Grading Students

This chapter provides an overview of grading and discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Grading

Using the Self-Service Gradebook

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Grading

After you set up your grading schemes and grade bases, define mapping rules, and generate grade rosters, you are ready to enter grades.

You can enter grades in one of three ways:

See Also

Using the Self-Service Gradebook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can enter and post grades, you must:

See Also

Understanding Grade Preparation

Click to jump to parent topicPrinting Grade Rosters

This section provides an overview of printing a grade roster and discusses how to run the Grade Roster report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Printing a Grade Roster

Some organizations have business processes that use grade rosters in printed form. This section discusses how to print grade rosters in batch or for a specific class.

Complete these steps to print grade rosters:

  1. Access the Grade Roster Print page.

  2. Enter your run control parameters.

  3. Click the Run button.

  4. Locate your printed rosters through the Report Manager link, and print them as needed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Print Grade Rosters

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Definition Name



Grade Roster Print


Curriculum Management, Grading, Print Grade Roster, Grade Roster Print

Print generated rosters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Grade Roster Report

Access the Grade Roster Print page (Curriculum Management, Grading, Print Grade Roster, Grade Roster Print).

Academic Institution

Select the institution for which to print rosters.


Select a term for the roster. Term values are defined on the Term Table page.

Grade Roster Type

Select the grade roster type to print. The default is Final. Grade roster type values are delivered with your system as translate values. While you should not change the Final Grade value, you can add as many nonfinal grade values as you want.

Print Note Area

Select to provide extra space on the roster for instructors to write notes.

Print Incomplete Area

Select to provide extra space on the roster for instructors to make note of incomplete information.

Specific Class

Select to print a roster for one class.

Class Nbr (class number)

If you select the Specific Class check box, the Class Nbr field becomes available. Select the class number for the roster to print.

Academic Organization

If you do not select the Specific Class check box, select an academic organization. Academic organization values are defined on the Academic Organization Table page.


Select the session for which to print rosters.

Class End Date From and Class End Date To

Select the class end date from and to dates. The system selects rosters to print for classes with an end date that is greater than or equal to the value in the Class End Date From field and less than or equal to the value in the Class End Date To field.


Select the campus that is associated with the grade rosters. Attach campus values to courses in the course catalog and to classes in the schedule of classes.

Instructor Print Option

Select the type of instructor information to print on the grade roster for the graded component. Attach instructor values to classes on the Schedule of Classes - Basic Data page. Values are:

All: Prints the names of all instructors.

Grdng Auth: Prints only the name of the instructor who is authorized to grade.

None: Prints no instructor names.

Print Course Administrator

Select to print the course administrator's name on the grade roster. Attach course administrator values to classes on the Schedule of Classes - Basic Data page.

Print Blind Grading ID

Select to print the blind grading IDs of students. Student names do not appear on the roster.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Grades Online

This section provides an overview of entering grades online and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Entering Grades Online

System administrators and power users can enter grades directly to the Grade Roster page for each class. Complete these steps to enter grades online:

  1. Enter grades and transcript notes on the Grade Roster page.

  2. (Optional) Review student enrollment detail on the Student Enrollment Detail page.

  3. (Optional) Enter or review a transcript note for the student on the Transcript Note page.

  4. (Optional) Enter student incomplete information on the Student Incomplete page.

  5. Save the grade roster.

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Definition Name



Grade Roster


Curriculum Management, Grading, Grade Roster, Grade Roster

Enter official grades and requirement designation grades, view enrollment summary information, and add transcript notes.

Enrollment Detail


Click the Detail link on the Grade Roster page.

Review detailed information about a student's enrollment, including their primary academic program, grading basis, units taken, and so on.

Transcript Note


Click the Note link on the Grade Roster page.

Enter or view a transcript note that is related to the student's enrollment record. The system displays this note on transcript types for which the Print Transcript Notes check box is selected on the Enrollment/Statistics page.

Student Incomplete


Click the Incomplete Detail button on the Transcript Note page.

Enter a lapse deadline, lapse to grade, or comment for students who have no grade or a grade that is equivalent to a grade of Incomplete.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Grade Roster Page to Enter Grades

Access the Grade Roster page (Curriculum Management, Grading, Grade Roster, Grade Roster).

If you use blind grading IDs, the roster lists students in random order. If you do not use blind grading IDs, the roster lists students in ID order.

Sort Option

This option is available on Open Entry/Exit class rosters. You can sort IDs in one of two ways. Values are:

Last,First: Sorts IDs by last name.

Date,Last: Sorts IDs by fully graded date, and then by last name within the start date. This view is particularly useful for classes that are offered in open entry and open exit format, where students can have fully graded dates that differ.

Display Unassigned Roster Grade Only

Select to view only those students with unassigned grades. This option is particularly useful for open entry and open exit classes for which you might grade students at different intervals based on their various end dates.

Roster Grade

Enter the student's grade for the course. This field displays only grades assigned on the grade roster; it does not display grades assigned in enrollment. After grades are posted, this field displays the grade but is unavailable for updating.

All active Grade Input values from the Grading Scheme Table page are available in the Roster Grade field, regardless of whether the Include in Self Service check box on the Grading Scheme Table page is selected.

Converted Roster Grade

This field appears when at least one roster grade has a value defined in the Convert to Grade field on the Grading Scheme Table page.

The Converted Roster Grade field continues to appear when grades are posted.

Official Grade

This field displays posted grades and grades that have been assigned on a student enrollment page.

Roster RD Grade (roster requirement designation grade)

This field becomes available if the class has a requirement designation that requires a separate grade. Values are:

Satisfied: A basic credit.

Not Satisfied: No credit type of grade.

If the requirement designation requires a separate grade, then it is assumed that the requirement designation is satisfied when a passing grade is posted for the student.

See Defining Requirement Designations.


Click to access the Student Enrollment Detail page, where you can view detailed information about each enrollment.


Click to access the Transcript Note page, where you can view a transcript note that is related to the student enrollment record.

After a student's grade is posted or assigned and saved on an enrollment page, the student's final roster grade field becomes unavailable for update. The system displays the roster's approval status on the Grade Roster page, as well as a status of Posted when the roster is posted.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Student Enrollment Detail

Access the Enrollment Detail page (click the Detail link on the Grade Roster page).

Use this page to view detailed information about a student's enrollment. You can view the student's enrollment status, grading basis, units taken, and primary academic program. If you have already entered a grade for the student, you can also view the grade in and official grade.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Transcript Notes

Access the Transcript Note page (click the Note link on the Grade Roster page).

Note ID

Enter a value. Note ID values are defined on the Transcript Note Table page.

Transcript Note

Enter free-form text. The system displays this text in addition to the predetermined transcript note ID text.

Transcript Note Sequence Nbr (transcript note sequence number)

The system increments the transcript note sequence number for each row of free-form text. The sequence number determines the order in which the free-form transcript notes appear on the transcript (if they appear).

Incomplete Detail

If you enter a grade of Incomplete on the Grade Roster page, the Incomplete Detail link is available. Click this link to enter data related to an Incomplete grade.

Note. Users cannot add, change, or remove transcript notes from the grade roster after grades are posted. After grades are posted, users can add, change, and remove transcription notes from any one of the administrative enrollment pages and then regenerate the grade roster:

Enrollment: On Student Enrollment 3 page, enter a new note, modify an existing note, or delete a current note.

Enrollment Request: Select the action of Normal Maintenance for the class and enter a new note, modify an existing not, or delete a current note. Be sure to submit the transaction.

Quick Enroll: Select the action of Normal Maintenance for the class and then, on the Other Class Info page, click Create Transcript Note. Enter a new note, modify an existing note, or delete a current note. Be sure to submit the transaction.

To update the grade roster with the changes to the transcript notes, navigate to the Grade Roster Type page, select Override, and click the Create button to regenerate the grade roster.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Student Incomplete Information

Access the Student Incomplete page (click the Incomplete Detail button on the Transcript Note page).

Lapse Deadline and Lapse To Grade

The system populates these fields when you enter a grade of Incomplete. The system creates a student incomplete record when you post the Incomplete grade. However, you can manually enter these values. If the student has an Incomplete grade, you can specify the date for this grade to lapse to another grade. The Grade Lapse process does not overwrite values that are entered manually.


Enter any comments about the lapse grade. These comments do not appear on the transcript.

See Also

Viewing the Lapse Report Results Online

Defining Grade Lapse Rules

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Grades Through Self Service

If your institution has licensed PeopleSoft Campus Self Service, your instructors can access grade rosters and enter midterm and final grades directly over the web.

See Also

Entering Grades Through Self-Service

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Grades Through the Self-Service Gradebook

In addition to the grade methods mentioned in the previous section, instructors can use PeopleSoft Gradebook to enter grades for individual assignments, quizzes, and tests, midterm grades, and final grades. PeopleSoft Gradebook is a separately licensed application.

See Also

Using the Self-Service Gradebook

Click to jump to parent topicPosting the Grade Roster

Posting the grade rosters is an important step because it officially assigns final class grades to the students' career term records.

This section provides an overview of posting grades, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Post Grades

You can post grades in these ways:

Post Grades for a Single Class

Complete these steps to post grades for a single class:

  1. (Optional) To perform a partial post of grades, select the Partial Post check box and click the Post button on the Grade Roster page.

  2. To post the entire grade roster, clear the Partial Post check box and click the Post button on the Grade Roster page.

Post Grades on the Self-Service Grade Roster Page

Complete these steps to post grades on the self-service Grade Roster page:

Note. The instructor must have post access to be able to post from Campus Self Service.

  1. Assign grades on the Self Service Grade Roster page.

  2. Set approval status to approved and save.

  3. Click Post.

Post Grades for Multiple Classes

Complete these steps to post grades for multiple classes:

  1. Access the Grade Post page and specify the institution, term, and partial post option for which you want to post grades.

  2. (Optional) Narrow the batch for which you want to post grade rosters by entering any of the following values:

    1. Session

    2. End date

    3. Academic Organization

    4. Subject Area

  3. (Optional) Add rows as needed.

  4. Click the Run button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can post grades, you must:

See Also

Setting Up Grading

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Post Grade Rosters

Page Name

Definition Name



Grade Roster Type


Curriculum Management, Grading, Grade Roster, Grade Roster Type

Click the Post button on the Grade Roster Type page to post grades on a course-by-course basis.

For partial posting, select the Partial Post check box before you click the Post button.

Grade Post


Curriculum Management, Grading, Grade Post, Grade Post

Post grades for multiple classes. You can post grades for multiple classes within an academic organization or subject area.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPosting Grades for a Single Class

Access the Grade Roster Type page (Curriculum Management, Grading, Grade Roster, Grade Roster Type).

Click the Post button to post grades on a course-by-course basis. For partial posting, select the Partial Post check box before you click the Post button.

See Also

Creating Grade Rosters for a Single Class

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPosting Grades for Multiple Classes

Access the Grade Post page (Curriculum Management, Grading, Grade Post, Grade Post).

Academic Institution

Select the academic institution for the grade posting. This value determines which terms, sessions, and other field values are available.


Select the term for the grade posting. Term values are defined on the Term Table page.


Select the session for the grade posting. Session is an optional field. Session values are defined on the Session Table page.

Class End Date From and Class End Date To

Select the class end date from and to dates. The system selects rosters to create for classes with an end date that is greater than or equal to the value in the Class End Date From field and less than or equal to the value in the Class End Date To field. Both fields are optional and one may be entered without the other.

Academic Organization

Select either an academic organization or a subject area in which to post grades. Academic organization values are defined on the Academic Organization Table page.

Subject Area

Select either an academic organization or a subject area in which to post grades. Subject area values are defined on the Academic Subject Table page.

Partial Post Option

Select to post only those grades that you enter and save on the roster. Later, you can enter the remaining grades and post those. Values are:

Yes: Select to partially post all rosters in your parameters, regardless of whether or not the rosters are missing grades. The batch grade post process performs a partial post on all grade rosters, regardless of whether you selected the Partial Post check box on the Grade Roster Type page.

No: Select to post only rosters that have a status of Approved. This option does not permit reposting of the same roster type.

Note. After the system posts the grades, all statistics accumulate. If any revisions are needed on individual records, you must make these on a student-by-student basis on an enrollment page or on the self-service Grade Roster page, request grade change.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Midterm Deficiency Reports and Communications

This section provides an overview of midterm deficiency reporting and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Midterm Deficiency Reporting

The Mid-Term Deficiency process generates a report that lists students with deficient midterm grades. Deficient grades are those grades with a grade input value that is equal to the value in the Grade Input field on the Mid-Term Deficiency Report page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Monitor Midterm Deficiencies

Page Name

Definition Name



Mid-Term Deficiency Report


Curriculum Management, Grading, Mid-Term Deficiency Report, Mid-Term Deficiency Report

Produce a summary report of all students whose grades are deficient during the midterm for each class.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the Midterm Deficiency Report

Access the Mid-Term Deficiency Report page (Curriculum Management, Grading, Mid-Term Deficiency Report, Mid-Term Deficiency Report).

The system inserts the IDs of all students with deficient grades into the Communication table so that you can easily identify them and create individual warning letters.

Academic Institution

Select an academic institution for which to evaluate students.


Select a term for the system to use as it searches for student enrollment records. Term values are defined on the Term Table page.

Academic Organization

Select an academic organization for the system to use as it searches for records. Academic organization values are defined on the Academic Organization Table page.


Select a session for the system to use as it searches for records. Session values are defined on the Session Table page.

Class End Date From and Class End Date To

Select the class end date from and to values. The values in these fields further narrow your processing parameters. The system evaluates enrollment records for classes that are active between these dates and within all other parameters you specify.


Select a campus for the system to use as it searches for records. Campus values are defined on the Campus Table page.

Grading Scheme

Select a grading scheme to prompt for appropriate grades in the Grade Input field. Grading scheme values are defined on the Grading Scheme Table page.

Grade Input

Select the grade that the system should seek to identify whether a student is midterm deficient.

Click Run to run the report using PeopleSoft Process Scheduler. The process populates the Communication table with IDs for students with deficient grades. Later, you can produce a letter to inform them of their status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Midterm Deficiency Letters

Complete these steps to generate midterm deficiency letters:

  1. Set up midterm deficiency keys on the Communication Speed Keys page.

    After you set these parameters, you do not have to set them each time you run the report. Select the Administrative Function of STRM, which is a delivered value. When defining your communication speed key for midterm deficiency reports, select the method of letter, the direction of out, and the letter code of MAD (Midterm Academic Deficiency).

  2. Generate midterm deficiency reports on the Mid-Term Deficiency page.

    In addition to generating a report of midterm deficiencies, the report places students with deficiencies into the Communication table so that you can generate a letter informing them of their deficient grades.

    The Mid-Term Deficiency report creates one midterm deficiency communication record per student who fits the criteria for having deficiencies. After you run letter generation for letter code MAD, the system inserts a row in the corresponding comma delimited (.CSV) extract file for each deficient class for the term. Using Microsoft Word Merge, the system creates a single letter for a student with midterm deficient grades. The letter includes up to 10 classes in which the student is deficient.

    If you run the Mid-Term Deficiency report and letter generation again at a later date, Microsoft Word Merge produces student letters that include all previously deficient classes for the term, as well as any newly selected deficient classes.

  3. Generate letters on the Letter Generation - General Parameters page.

    To generate midterm deficiency report letters, select the letter code of MAD.

See Also

Setting Up Communications

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Grade Lapse Process

This section provides an overview of the grade lapse process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Grade Lapse Process

Use the Grade Lapse process to convert posted In-progress or Incomplete grades to some other grade that you specify. You can define grades as In-progress on the Grade Scheme table.

Typically, you run the Grade Lapse process two to three weeks after all grades are entered and posted. Your lapse deadline can be before the processing date.

Complete these steps to run the Grade Lapse process:

  1. Define grade lapse rules for your academic programs on the Incomplete page.

  2. Enter and post grades for a given time period.

  3. Run the Grade Lapse process on the Grade Lapse page.

  4. View new, lapsed grades on the Incomplete page.

After you set up your grade lapse rules, you can run the Grade Lapse process at any time. The Grade Lapse process uses the lapse grade that you indicate to populate the Student Incomplete page. Later, you can post the new grade.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run the Grade Lapse Process

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Definition Name





Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Repeat/Incomplete

Define grade lapse rules for academic programs. Each rule defines the grade that your incomplete grades lapse to when you run the report and what related transcript notes (if any) appear on a student's transcript.

Grade Lapse


Curriculum Management, Grading, Grade Lapse, Grade Lapse

Enter processing parameters for the Grade Lapse process and to run the process.

Student Incomplete


Records and Enrollment, Student Term Information, Student Incomplete, Student Incomplete

Review the Grade Lapse process results for an individual student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Grade Lapse Rules

Access the Repeat/Incomplete page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Repeat/Incomplete).

Incomplete Grade

Enter a value that you define as an incomplete grade for students who are active in this program. This grade lapses to the value in the Lapse To Grade field as a result of the Grade Lapse process only if you select the Lapse Grade check box. If you neither select the Lapse Grade check box nor enter a Lapse To Grade value, then the system never lapses the incomplete grade. Grade values are defined on the Grading Scheme Table page.

Lapse Grade

Select to use the lapse grade rules for this incomplete grade. Some incomplete grades may not have lapse rules attached to them (in which case you would leave the Lapse To Grade field blank.) If you do not select this check box, the system does not change incomplete grades to any lapse grade value for classes taken in this academic program, and the lapse transcript note ID does not appear.

Lapse To Grade

Select the lapse to grade value. Grade values are defined on the Grading Scheme Table page.

Lapse Days

Enter the number of days past the fully-graded date that an incomplete grade can stay on a student's record. This value is provided by default from the Term Calendar 3 page to the student career term record during term activation. Lapse days function as a grace period.

For example, assume that at PSUNV the fully-graded date for the undergraduate academic career (UGRD), term 0330, regular session (1) is 12/01/01.

If the institutional policy at PSUNV for the LAU academic program allows a student to make up incomplete grades for one month past the term's end, you would enter 30 in the Lapse Days field. When you run the Grade Lapse process, use 1/10/02 as the lapse deadline. This way, you can be sure that all students who might make up an incomplete have done so and that the grades have been entered and posted. The additional 10 days provide you with time to post grades.

Note. Run the grade lapse report after all grades are entered and posted, which can be after your lapse day's deadline.

Lapse Transcript Note ID

Select the transcript note ID for the lapse grade. Transcript note IDs are defined on the Transcript Note Table page.

Print Lapse Date

Select to display the lapse date on the student's transcript. The system uses the lapse days value to generate the lapse date. It does not use the lapse process date.

Completed Transcript Note ID

Select the transcript note ID that appears after the student's final grade is posted. Transcript note IDs are defined on the Transcript Note Table page.

Print Completed Date

Select to display the completed date on the student's transcript.

See Also

Defining Academic Programs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Grade Lapse Process

Access the Grade Lapse page (Curriculum Management, Grading, Grade Lapse, Grade Lapse).

The Grade Lapse process converts the original Incomplete grade to the lapse grade. In addition, the process creates a report that lists all enrollment request numbers for grades that it lapses.

You should run this process two to three weeks after all grades are entered and posted. Your lapse deadline should be before the date you run the process.


Select the institution that the system uses to limit the scope of the process. The selected value defines which careers are valid.


Select the academic career that the system uses to limit the scope of the process. The system evaluates students with enrollment records for this career.


Select the term that the system should use to limit the scope of the process. The system evaluates students with enrollment records for this career and term.

Lapse Deadline

Select the lapse date deadline to specify the date for grades to lapse (change from their original grade to the lapse to grade). The lapse deadline must be greater than or equal to the fully-graded date plus the lapse days. The fully-graded date is set up on the Term Calendar 3 page, and the system populates this value by default to the student career term record during term activation or during the term activation update process. It is the date that the institution expects to have all grades posted for a particular career, term, and session. Lapse days are defined for an academic program and grade on the Incomplete page in the Academic Program Table component.

The Grade Lapse process looks at all of the student incomplete records that meet your processing parameters. It then uses the lapse deadline to determine which students have Incomplete grades on their records and converts those students' grades to the lapse grade value that you define on the Incomplete page in the Academic Program Table component.

Subsequent processes pick up any new Incomplete grades that you enter. You can run this process as many times as you need for a specific term and career.

Warning! The Grade Lapse process does not convert Incomplete grades that you enter on the Student Enrollment 1 page. Incomplete grades that you enter on this page do not have a corresponding row in the incomplete table.

Academic Program

Because different programs can have different lapse rules, select the academic program that the system uses to limit the scope of the population to process. Academic Program is an optional field.

Click Run to run this request. PeopleSoft Process Scheduler runs the Grade Lapse process at user-defined intervals.

Running the PSJob on the server generates the Grade Lapse report and automatically posts the transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Lapse Report Results Online

Access the Student Incomplete page (Records and Enrollment, Student Term Information, Student Incomplete, Student Incomplete).

Lapse Deadline and Lapse To Grade

The grade post process populates the Lapse Deadline and Lapse To Grade fields. However, you can manually enter these values. If the student has an incomplete grade, you can specify the date for this incomplete grade to lapse to another grade. The process does not overwrite values that you enter manually.


Enter any comments about the lapse grade. The comments do not appear on the transcript.

Click to jump to parent topicProducing the Student Grade Report

This section lists a prerequisite and discusses how to run the student grade report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Post grades for the institution and term that you want to process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Produce the Student Grade Report

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Grade Report


Curriculum Management, Grading, Student Grade Report, Student Grade Report

Produce student grade reports for students in a particular academic career, program, or student group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Student Grade Report

Access the Student Grade Report page (Curriculum Management, Grading, Student Grade Report, Student Grade Report).


Select a term for the student grade report. Term values are defined on the Term Table page.


Select the academic career for which the system should limit the report. Academic career values are defined on the Academic Career Table page.

Acad Prog (academic program)

Select an academic program for which the system should limit the report. Academic program values are defined in the Academic Program Table component.

Student Group

Select a student group for which the system should limit the report. Student group values are defined on the Student Group Table page.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Student Grades and Statistics

When you post grades, the system calculates term statistics. Use the Student Grade Inquiry component to view a student's grades and statistics for the term.

This section lists a prerequisite and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before you can review term statistics, you must post grades for the term.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Student Grades and Statistics

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Grade Inquiry


Records and Enrollment, Student Term Information, Student Grades, Student Grade Inquiry

Review grades for a student within a term.

Term Statistics


Records and Enrollment, Student Term Information, Student Grades, Term Statistics

Review a student's current term statistics.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Student Grades

Access the Student Grade Inquiry page (Records and Enrollment, Student Term Information, Student Grades, Student Grade Inquiry).


Click to print the grade information.


Click to access the Class Details page, where you can view class information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Term Statistics

Access the Terms Statistics page (Records and Enrollment, Student Term Information, Student Grades, Term Statistics).

See Also

Viewing Term Statistics

Click to jump to parent topicAuditing Grade Changes

This section provides an overview of grade change audits and discusses how to enter grade change audit search parameters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Grade Change Audits

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions provides grade change audit functionality that captures and displays detailed information about grade changes made through online pages, batch processes, and SQL. Specifically, the system tracks and writes an audit record to the grade change audit table for each of these changes:

The grade change audit table captures the entire PS_STDNT_ENRL record and stores an image of the record before and after any changes. The system dates and time stamps and also marks each record in the audit table as a before or after image.

Complete these steps to audit grade changes:

  1. Enter the parameters that define your audit group on the Grade Change Audit page.

  2. Select the View Changes Only check box to see only changes to original grades.

    Clear the View Changes Only check box to see both original grades and subsequent grade changes.

  3. Click the Search button to retrieve your results.

  4. Review the results of your search on the Change Detail, Units and GPA, and Miscellaneous Details tabs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

To record the grade changes that the Grade Change Audit functionality audits, your IT team must first install and execute delivered SQL trigger files.

See Supplemental Installation Guide link on the Campus Solutions 9.0 Documentation Home page on My Oracle Support (note ID 751540.1)

See Also

Integrating Campus Solutions with Human Capital Management

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Audit Grade Changes

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Definition Name



Grade Change Audit


Curriculum Management, Grading, Grade Change Audit, Grade Change Audit

Specify grade change audit search parameters and review detailed information about grade changes that match the selection criteria.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Grade Change Audit Search Parameters

Access the Grade Change Audit page (Curriculum Management, Grading, Grade Change Audit, Grade Change Audit).

Note. Multiple views of this page are available by clicking the tabs in the scroll area. We document fields that are common to all views first.


The ID of the student to audit. Leave this field blank to have the system retrieve all values for this field (wildcard).

User ID

The ID of the user to audit. Leave this field blank to have the system retrieve all values for this field (wildcard).

Start Date

Enter the earliest date to audit. Leave this field blank to have the system retrieve all values for this field (wildcard).

End Date

Enter the latest date to audit. Leave this field blank to have the system retrieve all values for this field (wildcard).

View Changes Only

Select this check box to have the system return only those records with an action of After. Clear this check box to have the system return records with an action of Before and After.


Click to retrieve audit data. To refresh the data that the system returns, update the selection criteria and click the button again.

Note. After you click the Search button, the retrieval process begins. If the system finds records in the GRADE_AUDIT table within your search criteria, the system refreshes the data on the Change Detail tab. If the process returns no changes, the fields on the Change Detail tab remain blank.

User ID

Displays the ID of the individual who made changes to the PS_STDNT_ENRL record.


Displays the ID of the student whose grade changed.


Displays when a user made changes to the PS_STDNT_ENRL record.


Displays the state of the change record. Values are:

Before: The image of the record before it was updated.

After: The image of the record after it was updated.

All remaining columns on the Units and GPA tab and the Miscellaneous Detail tab display a subset of columns from the Grade Audit table, which stores a snapshot of the student's record in the PS_STDNT_ENRL table.

See Also

Processing Enrollment Transactions Through the Enrollment Component