Defining Programs, Plans, and Subplans

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Academic Programs

To set up academic programs, use the Academic Program Table component (ACADEMIC_PROG_TBL).

This section provides an overview of academic programs and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Academic Programs

An academic program is the program to which a student applies and is admitted and from which the student graduates. For instance, at a 4-year liberal arts college, the academic program is a liberal arts undergraduate program. At a larger university with a college of fine arts, a school of engineering, and a college of arts and sciences, the academic programs correspond to those broad categories. At a graduate school, there can be a distinct academic program for every area of study, such as a doctoral program in mathematics and a doctoral program in molecular biology.

The academic program controls many factors at the student level. For example, the academic program controls the student's academic level, academic load, academic calendar, academic group for tuition calculation purposes, grading scheme, and admissions evaluation scheme. After you establish academic programs, you can create academic plans (which are subdivisions of academic programs) and academic subplans (which are subdivisions of academic plans).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Academic Programs

Page Name

Definition Name



Academic Program


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Academic Program

Describe every academic program at an academic institution and link each academic program to an academic career, grading scheme, academic group, academic level rule, and academic calendar.



Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Standing/Honors

Set up academic standing rules and parameters for academic programs. Set up honor and award rules and parameters for academic programs.



Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Taxonomy/Campus

Establish academic organization owners of the academic program for reporting, analysis, and work distribution purposes. Also, link academic programs to Classification on International Programs (CIP) codes and Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) codes. Define the home campus and business unit for academic programs and the valid campuses for financial aid, registration, and advisement.



Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Repeat/Incomplete

Define grade lapse rules for academic programs. Each rule defines the grade to which incomplete grades lapse when you run reports. The rules also determine the related transcript notes that appear on a student's transcript. Set repeat checking controls at the academic program level and link repeat rules to academic programs.



Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Enrollment

Set up class enrollment limits for students' academic programs, according to term categories.



Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Course

Set up students' enrollment limits for courses in a specified term category and session type within academic programs. Set up class enrollment limits for students' academic programs, according to sessions.

Dynamic Date


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Dynamic Date

Set up dynamic date fields for a specific academic program.

Acad Prog AUS (academic programs Australia)


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Acad Prog AUS

Link Australian government reporting codes to academic programs.

Acad Prog NZL (academic program New Zealand)


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Acad Prog NZL

Link New Zealand government reporting codes to academic programs.

Home Campus NLD (home campus netherlands)


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Home Campus NLD

Set up home campus information for Dutch students.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDescribing Academic Programs

Access the Academic Program page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Academic Program).

First Term Valid

Enter the first term in which students can be admitted to the academic program. You cannot admit students to the academic program before the term that you specify. If you enter term 0000, you can admit students to the program for any term. When you convert data to the PeopleSoft system, be sure that you enter a first valid term that is appropriate for the preexisting data of the academic program. This field is optional.

Academic Career

Enter the academic career to which the academic program belongs.

Grading Scheme

By default, displays the grading scheme of the academic career. Enter a new value to override the default value. The grading scheme defines all valid grading bases of the academic program. The system applies the grading scheme to classes within the academic program. In addition, the system displays the grading scheme of the academic program in the equivalent fields throughout transfer credit processing whenever credit is transferred into that academic program. When the system converts transfer credit, it uses the grading basis of the lowest definable level.

GB Default for Transfer Credit (grading basis default for transfer credit)

By default, displays the transfer credit default grading basis of the academic career (as defined on the Academic Career Table page). Enter a new value to override the default value. This grading basis appears on various pages for transfer credit processing, where you can also override the value. When the system converts transfer credit, it uses the grading basis of the lowest definable level.

Default Grade – Transfer Credit

By default, displays the transfer credit default grade of the academic career. Enter a new value to override the default value. This grade appears on various pages throughout transfer credit processing, where you can also override the value. When the system converts transfer credit, it uses the grade of the lowest definable level.

Academic Group

Enter the academic group to which the academic program belongs. PeopleSoft Student Financials uses academic groups for tuition calculation. The academic group value does not indicate sole ownership of the academic program by the academic group. Define ownership for reporting and financial analysis purposes on the Taxonomy/Campus page of this component.

Academic Level Rule

Enter the academic level rule for the academic program. This rule defines how the system calculates the academic level for students who are in the academic program.

Academic Calendar

Enter the academic calendar for the academic program. The system uses the academic calendar that you enter to determine many of the important dates associated with the academic program.

Dual Academic Program

Enter the second academic program, if the academic program is a joint program (such as J.D./M.B.A.). This enables PeopleSoft Recruiting and Admissions to evaluate and accept students into both academic programs with one application.

Default Academic Plan

Enter a default academic plan for the academic program. The system uses the value that you enter as the default academic plan for new applicants to the academic program. The selection appears on the Quick Admit, Recruit Prospective Students, and Application Entry pages.

Default Campus

Enter the default campus for the academic program. The value that you enter appears on the Quick Admit, Create Prospects, and Application components for new applicants to this academic program. Define campuses on the Campus Table page.

Transcript Level

Select a transcript level to determine the types of transcripts on which the system includes the specified data. Values are: Not Print, Official, Unofficial, Stdnt Life (student life), and Degr Prog (degree progress).

Career Pointer Exception Rule

Enter the career pointer exception rule for the academic program. If the academic program does not have any career exceptions—that is, if enrollments in other careers' courses follow the rules on the Academic Career Pointers page—leave this field empty.

Only if Outside Career

Select to use the career pointer exception rules only against class enrollments that are outside the academic career associated with the academic program. Clear this check box to use the career pointer exception rules against all class enrollments in the academic program.

Residency Required

Select to require residency data for students in the academic program. When you attempt to activate a student into a term, the Term Activation process determines whether a student's academic program requires that the student have residency data in the system. If so and the student does not have residency data in the system, the Term Activation process does not activate the student for the term. This blocks the student from class enrollment and tuition calculation.

The value of this check box appears by default, according to the setting of the Residency Required field on the Institution 1 page for the academic institution to which the academic program belongs.

Financial Aid Eligible

Select to indicate that students in the academic program are eligible for financial aid. This check box works in conjunction with the Enforce FA Eligibility (enforce financial aid eligibility) check box on the Statistics Period Type page. The Consolidate Academic Statistics process uses these check boxes to determine which students to include in calculations. For example, if the academic program belongs to a continuing education or nondegree academic career and you want to exclude students within the academic program from the process calculations, clear the Financial Aid Eligible check box on this page and select the Enforce FA Eligibility check box on the Statistics Period Type page.

Primacy Nbr (primacy number)

Enter the primacy number for the academic program. The system uses this number as a key to determine a student's primary academic program when you consolidate academic statistics. The system also uses this number to prioritize financial aid applications when students are enrolled in multiple academic programs at the same time. The lowest number takes precedence.

Note. It is recommended that you coordinate the numbering with Financial Aid to avoid conflicts.

Last Prospect Date

Enter the latest date that a program can be populated for a new prospect record. You cannot assign a program to a prospect if the system date is greater than the last prospect date.

Last Admit Term

Enter the last term in which students can be admitted to the academic program. You cannot admit students to the academic program after the term that you specify. The system will compare the admit term used in the student's application to this last term valid value. If the admit term is greater than this value, the program is not available to the user. This field is optional.

Edit Advisors Against

Select the view that the system uses when prompting you to assign an advisor for a student in the academic program. Assign advisors to students on the Student Advisor page. If you are defining a new academic program, the system displays the value from the corresponding field on the Academic Career Table page. The option that you select appears by default on the Student Milestone page and the Student Advisor page. Options are:

  • Personal Data: Prompts against all people with a personal data record in the PeopleSoft system.

  • Instructor Advisor: Prompts against all people defined as instructors and advisors on the Instructor/Advisor Table page, as defined for the academic program.

  • Advisor Role: Prompts against all people defined as advisors on the Instructor/Advisor Table page, as defined for the academic program.

See Also

Defining Dynamic Academic Calendars

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Academic Standing Parameters for Academic Programs

Access the Standing/Honors page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Standing/Honors).

See Also

Linking Academic Standing, Honors, and Awards Rules to Academic Programs

Linking Honor Award Rules to Academic Programs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Taxonomy, Academic Organization Ownership, and Campus Information for Academic Programs

Access the Taxonomy/Campus page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Taxonomy/Campus).


CIP Code (Classification of Instructional Programs code)

Enter the CIP code for this academic program.

HEGIS Code (Higher Education General Information Survey code)

Enter the HEGIS code for this academic program.

IPEDS Normal Completion (years) (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System normal completion years)

Enter the number of years it normally takes a student to complete this academic program.


Academic Organization

Enter the academic organization that offers courses in the academic program. Any academic organization entered here should also have a detail node associated with it for this academic program on the academic organization tree. Define academic organizations on the academic organization tree.

Split Ownership

Select to designate multiple academic organization owners for this academic program. If you select this check box, the lower Academic Organization field and the Percent Owned field become available.



Enter a primary campus for the academic program.

Business Unit

Enter the business unit (for bursar purposes) for the academic program. Define business unit values on the SF Business Unit Table page.

FA Campus (financial aid campus)

Enter the campus responsible for administering the academic program's financial aid. The system displays values from the Campus Table page.

Registrar Campus

Enter the campus responsible for student records within the academic program. The system displays values from the Campus Table page.

Advisement Campus

Enter the campus responsible for student advising within the academic program. The system displays values from the Campus Table page.

Note. You can add multiple campuses to any field on this page by inserting a new row.

See Also

Securing Academic Organizations

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Tree Manager

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Repeating Rules and Grade Lapse Rules for Academic Programs

Access the Repeat/Incomplete page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Repeat/Incomplete).

Repeat Rule

Repeat Rule

Enter a repeat rule for this academic program. The system prompts you with valid choices according to the academic career to which this academic program belongs. Repeat rules contain the conditions that define repeat checking policies. For example, the repeat rule can specify how many times a student can take courses given certain conditions, such as the grades that the student earns. Settings at the academic career level are defaults for all of the academic programs within this academic career wherein a repeat rule is not attached to the academic program. Repeat rules must be assigned to an academic career for the Repeat Checking process to function at grade input.

Process on Enrollment

Use this field to activate the Repeat Checking process at enrollment time for this academic program. The choices are Yes and No.

Select Yes if you want the Repeat Checking process to run during enrollment for this academic program. This is a front-end process that checks repeats, based on repeat rules that you set up in the Repeat Rule component. The process is front-end because it checks for repeats at enrollment time, rather than when you post grades. You can run the Repeat Checking process for the entire academic institution, for students in particular academic careers within the academic institution, and for students in primary academic programs within academic careers. This field is unavailable if No is selected at the academic career or academic institution levels.

EnterNo if you do not want the Repeat Checking process to run during enrollment processing for students in this academic program. This field is unavailable when you select No at the academic career or academic institution level.

Repeat Grade Check

Use this field to activate or deactivate the Repeat Checking process upon grade submission on the Enrollment Request page or the Quick Enrollment page for this academic program. Select one of the following values:

All Crse: Select to run the Repeat Checking process upon grade submission on the Enrollment Request page for this academic program. This back-end process checks repeats, based on repeat rules that you set up in the Repeat Rule component. The process is back-end because it checks for repeats when you post grades, after the student has already completed the class, rather than at enrollment time. You can run the Repeat Checking process for the entire academic institution, for academic careers within the academic institution, and for academic programs within academic careers. This field is unavailable if Never is selected at the academic institution levels.

Never: Select if you do not want the Repeat Checking process to run upon grade submission on the Enrollment Request page. This field is unavailable when you selectNever at the academic career or academic institution level.

Only Rep (only repeats): Select if you want to run the process against all class enrollments in a student's enrollment record (STDNT_ENRL table) where the repeat candidate field is set to Y. The only time that the system does not set the repeat candidate field to Y is for class enrollments entered through the Enrollment component or for classes for which the course is defined as an allowable repeat through the Course Catalog component.

Temporarily Suspend Repeat Check on Enrollment (temporarily suspend repeat checking on enrollment)

Select to temporarily suspend the Repeat Checking process at enrollment time for students in this academic program. This check box enables you to temporarily suspend repeat checking during peak enrollment periods, when the Repeat Checking process might seriously impair performance. After the peak period has passed, clear this check box to re-enable the Repeat Checking process on enrollment. Use this functionality sparingly, because students attempting to repeat a class are not warned about a possible illegal repeat.

Temporarily Suspend Repeat Check on Grade Input (temporarily suspend repeat checking on grade input)

Select to temporarily suspend the Repeat Checking process during grade input for this academic program. This check box enables you to temporarily suspend repeat checking during peak grading periods, when the Repeat Checking process might seriously impair performance. After the peak period has passed, clear this check box to re-enable the Repeat Checking process on grade input. Use this functionality sparingly, because the system does not check for repeats, so you will not know if any repeat rules apply to students until you run the Repeat Checking process in batch.

Course Catalog Repeats

Course Catalog Repeat Message

Select one of the following message types that the system displays during enrollment when the Allowable Repeats process detects that the student has previously taken the course.

Error: Issues an error and prevents the student from enrolling in the repeated class.

Warning: Issues a warning that the repeatable limit as established on the course catalog has been exceeded. The student is still able to enroll in the class.

None: Issues no warning or error, and the student is still able to enroll in the class.

The Allowable Repeats process runs at class enrollment time and looks at settings at the course catalog level to see whether a course can be repeated. This process does not affect student statistics; it is used only to determine whether a student can repeat a course. When the completions maximum or units maximum has been exceeded, the system issues enrollment messages, depending on the message type entered and assuming that the Course Catalog Repeats functionality is in effect.

The system renders the Course Catalog Repeat Message field unavailable when you enter Yes in the Process on Enrollment field. The system renders the field unavailable because when you run the Repeat Checking on Enrollment process, the Allowable Repeats process does not issue a message when a repeated course is in violation of the course catalog repeat maximums. The Repeat Checking process analyzes the student's enrollment records for repeated courses and issues warnings only after the Allowable Repeats process identifies an enrollment that exceeds the completions maximum or units maximum set on the Catalog Data page of the Course Catalog component.

Incomplete Grade

This page allows you to define grade lapse rules for academic programs. Enter all of the grade lapse rules necessary to instruct the system how students' incomplete grades should lapse when you run the Grade Lapse report process and what transcript notes, if any, the system displays on a student's transcript.

See Also

Running the Grade Lapse Process

Setting Up Repeat Checking for Academic Programs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Term Enrollment Limits for Academic Programs

Access the Enrollment page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Enrollment).

When checking enrollment unit limits, the enrollment engine first checks the term limits of the academic program (as defined here). If the student meets the enrollment unit limits for the term, then the enrollment engine checks the enrollment limits for the session (as defined on the Session page of the Academic Program Table component), if units limits were defined for the session. If the student meets the enrollment limit requirements for the session (or if no limits were defined for the session), the enrollment engine checks the enrollment unit limits for the appointment, if the open enrollment date has not been reached. Appointment enrollment unit limits only apply before the open enrollment period.

The full-time limits and part-time enrollment limits that you set on this page apply to students approved for a full-time or part-time academic load in the specified academic program and term category.

Term Category

Select the term category for the default term enrollment limits of the academic program. You can modify these translate values.

Note. You link term category values to actual terms and academic careers on the Term Table page.

Check Min Before Open Enrollment (check minimum before open enrollment)

Select to enable the enrollment engine to verify enrollment requests against the minimum unit amounts set before the open enrollment date. Set the open enrollment date on the Session Table page.

Full Time Max Total Units (full-time maximum total units) and Part Time Max Total Units (part-time maximum total units)

Enter the maximum number of units that full-time and part-time students can have for the specified term category within the academic program.

If you select the Include Wait List in Total check box on this page, the enrollment engine calculates the student's total units by adding the units taken (UNT_TAKEN) for rows in the STDNT_ENRL table where the student enrollment status (STDNT_ENRL_STATUS) equals E (enrollment) or W (waiting). If you clear the check box, the enrollment engine includes only the units taken for rows where the student enrollment status equals E.

Full Time Min Total Units (full-time minimum total units) and Part Time Min Total Units (part-time minimum total units)

Enter the minimum number of units that full-time and part-time students can have for the specified term category within the academic program. The enrollment engine references this value only when a student attempts to drop a class or make a unit adjustment for a class. To calculate the student's total units, the enrollment engine adds the units taken (UNT_TAKEN) for rows in the STDNT_ENRL table where the student enrollment status (STDNT_ENRL_STATUS) equals E (enrollment).

Full Time Max No GPA Units (full-time maximum non-grade point average units) and Part Time Max No GPA Units (part-time maximum non-grade point average units)

Enter the maximum number of units that full-time and part-time students can have with a non-GPA grading basis for the specified term category within the academic program. This number includes the maximum audit units.

To calculate the student's total non-GPA units, the enrollment engine adds the units taken (UNT_TAKEN) for rows on the STDNT_ENRL table where the student enrollment status (STDNT_ENRL_STATUS) equals E (enrollment) and the include in GPA (INCLUDE_IN_GPA) flag equals N (no).

Full Time Max Audit Units (full-time maximum audit units) and Part Time Max Audit Units (part-time maximum audit units)

Enter the maximum number of non-GPA units that full-time and part-time students can have with an audit grading basis for the specified term category within this academic program. This number is part of the maximum non-GPA units.

To calculate the student's total audit units, the enrollment engine adds the units taken (UNT_TAKEN) for rows on the STDNT_ENRL table where the student enrollment status (STDNT_ENRL_STATUS) equals E (enrollment) and the audit grade basis (AUDIT_GRADE_BASIS) flag equals Y (yes).

Full Time Max Wait List Units (full-time maximum wait list units) and Part Time Max Wait List Units (part-time maximum wait list units)

Enter the maximum number of wait list units that full-time and part-time students can have in the specified term category within the academic program.

Wait list units are any combination of graded, non-GPA, and audit units. To calculate the student's total wait list units, the enrollment engine adds the units taken (UNT_TAKEN) for rows on the STDNT_ENRL table where the student enrollment status (STDNT_ENRL_STATUS) equals W (waiting).

Full Time Projected Bill Units and Part Time Projected Bill Units

Enter the number of units that the system uses to calculate projected tuition for billing before the completion of enrollment for full-time and part-time students in the term category within the academic program.

Bill for Wait List Units

Select to include wait list units in tuition calculations.

Include Wait List in Total

Select to have the enrollment engine include wait list units when calculating a student's full-time and part-time maximum total units. Clear this check box to enable a student to have up to the maximum wait list units regardless of maximum total units.

Note. This check box affects only full-time and part-time maximum total units for the term. It does not affect session or appointment enrollment limits.

Examples of Term Enrollment Limits

Suppose that the Liberal Arts Undergraduate (LAU) program at PeopleSoft University (PSUNV) limits full-time student enrollment into regular terms, as shown in this table:



Full Time Max Total Units


Full Time Max No GPA Units


Full Time Max Audit Units


Full Time Max Wait List Units


Include Wait List in Total


A full-time student can enroll in a maximum of 18 units for the term. Of these 18 units, six can be non-GPA units. Of the six non-GPA units, three can be audit units. Suppose that a student has the maximum of six wait list units and has yet to enroll in any units. Because the Include Wait List in Total check box is selected, the student can enroll in 12 additional units before reaching the maximum total units. Of these 12 units, six can be non-GPA units. Of the six non-GPA units, three can be audit units.

The Fine Arts Undergraduate (FAU) program at PSUNV limits part-time enrollment into these regular terms:



Part Time Max Total Units


Part Time Max No GPA Units


Part Time Max Audit Units


Part Time Max Wait List Units


Include Wait List in Total


A part-time student can enroll in a maximum of 11 units for the term. Of these 11 units, three can be non-GPA units. Of the three non-GPA units, three can be audit units. Suppose that a student enrolls in eight units. Because the Include Wait List in Total check box is cleared, the student can enroll in an additional three units maximum. Of these three units, three can be non-GPA units. Of the three non-GPA units, three can be audit units. The student can also add six additional wait list units.

See Also

Managing Enrollment and Validation Appointments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Course Count Limits for Academic Programs

Access the Course page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Course).

The enrollment engine uses these enrollment limits in addition to the unit limits when determining whether a student can enroll in a course. Define course count enrollment limits for specific course offerings on the Catalog Data page of the Course Catalog component.

Course Count Enrollment

Select to activate course count processing for class enrollment in the academic program. If you select the Only Use Term Unit Limits check box on the Session page, the session type fields are unavailable. Otherwise, all fields on this page are available.

Min Course Count to Count (minimum course count to count)

If applicable, enter the minimum course count value that a course must be worth to count towards the total full-time and part-time maximum course counts. For example, if you indicate that a course must meet a minimum course count value of 0.50, then a course's count value must be greater than or equal to 0.50 to count towards the full-time maximum course and part-time maximum course limits.

Full Time Max Courses (full-time maximum courses (upper)

Enter the full-time maximum course counts for students enrolling in classes within the specified term category of the academic program.

Part Time Max Courses (part-time maximum courses (upper))

Enter the part-time maximum course counts for students enrolling in classes within the specified term category of the academic program. These maximum course limits include only those courses that have a course count greater than or equal to the minimum course count value specified for the term category.

Full Time Max Courses (full-time maximum courses (lower))

If you set specific session unit limits for this term category on the Session page, the Full Time Max Courses field and Part Time Max Courses field become available. Enter the full-time maximum course counts for students enrolling in classes within the session type of the specified term category.

Part Time Max Courses (part-time maximum courses (lower))

Enter the part-time maximum course counts for students enrolling in classes within the session type of the specified term category. These maximum course limits include only those courses that have a course count greater than or equal to the minimum course count value specified for the term category.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Dynamic Date Fields for Academic Programs

Access the Dynamic Date page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Dynamic Date).

Note. For students within a specified academic program to be able to drop or withdraw from open entry/exit classes, you must define the values on this page.

This page is available only if you enable the use of the Dynamic Class Dates features on the Academic Career Table 2 page. When you apply a dynamic class date rule to a class or OEE enrollment, the system uses the student's primary academic program to control the reasons and penalties when a student cancels, withdraws from, or drops a class. These reasons and penalties relate to the corresponding landmark date deadlines on the dynamically calculated academic calendars. They apply to students according to the academic program and according to the dynamic class date rule of a class. You set up the dynamic class date rules on the Dynamic Class Dates page. You view and override the calculated deadlines for the regular dynamic class date rules on the Dynamic Data page and for OEE dynamic date rules on the Student OEE Enroll (student open entry/exit enrollment) page.

When processing drops or withdrawals for dynamically dated classes during the penalty periods, the enrollment engine uses the penalty grades specific to the student's grading basis, as defined on the Grading Scheme Table page. If you have not defined penalty grades for the student's grading basis, the enrollment engine instead uses the grading bases and grades that you define for the student's primary academic program.

Dynamic Date Fields

Cancel Reason

Enter the enrollment action reason that applies to a student's enrollment record when the student cancels a dynamically dated class on or before the cancel-date deadline. You can modify these translate values.

Withdraw without Penalty Reason

Enter the enrollment action reason that applies to a student's enrollment record when the student withdraws from or drops a dynamically dated class after the cancel deadline but on or before the withdraw-without-penalty deadline. You can modify these translate values.

Withdraw with Penalty Grade Basis

Enter the grading basis that determines a student's grade when the student withdraws from a dynamically dated class after the withdraw-without-penalty deadline but on or before the withdraw-with-penalty deadline. Set up grading basis values on the Grading Scheme Table page. The grading basis that you enter determines the grades available in the Withdraw With Penalty Grade field.

Withdraw with Penalty Grade

Enter the grade that applies to a student's enrollment record when the student withdraws from a dynamically dated class after the withdraw-without-penalty deadline but on or before the withdraw-with-penalty deadline.

Withdraw with Greater Penalty Grade Basis

Enter the grading basis that determines a student's grade when the student withdraws from a dynamically dated class after the withdraw-with-penalty deadline but on or before the withdraw-with-greater-penalty deadline. The grading basis that you select determines the grades available in the Withdraw With Greater Penalty Grade field.

Withdraw with Greater Penalty Grade

Enter the grade that applies to a student's enrollment record when the student withdraws from a dynamically dated class after the withdraw-with-penalty deadline but on or before the withdraw-with-greater-penalty deadline.

Drop without Penalty Reason

Enter the enrollment action reason that applies to a student's enrollment record when the student drops from a dynamically dated class after the drop-and-delete deadline but on or before the drop-and-retain-record deadline. You can modify these translate values.

Drop with Penalty Grade Basis

Enter the grading basis that determines a student's grade when the student drops a dynamically dated class after the drop-and-retain-record deadline but on or before the drop-with-penalty deadline. The grading basis that you select determines the grades available in the Drop With Penalty Grade field.

Drop with Penalty Grade

Enter the grade that applies to a student's enrollment record when the student drops a dynamically dated class after the drop-and-retain-record deadline but on or before the drop-with-penalty deadline.

Drop with Greater Penalty Grade Basis

Enter the grading basis that determines a student's grade when the student drops a dynamically dated class after the drop-with-penalty deadline but on or before the drop-with-greater-penalty deadline. The grading basis that you select determines the grades available in the Drop With Severe Penalty Grade field.

Drop with Severe Penalty Grade

Enter the grade that applies to a student's enrollment record when the student drops a dynamically dated class after the drop-with-penalty deadline but on or before the drop-with-greater-penalty deadline.

See Also

Defining Grading Schemes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(AUS) Setting Up Australian Academic Programs

Access the Acad Prog AUS page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Acad Prog AUS).

Additional Elements

Field of Study

Enter the field of study that most closely matches the academic program. Define field of study codes on the Field of Study AUS page.

Note. Field of study codes have been replaced by field of education codes for terms after year 2000. Field of study codes are retained for historical reference.

Field of Education Code

Enter the field of education that most closely matches the academic program. Define field of education codes on the Field of Education AUS page.

Program Type Code

Enter the program type code for this academic program. Define program type codes on the Program Type Table page.

Special Program Type

Enter a special program type, if applicable. Special programs are programs that are of special interest to Department of Education, Science, and Training (DEST).

Aggregated EFTSL (aggregated Equivalent Full Time Student Load)

Enter the aggregated EFTSL value for this academic program. This is the sum of all the EFTSL values needed to fulfil the requirements of the program. For example, a three-year program has a total EFTSL value of 3 and the aggregated EFTSL value is 30. Define aggregated EFTSL values on the Aggregated EFTSL AUS page.

Minimum Units

Enter the minimum units needed to satisfy the requirements of this academic program. For example, if 120 units a year is a full-time load for a bachelors program, the minimum units would likely be 360. The Student Enrolment DEST report (srdesten.sqr) uses this field in determining percentage of transfer credit for students.

Program Eligibility

Select to indicate whether the student is eligible or ineligible to participate in the Postgraduate Education Loan Scheme (PELS) program.


Enter the seven-digit CRICOS code that you want to associate with this academic program. The CRICOS code is used by the Department of Immigration to identify valid programs for international students. This code is not related to DEST.

Combined Course Indicator

Select to indicate that this academic program is a combined course, such as Arts/Law. When you select this check box, the Supplementary FOS and Supplementary FOE fields become available.

Supplementary FOS (supplementary field of study)

If this program is a combined course, enter the secondary field of study. This field is available if you select the Combined Course Indicator check box.

Note. Field of study codes have been replaced by field of education codes for terms after year 2000. Field of study codes are retained for historical reference.

Supplementary FOE (supplementary field of education)

If this program is a combined course, enter the secondary field of education. This field is available if you select the Combined Course Indicator check box.

DEST Related Programs Group Box

Related Academic Program and Status

Enter the related programs for this academic program. DEST uses related program information to determine the commencement date (DEST element 328) of a student's program. For example, if a student was enrolled into a masters program and then one year later changes to a graduate program, DEST might consider these related programs. If DEST defines two programs as related, the determination of the commencement date for the student's program should be from the admit term of the masters program, in our example, and not the admit term of the graduate program. You should add all related programs for each academic program.

TAC Program Mapping Group Box

Program Code

Enter the appropriate program code for this academic program. This field is used for the Training Accreditation Council (TAC) Bulk Upload and is not related to DEST. Program codes are set up on the Program Code Table AUS page.

TAC Stream Code

Enter the appropriate TAC stream code for this academic program. This field is also used for the TAC Bulk Upload and is not related to DEST.

Academic Load

Select the appropriate academic load. Values are:Full-time, Part-time, Part-time Vocational TR, Vocational Coaching, and Vocational Training.

Academic Plan

Enter an academic plan to associate with the academic program.

Mode of Attendance

Select the mode of attendance for this academic program. Values are: External Mode of Attendance, Internal Mode of Attendance, Multi-modal Mode of Attendance, Completed Course - OLAA (Open Learning Australia), and Submission of Original Work.


Enter the campus associated with this academic program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(NZL) Setting Up New Zealand Academic Programs

Access the Acad Prog NZL page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Acad Prog NZL).

Prospectus Code

Enter the prospectus code for the program. This code is the unique identifier for the program from the Ministry of Education Prospectus database.

Qualification Award Category

(Optional) Select a category from the list of SDR Qualification Award Categories. This value is for informational purposes. Values for this field are delivered as translate values. You can modify these values.

Program Type Code

Select a program type code for the academic program. The New Zealand Ministry of Education requires that you assign all programs a program type code. The system prompts you with translate values delivered with your system. These translate values are defined as valid for the Single Data Return Report and should not be modified.

Values are: CPI (certificate of personal interest), Community, and Normal.

StudyLink Funding

Select a code to indicate whether a program is eligible for StudyLink funding and, if it is, at which level.

Values are: Allowance Only, Loans Only, Loans and Allowances, and Not Funded.

Course Classification

Enter a course classification. These codes are assigned by the New Zealand Ministry of Education and are required for the Single Data Return. You define these codes in the Course Classification NZL component.

Funding Category

Enter a funding category. These codes are assigned by the New Zealand Ministry of Education and are required for the Single Data Return. Funding categories are tied to course classifications, so the course classification selected determines the available selections in this field. You define these codes in the Funding Category NZL component.

Education Level

No programming is tied to this field; use it for informational purposes only. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.

Report to MoE

No programming is tied to this field; use it for informational purposes only. The check box is selected by default.

See Processing SDR Extracts.

See Also

Preparing for SDR Reporting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(NLD) Setting Up Home Campus Information

Access the Home Campus NLD page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Home Campus NLD).


Enter a BRINcode, which is defined by the Dutch Ministry of Higher Education and is used in CBAP (Centraal Bureau Aanmelding en Plaatsing).

You can map only Internal BRINcodes to an academic program.

Sub BRINcode

You can select only those Sub BRINcodes that are mapped to the selected BRINcode. You map a Sub BRINcode to a BRINcode in the SUB-BRINCODE Table page.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Academic Plans

To set up academic plans, use the Academic Plan Table component (ACADEMIC_PLAN_TBL).

This section provides an overview of academic plans and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Academic Plans

An academic plan is an area of study—such as a major, minor, or specialization—that is within an academic program or within an academic career. A student can earn only one degree for a single academic plan. If the institution offers dual degrees, you must establish separate academic plans for each degree or you must create a combined degree, such as B.A./B.S. You can set up academic plans to award degrees, indicate completion of the academic program, or award intermediate certificates or degrees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Academic Plans

Page Name

Definition Name



Academic Plan Table


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Plan Table, Academic Plan Table

Describe academic plans, tie academic plans to an academic program or academic career, specify the degree offered, and provide other details.

Print Options


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Plan Table, Print Options

Set up diploma and transcript printing options and text for academic plans.



Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Plan Table, Taxonomy

Set up academic plan taxonomy, including CIP codes, HEGIS codes, and fields of study, for academic plans.



Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Plan Table, Owner

Establish academic organization owners of the academic plan for reporting, analysis, and work distribution purposes.

Acad Plan AUS (academic plan Australia)


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Plan Table, Acad Plan AUS

Assign DEST codes to academic plans.

Acad Plan NZL (academic plan New Zealand)


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Plan Table, Acad Plan NZL

Assign New Zealand Ministry of Education (MoE) and New Zealand Vice-Chancellors' Committee (NZVCC) subject codes to the academic plan for government reporting.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDescribing Academic Plans

Access the Academic Plan Table page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Plan Table, Academic Plan Table).

Warning! If you modified the academic program or academic career to which an academic plan belongs, you must first deactivate the academic plan by inserting a new row and entering the status of inactive. Then, you must add another new row to tie the academic plan to a different academic program or academic career. This procedure ensures proper functionality of academic plan prompts throughout the system.

Academic Program

Enter the academic program or an academic career to which this academic plan belongs. To require that a student be admitted to a specific academic program before declaring the academic plan, enter an academic program to link to this academic plan.

Academic Career

Enter an academic career to link to the academic plan if you want students in any academic career to be able to declare the academic plan. For example, an institution might enable all undergraduates to declare computer science as a major (academic plan), regardless of whether students are in a liberal arts program or an engineering program.

Academic Plan Type

Select a type for this academic plan, such as Major, Minor, or Concentration. You can modify these translate values.

First Term Valid

Enter the first term in which students can be admitted to the academic plan. You cannot admit students to the academic plan before the term that you specify. If you enter the term 0000, you can admit students to the plan for any term. When you convert data to the PeopleSoft system, be sure that you select a first valid term that is appropriate for the preexisting data for each academic plan. This field is optional.

Note. Students can modify this plan when their admit term is prior to this term as long as the effective date of the modification is greater than or equal to the start date of this term.

Degree Offered

Enter the degree offered for completion of the academic plan. If the institution offers dual degrees, you must establish separate academic plans for each degree or create a combined degree, such as B.A./B.S. The system creates degree records according to the definition of the academic plan. Therefore, if a student graduates with dual degrees and the degrees are the same—such as an English B.A. and a psychology B.A.—the system creates one degree record. However, if a student graduates with dual degrees and the degrees are different—such as an English B.A. and a biology B.S.—the system creates two degree records, one for each degree.

Req Term Default (requirement term default)

Select the default term for which the system begins accumulating requirements for the academic plan. You can override the default value for individual students on the Student Plan page. Modification to these translate values requires significant programming.

Note. Set this default so that, when you analyze completion requirements for an academic plan, you know which set of requirements to use. Requirements can change over time.

Transcript Level

Select a transcript level to determine the types of transcripts on which the system includes the specified data. Values are: Not Print, Official, Unofficial, Stdnt Life (student life), and Degr Prog (degree progress).

Last Prospect Date

Enter the latest date that a plan can be populated for a new prospect record. You cannot assign a plan to a prospect if the system date is greater than the last prospect date.

Last Admit Term

Enter the last term in which students can be admitted to the academic plan. You cannot admit students to the academic plan after the term that you specify. The system will compare the admit term used in the student's application to this last term valid value. If the admit term is greater than this value, then the program is not available to the user. This field is optional.

Evaluate Plan Before Program

Select to alter reporting sequences. This check box is a feature of PeopleSoft Academic Advisement.

See Also

Changes to Academic Structure Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Print Options

Access the Print Options page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Plan Table, Print Options).


Select to print a description on the diplomas for students who complete the academic plan. The Diploma Description field becomes available.


Select to print a description on the transcripts for students with the academic plan. The Transcript Description field becomes available.

Diploma Description

Enter the description of the academic plan. This description appears on the diplomas for students who complete the academic plan. The PeopleSoft system currently does not provide a process to print diplomas.

Transcript Description

Enter the description of the academic plan. This description appears on the transcripts for students with this academic plan. You can override this text when you prepare students' transcripts.


Enter the number of spaces that you want to indent the related description on the printed document.

See Also

Setting Up Transcripts

Producing Transcripts

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Taxonomy

Access the Taxonomy page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Plan Table, Taxonomy).

CIP Code (Classification of Institutional Programs code)

Enter the CIP code for this academic plan. CIP codes are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify CIP codes on the CIP Code Table page.

HEGIS Code (Higher Education General Information Survey code)

Enter the HEGIS code for this academic plan. HEGIS codes are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify HEGIS codes on the HEGIS Code Table page.

Field of Study

Enter a field of study for the academic plan.

Plan Prospectus

Enter descriptions of the academic plan, such as information about special programs, faculty, and associated societies. You can then create a separate advisement report querying this field and print the report for brochures and other documentation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Academic Organization Ownership

Access the Owner page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Plan Table, Owner).

Academic Organization (lower)

Enter the academic organization that owns this academic plan. Define academic organization values on the academic organization tree in PeopleSoft Tree Manager. Modify them in the Academic Organization Table component.

Percent Owned

Enter the percentage of the academic plan for which the academic organization is responsible. Ownership of the academic plan can be split between academic organizations, but the total percentage must equal 100.

See Also

Securing Academic Organizations

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Tree Manager

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(AUS) Setting Up Australian Academic Plans

Access the Acad Plan AUS page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Plan Table, Acad Plan AUS).


Select to activate theField of Study Code,Field of Education Code, andDiscipline Group Code fields. Select this check box to designate the plan for DEST reporting. The Course Code field in DEST reporting uses either the student's plan (when marked as a DEST plan) or the student's program. Course Code, element 307, is important for DEST reporting.

DEST Fields

Specialization Code

Enter a specialization code for this academic plan. The drop-down list contains the Field of Study Classifications you set up.

Field of Study Code

Enter a field of study code for this academic plan. Define field of study codes on the Field of Study Table page.

Note. Field of study codes have been replaced by field of education codes for terms after year 2000. Field of study codes are retained for historical reference.

Field of Education Code

Enter a field of education code for this academic plan. This code is used to derive the DEST reporting element 464 Discipline Group Code. The element can be derived from either the plan or the course offering. Field of Education is defined by the Australian Standard Classification of Education as issued by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Discipline Group Code

Enter a discipline group code for this academic plan. Define discipline group codes on the Discipline Group Code Table page.

See Also

(AUS) Setting Up Government Reporting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(NZL) Setting Up New Zealand Academic Plans

Access the Acad Plan NZL page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Plan Table, Acad Plan NZL).

Subject Code - NZ MoE (New Zealand Ministry of Education subject codes)

Enter a subject code; codes are defined by the New Zealand Ministry of Education. These codes are used in the Single Data Return Qualifications Completions file. You can create codes in the MoE Subject NZL component.

NZVCC Subject Code (New Zealand Vice-Chancellor's Committee subject codes)

Enter a subject code; codes are used in the University Graduate Destinations Survey. You can create codes in the NZVCC Subject Codes NZL component.

See Also

(NZL) Setting Up Government Reporting

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Academic Subplans

To set up academic subplans, use the Academic SubPlan Table component (ACAD_SUBPLN_TBL).

This section provides an overview of academic subplans and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Academic Subplans

Academic subplans are areas of further specialization within academic plans, and they are tied to academic plans. You can define an academic subplan as a minor, a concentration, or a specialization. For example, a major in English might have additional work associated with it so that students can concentrate in creative writing. Similarly, a Ph.D. program in mathematics might have specializations in computer science and physics.

Determining whether to create academic subplans as minors is dictated by the academic plan and the academic structure. For instance, if students can minor in creative writing only if they major in English, then you would define the creative writing minor as a subplan and link it to the English academic plan. If students can minor in creative writing regardless of their major, then you would define creative writing as a minor on the Academic Plan Table page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Academic Subplans

Page Name

Definition Name



Academic Sub-Plan Table


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic SubPlan Table, Academic Sub-Plan Table

Describe academic subplans, and establish diploma and transcript printing options and text for academic subplans.

Academic Sub-Plan Taxonomy


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic SubPlan Table, Academic Sub-Plan Taxonomy

Set up taxonomy for academic subplans, including CIP codes and HEGIS codes for academic plans.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDescribing Academic Subplans

Access the Academic Sub-Plan Table page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic SubPlan Table, Academic Sub-Plan Table).

Sub-Plan Type

Enter a type for the academic subplan. You can modify these translate values.

First Term Valid

Enter the first term in which students can be admitted to the academic subplan. You cannot admit students to the academic subplan before the term that you specify. If you enter the term 0000, you can admit students to the subplan for any term. When you convert data to the PeopleSoft system, be sure that you enter a first valid term that is appropriate for the preexisting data for the academic subplan. This field is optional.

Note. Students can modify this subplan when their admit term is prior to this term as long as the effective date of the change is greater than or equal to the start date of this term.

Default of Req Term (default of requirement term)

Select the default term for which the system begins accumulating requirements for the academic subplan. You can override the default value for individual students on the Student Sub-Plan page. Modification of these translate values requires significant programming effort.

Note. Set a default here so that when you analyze completion requirements for an academic subplan, you know which set of requirements to use. Requirements can change over time.

Last Prospect Date

Enter the latest date that a subplan can be populated for a new prospect record. You cannot assign a program to a subplan if the system date is greater than the last prospect date.

Last Admit Term

Enter the last term in which students can be admitted to the academic subplan. You cannot admit students to the academic subplan after the term that you specify. The system will compare the admit term used in the student's application to this last term valid value. If the admit term is greater than this value, the program is not available to the user. This field is optional.

Evaluate SubPlan Before Plan

Select to alter reporting sequences. This check box is a feature of Academic Advisement.


Select to print a description on student diplomas. The Diploma Description field becomes available.


Select to print a description on student transcripts. The Transcript Description field becomes available.

Diploma Description

Enter the description of the academic subplan. This description appears on student diplomas. The PeopleSoft system currently does not provide a process to print diplomas.

Transcript Description

Enter the description of this academic subplan. This description appears on student transcripts. You can override this text when you prepare students' transcripts.


Enter the number of spaces that you want to indent the related description when printing the document.

See Also

Changes to Academic Structure Processing

Producing Transcripts

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Taxonomy

Access the Academic Sub-Plan Taxonomy page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic SubPlan Table, Academic Sub-Plan Taxonomy).

CIP Code (Classification on International Programs code)

Enter the CIP code for the academic subplan. CIP code. Values are delivered with the PeopleSoft system as translate values. You can modify CIP codes on the CIP Code Table page.

HEGIS Code (Higher Education General Information Survey code)

Enter the HEGIS code for this academic subplan. HEGIS codes are delivered with the PeopleSoft system as translate values. You can modify HEGIS codes on the HEGIS Code Table page.

(AUS) Specialization Code

Enter the specialization code for the academic subplan. The specialization code is reported in element 463 of the DEST Past Course Completions File.