Preparing for the Course Catalog and Schedule of Classes

This chapter discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up the Course Catalog

Managing the Schedule of Classes

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Catalog and Schedule Options

When you first create or update the course catalog and schedule of classes, the system prompts you for various types of optional course and class data. This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Catalog and Schedule Options

Page Name

Definition Name



Class Notes Table


Curriculum Management, Schedule of Classes, Class Notes Table, Class Notes Table

Define class notes.

Global Notes Table


Curriculum Management, Schedule of Classes, Global Notes Table, Global Notes Table

Define global notes.

Course Attributes


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Curriculum Management, Course Attributes, Course Attributes

Define course attributes and attribute values.

Exam Code Table


Curriculum Management, Schedule of Classes, Exam Code Table, Exam Code Table

Define exam time codes for different types of examinations.

Course Material Type


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Curriculum Management, Course Material Type, Course Material Type

Define course material types.

Course Material Type Order


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Curriculum Management, Course Material Type Order, Course Material Type Order

Organize course material to be displayed in a specific order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Class Notes

Access the Class Notes Table page (Curriculum Management, Schedule of Classes, Class Notes Table, Class Notes Table).

Note. Class notes differ from global notes in that class notes are attached to classes on the Notes page, whereas global notes are attached to entire academic subject areas or academic groups.

Effective Date

Enter an effective date for the class note. The effective date determines when the status that you select is valid.


Select a status for the class note. Select Active when adding a new class note. Select Inactive if your institution no longer uses this class note.


In the Description field, enter a short, informative description for the note.

This is used for internal processes only.

Long Description

In the Long Description field, enter a detailed description for the note.

This text appears in the schedule of classes if you assign this note to a class on the Notes page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Global Notes

Access the Global Notes Table page (Curriculum Management, Schedule of Classes, Global Notes Table, Global Notes Table).

Note. You always associate global notes with an academic institution, academic group, and term. You can further associate global notes with a subject area. If you do not specify a subject area, the global note appears on the top of every corresponding schedule of classes page, before or after the academic group or subject area.

Print Location

Indicates whether the note text appears on the schedule of classes report before or after the subject area (if you specify a subject area), or whether the note text appears before or after the academic group for the term (if you do not specify a subject area). Available values are Print After and Print Before. You should not change these values because doing so requires a substantial programming effort.


Enter a short description for the global note.

Long Description

Enter a detailed description for the global note.

This text appears on the schedule of classes report in the location that you specify.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Course Attributes

Access the Course Attributes page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Curriculum Management, Course Attributes, Course Attributes).

Note. Use course attributes for institutional research purposes and to print repetitive text in the schedule of classes or course catalog, such as Offered in Fall Only. Course attributes are attached to courses on the Catalog Data page and to classes on the Basic Data page. Unlike requirement designations, course attributes do not transfer to PeopleSoft Academic Advisement.


Select a status for this course attribute. Select Active when adding a new course attribute. Select Inactive if your institution no longer uses this attribute and any of the corresponding attribute values.


The description that you enter here appears on the schedule of classes report or the course catalog report if you select the Schedule Print check box or the Catalog Print check box.

Course Attribute Value

When you attach attributes to courses and classes, you can also specify attribute values. Therefore, you can define parent course attributes that have one or more attribute values.

In the preceding example, the Degree Seeking Only attribute has attribute values of Undergraduate Degree Seeking Only and Graduate Degree Seeking Only. Insert rows to create multiple attribute values.

Catalog Print

Select to display the course attribute formal description in the course catalog report.

Note. The SSR_COURSE (Course Catalog) web service is one of a number of delivered Enrollment Web Services. The service operation SSR_GET_COURSES: Browse Course Catalog Summary obeys the Catalog Print setup that you select on the Course Attributes page and on the Requirement Designation Table page.

For detailed information about Enrollment Web Services:

See Enrollment Web Services Developers Guide and Enrollment Web Services Users Guide on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 1371391.1).

See Using Enrollment Web Services.

Schedule Print

Select to display the course attribute formal description in the schedule of classes report.


Enter a description of the attribute values.

Formal Description

Enter the text that you want to appear on the schedule of classes report or the course catalog report if you select the Schedule Print check box or the Catalog Print check box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Exam Codes

Access the Exam Code Table page (Curriculum Management, Schedule of Classes, Exam Code Table, Exam Code Table).

Note. Define exam time codes for each term and session. The system uses these codes when you run the exam scheduling process on the Exam Scheduling page. You can also manually post these codes to individual classes.

Exam Time Code

Enter an exam time code to define (in an abbreviated manner) the exam code.

Exam Date

Enter the date for the exam.

Exam Starting Time

Enter the start time of the exam.

Exam Ending Time

Enter the end time of the exam.

Exam Type

Select the exam type. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Class Start Time From

Enter the minimum start time for classes with which you want to associate the exam time code. The system uses the value during the exam scheduling process. The system schedules exams for classes that fall within the two start times (and days) that you designate.

Class Start Time To

Enter the maximum start time for classes with which you want to associate the exam code. The system uses the value during the exam scheduling process. The system schedules exams for classes that fall within the two start times (and days) that you designate.

M (Monday), T (Tuesday), W (Wednesday), T (Thursday), F (Friday), S (Saturday), and S (Sunday)

Select the days of classes that you want to associate with the exam code.

See Also

Scheduling Examinations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Course Material Types

Access the Course Material Type page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Curriculum Management, Course Material Type, Course Material Type).


Select a status for this course material type. Select Active when you add a new course material type. Insert a new effective date and select Inactive if your institution no longer uses this course material type.


The description that you enter here appears in the Textbook Assignment group box on the (Schedule of Classes) Textbook page and is used on the Class Detail page and the Faculty and Student Center Textbook Summary page.

See Defining Textbooks for Classes.

See Using Self-Service Course Catalog and Schedule.

See Using Self-Service Enrollment.

See Using Faculty Center.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Course Material Type Order

Access the Course Material Type Order page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Curriculum Management, Course Material Type Order, Course Material Type Order).

Note. The system uses the display order that you define here to determine the order in which course materials appear on the Class Detail page and on the self-service Faculty and Student Textbook Summary pages. If you do not define a course material display order, the course material appears at the end of the list.

Display Order

Define the order in which you want the course material type to appear on Class Detail page and on the faculty and student Textbook Summary pages.

Course Material Type

Select a value based on the course material type values that you defined on the Course Material Type page.


The description appears by default from the Course Material Type page.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Buildings, Rooms, and Classroom Facilities

To set up facilities, use the Building Table (BLDG_TBL), Room Characteristics Table (ROOM_CHRSTC_TBL), and Facility Table (FACILITY_TBL) components.

During the class scheduling process, you will probably need to assign classes to classrooms, and you should set up your classroom facilities in advance. This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Buildings, Rooms, and Classroom Facilities

Page Name

Definition Name



Building Table


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Facilities, Building Table, Building Table

Define all campus buildings that you might use in class and event scheduling. Building codes that you create here are prompt values on the Facility Table page.

Room Characteristics Table


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Facilities, Room Characteristics Table, Room Characteristics Table

Define room characteristics, such as types of seating and resources that are available. You attach room characteristics to facilities on the Facility Characteristic page and you can use them when you:

  • Define courses.

  • Schedule classes.

  • Plan events.

You must enter a numeric room characteristic code from 01 to 96.

Facility Table


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Facilities, Facility Table, Facility Table

Define facilities and facility components.

Facility Component


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Facilities, Facility Table, Facility Component

Link components of facilities to parent facilities.

Facility Characteristic


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Facilities, Facility Table, Facility Characteristic

Define room characteristics and facility blackout times.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Buildings

Access the Building Table page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Facilities, Building Table, Building Table).


Select the status of the building. Select Active when the building is being used on the Facility Table page. Select Inactive when you no longer use the building.


Enter a description of the building.

Short Description

Enter a short description of the building.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Room Characteristics

Access the Room Characteristics Table page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Facilities, Room Characteristics Table, Room Characteristics Table).


Select a status for this room characteristic. Select Active when adding a new room characteristic. Select Inactive only if your institution no longer uses this room characteristic.


Enter a description.

Short Description

Enter a short description.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Facilities and Rooms

Access the Facility Table page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Facilities, Facility Table, Facility Table).

As an example, you might want to define Angel Hall Room 125 and its components, Angel 125A, 125B, and 125C. You cannot link components to parent facilities on the Facility Component page unless you first define both the parent facility and the facility components on the Facility Table page.


Select a status for this facility. Select Active when adding a new facility. Select Inactive only if your institution no longer uses this facility.

Facility Group

If this check box is selected and unavailable for entry, the facility is a parent facility with facility components.


Enter the building in which the facility is located. Define buildings on the Building Table page.


Enter the room number.


Enter the maximum number of people that a facility accommodates.

Location Code

You can specify locations such as a building cluster on campus or satellite campuses. Define location codes on the Location Table in the Human Resources menus in your system.

Facility Type

Select a facility type to further define the space. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.


Select a partition field value to indicate the section of the campus where the facility is located, such as First, Second, Third, or Fourth quadrant. Use the Partition field to interact with Universal Algorithm Schedule25, which can look at where an instructor's office is located and attempt to schedule the instructor's classes in facilities within the same partition. The maximum number of partitions for Universal Algorithm Schedule25 is 96. Therefore, be sure that you select a value between 01 and 96. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values. For more information about the interface with Universal Algorithm Schedule25, refer to the Universal Algorithm Schedule25 documentation.

Academic Organization

Enter an academic organization to indicate that this facility is reserved for the sole use of that academic organization. Locations might be reserved by an academic organization so that only classes for that academic organization are assigned to that location when you are using the Universal Algorithm product, Universal Algorithm Schedule25. When using the PeopleSoft internal facility search and assignment feature, the system does not use academic organization.

General Assignment

Select to open the location for general assignment. When you select this check box, the Academic Organization field becomes unavailable.

Minimum Utilization Percent

Enter the minimum usage that a facility should experience. This field is for internal record keeping only, and has no programming associated with it.

Check for Facility Conflict

Select to have the system allow only one class to be scheduled for this facility at any given period of time. If you want to schedule more than one class at the same time in this particular facility, such as a field or gymnasium, do not select this check box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Facility Components

Access the Facility Component page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Facilities, Facility Table, Facility Component).

As an example, Angel 125A, B, and C might be linked as components of Angel 125. To link facility components to a parent facility, you must first define all facilities on the Facility Table page. As soon as components are linked to a parent facility, the system calculates the capacity of that facility by adding up the capacities of all components. If a class is scheduled in a component of a facility and someone attempts to schedule a class in the parent facility, the system prevents the new scheduling.

Component Facility ID

Select the component facility ID for a component that you want to link to this facility. All facilities on the Facility Table page are available for selection. To link more than one component to a parent facility, add rows.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Facility Characteristics

Access the Facility Characteristic page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Facilities, Facility Table, Facility Characteristic).

Room Characteristic

Select characteristics for this room. Room characteristics are defined on the Room Characteristic Table page. Insert rows to add characteristics. The system uses the Room Characteristic field to interact with Universal Algorithm Schedule25. The maximum number of room characteristics for Universal Algorithm Schedule25 is 96. Therefore, be sure that you select values between 01 and 96.


Enter the quantity of the room characteristic. For example, enter 2 to indicate that the room has two white boards.

Facility Black-Out Nbr (facility black-out number)

You can define periods when a facility is unavailable. The facility blackout number is system-generated. This number indicates the number of blackout periods that exist for a facility. You can override the system-assigned facility blackout number.

Start Time and End Time

Enter a start and end time for the blackout period.

M (Monday), T (Tuesday), W (Wednesday), T (Thursday), F (Friday), S (Saturday), and S (Sunday)

Select the days of the week for which the blackout period applies.

Note. Student Records provides the facility blackout structure for compatibility with Resource 25. When using Resource 25, the system prevents class and event scheduling during blackout periods. When using PeopleSoft internal conflict checking logic, the system does not use this structure.

Click to jump to parent topicDesignating Approved Instructors and Advisors

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Designate Approved Instructors and Advisors

Page Name

Definition Name



Instructor/Advisor Table


Curriculum Management, Instructor/Advisor Information, Instructor/Advisor Table, Instructor/Advisor Table

Indicate faculty rank, advisor status, instructor availability, and the courses that an instructor can teach.

Note. You are not adding new people to the database on this page, but updating information for individuals who are already in the database. The IDs that are available depend upon the way that you set up your instructor edit.

Approved Courses


Curriculum Management, Instructor/Advisor Information, Instructor/Advisor Table, Approved Courses

Indicate courses that an instructor can teach. The system uses the values that you enter as part of the Instructor Edit feature, which is an option that enables you to link instructors to specific campuses, subjects, or courses within an academic organization. This way, when you schedule classes, only the relevant instructors appear as choices.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Faculty Rank and Advisor Status

Access the Instructor/Advisor Table page (Curriculum Management, Instructor/Advisor Information, Instructor/Advisor Table, Instructor/Advisor Table).

Instructor Type

Select an instructor type. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort. If you select a value of Advisor Only, the system selects the Advisor check box by default and you cannot change it.


Select to indicate that the individual is also an advisor and to place the individual into the system's Advisor view. You can later select the Advisor view as a search tool on various pages.

Academic Institution

Select the academic institution with which you want to associate this record.

Primary Acad Org (primary academic organization)

Select a primary academic organization for this instructor. Academic organization values are defined on the Academic Organization Table page.

Instructor Available

Select the instructor's availability to teach within the effective dates. Select Available, Sabbatical, or Unavailable. If the instructor has an advisor type of Advisor Only, the system populates the Instructor Available field with Unavailable by default. You can override this value.

Instructor/Advisor Role

Use the Instructor/Advisor Role scroll area to indicate the academic career, program, plan, and subplan to which the instructor or advisor is linked.

Advisor Number

The system populates this field with 1 by default. If an instructor advises students in more than one academic career, program, plan, or subplan, you can have multiple advisor numbers by adding rows.

Percent of Appointment

Enter a percent of appointment value that this instructor has for the indicated academic career, program, plan, and subplan. Instructors with dual appointments can have different percentages reflecting their responsibility. The total percentage must equal 100.

Academic Career

Select the academic career to which the instructor or advisor is linked. Academic career values are defined on the Academic Career Table page.

Academic Program

Select the academic program to which the instructor or advisor is linked. Academic program values are defined on the Academic Program Table component.

Academic Plan

Select the academic plan to which the instructor or advisor is linked. Academic plan values are defined on the academic plan pages.

Academic Sub-Plan

Select the academic subplan to which the instructor or advisor is linked. Academic subplan values are defined on the academic subplan pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDesignating Approved Course Instructors

Access the Approved Courses page (Curriculum Management, Instructor/Advisor Information, Instructor/Advisor Table, Approved Courses).

To make use of the values on this page, enable the Instructor Edit feature. To do so, on the Academic Organization Table page, choose to edit instructors against the Instructor/Advisor table rather than the Personal Data table for the related academic organization. You must also select this option on the Course Catalog Description page for the courses involved.

Having done this, when you schedule classes on the Class Meeting Pattern/Instructor page and have to assign an instructor to a class that falls within the academic organization and courses that you have set up in this manner, the system displays only the relevant instructors in the ID field.

In the lower portion of the page, select the subjects, courses, or campuses at which the instructor is approved to teach based on effective date. The availability of these fields depends on the options that your institution selects by which to edit instructors on the Academic Organization Table page.

Seq Nbr (sequence number)

The system populates the Seq Nbr field by default. Sequence numbers are sequential numbers that the system assigns to identify rows in the table.

Acad Org (academic organization)

Select the academic organization to indicate that the instructor is approved to teach all courses within the academic organization that you specify. If your institution has set up the academic organization to edit instructors by campus, subject, and course, you can further narrow the courses. This field is required.

Subject Area

If available, select the subject area that the instructor is approved to teach. Subject area values are defined for each academic institution on the Academic Subject Table page.

Course ID

If available, select the course ID of the course that the instructor is approved to teach. You are prompted from the course catalog. If your course catalog has only one offering number, the system supplies the offering number by default.

Offer Nbr (offering number)

If available, select the offering number of the class that the instructor is approved to teach.

Catalog Nbr (catalog number)

The system displays the catalog number, based on the course catalog definition.


Select the campus for which the instructor can teach. Campus values are defined for each academic institution on the Campus Table page.

Add rows to further specify courses that the instructor is approved to teach.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Requirement Designations

To set up requirement designations, use the Requirement Designation Table component (RQ_DESIGNATION_TBL).

This section provides an overview of requirement designations and discusses how to define requirement designations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Requirement Designations

Requirement designations, unlike course attributes, transfer to PeopleSoft Academic Advisement. A requirement designation can be extra credit that a student has done for a course, such as design credit. For example, you can attach a requirement designation of Design to all first-, second-, third-, and fourth-year architecture studio courses that carry the optional add-on enrollment of Design Credit. When students enroll in any of these studios, they can elect to take the course to fulfill their design credit certification. Requirement designations are intended as optional add-on credit for a course in which some students are taking the class alone, and others in the same class are taking both the class and attempting to pass the requirement designation portion. In this way, the requirement designation reflects extra credit. Some students in the class attempt it, while others do not.

Requirement designations should be used sparingly, and are not intended to track general advisement requirements. They are meant as additional qualifiers that alone may be a requirement. With relation to the previous example, you may require a total of six hours of design credit across four years of architecture study, in addition to the minimum unit and grade-point-average requirements for the courses. By using a requirement designation, you enable students to complete their design credit at any stage and pace across four years. Student A might attempt design credit during second and fourth years, in the spring term. Student B might complete all six design hours while enrolled in the fourth-year studio, during the fall and spring terms. Although these two students are in the same studio classes across the four years, they pace themselves and complete assignments differently. Student A begins to explore design practices as a sophomore (by doing some type of additional design work in consultation with a professor), while student B decides to wait and load up on design work the last year of his or her career as an architecture student. Typical requirement designations may include Counts Toward Design Certification, Preparation for Licensing Exam, Electing course to be the basis of Liberal Arts Thesis Credit, and so on. Requirement designations can be graded as Satisfied or Not Satisfied.

In the previous example, the design credit requirement designation was set up as an enrollment option. Students can elect to take the design credit requirement designation at the time of enrollment in certain architecture studio classes. You can also create a requirement designation that is not optional at enrollment. This type of requirement designation is strictly attached to a class. Taking the class, along with the requirement designation, is required of all students who enroll. The distinction between a requirement designation that is elective at enrollment and one that is automatically added to a student's enrollment request is the way that you set the At Student's Option check box on the Requirement Designation Table page. This option and others like it are discussed in the following section.

See Also

Setting Up Academic Course Lists

Grading Students

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Requirement Designations

Page Name

Definition Name



Requirement Designation Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Curriculum Management, Requirement Designation Table, Requirement Designation Table

Define requirement designations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Requirement Designations

Access the Requirement Designation Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Curriculum Management, Requirement Designation Table, Requirement Designation Table).


Select a status for this requirement designation. Select Active when adding a new requirement designation. Select Inactive only if your institution no longer uses this requirement designation.

Description, Short Description, and Formal Description

Enter a description, short description, and formal description. The formal description appears on the course catalog report, schedule of classes report, and transcript if specified.

Academic Institution

Select an academic institution with which to associate the requirement designation. This affects the availability of this requirement designation on the course catalog and schedule of classes prompts.

Academic Plan

Select an academic plan if you want to link the requirement designation to a specific plan. At enrollment, a student must be active in the specified plan to enroll in any class with the related requirement designation. The Enrollment Request 1 page includes overrides that enable you to override this general rule if you have the appropriate security permissions. On the Enrollment page, the system does not validate this.

At Student's Option

Select to indicate that the student can select the requirement designation at enrollment. You can indicate a student's choice of requirement designation on the Enrollment Request Page, the Student Enrollment 4 page, or the Block Enrl Detail 2 page.

If you do not select this check box, students who enroll in classes that have this requirement designation are required to take the course and attempt the additional requirement designation credit.

See Processing Class Enrollment Transactions.

Catalog Print

Select to enable the display of the formal description of the requirement designation and the course in the course catalog report.

Note. The SSR_COURSE (Course Catalog) web service is one of a number of delivered Enrollment Web Services. The service operation SSR_GET_COURSES: Browse Course Catalog Summary obeys the Catalog Print setup that you select on the Requirement Designation Table page and on the Course Attributes page.

For detailed information about Enrollment Web Services:

See Enrollment Web Services Developers Guide and Enrollment Web Services Users Guide on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 1371391.1).

See Using Enrollment Web Services.

Schedule Print

Select to enable the display of the formal description of the requirement designation and the course in the schedule of classes report.

Print in Transcript

Select to print the requirement designation and requirement designation grade on the student's transcript.

Separate Course Grade

Select to indicate that the requirement designation involves work that someone must grade separate from the course. If this check box is cleared, students who earn credit for the course will, by default, earn a grade of Satisfied for the requirement designation. The professor does not need to assign two grades for every student (for example, a letter grade of B for the course, and a grade of Satisfied for the requirement designation).

Alternatively, should the professor want to evaluate a student on each of these two areas independently, select the check box. This setting is optimal in the event that a student receives a passing grade for the class, but fails to successfully complete the requirement designation. In this instance, the professor could assign a letter grade of B to the class, and assign a grade of Not Satisfied for the requirement designation. The class would not fulfill an advising requirement that requires both a class and a requirement designation for the class. It would fulfill only an advising requirement that requires the class alone.

See Using the Grade Roster Page to Enter Grades.

Display in AA Reports

Select to enable the system to display the requirement designation code and description in the advisement report.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Unit Conversions

To set up unit conversions, use the Unit Conversion Table component (UNIT_CONVR_TBL).

This section provides an overview of unit conversions, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to set up unit conversion rules within your institution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Unit Conversions

If students at your institution take classes outside of their current career, you should define unit conversions. You should especially do this if some careers are on a quarter system and other careers are on a semester system (for example, if an MBA student takes a law course, but the MBA program is on a quarter system and the law program is on a semester system). The system also uses the unit conversion rules when you process internal transfer credit for students, which can include students with internal coursework that transfers from one career to another career, or students with internal coursework that transfers from one program to another program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

If you want to use term types other than the translate values that are delivered by PeopleSoft, you must first create them in the TERM_TYPE_CONVR_TO translate table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Unit Conversions

Page Name

Definition Name



Unit Conversion Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment, Unit Conversion Table, Unit Conversion Table

Set up unit conversions within your institution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Unit Conversion Rules within Your Institution

Access the Unit Conversion Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment, Unit Conversion Table, Unit Conversion Table).

Term Type Convert To

Select the value to which you want to convert the value in the Term Unit Type field.

Unit Multiplier

Enter the number for the system to use to multiply the term unit type units by to convert them to the term type convert to value, for example, (term unit type units) × (unit multiplier) = (term type convert to units).

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Standard Meeting Patterns

Define class meeting patterns for your classes on the Standard Meeting patterns page on the Academic Group Table.

See Also

Defining Standard Class Meeting Patterns

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Modes of Instruction

To set up instruction modes, use the Instruction Mode component (INSTRUCT_MODE).

You need to set up instruction mode values that you use when you define courses and schedule classes. This section discusses how to define instruction modes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Modes of Instruction

Page Name

Definition Name



Instruction Mode


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Curriculum Management, Instruction Mode, Instruction Mode

Define instruction modes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Instruction Modes

Access the Instruction Mode page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Curriculum Management, Instruction Mode, Instruction Mode).

Important! Set up an instruction mode value of P for every institution in your system. You can enter any description and short description; however, you should use In Person for both fields. The system uses this value as a default for the Instruction Mode field on the Schedule of Classes - Basic Data page (when you enter the page in Add mode). In addition, you can generate rosters only for those classes with an instruction mode value of P on the Basic Data page.

Effective Date and Status

The effective date determines when the status that you select is valid. The active effective date must be equal to or before the effective date of the course component to which you assign the instruction mode.


Enter the description of the instruction mode. The system displays this value on the Course Catalog report and the Schedule of Classes report, as well as on the Course Catalog component and Schedule of Classes online pages.

Short Description

Enter a short description for the instruction mode.

Print On Course Catalog

Select to display the instruction mode on the course catalog report.

Print On Schedule of Classes

Select to display the instruction mode description on the schedule of classes report, as well as on the online schedule of classes.

Print On Transcript

No programming is attached to this field.