Managing Initiatives

This chapter provides an overview of initiative management and discusses how to:

See Also

Managing Campaigns

Managing Membership

Managing Volunteers

Managing Event Initiatives

Managing Other Initiatives

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Initiative Management

This section lists prerequisites and discusses initiative management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can manage any type of initiative, you must have completed its setup. All initiatives use a few common setup pages, and some initiatives require additional setup that is specific to their function.

See Also

Setting Up Initiatives

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInitiative Management

To manage any type of initiative (campaign, volunteer effort, membership initiative, event, or other type of initiative):

  1. Create the initiative.

  2. (Optional) Define the audience.

  3. (Optional) Link related initiatives.

  4. (Optional) Assign resources.

  5. (Optional) Create a public relations (PR) plan.

  6. (Optional) Create a budget.

  7. (Optional) Track budget expenses.

  8. (Optional) Create initiative actions.

  9. (Optional) View action summary information.

  10. (Optional) View related goals.

  11. (Optional) View responsible staff for related initiatives.

  12. (Optional) Create initiative or membership letters.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining an Initiative

This section discusses how to create any type of initiative.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define an Initiative

Page Name

Definition Name





Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Manage Campaigns, Campaign Initiatives

Begin the process of defining a new campaign initiative at your institution.



Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Initiatives

Begin the process of defining a membership initiative at your institution.



Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Volunteer Initiatives, Manage Volunteer Initiatives, Volunteer Initiatives

Begin the process of defining a new volunteer initiative at your institution.



Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Event Initiatives, Manage Events, Event Initiatives

Begin the process of defining a new event initiative at your institution.

Other Initiatives


Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Manage Other Initiatives, Other Initiatives

Begin the process of defining a new initiative at your institution that is not a campaign, membership initiative, event initiative, or volunteer effort.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating an Initiative

Depending on the type of initiative you want to create, access the Campaign, Membership, Volunteers, Event, or Other Initiatives page (Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Manage Campaigns, Campaign Initiatives).

Fields Common to All Initiatives


Name the initiative, up to 60 characters.

Reporting Level

Enter a reporting level for the initiative. The highest reporting level is 1. The lowest reporting level is 999. You will receive an error message if you enter an incorrect reporting level.

A level 1 initiative cannot be related to another level 1 initiative of the same type. For example, a level 1 campaign cannot be related to another level 1 campaign. Reporting levels are critical when relating other initiatives to an initiative on the Related Initiatives page. Note that you cannot relate any campaigns to events. Events must be in context of the larger campaign; a campaign drives what is related to it.

Business Unit

Note. Your selection determines the values you can choose from when selecting a responsible department, creating department goals, selecting a public relations appeal, and selecting an appeal for a budget expense.

% Particptn Goal (percent participation goal) and Financial Goal

Enter a participation goal percentage and a financial goal for the initiative. Goals indicate the amount of or percentage increase in participation that you expect to receive as a result of the initiative.

For campaign initiatives, these fields are used in the Campaign Progress Report. For memberships, these fields are used in the Membership Progress page.


Select a responsible person for the initiative. This field populates by default to the user ID of the person defining the initiative, but can be overridden. To select a new responsible person, click the Quick Search button and select the appropriate ID. When a responsible person is selected, his or her name appears to the right of this field. Only one person can be responsible for an initiative at a given time.


Select a responsible department for the initiative. The prompt box displays a listing of all the departments associated with the setID for the business unit that you select for this initiative.

If You Are Creating a Campaign Initiative


Select a phase to indicate whether the initiative is currently Private or Public.

You may want to begin the campaign privately, identifying the pace-setting gifts that form the nucleus fund of the campaign. When the campaign has some momentum from the private phase, you can take it public to complete its goals.

If You Are Creating a Membership Initiative

Mbr Org (member organization)

Enter the member organization. This code identifies which member organization at your institution owns the membership initiative. The first initiative that you create might not have values in this field because no values might have been set up yet. If so, leave this field blank and return to complete it after you create the appropriate member organization.

If You Are Creating a Volunteer Initiative

Nbr Vol Goal (number of volunteers goal)

Enter the number of volunteers you want to be involved in the initiative.

Vol Pool Goal (volunteer pool goal)

Enter the number of constituents you must invite to participate to generate the number of volunteers goal.

If You are Creating an Event Initiative

Event ID

If you have already created this event on the Event page, select the event ID to link it to this event initiative. Otherwise, click the New ID button to create an event. After you create an event and save the Event page, the system creates an event ID and automatically enters the new ID here.

New ID

Click to create an event for this event initiative. When you click this button, the system automatically populates the Event page with key values that you entered here. To assist you in creating the event record, the system transfers the event code that you are defining to the Short Description field, the name that you enter to the Description field, and the institution that you select to the Institution field.

See Managing Campus Event Planning.

Attendance Goal

Enter a goal that states the expected number of constituents who will attend the event.

If You Are Creating an Other Initiative

Intv Type (initiative type)

Enter an initiative type. The type you enter should be one not defined by your institution as Campaign, Membership, Volunteer, or Event.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining an Initiative Audience

This section discusses how to define an audience for an initiative. Audiences are populations and sub-populations of constituents related to an initiative.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Audiences

You need an audience to communicate; the Audience page helps you identify the target market. There are three types of audiences:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define an Initiative Audience

Page Name

Definition Name









  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Manage Campaigns, Campaign Initiatives, Audience

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Audience

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Volunteer Initiatives, Manage Volunteer Initiatives, Audience

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Event Initiatives, Manage Events, Audience

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Manage Other Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Audience

Define the target audiences, or populations and sub-populations of constituents related to an initiative.

Audience Detail


Click the Audience Detail button on the Audience page.

View additional information about an audience.

Initiative Audience Build


Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Process Initiatives, Initiative Audience Build

Run the AVINTBM process for audiences. You can build the audiences that are used for initiatives, move audiences from the temporary table AV_INTV_TMP_TBL to the permanent table AV_INITIATIVES, or both.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Audience

Access the Audience page (Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Manage Campaigns, Campaign Initiatives, Audience).

Note. Before assigning an audience to an initiative, you must create the audience by defining attribute types, then define audience criteria based on those attribute types.

When you define an audience, you specify which particular group of constituents to reach through the initiative. For example, a reunion event might target all the constituents in the Class of 1990.

Use the audiences that you define to identify who receives particular messages as a result of the public relations plan and to set intermediate goals for the initiative. However, to actually build the audience for the initiative, you must use the Initiative Audience Build page.

Note. Audiences must be linked to an initiative to use Mass Change to assign communications to audience members.

Selection Process

The appearance of this page changes, depending on the selection process you select. If you select Population Selection, you can select audiences built using the Population Selection process on the Audience Criteria page. If you select Build/Merge Process, you can select audiences built using standard audience build/merge functionality.



Select an option: Person, Organization, or Both. The value Both is only available if you selected the Population Selection process.


Make a selection from the prompt box containing a list of all the audiences for either persons or organizations defined by your institution. This list includes only those defined on the Audience Criteria page.

Audience Type

Select the reason that the audience you entered has been chosen. Values for this field (Segmentation, Reporting, and Administrative) are delivered with the system as translate values. Segmentation is a required value. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values will require a substantial programming effort.

Use Reporting to report the progress of the campaign. Use Administrative to create an audience of those responsible for the campaign. Use Segmentation for marketing purposes.

Note. Segmentation is the only type available for setting campaign goals.

Select Segmentation to include this audience for this initiative in the list of Audience Code values on the Initiative Goals page and PR Plan page. Reporting and Administration are not relevant to the Initiative Goals page.

Query Name

If desired for future reference, enter the current query name used in your reporting tool when running reports on the audience. This field is only available if you chose to use the Build/Merge Process.

Workset Name

If you use a workset containing the members of the audience, enter the name. You can enter only those worksets that you have access to. This field is only available if you chose to use the Build/Merge Process.

Audience Detail

Click to open the Audience Detail page. This page displays the criteria that defines the audience. Review this information to ensure that you select the correct audience. This field is only available if you chose to use the Build/Merge Process.

See Also

Setting Up Attribute Types

Setting Up Audience Criteria

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBuilding and Merging the Audience

Access the Initiative Audience Build page (Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Process Initiatives, Initiative Audience Build).

The Initiative Audience Build/Merge Application Engine process (AVINTBM) generates the actual list of audience members and builds the audience based on the selection process you select.

To build the audience initially, click Run to run the Initiative Audience Build process. This process builds the audiences that you select on this page and any defined audiences that have not previously been built.

Note. After you build an audience, audience members are not purged if they no longer meet the audience criteria.

After you run the Initiative Audience Build process you must manually purge the AV_INTV_TMP_TBL table if you want to edit the IDs selected to be included in the audience. This step is only available if you do not select the Merge into Initiative Audience check box when you run the process. If you select both the Build Temp Tables and Merge into Initiative Audience check boxes when running the process, the system builds the temp tables then immediately adds the IDs in the temporary tables to the AV_INITIATIVE table without allowing any edits to the selected IDs.

Selection Process

The AVINTBM process behaves differently, depending on whether you select Population Selection or Build/Merge Process. If you select the Build/Merge Process, the system launches the AVPINT Cobol process and builds the audiences using that process.

Note. For performance considerations, there is a maximum of 400 person/organization combinations of audience criteria per process instance. If the total member organizations to be built will result in more than 400 combinations, set up the member organizations in blocks and run the process after setting up each block of organizations. When rebuilding audiences, select them with this maximum in mind and run the process more than once, selecting different groups of audiences to be rebuilt. An example of a situation that would exceed the maximum is building, in one run, 101 organizations each having four audience criteria.

Processes to Run

Using the check boxes in this group box, you can build an audience, merge an audience, or both.

Build Temp Tables

Select this option to generate the actual list of audience members and store it in a temporary table called AV_INTV_TMP_TBL. When the records are in this table, they can be analyzed to determine if the audience list is acceptable.

Merge into Initiative Audience

Select this option to merge any audiences in the temporary table (AV_INTV_TMP_TBL) with the permanent table (AV_INITIATIVE).

Build Audience

The system displays audiences here that are ready to be built. If you select the Population Selection option, this grid will only show audiences built using the Population Selection process.

Rebuild Audience

If you have already built an audience, to rebuild it use this group box to enter your criteria. You must rebuild audiences based on the selection process you select. When you rebuild an audience, the process adds any additional constituents that meet the audience criteria since the time the audience was last built.

Click to jump to parent topicLinking Related Initiatives

This section discusses how to link additional, related initiatives to the one you are creating.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Link Related Initiatives

Page Name

Definition Name



Related Initiative






  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Manage Campaigns, Campaign Initiatives, Related Initiatives

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Related Initiatives

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Volunteer Initiatives, Manage Volunteer Initiatives, Related Initiatives

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Event Initiatives, Manage Events, Related Initiatives

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Manage Other Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Related Initiatives

Link the initiative you are creating or updating to existing active initiatives.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Related Initiatives

Access the Related Initiative page (Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Manage Campaigns, Campaign Initiatives, Related Initiatives).

You can link campaigns, volunteer efforts, membership initiatives, events, or other institution-defined initiative types as a subunit of an initiative.


Select the initiative type to relate to the initiative with which you are working, such as Campaign, Event, Membership, Other, and Volunteer.


Select the reporting level of the initiative to relate to the initiative that you are working with. Select a level from 1 to 999. Level 1 is the highest reporting level; you cannot relate same-type initiatives with the same reporting level.

Intv Cd (initiative code)

Select the initiative code for the initiative to relate to the initiative with which you are working.

Important! Event, volunteer, membership, and other initiatives can be related to a campaign only when the campaign is retrieved on this page. This ensures the correct hierarchy for campaign reporting.

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning Initiative Resources

This section discusses how to assign initiative resources.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Assign Initiative Resources

Page Name

Definition Name









  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Manage Campaigns, Campaign Initiatives, Resources

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Resources

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Volunteer Initiatives, Manage Volunteer Initiatives, Resources

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Event Initiatives, Manage Events, Resources

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Manage Other Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Resources

Maintain information about the human resources that support an initiative.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Initiative Resources

Access the Resources page (Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Manage Campaigns, Campaign Initiatives, Resources).

You assign the responsible person for an initiative on the initial definition page in the component, but you maintain information about other resources associated with the initiative on this page.

Responsible Manager

This is the person, above the responsible person, who should get reports and notifications related to the initiative. Only valid defined staff and units are available for assignment.

Staff Role

Enter the role of the responsible manager at the institution. Examples of staff roles are Prospect Manager, Campaign Manager, Solicitor, and so on. Roles are defined by your institution using the Roles page. Only valid defined staff and units are available for assignment.

Other Primary Staff Resources

Enter any other staff members who are participating in the initiative, such as the class giving officer or the reunion manager. Only valid defined staff and units are available for assignment.

Important! These resources only need to be linked here if the person's assignment has not been established as the responsible person for a related initiative.

Staff Role

Enter the role of the staff member at the institution. Examples of staff roles are Prospect Manager, Campaign Manager, Solicitor, and so on. Roles are determined by your institution.

Responsible Unit

Enter the name of the unit that is responsible for the initiative.

Unit Role

Enter the purpose of the unit at the institution. Roles are determined by your institution.

Resource Type

Assign a volunteer as a resource. Values include Initiative or Mbr Org (member organization).

Initiative Type

If you selected Initiative as a resource type, select an initiative type associated with the volunteer.


If you selected Initiative as a resource type, select the initiative with which the volunteer is associated.

Mbr Org Code

If you selected Mbr Org as a resource type, select the code with which the volunteer is associated.

Volunteer Structure

To assign a volunteer as a resource, select a volunteer structure code for the volunteer. This prompt is only active if you have a defined volunteer structure assigned to this initiative. If you do not have a volunteer structure defined, click the New Vol button to create one.

New Vol (new volunteer)

Click to access the Volunteer Structure page, where you can structure a new volunteer leadership group to assign specifically to this initiative.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining a Public Relations Plan

This section discusses how to define a public relations plan for an initiative.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define a PR Plan

Page Name

Definition Name



PR Plan (public relations plan)






  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Manage Campaigns, Campaign Initiatives, PR Plan

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, PR Plan

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Volunteer Initiatives, Manage Volunteer Initiatives, PR Plan

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Event Initiatives, Manage Events, PR Plan

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Manage Other Initiatives, Other Initiatives, PR Plan

Define an overall plan for communicating the purpose and progress of an initiative to a variety of audiences.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Public Relations Plan

Access the PR Plan page (Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Manage Campaigns, Campaign Initiatives, PR Plan).

When you create a public relations plan, the system generates a to do list record for the people assigned to particular steps or tasks within the plan. In addition, the public relations plan is written to the overall action plan for the initiative.


Enter information about the content of the actual communication that is sent.


Select how the message is delivered, such as an invitation, newsletter, meeting, report, email, and so on. Methods are defined by your institution using the Methods page.


Select how often a communication is sent. Frequencies include Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Annually, or Annually. The values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Important! The combination of frequency and start date establishes the dates that actions are triggered to a to do list for the people who are assigned the responsibility for carrying out the task


Select an appeal to relate the public relations plan to a specific appeal defined for the initiative. For example, Annual Honor Roll may be the message and the enclosed envelope for an additional gift may have a defined appeal to track. Appeals are defined by your institution using the Appeals page. Available options include all the valid appeals for the setID associated with the business unit that you select for the initiative.


Select to indicate that a communication has already been generated and sent and that the planned cycle (start date to end date) is complete or the step is no longer needed in the plan.

Audience Type and Audience

Select an audience type and an audience for the communication. Audiences include only those defined on the Audience page for this initiative.

Seq Nbr (sequence number)

Indicates which step you are creating in the public relations plan.

Build Actions

After you have specified a message, method, frequency, appeal, assigned ID, and audience, click this button. The system generates initiative actions that correspond with the public relations tasks. For example, if you create a task of sending a monthly letter to alumni, the system creates an initiative action for the assigned staff for each date that the letter is to be sent. This date is based on the start and end dates of the public relations plan step.

Important! You can only build actions for a step once, so plan the steps carefully. Be certain that the dates and frequency—as well as the values in the Message, Appeal, and Responsible Person fields—are correct before directing the system to build actions. You do not have to build actions until you are ready. You can save the page and build the public relations plan actions later. After actions are built, any subsequent changes to an action require you to manually update them using the Initiative Action page.

Important! If you do not click the Build Actions button, you receive a message when you save the page asking to build actions for the initiative. If you click Yes, actions are created for all of the steps that have not yet been built. If you click No, the plan data is saved and no actions are created at this time. If you add steps to the public relations plan at a later date, the Build Actions button becomes active and you can build actions for the new steps. The actions that appear on the To Do List are determined by the setting you make in the Reminder Days field on the Institution Installation 2 page.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Initiative Attachments

This section discusses how to create attachments for any type of initiative.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Create Initiative Attachments

Page Name

Definition Name









  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Manage Campaigns, Campaign Initiatives, Attachments

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Attachments

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Event Initiatives, Manage Event Initiatives, Event Initiatives, Attachments

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Volunteer Initiatives, Manage Volunteer Initiatives, Volunteer Initiatives, Attachments

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Manage Other Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Attachments

Create and view attachments to an initiative.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Attachments

Access the Attachments page for an initiative (for example, Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Manage Campaigns, Campaign Initiatives, Attachments).

Click the View link to open the attachment in a new window. Click the Add button to upload a new attachment from within the component.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating an Initiative Budget and Tracking Expenses

This section discusses how to:

You can create a simple expense budget for an initiative. A budget can be broken down into budget categories, and a portion of the budget can be allocated to each category. In addition, you can track specific expenses associated with the initiative.

Note. Your Contributor Relations budget system does not support links to your institution's financial system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create a Budget and Track Expenses

Page Name

Definition Name









  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Manage Campaigns, Campaign Budget

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Budget

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Volunteer Initiatives, Manage Volunteer Initiatives, Volunteer Budget

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Event Initiatives, Manage Events, Event Budget

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Manage Other Initiatives, Other Initiative Budget

Create a simple expense budget for an initiative.

Budget Detail






  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Manage Campaigns, Campaign Budget Detail

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Budget Detail

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Volunteer Initiatives, Manage Volunteer Initiatives, Volunteer Budget Detail

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Event Initiatives, Manage Events, Event Budget Detail

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Manage Other Initiatives, Other Initiative Budget Detail

Track the specific expenses for an initiative.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Budget

Access the Budget page (Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Manage Campaigns, Campaign Budget).

You can break down a budget into budget categories and allocate a portion of the budget to each category.

Overall Budget

Enter the total amount allocated as the expense budget for the initiative.

Budget Category

Enter the category to which you want to allocate a portion of the overall budget. Categories are defined by your institution using the Budget Table page. When you select a category, its description appears to the right of this field.

Category Budget

Enter the amount of the overall budget allocated to the category that you selected.

An error message appears if the total amount budgeted to specific categories does not equal the overall budget. You cannot save a budget that exceeds the overall budget.

Warning! The system does not prevent overspending of your budget. The Budget feature within Contributor Relations does not link to the Financials system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Budget Expenses

Access the Budget Detail page (Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Manage Campaigns, Campaign Budget Detail).

Budget Category

Select the category to which the expense or refund is assigned. Only those budget categories defined for the initiative type you are working with appear.


Describe the expense, entering up to 25 characters.


(Optional) If the expense relates to a specific appeal, select the appropriate one. Appeals are defined by your institution using the Appeals page. The appeals from which you can select are determined by the setID associated with the business unit that you select for the initiative.

You must link each expense with an appeal to accurately track expenses for that appeal.

Expense Amount

Enter the amount of the expense. If you are entering a refund from a vendor, enter the item as a negative number.

Warning! When you save this page, a warning message appears if the total of the expenses exceeds the overall budget. However, click the OK button on the warning dialog box to save the budget detail. The system does not prevent you from overspending your budget.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Initiative Actions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Initiative Actions

Page Name

Definition Name



Initiative Action


  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Campaign Actions, Initiative Action

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Actions, Initiative Action

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Event Initiatives, Manage Event Initiatives, Event Actions, Initiative Action

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Volunteer Initiatives, Manage Volunteer Initiatives, Volunteer Initiative Actions, Initiative Action

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Other Initiative Actions, Initiative Action

Create actions associated with an initiative.

Action Info (action information)


  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Campaign Actions, Action Info

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Actions, Action Info

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Event Initiatives, Manage Event Initiatives, Event Actions, Action Info

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Volunteer Initiatives, Manage Volunteer Initiatives, Volunteer Initiative Actions, Action Info

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Other Initiative Actions, Action Info

Continue the process of adding actions associated with an initiative.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Initiative Action Information

Access the Initiative Action page (Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Campaign Actions, Initiative Action).


Describe the action, using up to 30 characters.

Action Type

Select a classification for the action. Actions are typically things such as Design Session, Hire Contractor, and so on. Action types are defined on the Action Types page.

Expiration Date

(Optional) Enter the date on which the action is no longer valid, regardless of whether or not it is completed. If the action is not completed by the expiration date, it no longer appears on the To Do List after the expiration date.

Contact Type

Determine whether the action is made through a telephone call, letter, email, personal visit, and so on. Contact types are defined by your institution.


Describe the action, using up to 250 characters. Your description can include information about the purpose and goal of the action, and any other information needed to complete the action such as a contact phone number.

Responsible Person

Select the name and ID of the person overseeing the action.

Initiative Responsible Person

The person responsible for the initiative appears.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Action Information

Access the Action Info page (Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Campaign Actions, Action Info).

Initiative Type and Initiative

Select these to add this action to the To Do List for another initiative.

Type, Resource Assigned, and Role

Select the resource type, resource ID, and role.

Type values are delivered with the system as translate values. Do not modify these translate values in any way. Any modifications to these values will require a substantial programming effort.

Result Code

When the action status has been changed to Complete, select the appropriate result code. Action result codes are defined by your institution.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Initiative Action Summary Information

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Action Summary Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Initiative Action Summary


  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Initiative Action Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Action Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Event Initiatives, Event Action Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Volunteer Initiatives, Volunteer Action Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Oth Initiative Action Summary

View information about the existing actions for an initiative at your institution.

Action Detail


Click the Details link on the Action Summary page.

View additional information about an initiative action.

Other Initiatives/Others Assigned


Click the Resource Assignment button on the Action Detail page.

View additional information about related initiatives and those assigned to the action.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing To Do Lists

Use the Staff, Volunteer, and Unit To Do List pages to view lists of all the initiative actions a resource is responsible for during a particular time frame or for a particular designee.

See Viewing To Do Lists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Initiative Action Summary Information

Click the Details link to access detailed information about a particular initiative action on the Action Detail page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Action Details

Click the Edit Action button to access the Initiative Action page where you can make changes to the existing action. Click the Intv/Rsrc Asgn (initiative/resource assignments) button to view information about other initiatives linked to this action and about the resources at your institution that are assigned to the action.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Related Goals

This section discusses how to view goals related to an initiative.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Related Goals

Page Name

Definition Name



Related Goals






  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Campaign Related Goals Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Related Goals

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Volunteer Initiatives, Volunteer Related Goal Summary

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Event Initiatives, Event Related Goals

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Other Initiative Related Goals

View information about goals for initiatives related to the initiative you are working with.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Related Goal Information

Access the Related Goals page. Some related initiatives may not have a financial goal. They still appear on this page.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Responsible Staff for Related Initiatives

This section discusses how to view staff members assigned to related initiatives.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Responsible Staff for Related Initiatives

Page Name

Definition Name



Related Rspn Prsn (related responsible person)






  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Campaign Initiatives, Campaign Related Resources

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Membership Initiatives, Membership Related Resources

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Volunteer Initiatives, Initiative Volunteers, Volunteer Related Resources

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Event Initiatives, Event Related Resources

  • Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Related Initiative Resources

View information about the staff members that are responsible for initiatives related to the current initiative.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Mass Change for Initiative and Membership Letters

This section provides overviews of mass change and the initiative and membership mass change templates, and also discusses how to:

Note. You must set up communications in the system prior to working with mass change.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Mass Change

Contributor Relations provides four mass change templates that enable you to generate communications for initiative audiences and membership organization members.

You can generate communications for audiences of a campaign appeal, membership campaign, volunteer program, event, and so on. When you create an initiative audience, you can run that audience through the mass change template and send a communication to those audience members who meet your selection criteria.

Or, you can select specific members of an organization based on their expiration date and send out renewal notices and membership cards. In addition, you can select recipients and mail benefits to those groups that have earned them.

Note. Templates for membership and initiative communications are shipped with the Contributor Relations system. You can modify templates for your institution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Initiative Mass Change Template

There are two mass change definitions in the initiative mass change process − CR-Intv-Delete and CR-Intv-Insert3CEngine.

The two mass change definitions are described below:

  1. CR-Intv-Delete

    The first portion of this definition deletes temporary initiative records from the ADM_TMP_MC, ADM_TMP2_MC, and EVNT_SPDKEY_MC tables if OPRID is equal to the person who selected the records and MC_DEFN_ID is equal to CR-Intv-Insert3CEngine. This criterion prevents the membership and initiative mass change functions from deleting records belonging to the other function.

  2. CR-Intv-Insert3CEngine

    This definition joins the AV_INITIATIVE table with the PERSONAL_DATA table based on EMPLID. This step is done to find the DT_OF_DEATH value for each record. If a person has a date of death, a communication record is not created when joint letter generator is run. In addition, the ADDRESSES table is checked and communication records are written only for those people who have an address with an effective status of Active. The records resulting from this join are inserted into the ADM_TMP_MC table.

    Next, data from the EVNT_COMM_MC_VW is copied to the EVNT_SPDKEY_MC temporary table. This view breaks out the Comm Speed Key data for each Comm Key defined on the Event Definition Setup page. There may be one or more Comm Keys associated with the Event ID selected, thus creating one or more communication records for each Event ID. The following fields are then updated on the EVNT_SPDKEY_MC table:

    Field Name

    Value taken from this field







    Note. Before this step can take place, you must define letter codes, communication context including a method and direction, and categories. These key values are combined to create communication Event IDs. You must also set up communication 3C groups and 3C group security.

    Finally, the EVNT_SPDKEY_MC and ADM_TMP_MC tables are copied and joined in ADM_TMP2_MC.

    You can select criteria based on the following fields to target your audience. At a minimum, you must select criteria for key fields. You should narrow the criteria by using all the fields. This ensures that you identify the correct records.

























    After the CR-Intv-Insert3Cengine step has run, run the 3C Engine and select your options for processing joint records. This generates all communication records for processing by the letter generator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Membership Mass Change Template

There are two mass change definitions in the membership mass change process − CR-Mbrshp-Delete and CR-Mbrshp-Insert3CEngine.

The two mass change definitions are described below:

  1. CR-Mbrshp-Delete

    The first portion of this definition deletes temporary membership records from the ADM_TMP_MC, ADM_TMP2_MC, and EVNT_SPDKEY_MC tables if OPRID is equal to the person who selected the records and MC_DEFN_ID is equal to CR-Mbrshp-Insert3CEngine. This criterion prevents the membership and initiative mass change functions from deleting records belonging to the other function.

  2. CR-Mbrshp-Insert3CEngine

    This definition joins the AV_MEMBER7_VW table with the PERSONAL_DATA table based on EMPL_ID. This step is done to find the DT_OF_DEATH value for each record. If a person has a date of death, a communication record is not created when joint letter generator is run. In addition, the ADDRESSES table is checked and communication records are written only for those people who have an address with an effective status of Active. The records resulting from this join are inserted into the ADM_TMP_MC table.

    Next, data from the EVNT_COMM_MC_VW table is copied to the EVNT_SPDKEY_MC temporary table. This view breaks out the Comm Speed Key data for each Comm Key defined on the Event Definition Setup page. There may be one or more Comm Keys associated with the Event ID selected, thus creating one or more communication records for each Event ID. The following fields are then updated on the EVNT_SPDKEY_MC table:

    Field Name

    Value taken from this field







    Note. Before this step can take place, you must define letter codes, communication context including a method and direction, and categories. These key values are combined to create communication Event IDs. You must also set up communication 3C groups and 3C group security.

    Finally, the EVNT_SPDKEY_MC and ADM_TMP_MC tables are copied and joined in ADM_TMP2_MC.

    You can select criteria based on the following fields to target your audience. At a minimum, you must select criteria for key fields. You should narrow the criteria by using all the fields. This ensures that you identify the correct records.


































    After the CR-Mbrshp-Insert3CEngine step has run, run the 3C Engine and select your options for processing joint records. This generates all communication records for processing by the letter generator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Use Mass Change for Initiative and Membership Letters

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Administration


Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Process Initiatives, Initiative Mass Change, Student Administration

Specify Campus Solutions-specific mass change parameters.

Criteria and Defaults


Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Process Initiatives, Initiative Mass Change, Criteria and Defaults

Specify the field criteria to use for selecting records from the database and identify which fields are populated and what values they contain by default. Also identify the Event ID required to generate the communication record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Student Administration Criteria

Access the Student Administration page (Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Process Initiatives, Initiative Mass Change, Student Administration).

Academic Institution

Enter the institution for which the communications are to be created when the mass change process is run.

CR Business Unit

For a membership mass change, enter the CR Business Unit that owns the membership organization for which the mass change is to be run. This business unit determines which membership organizations will appear in the Membership Organization field on the Criteria and Defaults page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Criteria and Defaults

Access the Criteria and Defaults page (Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Process Initiatives, Initiative Mass Change, Criteria and Defaults).

Note. If you are running mass change for an initiative, select the CR-Intv-Insert3CEngine mass change definition. If you are running mass change for a membership organization, select the CR-Mbrshp-Insert3CEngine mass change definition.


Set criteria values using SQL operators and values. For example, to select an audience type of Segmentation, you would select Equal To and enter a field value of S.

You must have a thorough understanding of your data and dependencies before selecting criteria. Many codes are not intuitive, and many fields are dependent upon others. For example, a dues level must be related to a specific member organization, but the prompts are not hierarchical.


You can enter only one SQL operator per criteria. However, if you select a criteria option such as In, you can list multiple values by placing the cursor in the Field Value field and inserting rows.

Note. Do not run the mass change process from within this component. Run the process using the Run Mass Change page in PeopleSoft Campus Community.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Mass Change SQR Process (MASSCHNG)

Access the Run Mass Change page (Campus Community, Communications, Mass Change - Communications, Run Mass Change). To generate mass communications changes for Contributor Relations, only use these fields:

Mass Change Run Type

Execute Single Mass Change

To run each mass change definition individually, select Execute Single Mass Change.

If you select this option, you must run each of the four mass change definitions in the process separately.

Execute Mass Change Group

To run more than one mass change definition at one time, select Execute Mass Change Group as the mass change run type.

If you select Execute Mass Change Group and you are running mass change for an initiative, run AV-Initiative-Step1 followed by AV-Initiative-Step2.

If you select Execute Mass Change Group and you are running mass change for a membership organization, run AV-Membership-Step1 followed by AV-Membership-Step2.

Note. You can verify the data by running an SQL statement against the temporary table or the communication table.

Mass Change Definition

Enter the name of the mass change definition to run.

After the Mass Change process runs, data is written to the communications record. You can also run the Mass Change process from within the 3C Engine component.

See Managing Communications.