General Functions Used Throughout the System

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicLinking a Spouse to a Constituent Record

When you have established the constituent's relationship with the spouse, the Spouse link appears in the top right-hand corner of many pages when the constituent's record is retrieved.

Click to retrieve the constituent's spousal record on the current page. When the spouse record is retrieved, that record carries forward as you navigate from page to page.

To return to the constituent's record, click the link. This link acts as a toggle switch, enabling you to move back and forth between spouse records.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Worksets

This section provides an overview of worksets and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Worksets

On many pages throughout the system you can create worksets, or groups of records that you review or update simultaneously. Worksets are a powerful tool when your work revolves around a group of constituents, because you do not have to retrieve each record individually to review or update information. Worksets can contain both people and external organizations within a single workset.

You can load a workset into a page to work with a set of records at one time, rather than individually accessing each record. You can also save, update, join, and reuse worksets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work with Worksets

Page Name

Definition Name



Manage Worksets


Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Workset, Manage Worksets

Create or update worksets.

Join Worksets


Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Workset, Join Worksets

Join two or more worksets by either adding the records from two worksets together or by excluding the records in the worksets that are not common.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Workset

Access the Manage Worksets page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Workset, Manage Worksets).

Total Members

The number of records in the workset.


A free-text field that describes the contents of the workset.

Short Description

The first 10 characters of the Description field. You can modify this text.

ID Type and ID

Select the ID type and ID for each constituent to include in the workset.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicJoining Worksets

Access the Join Worksets page (Contributor Relations, Constituent Information, Workset, Join Worksets).

Workset To Be Built

Workset Code

Select the code for the first workset in the set to join. You define workset codes when you create a workset.


The description of the workset that appears when you press TAB from the Workset Code field. The resulting joined workset inherits the name of the workset that you select.


Select a method for joining the two worksets.

Add: Select to add the records in the selected workset to the records in another workset without excluding any records.

Exclusive: Select to remove nonmatching records from both worksets.


Click to create the workset.

Worksets To Be Joined

Workset Code

Select the code for each workset to be joined.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBuilding a Workset From a Page in the System

There are several pages in Contributor Relations that you can use to build a workset:

To build a workset while you are using one of these pages:

  1. Select the Workset check box to include the prospect in a workset.

  2. To include all the records on the page, click All.

  3. To create a new workset, add to an existing workset, or override an existing workset with the selected prospects, type or select the short name for the workset in the Workset field.

    If you are creating a new workset, type text describing the workset in the Description field.

  4. Select Add to add the selected prospects to an existing workset without changing the existing workset records.

  5. Select Overwrite to overwrite the records in an existing workset with the records that you selected.

  6. Select Exclusive to remove records from an existing workset that do not match the records that you selected.

  7. Click Build to create the workset.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Service Indicators

You can create and review service indicators, or tags that provide important information about a constituent. For example, service indicators might be Verified Deceased, Do Not Call, Do Not Solicit, Do Not Mail, and so on.

The pages and process that you use to create and review service indicators are identical to those used in the PeopleSoft Campus Community application.

See Also

Setting Up Service Indicators

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Constituent Type and Class Year

On many pages in Contributor Relations, the system displays a person's constituent type as a link, as well as class year. When you click the Constituent Type link, you access the Constituent Type Summary page, where you can review historical constituent types for that person. Click the Class Year link to display the constituent's Academic Information Summary page.

Click to jump to parent topicSending Email Notifications

On many pages in Contributor Relations, you have the option to send an email to constituents. For example, after reviewing a person's Person Profile, you might send an email to the constituent to request an information update, or to invite the constituent to participate in a special event of interest, based on information on their record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Send Email Notifications

Page Name

Definition Name



Send Notification


Click the Notify button on any page in the system where it is available.

Enter email details, such as addresses and message content.

Send Notification - Lookup Address


Click the Lookup Recipient link on the Send Notification page.

Create an email recipient list or search for email addresses.

Send Notification - Delivery Options


Click the Delivery Options link on the Send Notification page.

View or change the delivery method of the email.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Viewing Attachments

This section provides an overview of new attachment functionality in Contributor Relations and discusses how to create and view attachments throughout the system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Attachments

File attachments provide the ability to upload, modify, view and delete files in several areas of the product. The following table provides a high-level overview of where file attachments can be used in Contributor Relations:



Persons and Organizations

A number of components can manage an overall set of file attachments for both people and organizations. Each attachment uploaded is assigned an attachment type. This type is defined by the user and is used for grouping and filtering attachments.

The Person Profile and Organization Profile pages list the attachments created for the constituent where they can be subsequently downloaded and viewed on demand.

Gift Entry and Pledge Entry

Files can be attached to individual gift and pledges within a session. Attachments in posted gift and pledge sessions can be viewed and managed without the need to create an adjusted session.

Planned Giving

Files can be attached to individual bequests, trusts, gift annuities, and pooled income funds. The planned giving profile and prospect profile components list the attachments where they can be subsequently downloaded and viewed on demand.


A common set of attachments can be managed for a prospect using the Prospect Attachments components. The attachments created can be viewed from the Prospect Profile page. Attachments can also be added to Strategies.


Attachments can be created and managed for each individual designation fund. Any attachments created can be viewed using the designation fund details components.

Action Entry

Attachments can be created and managed for each individual action assigned to people and organizations in Contributor Relations. The attachments created can be viewed using the Action Details secondary page.

Matching Gift

Attachments can be created and managed using the Matching Rules component. The attachments created can be viewed using the View Matching Rules component.


Attachments can be created and managed for each initiative (campaign, event, membership, volunteer, and other initiatives). The campaign attachments created can be viewed from the Campaign Summary component.

There are four categories of attachments that you can create and view:

See Also

Creating Constituent Attachments

Creating Initiative Attachments


Managing Planned Giving Prospects