Managing Event Initiatives

This chapter provides an overview of event initiative management and discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Event Initiatives

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Event Initiative Management

This section lists prerequisites and discusses event initiative management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can manage an event initiative, you must have one set up. There are common initiative setup pages for this task, and also event-specific setup pages that enable you to complete event initiative setup.

See Setting Up Initiatives.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEvent Initiative Management

Events can range from a simple banquet to a labor-intensive multi-day reunion, and their purpose can be either to generate significant revenue or solely to build your constituent community. No matter the goal, each event requires planning time and staff attention to ensure success. Contributor Relations provides the capability to effectively plan, manage, and track these events.

Contributor Relations Event Management functionality interfaces with the Event Management functions found in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions. The processes of creating events, assigning meeting details, tracking attendance, creating event templates, and tracking events are identical to the processes found in the Campus Solutions system.

In addition to the functionality provided through Campus Solutions, Contributor Relations provides the tools to define an event's structure or planning path.

An event initiative is one type of initiative in Contributor Relations. Although all initiative types share some common management pages, event initiatives have their own audience, resources, related initiatives, and PR plan. Some initiatives, such as events, require additional management that is specific to their purpose. The event-specific management is covered in this chapter; refer to the following chapter for information about managing all types of initiatives

See Also

Managing Initiatives

Click to jump to parent topicManaging General Initiative Information

You manage events in Contributor Relations by using the common initiative functionality found throughout the system. Initiatives are the common link between campaigns, events, volunteer efforts, and membership initiatives at your institution.

To manage an event initiative, one must exist; that means that you have defined the basic features of the event initiative, its audience, resources, any related initiatives, and a public relations plan. You can then use this chapter to manage the remaining event initiative-specific functionality, including setting goals and managing the details of the event.

See Managing Initiatives.

Click to jump to parent topicPreparing for Initiative Letters

PeopleSoft provides two mass change templates that enable you to generate communications specifically for initiative audiences. Use these templates, along with the audience criteria and defaults, and run the 3C Engine with the Mass Change pages to generate communications for an initiative audience.

You can use a one-stop approach in the 3C Engine component (Campus Community, 3C Engine, Run 3C Engine). Select to process Both the trigger and mass change at the same time on the 3C Engine Parameters page. Then, select a Mass Change Group ID on the Mass Change page. You also have the option to edit the mass change definitions.

Note. By selecting the Both option on the 3C Engine Parameters page, the system runs the mass change and also uses the trigger created to write the communication record.

See Also

Running the 3C Engine Process

Understanding the Initiative Mass Change Template

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Intermediate Goals for Events

This section discusses how to set goals or milestones for an event.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Intermediate Goals for Events

Page Name

Definition Name



Event Goals


Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Event Initiatives, Manage Event Initiatives, Event Goals

Set intermediate goals or milestones for an event.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Event Goals

Access the Event Goals page (Contributor Relations, Initiatives, Event Initiatives, Manage Event Initiatives, Event Goals).

Upon entering this page, the Financial Goal and % Particptn Goal for the event appear. These goals are defined on the Event Initiative page.

Target Date

Enter the date by which the goal may be reached

Goal Type

Select the measurement by which you track the goal's progress. Valid goal types are % Income, Financial, % Participation, Number of Donors, and Number of Volunteers. Your institution can define additional goal types.


Enter the audience code to which the goal pertains. The field contains a list of all the populations defined by your institution with the type of Segmentation for this initiative on the Audience page.


Determine whether you are tracking percentages, amounts, or total numbers and enter the appropriate goal amount.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Events

Use the Event and Event Template pages to initially create an event and set up any associated meetings. When you create a new Event the system assigns an Event ID to the event. This ID is the link between these pages and the pages used to structure an event.

The meetings you associate with an event can be receptions, dinners, golf tournaments, lectures, and so on.

See Also

Setting Up Campus Event Planning

Creating an Event

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning Meeting Details

After you have added meetings to an event in the Meeting Template page you still need to add details about those meetings such as dates, times, and locations. This is done using the Meeting Detail pages. Meetings can also be added to an event using these pages.

See Also

Entering Meeting Details

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Event Attendance

You have the option of tracking attendance at the meetings associated with an event. You probably want to track attendance for conferences, but not necessarily for department meetings.

See Also

Tracking Event Attendance

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Event Templates

An event template is made up of definitions of the meetings that make up that event and the resources required by those meetings. It is not necessary to create event templates before creating events. However, event templates are useful if you organize a particular type of event often and that event tends to require the same resources and staff each time. Event templates are also useful in that they can act as guidelines for assigning staff and resources for events. Some event templates may have been set up during the setting up of your system. If the event template you want is not set up, you probably want to create one.

Important! You can create only one event template for each event type.

See Also

Creating an Event Template

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Events, Meetings, and Attendees

After you have planned your events there are many ways you can review all of the event information. You can view:

See Also

Reviewing Events, Meetings, and Attendees

Click to jump to parent topicViewing a To Do List

Use the Staff, Volunteer, and Unit To Do List pages to view lists of all the actions a resource is responsible for during a particular time frame or for a particular designee.

See Also

Viewing To Do Lists