Managing Other Initiatives

This chapter provides an overview of other initiative management and discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Initiatives

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Other Initiatives

This section lists prerequisites and discusses other initiative management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can manage a type of other initiative, you must have one set up. There are common initiative setup pages for this task.

See Setting Up Initiatives.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOther Initiative Management

The Other Initiatives portion of Contributor Relations provides the flexibility to manage initiatives that do not fall within the boundaries of a campaign, event, membership initiative, or volunteer effort. Other initiatives provide the flexibility to identify initiatives that are important only to your institution's business process, that cannot be categorized as one of the initiative categories above. An example would be an initiative created to send constituents a birthday greeting each year.

Other initiatives are one type of initiative in Contributor Relations. Other initiative types share common management pages with all initiatives. Refer to the following chapter for information about managing all types of initiatives.

See Also

Managing Initiatives

Click to jump to parent topicManaging General Initiative Information

You manage other initiatives in Contributor Relations by using the common initiative functionality found throughout the system. Initiatives are the common link between campaigns, events, volunteer efforts, and membership initiatives at your institution.

To manage an initiative, one must exist for each new other initiative at your institution. That means that you have defined the basic features of the initiative, its audience, resources, any related initiatives, and a public relations plan. You can then use this chapter to manage the remaining initiative-specific functionality.

See Managing Initiatives.

Click to jump to parent topicPreparing for Initiative Letters

PeopleSoft provides two mass change templates that enable you to generate communications specifically for initiative audiences. Use these templates, along with the Criteria and Defaults and Run Mass Change pages to generate communications for an initiative audience.

See Understanding the Initiative Mass Change Template.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Intermediate Goals

This section discusses how to set intermediate goals for an other initiative.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Intermediate Goals

Page Name

Definition Name



Other Initiative Goals


Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Manage Other Initiatives, Other Initiative Goals

Set up intermediate goals or milestones for an initiative.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Other Initiative Goals

Access the Other Initiative Goals page (Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Other Initiatives, Manage Other Initiatives, Other Initiative Goals).

Upon entering this page the Financial Goal and Participation Goal for the initiative appear. These goals are defined on the Other Initiatives page. However, some initiatives do not have goals because they exist to build goodwill; therefore you would not expect a return of any kind.

Target Date

Enter the date by which the goal may be reached.

Goal Type

Select the measurement by which you track the goal's progress.

Audience Code

Enter the audience code to which the goal pertains. Available options include all the populations defined for this initiative with the type of Segmentation on the Audience page.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing To Do Lists

Access the Staff, Volunteer, and Unit To Do List pages to view lists of all the actions a resource is responsible for during a particular time frame or for a particular designee.

See Also

Viewing To Do Lists