized by country.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Addresses and Phone Numbers

This section discusses how to:

Note. Contributor Relations uses Campus Community pages to maintain addresses and phone numbers. You can use these pages to update linked addresses, track electronic addresses, and view address data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Addresses and Phone Numbers

Page Name

Definition Name



Update Linked Addresses


  • Campus Community, Personal Information, Biodemo Processes, Update Linked Addresses

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Process Biodemo Information, Update Linked Addresses

Update linked addresses.



Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Addresses/Phones, Addresses

View or update a list of all addresses in the system for an individual.

Electronic Addresses


Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Addresses/Phones, Electronic Addresses

Enter or review email and URL addresses for an individual.

Seasonal Addresses


Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Addresses/Phones, Seasonal Addresses

Enter or review seasonal addresses for an individual.



Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Addresses/Phones, Phones

Enter or review phone details for an individual.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Linked Addresses

When you update the address for someone who is linked to an individual, the address for the linked entity is not changed in the database on the Addresses page for the primary individual until you run the Update Linked Addresses process. When you run the process, the system finds the primary individual and updates the address data.

See Also

Updating Linked Addresses

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Address Data

Access the Addresses page to view information about a constituent who is a person.

See Also

Entering Addresses for an Individual

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Electronic Addresses

Access the Electronic Addresses page to maintain information about a constituent's email and URL addresses. You can specify a type for each address, such as work and home.

See Also

Entering Electronic Address Data

Click to jump to parent topicTracking External System IDs

Use the External System IDs page to track constituent IDs by a number other than the Contributor Relations ID.

See Also

Changing Individual IDs

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Names

Use the Names page to specify a name type and name part for each full name and name part that an individual may use.

See Also

Managing Names Data

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Constituent Types

This section provides an overview of constituent types and discusses how to assign constituent types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Constituent Types

Constituent types are the relationships that exist between a constituent and your institution. Constituent types are used extensively in reporting and in completing many business processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Constituent Types

Page Name

Definition Name



Constituent Type



  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Relationships, Constituent Types

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Workset, Workset Constituent Info, Relationships - Workset, Constituent Types - Workset

Assign constituent types to a constituent.

Constituent Type Summary



  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Relationships, Constituent Type Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Workset, Workset Constituent Info, Constituent Type Summary

View a list of all the constituent types assigned to a constituent.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Constituent Types

Access the Constituent Type page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Relationships, Constituent Types).

Your selections on this page indicate the relationships that exist between a constituent who is a person and your institution. An organization can be assigned one constituent type. You can assign an organization's constituent type on the Organization Financial Information page.


Select if the constituent no longer has a relationship with your institution. For example, if a constituent has a value of Parent and the child graduates, then select the Past option for the constituent type of Parent.

Note. When constituent types are assigned to a constituent, you cannot delete the last remaining constituent type assignment. For example, if a constituent is assigned values of Alumni and Parent, you can delete one of these constituent types, but one must remain in the system.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Religious Preferences

Use the Religious Preference page to indicate a constituent's religion, if any. You can view a constituent's religious preference on the Person Profile page.

See Also

Entering Religious Preferences

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Photos

You can store photographs of your constituents. Photographs are stored the same way that they are stored in any Microsoft Windows application.

See Also

Entering Photographs

Click to jump to parent topicAdding Constituent Types to Graduates

This section discusses how to run the Graduates to Alumni Application Engine process (AV_CONF_ALUM).

Contributor Relations provides a job process that searches for a group of graduates and adds to their records a constituent type of Alumni, based on each graduate's program completion date. Running the process also generates a report that lists the search results and notes any record changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Add Constituent Types to Graduates

Page Name

Definition Name



Graduates To Alumni


Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Process Biodemo Information, Graduates to Alumni

Run the process that adds a constituent type of Alumni to a graduate. The criteria entered on this page determine which graduates are selected for the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Graduates to Alumni Process

Access the Graduates To Alumni page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Process Biodemo Information, Graduates to Alumni).

Report Only

Select to generate the Graduates To Alumni report (AV702) without making any changes to the Constituent Type table (PS_AV_CNST_TYP_TBL). Clear to both generate the report and add the graduates to the Constituent Type table with a constituent type of Alumni.

Academic Institution

Enter the associated academic institution for the graduates.

Academic Career

Select the associated academic career for the graduates. These values are defined by the institution.

Completion Term

Enter the term in which the graduates were granted or will be granted their degrees. These values are defined by the institution.

Constituent Type

Displays Alumni, the only constituent type that is assigned by this process.

When users run this process, the system does the following:

  1. Gathers all records that meet the institution, academic career, and completion term criteria from the Graduates to Alumni page, where the value in the Degree Confer Date field is not Null and the value in the Degree Status field is Active.

  2. Determines whether these records already have a constituent type of Alumni.

  3. If the Report Only check box is cleared, the system updates the Constituent Type table where required.

    If the person is not already assigned a constituent type of Alumni (type = 1), then a record is inserted for the current date with a constituent type of 1.

  4. Regardless of whether the Report Only check box is selected, the system generates the Graduates To Alumni report AV702.

See Also

Defining Constituent Types

Assigning Constituent Types

Graduating Students

Contributor Relations Reports: Selected Reports

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Degree Information

This section discusses how to:

The system enables you to enter and track external degree information, or information about degrees earned from institutions other than your own. In addition, you can view information about both internal and external degrees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Degree Information

Page Name

Definition Name



External Degrees



Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Academic Information, External Degrees

Add information about degrees that a constituent earned at institutions other than your own.

Academic Information Summary


Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Academic Information, Academic Information Summary

View a summary of information about a constituent's internal, external, and legacy degrees.

Preferred Class Year


Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Academic Information, Class Year, Preferred Class Year

Enter a constituent's class year at your institution. Preferred year appears on pages throughout the system when a person is the Level 0 key.

Internal Legacy Degrees


Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Academic Information, Class Year, Internal Legacy Degrees

Enter information about degrees earned at your institution without setting up the entire academic structure for each degree.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining External Degree Information

Access the External Degrees page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Academic Information, External Degrees).

Org ID (organization ID)

Select the institution from which the constituent earned the external degree.

Degree Nbr (degree number)

This value is automatically calculated by the system. The first record that you enter has a degree number of 1, the next 2, and so on.

Data Source

Select the name of the organization from which you obtained information about the degree. Data source values are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.


Select the type of external degree received or in progress. Degrees are defined on the Degree Table page.

Note. To enter a degree that is not defined in the Degree table, leave the Degree field blank and type the appropriate information in the Description field.

Honors Category

If the person received an honor for this degree, select the appropriate value. Honors categories are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Degree Status

Select the current status of the degree. Degree statuses are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

External Subject Area/Field of Study

If the constituent concentrated on specific subject areas or fields for this degree, enter them in these fields. You may prompt on these fields to access values from the External Subject table. Or, if you prefer to enter an external subject area that is not defined in the system, leave the field blank, tab to the related description field, and enter any text.

External Career

Select any external careers for the constituent. External careers are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Data Nbr (data number)

If this degree information is related to a particular transcript or source of information, enter the data number of the transcript or other source, from the External Data page. You cannot make a link to a data number until the External Data page is saved.

Org Primary Location (organization primary location)

Click to view the primary address of the school to which this degree is related. On that page, click the Detail button to view additional information about the school.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing an Academic Summary

Access the Academic Information Summary page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Academic Information, Academic Information Summary).

This page displays a combined view of all degree information about a constituent in the system. This information includes degrees earned at your institution and at institutions other than your own.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting a Constituent's Preferred Year

Access the Preferred Class Year page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Academic Information, Class Year, Preferred Class Year).

Preferred Class Yr (preferred class year)

Enter the year that the constituent wants to use as class year. For example, a constituent with both an undergraduate and graduate degree may prefer to use the graduate degree as the preferred year. This year appears on many pages throughout the system.

Alumnus Type

Select the constituent's alumnus type. This field supports Part IV of the CAE report.

The values for this field are shipped with the system. Values are:

G: Graduate.

N: Non-degree.

U: Undergraduate.

Additional information about the constituent's academic career at your institution appears on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Internal Legacy Degree Information

Access the Internal Legacy Degrees page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Academic Information, Class Year, Internal Legacy Degrees).

Enter values in the Class Year, Attended From and To dates, Degree, Major, Major 2, Minor, Minor 2, Campus, and Acad Org (academic organization) fields. List any distinctions earned with the degree in the Distinction field.

Note. The information on this page is stored in the PeopleSoft Student Records system.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Work Experience Information

This section lists the pages used to maintain a constituent's work experience information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Work Experience Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Work Experience


  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Relationships, Work Experience

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Workset, Workset Constituent Info, Work Experience - Workset

View information about a constituent's current and past employment.

Work Experience


Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Relationships, Work Experience History

View a constituent's employment history.

Employment History Detail


Click the Detail link on the Work Experience inquiry page.

View detailed information about an employee's record.

Organization Locations


Click the Locations button on the Employment History Detail page.

View information about an organization's physical locations.

Phone Detail


Click the Phones button on the Employment History Detail page.

View a list of all the valid phone numbers for an organization.



Click the Email/URL button on the Employment History Detail page.

View the email addresses and URL addresses for an organization.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Constituent Attachments

This section provides an overview of constituent attachments discusses how to create and view attachments to constituent records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Constituent Attachments

When you create an attachment to a person, organization, or prospect level, you are attaching the file to the highest level of the record; this is the most global level at which you can attach a file. However, prospects are slightly different because menu security can be assigned to prospect records, restricting access to prospect attachments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Create Constituent Attachments

Page Name

Definition Name



Constituent Attachments



  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Person Attachments

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Organization Attachments

Create and view attachments to a person or organization record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Attachments

Access the Constituent Attachments page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Person Attachments).

Attachment Type

Select a value to filter the list of attachments that appear based on type. The values available in this drop-down list are driven by the constituent; the system only displays types that have been assigned to the ID.

Document Date

The system displays the date that the document was created or last updated. This is not the date that the file was attached.


Select a value; the system only displays types that have been defined on the Attachment Types page.


Click the link to open the attachment in a new window.


Click to access standard PeopleTools functionality to browse to a file and upload it.

The Audit tab displays all updates to attachments, including user name and date/time. You can also filter attachments by a Document Date Range.

See Also


Click to jump to parent topicAdding Organizations

Use the Organization Table component to add external organizations to the system.

See Also

Adding Organizations to Your Database

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Location Data for Organizations

Use the Location Detail component to enter information about the addresses and phone numbers of the organizations in the system. Organization locations should be entered before organization departments and organization contacts.

See Also

Entering Organization Location Data

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Department Data for Organizations

Use the Organization Department Detail component to record information at the department level for an organization. Organization departments should be entered after organization locations and before organization contacts.

See Also

Entering Organization Department Data

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Contact Data for Organizations

Use the Contact Detail component to maintain information about the contacts that your institution uses at a particular organization. You may have several contacts at one organization that are used for specific purposes, such as a Matching Gift contact and a Community Relations contact.

See Also

Entering Organization Contact Data

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining an Organization's Financial Information

This section discusses how to enter an organization's financial information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Maintain Organization Financial Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Organization Financial Info (organization financial information)



  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organization, Organization Information, Organization Financial Info

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Workset, Workset Constituent Info, Organization Financial Info

Maintain information about an organization's financial history and other statistical information about the organization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering an Organization's Financial Information

Access the Organization Financial Info page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organization, Organization Information, Organization Financial Info).

Employee Count

Enter the number of people currently employed at the organization.

Alumni Count

Displays the total number of alumni who are employees of the organization. The system calculates the total of alumni based on both the number of work experience records and the number of relationships related to an organization ID. Define these relationships on the Person/Org Relationships page.

Stck Exch (stock exchange)

Select the name of the stock exchange in which the organization's stock trades, if applicable. Values are: AMEX, NASDAQ, and NYSE.


Enter the stock exchange symbol under which the organization's stock trades, if applicable. You can enter up to 10 characters.


Enter a description of the organization and the type of business it runs. You can enter up to 30 characters.


Select the Standard Industrial Code for the organization.

Fiscal Year

Enter the four-digit fiscal year for which you are recording financial information.

From Date and To Date

Select the from date and to date that define the fiscal year that you selected. The fiscal year should reflect the organization's fiscal year and not necessarily that of your institution.

If information on this page is entered in a currency other than base currency, the system calculates conversion based on the exchange rates on the date in the To Date field.

Revenue Amount

Enter the total amount that the organization received in revenues during the fiscal year.


Click to convert the amounts on this page to your institution's base currency. The system converts the values by using the exchange rate that is in effect on the date that you selected. The button label changes to Entry. Click the button again to toggle back to entry mode, where you can change the values.

Expenses Amount

Enter the total amount that the organization incurred as expenses during the fiscal year.

Profit/Loss Amount

Displays the organization's profit or loss for the fiscal year that you selected, based on revenue minus expenses.

Assets Amount

Enter the total worth of all assets held by the organization during the fiscal year.

Liability Amount

Enter the total amount of all liabilities owed by the organization during the fiscal year.

Equity Amount

Displays the organization's total equity for the fiscal year that you entered, based on assets minus liability.

Source Description and Date

Enter the person or publication that provides organization financial information to your institution, and the date on which organization financial information was obtained.

Contributions Total

Enter the total amount of all contributions made by the organization to your institution and other entities during the fiscal year.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining an Organization's Foundation Information

Use the Organization Foundation component to define and manage foundation-specific information for external organizations that may be approached for foundation support. You can track and view foundation interests and proposal requirements.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Viewing an Organization's Foundation Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Organization Foundation Information

Page Name

Definition Name





Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Information, Organization Foundation Information

The Foundation Information component assists in tracking philanthropic foundations that support or may support your institution. It also enables you to track specific interests of the foundation that can later be used to identify prospects for particular funding projects.

Support Areas


Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Information, Organization Foundation Information, Support Areas

Store data that can be used to data mine for foundation donors that have a good potential for funding a proposal for a specific project.

Proposal Info (proposal information)


Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Information, Organization Foundation Information, Proposal Info

Enter information related to the application process for the foundation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Basic Foundation Information

Access the Foundation page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Information, Organization Foundation Information).

Basic Information

Parent Company

Select the external organization that is the parent of the foundation. The Create Relationship link enables you to create an organization-to-organization relationship if one is not defined in the system.


The date on which the organization was established.


Indicate whether a foundation is company-sponsored, private, family-based, and so on. Corporate, Family, and Private are delivered values.

Purpose and Activities

Enter a brief description of the reason for the foundation's existence and the types of activities in which it engages.

Financial Information

Use the fields in this group box to enter the foundation's financial data.

Fiscal Year

The financial reporting year for which the financial data is pertinent.

From Date and To Date

The first and last date of the fiscal year to which the data pertains.

Assets Amount

The financial holdings of the foundation.

Expenditures Amount

The amount of expenses the foundation had in the related year.

Distribution Amount

The amount of funding available to be distributed as grants or funded proposals.


The date the information was obtained from the source.


The originator of the foundation financial information, for example the Foundation Directory.

Grants Amount

The amount actually funded, which may differ from the distribution amount if all funding is not awarded.

Highest Grant Amount

The largest grant awarded by the foundation.

Lowest Grant Amount

The smallest grant awarded by the foundation.

Average Grant Amount

The typical amount of a grant or proposal funded by the foundation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Foundation Support Information

Access the Support Areas page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Information, Organization Foundation Information, Support Areas).

Fields of Interest

Enter areas of charitable interest involvement that the foundation is known to support financially. The involvement code description appears at the right.

Geographic Areas

Enter any geographic restrictions that the foundation considers when selecting proposals for funding. The description appears at the right.

Types of Support

Indicate the kinds of activities the foundation will support. Delivered system values include: Capital Campaigns, Building/Renovation, Equipment, Program Development, Seed Money, Curriculum Development, and Matching/Challenge.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Proposal Information

Access the Proposal Info page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Information, Organization Foundation Information, Proposal Info).

Contact Type and Contact

The organization contact that is responsible for proposal reviews for the foundation.


The months and dates, such as March 15, each year that the foundation sets as the cutoff date for submitting proposals for consideration by the foundation.

Board Meeting Dates

The months and dates, such as March 15, when the foundation board meets to review proposals.

Notification Dates

The months and dates, such as March 15, by which the foundation will notify applicants of the success of their submitted proposals.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing an Organization's Foundation Information

Use the Review Organization Foundation and Foundation Summary components to view foundation information entered in the system. You can review the data that was entered in the Organization Foundation component and you can also filter and review foundation information based on your criteria.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Defining an Organization's Foundation Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View an Organization's Foundation Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Organization Foundation Information


Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Information, Review Foundation Information

This component can be used to review foundation information or to search for foundations that might be prospects for a specific project based on foundation funding interests and timing.

Foundation Filter


Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Information, Foundation Summary

Filter the types of foundations that you view on the Foundation Summary page.

Foundation Summary


Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Information, Foundation Summary, Foundation Summary

View a list of the foundation records that match the filter criteria that you specify on the Foundation Filter page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Foundation Information

Access the Organization Foundation Information page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Information, Review Foundation Information).

This page presents a summary of an organization's foundation details that exist in the system.

Proposal Information

Click this link to access the Proposal Information page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFiltering Foundation Records

Access the Foundation Filter page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Information, Foundation Summary).

This page enables you to search for foundation records based on financial criteria, fields of interest, geographic area, and types of support. Click the Search button and view the search results on the Foundation Summary page.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining an Organization's Matching Gift Rules

Use the Matching Rules component to define the matching gift rules for an organization. You can maintain information about minimum match amounts and match ratios, the designations for which gifts can be matched, the annual matching gift budget, required information and contacts, and any matching gift restrictions that the organization has.

See Also

Defining an Organization's Matching Gift Rules

Click to jump to parent topicViewing an Organization's Matching Gift Rules

Use the Matching Rules inquiry component to view the matching gift rules for an organization. You can view information about minimum match amounts and match ratios, the designations for which gifts can be matched, the annual matching gift budget, required information and contacts, and any matching gift restrictions that the organization has.

See Also

Viewing an Organization's Matching Gift Rules

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing an Organization's Data

When you have entered the organization, location, department, and contact information for an organization, you can review that information quickly and easily through Campus Community pages.

See Also

Reviewing Organization Data

Click to jump to parent topicViewing an Organization's Employee List

This section discusses how to view employee lists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View an Organization's Employee List

Page Name

Definition Name



Employee List



  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Relationships, Employee List

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Workset, Workset Constituent Info, Employee List

View a list of all the constituents in the system who are employed by an organization. You can view both current and historical lists of an organization's employees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Employee Lists

Access the Employee List page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Relationships, Employee List). Each employee name appears as a link. Click any name link to access the Person Profile page for that employee and read more about the person.

Click the Details button to view detailed information about a specific employment record on the Employment History Detail page.

You can build a workset from this page.

See Also

Building a Workset From a Page in the System

Click to jump to parent topicViewing a Person Profile

Profiles for people and organizations enable you to view a summary of information in the system about a particular constituent. The system includes both a Person Profile and an Organization Profile page.

This section provides an overview of person profile views and discusses how to:

See Also

Viewing a Prospect Profile

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Person Profile Views

Each profile view contains several data regions with summary information. This table lists each data region and the profile view that contains it:

Data Region

Profile View

Biographic Information




Phone Numbers


Email Addresses


Work Experience


Academic Information




Relationship Academic Information


Organization Contacts


Lifetime Giving


Historical Giving




Volunteer Activities




As you collapse and expand each profile view, the system populates the data regions within the view.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View a Person Profile

Page Name

Definition Name



Person Profile



  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Person Profile

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Workset, Workset Constituent Info, Person Profile - Workset

  • Self Service, Outreach, View Prsn, Person Profile

  • Self Service, Outreach, View Lists, Person Profile

View summary information about a constituent who is a person, without having to navigate through the menus in the system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing General Person Profile Information

Access the Person Profile page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Person Profile).

The default settings that determine what you see—which profile views expand, as well as the address, phone, and email views that appear—are defined on the Operator Defaults page.

Common Fields

Some fields on this page are not dependent on which profile view is expanded. The system always displays the following information at the top of the page: constituent name, ID, constituent type, class year, institution, spouse button (if a spousal relationship exists), 3Cs buttons, and a button to access the FERPA Bio Demo page.

Constituent Type

Click to access the Constituent Type Summary page, which lists all types assigned to a constituent.


If academic information exists for the constituent in the system, the class year appears as a link. Click the link to access the Academic Information inquiry component.

If no class year exists but the system has academic information for the constituent, then None appears here as a link. Click the link to access the Academic Information inquiry component.

Profile View

Select a profile view—Biographic, Commitment, or Participation—to expand it below and populate its data regions. Click the arrow next to the name of the region to expand or collapse data regions manually.

Printer Friendly Version

Click to access a read-only version of the page that expands all rows of all populated data regions. You can print this page using your browser's print functionality.

Click the Return button to return to the Person Profile page.

Expand All and Collapse All

Click to either expand or collapse all data regions below.

Clearance Required

If this check box is selected, clearance is required before contacting the constituent. Set Clearances on the Clearance page.

Prospect Manager

Displays the name of the constituent's assigned prospect manager. Prospect managers are assigned on the Staff Assignment, Volunteer Assignment, and Unit Assignment pages.

If the prospect manager has an active email address on the Electronic Addresses page, the name appears as a link. Click the link to launch your email application and send a message to that person.

Additional Information

The system displays messages at the bottom of the page based on the following conditions:

Note. Where no data exists, the system hides the data region.

Data Region




No data exists.

No Membership History on file.


Data exists, but user does not have access to the Person Membership History page from any menu.

Membership History on file.

Lifetime Giving

Historical Giving

No data exists.

No Giving Information on file.


Data exists, but user does not have access to the Person Giving Profile page from any menu.

Giving Information on file.

Work Experience

No data exists.

No Work Experience on file.

Academic Information

No data exists.

No Academic Information on file.


No data exists.

No Relationship information on file.

Relationship Academic Information

No data exists.

No Academic Information is on file for any related person.


No attachments exist.

No Constituent Attachments on file.

Organization Contacts

No data exists.

Not an Organization Contact.


No data exists.

No Involvement information on file.

Volunteer Activities

No data exists.

No Volunteer Activity information on file.

The system also displays messages in this area related to the following information:

Additional Information



Academic Information

No data exists, and the Class Year link is inactive.

No Academic Information on file.

Planned Giving

No data exists.

No Planned Giving Donor information on file.


Data exists.

Planned Giving Donor information on file.


No data exists.

No Ratings information on file.


Data exists.

Ratings information on file.

Assigned Resources

No data exists.

No Resources are assigned to constituent.


Data exists.

Resources are assigned to constituent.

See Also

Managing FERPA Privacy Control

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Biographic Profile

Access the Person Profile page, Biographic Profile view.

This table lists the information sections in this view and the pages from which the system derives the information:

Information Section




Phone / Email

Phone Numbers

Electronic Addresses

Biographic Information

Bio/Demo Data

Religious Preferences


Decedent Data

Work Experience

Work Experience

Academic Information

Academic Information Summary



Person to Org Relationships


Constituent Attachments

Organization Contacts

Organization Contacts

Organization Contact Detail

Biographic Information

This data region displays compiled biographical data, including date of death.

Date of Death

If the constituent is deceased, and the Decedent Data page contains a date of death, the system displays it here.


If the most current address is inactive, it will appear in the grid.

Address Type

Select the type of address that you want to appear.

The system displays active addresses; inactive addresses will not appear. If a seasonal address is in effect, the system indicates that by displaying a "Seasonal" message.

Phone Numbers

Phone Type

Select the type of phone information that you want to appear.


The check box is selected next to the preferred phone number on file in the system.

Email Addresses

Email Type

Select the type of email address information that you want to appear.

Email Address

If the constituent has an active email address in the system, it appears as a link. Click the link to launch your email application and send a message to the constituent.


The check box is selected next to the preferred email address on file in the system.

Work Experience


Click a link to access the Employment History Detail page for the constituent.

Academic Information

This grid displays a combined view of all degree information about this constituent. This information includes both internal and external degrees .



Click a link to access the Relationship Detail page for the constituent.

Click this button to access the Person Profile page for the other person in the relationship or the Organization Profile page for a related organization.

Note. If an existing relationship is a Joint relationship, it is noted next to the Relationship link.

Relationship Academic Information

This grid displays a combined view of all degree information in the system for people who are related to this constituent. This information includes both internal and external degrees.


Click the View link to open the attachment in a new window.

Organization Contacts

Organization Name

Click a linked name to access the Organization Contact Detail page for the constituent.

Click this button to access the Organization Profile page of the organization for which the constituent is a contact.

See Also

Maintaining Work Experience Information

Establishing Relationships

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Commitment Profile

Access the Person Profile page, Commitment Profile view.

The system derives information for the Commitment Profile view from the Giving Profile page.

Lifetime Giving

Lifetime Commitments

Click to access the Giving Profile page for the constituent.

Historical Giving

Total Year-to-Date Giving

Click to access the Giving Profile page for the constituent.

Transaction Register

Click this link to access the Transaction Register page to view more giving details.

See Also

Analyzing Donor History

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Participation Profile

Access the Person Profile page, Participation Profile view.

This table lists the information sections in this view and the pages from which the system derives the information:

Information Section



Involvement Summary

Volunteer Activities

Volunteer History


Membership History Prsn (membership history person)



Click a link to access the Involvement Detail page for the constituent.

Volunteer Activities

Volunteer Role

Click a link to access the Volunteer Assignment Detail page for the constituent.

Volunteer Group and Volunteer Sub Group

These columns display the group or subgroup to which the volunteer belongs.


Membership Organization

Click a link to access the Membership Detail page for the constituent.

If business unit security is active, the system only displays member organizations for accessible business units.

See Also

Maintaining Involvement Information

Reviewing Volunteer History

Viewing Membership History

Click to jump to parent topicViewing an Organization Profile

This section provides an overview of organization profile views and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Organization Profile Views

Each profile view contains several data regions with summary information. The table below lists each data region and the profile view that contains it:

Data Region

Profile View


Organization Detail

Organization Departments

Organization Detail

Organization Contacts

Organization Detail


Organization Detail

Organization Attributes

Organization Financial Info

Organization Financial Information

Organization Financial Info

Lifetime Giving


Historical Giving


Matching Gifts






As you collapse and expand each profile view, the system populates the data regions within the view.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View an Organization Profile

Page Name

Definition Name



Organization Profile



  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Profile

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Workset, Workset Constituent Info, Organization Profile

View summary information about a constituent that is an organization, without having to navigate through the menus in the system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a General Organization Profile

Access the Organization Profile page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Profile). The default settings that determine what you see—which profile views expand, as well as the address, phone, and email views that appear—are defined on the Operator Defaults page.

Common Fields

Some fields on this page are not dependent on which profile view is expanded. The system always displays the following information at the top of the page: constituent name, ID, constituent type, institution, and 3Cs buttons.

Profile View

Select a profile view—Organization Detail, Organization Financial Info, Commitment, or Participation—to expand it below and populate its data regions. Click the arrowhead next to the name of the region to manually expand or collapse data regions.

Printer Friendly Version

Click to access a read-only version of the page that expands all rows of all populated data regions. You can print this page using your browser's print functionality.

Click the Return button to return to the Organization Profile page.

Expand All and Collapse All

Click to either expand or collapse all data regions below.

Clearance Required

If this check box is selected, clearance is required before contacting the organization. Clearances are set on the Clearance page.

Prospect Manager

Displays the name of the organization's assigned prospect manager. Prospect managers are assigned on the Staff Assignment, Volunteer Assignment, and Unit Assignment pages.

If the prospect manager has an active email address on the Electronic Addresses page, the name appears as a link. Click the link to launch your email application and send a message to that person's preferred email address.

Additional Information

The system displays messages at the bottom of the page based on the following conditions:

Note. Where no data exists, the system hides the data region.

Data Region




No data exists.

No Locations on file

Organization Departments

No data exists.

No Organization Departments on file

Organization Contacts

No data exists.

No Organization Contacts on file


No data exists.

No Relationships on file


No attachments exist.

No prospect attachments on file

Organization Attributes

No data exists.

No Organization Attributes on file

Organization Financial Information

No data exists.

No Organization Financial Information on file

Lifetime Giving

Historical Giving

No data exists.

Constituent is not a donor


Data exists but user does not have access to the Giving Profile - Org page from any menu.

Constituent is a donor

Matching Gifts

No data exists.

Not a Matching Gift donor


Data exists but user does not have access to the Giving Profile - Org page from any menu.

Constituent is a Matching Gift donor


No data exists.

No Involvement information on file


No data exists.

No Membership information on file


Data exists but user does not have access to the Membership History page from any menu.

Membership information on file

The system also displays messages in this area related to the following information:

Additional Information




Data exists in the AV_PRSN_RATING_E record.

Ratings information on file


No data exists.

No Ratings information on file

Assigned Resources

Data exists in the AV_ASGN_STAFF, AV_ASGN_VOL, or AV_ASGN_UNIT record.

Prospect resources are assigned to the constituent


No data exists.

No Resources are assigned to the constituent

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Organization Details

Access the Organization Profile page, Organization Detail view.

The following table lists the information sections in this view and the pages from which the system derives the information:

Information Section



Location Detail

Organization Departments

Department Detail

Organization Contacts

Contact Detail


Organization Relationships

Org/Person Relationships


Constituent Attachments



When you select a location, the system populates the address, phone, email, and URL address information.

Phone Type

The system displays the selected phone type.

Email ID

If the organization has an active email address in the system, it appears as a link. Click the link to launch your email application and send a message to the constituent.

URL Address

If the organization has an active website address on file, it appears as a link.

Note. The phone, email, and URL information that the system displays changes based on the location selected.

Organization Departments


Click the link to access the Department Phone Information page.


Click the link to access the Department Location Information page.

Organization Contacts

Contact Name

Click to access the Organization Contact Phone information page.


Click the link to access the Contact Location Information page.


This group box displays a combination of organization-to-person and organization-to-organization relationships defined in the system.


Click to access the Relationship Detail page and view more details.


You can click the View link to open the attachment in a new window.

See Also

Managing Constituent Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Organization Financial Details

Access the Organization Profile page, Organization Financial Info view.

The following table lists the information sections in this view and the pages from which the system derives the information:

Information Section


Organization Attributes

Organization Financial Information

Organization Financial Information

Organization Financial Information

Organization Attributes

Stock Exchange and Symbol

Displays the name of the stock exchange and the stock exchange symbol under which the organization's stock trades.

Industry Code (SIC)

Displays the Standard Industrial Code for the organization.

Employee Count and Alumni Count

Displays the number of people currently employed at the organization and the total number of alumni who are employees of the organization based on a system ID and a work experience record.

Organization Financial Information

Revenue Amount

Displays the total amount the organization received in revenues during the fiscal year.

Expenses Amount

Displays the total amount the organization incurred as expenses during the fiscal year.

Assets Amount

Displays the total worth of all assets held by the organization during the fiscal year.

Liability Amount

Displays the total amount of all liabilities owed by the organization during the fiscal year.

Contributions Total

Displays the total amount of all contributions made by the organization to the institution as well as other entities during the fiscal year.

See Also

Maintaining an Organization's Financial Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Commitments

Access the Organization Profile page, Commitment view.

The following table lists the information sections in this view and the pages from which the system derives the information:

Information Section


Lifetime Giving

Giving Profile

Historical Giving

Giving Profile

Matching Gifts

Ext Org Matching Gifts

Note. If giving profile security is active, the system may not display the Lifetime Giving or Historical Giving group boxes. Instead, the system displays messages in the Additional Information group box. The messages indicate that the organization is a donor, but they provide no giving details.

Lifetime Giving

Lifetime Commitments

Click to access the Giving Profile page for the organization.

Historical Giving

Total Year-to-Date Giving

Click to access the Giving Profile page for the organization.

Transaction Register

Click to access the Transaction Register - Org page to view more giving details.

Matching Gifts

Lifetime Match

Click to access the Ext Org Matching Gifts page for the organization.

Matching Gift Rules

Click to access the Matching Rules page for the organization.

See Also

Analyzing Giving History

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Organization Participation

Access the Organization Profile page, Participation view.

This table lists the information sections in this view and the pages from which the system derives the information:

Information Section



Involvement Summary


Membership History Org (membership history organization)



Click a link to access the Involvement Detail page for the organization.


Membership Organization

Click a link to access the Membership Detail page for the organization.

Note. If business unit security is active, the system only displays member organizations for accessible business units.

See Also

Managing Membership

Click to jump to parent topicViewing a Prospect Profile

Contributor Relations provides a Prospect Profile page that presents a 360-degree view of a prospect's connections with your institution. The page contains a large amount of information as well as links to other pages in the system to enable you to find more detailed information. The data regions available on the page will change, depending on whether the prospect is a person or an organization.

This section provides an overview of prospect profile views and discusses how to:

Note. If prospect management security is active, the system may not display this page at all. Instead, the system displays messages in the Additional Information group box at the bottom of the Person Profile or Organization Profile page. These messages provide information about the amount and type of prospect information in the system, but reveal no details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Prospect Profile Views

Each profile view contains several data regions with summary information. The table below lists each data region and the profile view that contains it:

Data Region

Profile View

Assigned Resources

Prospect Management


Prospect Management


Prospect Management

Recent Actions

Prospect Management

Next Actions

Prospect Management


Prospect Management

Charitable Involvement

Philanthropic Interests

Designations Supported

Philanthropic Interests

Personal Assets

Prospect Management (people only)

Planned Giving

Philanthropic Interests (people only)

As you collapse and expand each profile view, the system populates the data regions within them.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View a Prospect Profile

Page Name

Definition Name



Prospect Profile


  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Profile, Prospect Profile

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Workset, Workset Constituent Info, Organization Profile, Prospect Profile

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Person Profile, Prospect Profile

  • Self Service, Outreach, View Person Information, Constituent Information, Person Profile, Prospect Profile

View summary information about a prospect without having to navigate through the menus in the system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a General Prospect Profile

Access the Prospect Profile page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Organization Profile, Prospect Profile). The default settings that determine what you see—which profile views expand, as well as the address, phone, and email views that appear—are defined on the Operator Defaults page.

Common Fields

Some fields on this page are not dependent on which profile view is expanded. The system always displays the following information at the top of the page: constituent name, ID, constituent type, class year (for people), institution, spouse button (for people, if a spousal relationship exists), and 3Cs/Service Indicator buttons.

Constituent Type

Click to access the Constituent Type Summary page for a person. It lists all types assigned to a constituent.


If academic information exists for the person in the system, the class year appears as a link. Click the link to access the Academic Information inquiry component.

If no class year exists but the system has academic information for the prospect, then None appears here as a link. Click the link to access the Academic Information inquiry component.

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)

Click to access the FERPA display component for the person. It lists the prospect's personal data and specifies which information can be released.

Profile View

Select a profile view–Prospect Management or Philanthropic Interests–to expand it and populate its data regions. Click the arrow next to the region's name to manually expand or collapse data regions.

Printer Friendly Version

Click to access a read-only version of the page that expands all rows of all populated data regions. You can print this page using your browser's print functionality.

Note. Set narrow print margins for your printer.

Click the Return button to return to the Prospect Profile page.

Expand All and Collapse All

Click to either expand or collapse all data regions below.

Clearance Required

If this check box is selected, clearance is required before contacting the prospect. You set clearances on the Clearance page.

Prospect Manager

Displays the name of the prospect manager assigned to the constituent. Prospect managers are assigned on the Staff Assignment, Volunteer Assignment, and Unit Assignment pages.

If the prospect manager has an active email address on the Electronic Addresses page, the name appears as a link. Click the link to launch your email application and send a message to that person.

Additional Information

The system displays messages at the bottom of the page based on the following conditions:

Note. Where no data exists, the system hides the data region.

Data Region



Assigned Resources

No data exists.

No resources are assigned to the constituent


No data exists.

No current Clearances for this constituent


No data exists.

No current Strategies for this constituent


No attachments exist.

No prospect attachments on file

Recent Actions

No data exists.

No actions for this constituent have occurred in the last year

Next Actions

No data exists.

No future actions are scheduled for this constituent


No data exists.

No Ratings information on file

Charitable Involvement

No data exists.

No Charitable Involvement information on file

Designations Supported

No data exists.

Constituent is not a donor

Personal Assets

No data exists.

No Personal Assets on file

Planned Giving

No data exists.

No Planned Giving information on file

See Also

Managing FERPA Privacy Control

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Prospect Management Details

Access the Prospect Profile page, Prospect Management view. The system does not display the Personal Assets section for organizations.

For person records, the Personal Assets grid will appear in the Prospect Management view.

This table lists the information sections in this view and the pages from which the system derives the information:

Information Section


Assigned Resources

Prospect Assignments




Strategy Summary

Recent Actions

Action Summary

Next Actions

Action Summary


Ratings Summary

Personal Assets

Personal Assets

Assigned Resources

This group box displays current and future assignments.


Click to access the Assignment Detail page.


If this check box is selected, the prospect and spouse are linked and the same resources are assigned to them.

This check box appears only for prospects that are people.



Click to access the Clearance page to view more details.


Strategy Name

Click to access the Prospect Strategy Detail page.

Spouse Link

If this check box is selected, a linked strategy exists for a spouse in the system.

Linked Actions

Click to access the Strategy Linked Actions page.

Recent Actions

This group box displays actions completed within the last year.

Action Description

Click to access the Action Detail page.

Next Actions

This group box displays incomplete actions scheduled in the past year as well as those with a planned date greater than today's date.

Action Description

Click to access the Action Detail page.


Rating Category

Click to access the Ratings Detail page to view more ratings information.

Personal Assets

This group box appears only for prospects that are people.


Click to access the Personal Asset Detail page for the prospect.

See Also

Managing Prospects

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Prospect Philanthropic Interests

Access the Prospect Profile page, Philanthropic Interests view. The system does not display the Planned Gifts section for organizations.

This table lists the information sections in this view and the pages from which the system derives the information:

Information Section


Charitable Involvement

Philanthropic Interests

Designations Supported

Philanthropic Interests

Planned Gifts

Planned Giving Summary

Charitable Involvement

This group box displays all details about any charitable activities, interests, affiliations, honors/awards, or other involvement for the prospect.

Designations Supported

This group box displays a sum of all gifts to a designation. This summary provides a picture of a prospect's giving trends.

Designation Name

Click to access the Account Details page for the designation.

Planned Gifts

This group box appears only for prospects that are people.

Planned Gift Name

Click to access the Bequest, Trust, Gift Annuity, or Pooled Income Fund Detail page for the prospect, depending on the type of planned gift that is selected.

See Also

Managing Constituent Data

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating a Donor's Record or Adding a Donor

Use the Update Information pages to either update an existing donor's record or add a new donor to the system.

See Also

Updating or Adding a Constituent Who is a Person

Updating or Adding a Constituent Who is an Organization

Click to jump to parent topicViewing a Constituent's Audience History

This section discusses how to review audience history.

Note. Separate Update Information pages exist for donors who are people and donors that are organizations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View a Constituent's Audience History

Page Name

Definition Name



Audience History



  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Participation, Audience History

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Participation, Audience History

Assess the ways in which a constituent is being solicited. This page displays all the target audiences to which the constituent belongs.

Audiences are defined for both initiatives and membership organizations, and are based on a variety of attributes. For example, an audience might consist of all constituents who have an involvement of GOLF.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Audience History

Access the Audience History page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Participation, Audience History).


Lists the name of the initiative audience to which the constituent belongs.

Audience Type

Indicates whether the audience is for the purpose of Administration, Segmentation, or Reporting.


Lists the name of the initiative to which the audience is associated.

Initiative Type

Indicates whether the initiative is a campaign, volunteer effort, event, membership effort, or other type.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Involvement Information

This section provides an overview of involvement and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Involvement

The Involvement component of Contributor Relations enables you to maintain information about a constituent's activities, affiliations, interests, and awards and honors. When you create an involvement record, you identify the involvement type, a description of the involvement, a category such as charitable or political, an institution, and start and end dates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Involvement Information

Page Name

Definition Name







  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Biographic Information, Involvement

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Participation, Involvement

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Workset, Involvement

Add new involvement records for a constituent.

Involvement Filter




  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, View Person Information, Participation, Involvement Summary, Involvement Filter

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Participation, Involvement Summary, Involvement Filter

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Workset, Workset Constituent Info, Involvement Summary, Involvement Filter

Filter the types of involvement that you view on the Involvement Summary page.

Involvement Summary




  • Click the Search button on the Involvement Filter page.

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Participation, Involvement Summary, Involvement Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Participation, Involvement Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Workset, Workset Constituent Info, Involvement Summary, Involvement Summary

View a list of the involvement records that match the filter criteria that you specify on the Involvement Filter page.

Involvement Detail


  • You can access the Involvement Detail page through multiple navigation paths. The most frequently used path follows:

  • Click the Detail link on the Involvement Summary page.

View additional information about an involvement record.

Roster Filter


Contributor Relations, CR Reports, Involvement Roster, Roster Filter

Create a list of all the constituents who share common involvement. For example, you can generate a list of the constituents who participated in the annual 10k walk on your campus or a list of constituents with an interest in golfing.

Roster List


Contributor Relations, CR Reports, Involvement Roster, Roster List

View a list of constituents who share a common involvement based on the selections that you made on the Involvement Roster page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Involvement Records

Access the Involvement page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, Biographic Information, Involvement).

Involvement Type

Select an involvement type, such as a constituent's interest, activities, awards, or affiliations. Its description appears to the right.

Involvement Category

Select a category of involvement information such as professional, charitable, academic, social, religious, and so on. The category's description appears to the right.


Select an involvement code from the available options, which are defined by your institution. The code's description appears to the right.


Indicate with which institution the involvement is associated.

Received Date

If the involvement type is Award and Honor or another type that requires a received date rather than a date range, enter the date in the Rcvd Dt field. Make this determination when defining involvement types.

Source Description

The person or publication that alerted you to the constituent's involvement.

Last Modified Date

The date on which this information was most recently updated.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFiltering Involvement Records

Access the Involvement Filter page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, People, View Person Information, Participation, Involvement Summary, Involvement Filter).


Select the institution for which you want to view involvement information.

Involvement Type

Select the involvement types about which you want to view information on the Involvement Summary page.

Involvement Category

Select the involvement categories about which you want to view information on the Involvement Summary page. Involvement categories describe the nature of the involvement.


Click to retrieve a list of the involvement records that match the criteria that you selected on the Involvement Summary page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating an Involvement Roster

Access the Roster Filter page (Contributor Relations, CR Reports, Involvement Roster, Roster Filter).

Involvement Type

Select the involvement type for which you want to create a roster. Its description appears to the right.

Involvement Category

Select the involvement category for which you want to create a roster. Involvement categories describe the nature of the involvement, such as Professional, Political, Charitable, and so on. The description of the category appears to the right.

Involvement Code

Select the involvement code for which you want to create a roster. Involvement codes describe the specific involvement, such as Golf, Hunting, Dancing, Kiwanis Club, and so on. The description of the code appears to the right.


Click to retrieve a list of involvement records that make up your roster on the Roster List page.

Note. The maximum retrieval value, set on the Institution Installation page, determines the maximum number of results returned per search.

You can build a workset from the records that you retrieve on the Roster List page.

See Also

Building a Workset From a Page in the System

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Relationships

This section provides an overview of relationships, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Relationships

You can establish relationships between two people, two organizations, or a person and an organization.

The relationships that you establish can be reciprocal—that is, when you indicate a relationship in one record, the system creates the relationship in the corresponding record. For example, if you are working with Shawn Gallegher and you create a relationship for him as a trustee of Ford Motor Foundation, the system automatically creates the corresponding relationship in Ford Motor Company's record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Relationship Nbr (relationship number)

The system automatically generates a relationship number when you establish and save a relationship.

Related ID

Enter the ID of the person or organization to which this constituent is related. Select a related ID if the organization exists in the system.


Select the nature of the relationship, such as person to organization, organization to organization, or organization to person. Relationship types are shipped with the system as translate values. Do not modify these translate values. Any modifications to these values requires substantial programming.

Source Description

Enter the name of the person or publication that provides your institution with information about this relationship.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Establish Relationships

Page Name

Definition Name





Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Relationships, Org to Org Relationships

Record information about a relationship between two organizations.

Address Detail



You can access the Address Detail page through multiple navigation paths. A frequently used path is:

Click the Address link on the Relationships page.

Enter and view address information for a person or organization for which no record exists in the system.

Person / Org Relationships (person to organization relationships)


Contributor Relations, People, Relationships, Person to Org Relationships

Establish a relationship from a person to an organization. Use this page when creating the relationship from the person's record to the organization.

Org / Person Relationships (organization to person relationships)


Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Relationships, Org to Person Relationships

Establish a relationship from an organization to a person. Use this page when creating the relationship from the organization's record to the person.

Relationship Summary



Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Workset, Workset Constituent Info, Relationships - Workset, Relationship Summary - Workset

View information about the relationships that a person has with other people and organizations.

Relationship Detail




Click the Details button on the Relationship Summary page.

View additional information about a particular relationship, such as relationship begin and end dates, address information, and comments.

Address Information


Click the Address button on the Relationship Detail page.

View existing address information for people or organizations in the system with a relationship assigned. The system displays address information stored on the ADDRESSES table, for both the primary ID and the related ID.

Org Relationship Summary (organization relationship summary)



  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Relationships, Relationship Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Workset, Workset Constituent Info, Relationships - Workset, Org Relationship Summary - WS

View information about the relationships that an organization has with other people and organizations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing a Person-to-Person Relationship

Access the Relationships page.

Use the Relationships page to record information about relationships between two people.

See Also

Managing Relationships Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing an Organization-to-Organization Relationship

Access the Relationships page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Relationships, Org to Org Relationships).

Reciprocal Relation

Select the corresponding relationship. For example, if an organization is a parent company, the reciprocal relation might be Subsidiary. You define reciprocal relations using the Reciprocal Relationship page.


If you do not select a related ID, enter the name of the related organization. If you select a related ID, the name of the organization appears.


If the related organization does not have an ID in the system, click to enter address information on the Address Detail page.

See Also

Managing Addresses and Phone Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing a Person-to-Organization Relationship

Access the Person / Org Relationships page (Contributor Relations, People, Relationships, Person to Org Relationships).


Enter the relationship that the person has with the organization. For example, if you are defining a trustee/foundation relationship, the person relationship is Trustee or Officer.


Displays the name of the related organization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing an Organization-to-Person Relationship

Access the Org / Person Relationships page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Organizations, Relationships, Org to Person Relationships).


Enter the relationship that the organization has with the person. For example, if you are defining a trustee/foundation relationship, the person's relationship to the organization is Trustee.

Related ID

Select the name of the related person.


If you do not select an ID, select a name prefix. If you select an ID, the person's name prefix appears.


If you do not select an ID, select a name suffix. If you select an ID, the person's name suffix appears.

SSN (social security number)

If you do not select an ID, enter the person's SSN. If you select an ID, the person's SSN appears.