Managing Campus Event Planning

This chapter provides an overview of campus event planning, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Campus Event Planning

You can use your system to help plan and manage campus events. A set of meetings comprises one overall event, and each meeting can have resources and staff assigned to it. For example, you could create an event called Orientation. Your template might include meetings such as a welcome reception, a general session, several workshops, and a tour of the campus. You can identify the required resources for each meeting (tables, chairs, brochures, banners, and so on), and assign and schedule the responsible staff.

Orientation, for example, is a recurring event, and each of the meetings might need the same resources and staff each time. You can create an Orientation event template to make it easier to regularly plan and manage this event. You can also use the template to plan similar events.

Courses are also events. You use event planning to assign classrooms, identify faculty, and schedule equipment for courses.

Note. Be careful not to confuse the events described in this chapter with 3C engine events. One attends the events described in this chapter; 3C engine events are data occurrences within the system.

You can use your system to get accurate counts of how many attendees you invited to an event, how many plan to attend, and how many actually attended.

You can identify attendees who are in your database versus those who are not. You can also add guests as attendees and associate them with the host attendee who invited them. Tracking guest information this way is especially useful in social situations. For example, if an attendee invites two coworkers who you know are key figures in the local community, you do not have to remember which attendee works with and invited them, you can check the list of attendees to find out.

Note. Attendees do not have to exist in your database to attend an event. However, if you want to add each attendee to your system, use the Biographical Information pages to create records and add them to your database. Adding attendees to your system enables you to include them in any confirmation, thank you, or other letter that you generate for the event.

See Also

Defining Buildings, Rooms, and Classroom Facilities

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Event ID

The ID number for an event. When you create a new event on the Events page, the event ID is all zeros until you save the page. After you save the page, the system assigns the next available event ID.

Event Type

Select the type, from the Event Types page prompt list, that describes the event.

Academic Institution

The academic institution responsible for the event.

Event Manager

The individual at your institution who is managing the event.

Event Meeting

The number of each meeting in the list of meetings for an event. The system automatically enters the next sequential number for each meeting that you add. You can override the number to reorder the list of meetings. When you return to the page, the meetings are listed in the specified order.

Primary Meeting

The primary meeting for the event. You can identify a primary meeting from the list of meetings for an event on the Event Template page. When you save the page, the system displays the event meeting number and corresponding meeting location for the primary meeting on the Event page.

Campus Coordinator

The individual at your institution who is responsible for, or should be contacted about, this meeting.

Department Sponsor

The department at your institution that is responsible for this meeting.


The name of the responsible department's manager. The system displays the manager's name if one is associated with the department sponsor on the Department Profile page.


An individual who is invited or scheduled to attend any event meeting.

Guest Relationship

The relationship between the host attendee and the guest attendee. If a guest is identified, the guest relationship is required.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating an Event

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before creating events, define the types of events, staff, and resources. You might also find it helpful to set up general event templates from which to copy when creating specific events.

Set up internal departments and organization departments and contacts before designating event managers, sponsors, and contacts. You must set up facilities before you can designate event locations.

See Also

Setting Up Campus Event Planning

Creating Organization Records

Defining Buildings, Rooms, and Classroom Facilities

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create an Event

Page Name

Definition Name





Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Events, Event

Name an event, including selecting the event type and assigning the event manager.

Event Template


Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Events, Event Template

Specify event meetings.

Meeting Detail


Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Meetings, Meeting Detail

Enter meeting details, including date, time, and anticipated attendance.

Meeting Sponsor


Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Meetings, Meeting Sponsor

Enter meeting sponsor and contact information.

Meeting Location


Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Meetings, Meeting Location

Enter meeting location information.

Meeting Resources


Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Meetings, Meeting Resources

Schedule meeting resources.

Meeting Staff


Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Meetings, Meeting Staff

Schedule meeting staff.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNaming an Event

Access the Event page (Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Events, Event).

Event ID

When you create a new event, the event ID is all zeros until you save the page. After you save the page, the system assigns the next available event ID.

Event Type

The type, from the Event Types page, that describes this event.

Academic Institution

The academic institution responsible for this event.

Event Manager

The individual at your institution who is managing this event.

Primary Meeting

After you identify a primary meeting for this event on the Event Template page and save that page, the system displays the number of that meeting here. The system displays the location for the meeting in the Location field.


Comments to further identify or describe this event.


Click this button to delete this event from your database.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Meetings to an Event

Access the Event Template page (Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Events, Event Template).

Note. You can also add meetings to an event on the Meeting Details page.

Copy From Template

If meetings, resources, and staff templates exist for the selected event type (from the meeting Template page, Meeting Resource Templates page, and Meeting Staff Template page), the system displays that data here. You can click either the Copy or Copy All button to copy the information from those templates to this event. If no template exists, no data appears here and you must add the meetings and assign the resources and staff for this event.


Click this button to copy each meeting set up for the event type selected with its resources and staff. You can manually change any of the copied information.

Copy All

Click this button to copy all the meetings with their resources and staff. You can manually change any of the copied information.

Note. The Copy All button is especially helpful if, for example, if you have the same event each year. Instead of entering the information each time, you can click this button to copy all information from the template and update the information for the current year's event.

To Meetings

Primary Meeting

When selected, indicates that this is the primary meeting for this event.

To Resources

Add the resources and quantity that you need for this meeting. You can also add a brief description.

To Staff


The ID of the individual responsible for this task.

Hours Required

The number of hours that the assigned individual is required to perform or participate in this task.

You can also add a brief task description.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Meeting Details

Access the Meeting Detail page (Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Meetings, Meeting Detail).

Meeting Detail

Event Meeting

The number of this meeting in the list of meetings for this event.

The system automatically enters the next sequential number for each meeting that you add. You can override the number to reorder the list of meetings. When you return to the page, the meetings will be in the specified order.

Primary Meeting

When selected, indicates that this is the primary meeting for this event.

Campus Meeting Type

The meeting type that best describes this meeting.

Values for this field are delivered with the system. You can modify these.

Meeting Date

The date when this meeting is scheduled to occur.

Day of the Week

The day of the week when this meeting is scheduled to occur. The system automatically displays the day of the week when you exit the Meeting Date field.

Meeting Start Time

The time when this meeting is scheduled to begin. The system assumes the time is AM. If not, you must enter PM.

End Time

The time when this meeting is scheduled to end. The system assumes the time is AM. If not, you must enter PM.

Contact Minutes

The length or duration of this meeting. The system calculates the contact time based on the meeting start and end times. The system recalculates the contact minutes each time that you change the start or end time. You can override the calculated minutes value.

Expected Attendance

The number of attendees expected at this meeting.

Maximum Attendance

The maximum number of attendees that can be accommodated at this meeting.

Number of Attendees

The number of attendees invited to this meeting. The system displays the number of invited attendees assigned to this meeting on the Event Attendees page.


Comments to further identify or describe this meeting.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Meeting Sponsors

Access the Meeting Sponsor page (Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Meetings, Meeting Sponsor).

Contact Information

Campus Coordinator

The individual at your institution who is responsible for, or should be contacted about, this meeting.

Department Sponsor

The department at your institution that is responsible for this meeting.

Manager Name

The name of the responsible department's manager. The system displays the Manager field and manager's name only if a manager is associated with this department on the Department Profile page.

Organization ID

The organization that is responsible for or is sponsoring this meeting.

Organization Contact

The individual in the responsible organization who you should contact about this meeting.

Other Coordinator

The additional individual at your institution who is responsible for, or can be contacted about, this meeting.


The name of the additional contact person if the individual does not exist in your database.


The phone number of the additional contact person if the individual does not exist in your database.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering the Meeting Location

Access the Meeting Location page (Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Meetings, Meeting Location).

Meeting Location

Campus Facility

When selected, indicates that the location for this meeting is a campus facility.

When you select Campus Facility, the system provides the Facility ID field with a prompt list of facility IDs from the Facility Table page.

External Organization Facility

When selected, indicates that the location for this meeting is a facility at or arranged by an external organization.

When you select the External Org Facility option, the system displays the organization ID and description from the Meeting Sponsor page and provides the External Org Location field with a prompt list of locations for the organization from the Organization Locations page. When you select a location number, the system displays the address for that location.

Other Facility

When selected, indicates that the location for this meeting is a facility other than at your campus or at an external organization in your database.

When you select the Other Facility option, the system displays address fields for you to identify the address or location of the facility.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicScheduling the Meeting Resources

Access the Meeting Resources page (Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Meetings, Meeting Resources).

Meeting Resources

Resource Number

The number of this resource in the list of resources for this meeting.

The system automatically enters the next sequential number for each resource that you add. You can override the number to reorder the list of resources. When you return to the page, the resources are in the specified order.


The number or quantity of the resource required for this meeting.

Resource Code

The type of resource, from the Resource Codes page, required for this meeting.


A brief description to further identify or describe this resource.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicScheduling Meeting Staff

Access the Meeting Staff page (Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Meetings, Meeting Staff).

Meeting Staff

Staff Number

The number of this staff person in the list of staff required for this meeting.

The system automatically assigns the next sequential number to each staff member that you add. You can override these numbers to rearrange the order of the staff. When you return to the page, the staff members are in the specified order.


The ID of the staff member responsible for this task.


The system automatically displays the individual's name when you select the ID.

If the individual does not have an ID in your system, you can enter his or her name in this field.

Staff Code

The type of staff required for this meeting.


The task that the staff member is required to perform or participate in for this meeting.

Hours Required

The number of hours that the responsible individual is required to perform or participate in for this task.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Event Attendance

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Event Attendance

Page Name

Definition Name



Event Attendees


Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Event Attendance, Event Attendees

Identify individuals invited or scheduled to attend an event, and specify their guest relationships, if any.

Attendee Meetings


Click the Meeting button on the Event Attendees page.

Identify the meetings to which an attendee is invited and the status of his or her attendance.

Event Attendee Address


Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Event Attendance, Event Attendee Address

Enter and track attendee addresses for an event.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Attendees and Guests

Access the Event Attendees page (Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Event Attendance, Event Attendees).


The number of this individual on the list of attendees for this event. For example, attendee 00015 is the 15th attendee on the list of attendees in the system for this event.

Note. If you are entering an attendee for the first time, the Attendee field is all zeros. Do not override this value. After you enter data and save the page, the system assigns and displays the next sequential attendee number.


Click to access the Attendee Meetings page, where you can identify the meetings to which the attendee is invited.


The attendee's ID, if he or she exists in your database.


When you select the attendee's ID, the system automatically displays the individual's name here.

If the attendee does not exist in your database, you must enter the attendee's name here.

External Organization ID

The organization's ID, if the attendee is from an organization in your database.


When you select the organization's ID, the system automatically displays the organization's name here.

If the organization does not exist in your database, you must enter the organization's name here.

Guest of Attendee

The attendee number of the individual whose guest this individual is. An attendee can have multiple guests.

Note. You must first create guests as new entries on the list of attendees. You can then select them from that list and associate them as guests of the attendee described on this page.

Guest Relationship

The relationship between the host attendee and the guest attendee. If a guest is identified, the guest relationship is required. If you do not know the relationship, select Unknown.

When you save the page, the system lists all guests of the host attendee at the bottom of this page.

Values for this field are delivered with the system. You can modify these.


Click this link to access the Relationships search box page, where you can create or review a relationship between two individuals in your database.

Guest Relationship values are independent of the relationships that you set up on the Relationships page. Guest relationship is a quick method of identifying the association between two attendees specifically for an event.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Meetings for an Attendee and Reviewing Attendance Status

Access the Attendee Meetings page (click the Meeting button on the Event Attendees page).


Event Meeting

The number of the meeting to which you want to invite the attendee.

When you select the meeting, the system automatically displays the description, date, and start and end times for that meeting from the Meeting pages.


The status of the individual's attendance for this meeting. Status values are Attended, Invited, Not Attend, and Will Attend.

Values for this field are delivered with the system. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values could require substantial programming effort.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering an Attendee's Address (Optional)

Access the Event Attendee Address page (Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, Event Management, Event Attendance, Event Attendee Address).

Phone/Address Information

Phone Type

The phone number to use for contacting this attendee.

If the attendee has an ID in your database, the system displays the Home phone type and home phone number associated with the home address specified on the Installation Table - SA Options page. You can select a different phone type.

If the attendee does not have an ID in your database, enter the phone number manually.

Address Type

The address to use for contacting this attendee.

If the attendee has an ID in your database, the system displays the Home address type and home address data specified on the Installation Table - SA Options page. You can select a different address type.

If the attendee does not have an ID in your database, enter the address manually.

Attendee's Phones

Click to access the Phone Number page, where you can add or edit the phone numbers for this attendee.

Attendee's Addresses

Click to access the Addresses page, where you can add or edit the address data for this attendee.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Events, Meetings, and Attendees

After you enter campus events, you can review the information in several ways. You can review events by facility, review all meetings or all attendees for an event, or review attendees for a meeting. You can even search meetings and events to determine if a specific individual is an attendee.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Events, Meetings, and Attendance

Page Name

Definition Name



Campus Meeting Details


Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, View Event Information, Campus Meeting Details

Review events by facility and meeting date.

Event Meeting


Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, View Event Information, Event Summary, Event Meeting

Review all meetings for an event.

Event Attendee


Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, View Event Information, Event Summary, Event Attendee

Review all attendees for an event.

Event Meeting Attendees


Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, View Event Information, Event Summary, Event Meeting Attendees

Review attendees for meetings of an event.

Event Attendee Meeting


Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, View Event Information, Event Summary, Event Attendee Meeting

Review meetings scheduled for specific attendees.

Person Event Summary


Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, View Event Information, Person Event Summary

Review all of the events for which an individual is an attendee. This information is useful for viewing a summary of the individual's meeting schedule.

Attendee Meetings


Click the Meeting button on the Person Event Summary page.

Review the specific meetings that an individual is scheduled to attend at an event.

Attendee Guests


Click the Guest button on the Person Event Summary page.

Review all guests assigned to an individual for an event.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Events by Facility and Meeting Date

Access the Campus Meeting Details page (Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, View Event Information, Campus Meeting Details).

Meeting Date

The calendar date to review to determine if any meetings are scheduled for this facility.


Click this button to launch the search for meetings scheduled for the specified calendar date. If the system finds meetings scheduled for that date, it displays the data in the Campus Meeting Info scroll area at the bottom of the page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Event Meetings

Access the Event Meeting page (Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, View Event Information, Event Summary, Event Meeting).

This page is for viewing purposes only. You cannot enter or modify data here.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Attendees for an Event

Access the Event Attendee page (Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, View Event Information, Event Summary, Event Attendee).

This page is for viewing purposes only. You cannot enter or modify data here.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Attendees by Meeting

Access the Event Meeting Attendees page (Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, View Event Information, Event Summary, Event Meeting Attendees).

Event Meeting

The number of the meeting whose attendees you want to review. An event meeting number is required.

Sort By

Select how you want the system to sort the results.


Click this button to launch the search based on the criteria that you selected.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Event Meetings for an Attendee

Access the Event Attendee Meeting page (Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, View Event Information, Event Summary, Event Attendee Meeting).


The attendee number of the attendee whose meetings you want to review. An attendee number is required.

Sort By

Select how you want the system to sort the results.


Click this button to launch the search based on the criteria you selected.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing an Attendee's Event Summary

Access the Person Event Summary page (Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, View Event Information, Person Event Summary).

This page is for viewing purposes only. You cannot enter or modify data here.


Click to access the Attendee Meetings page, where you can view the specific meetings that the individual is scheduled to attend at an event.


Click to access the Attendee Guests page, where you can view all guests assigned to this individual for an event.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing an Attendee's Event Meetings Summary

Access the Attendee Meetings page (click the Meeting button on the Person Event Summary page).

This page is for viewing purposes only. You cannot enter or modify data here.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing an Attendee's Guests

Access the Attendee Guests page (click the Guest button on the Person Event Summary page).

This page is for viewing purposes only. You cannot enter or modify data here.