Defining Dynamic Academic Calendars

This chapter provides an overview of dynamic academic calendars and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Dynamic Academic Calendars

If you use the traditional way to design an academic structure in PeopleSoft Student Records, you define the terms, sessions, and academic calendars that control the various academic programs. You use these three elements to determine the significant dates and time periods within each session. For example, you use the academic calendar to set up drop and withdrawal deadlines for each session. However, this academic structure can be limiting.

A dynamic academic calendar provides more flexibility than static landmark dates based on term and session structure. This type of calendar enables you to dynamically control landmark dates for individual classes and even for student enrollments themselves. You might use dynamic academic calendars, for instance, if the academic institution has a rolling admission and enrollment business process that enables students to begin academic programs at any point in the calendar year. In this case, many classes that you offer might use their own academic calendars because the classes have their own deadlines and landmark dates. You can also use dynamic academic calendars if the academic institution offers students open entry enrollment into classes so that the students can enroll at any time during the calendar year and complete the classes at their own pace. Many classes taught over the internet use this type of enrollment, which is called open entry/exit (OEE) enrollment.

In a dynamic academic calendar, you establish flexible rules, called dynamic class date rules, which enable you to dynamically calculate cancel, withdrawal, and drop deadlines and other landmark dates. You then apply these rules to various parts of the academic structure so that you can calculate the landmark calendar dates for individual classes or student enrollments. You can override the calculations on a case-by-case basis. Consequently, the academic institution can create classes that begin and end at various times throughout a term and session, then dynamically calculate the landmark dates for individual classes based on the dynamic date rules that you assign to classes. In addition, the academic institution can set up OEE enrollment for these classes with dynamic dates so that the enrollment engine calculates landmark dates for each student who enrolls in one of the classes based on the student's enrollment begin date and the OEE dynamic date rule that you assign to the class.

Use the Dynamic Class Dates feature to create dynamic academic calendars for individual classes within a session and for individual OEE student enrollments.

To create dynamic academic calendars:

  1. Create dynamic date rules.

  2. Set up the academic structure.

  3. Schedule the class sections for which you want to create dynamic academic calendars.

  4. Calculate landmark date deadlines for the dynamic academic calendars using the Dynamic Class Dates COBOL/SQL process (SRPCDYNP).

You can calculate these deadlines in several ways. For multiple class sections within a term, use the Dynamic Class Dates process page. For individual class sections, use the Dynamic Class Data page. For OEE enrollments, the enrollment engine runs the Dynamic Class Dates process at enrollment time for each student who enrolls in an OEE class section, and the system calculates the deadlines.

Warning! Because the Dynamic Dates Process creates the Dynamic Class Dates table, which the system uses for enrollment transactions, you must run the process for classes scheduled in a dynamic date session before you perform enrollment transactions. If you do not run the process, the system has no indication that a rule exists and it might, for example, permit all class drops. This warning does not apply to classes scheduled in OEE sessions.

Dynamic Date Rules

The Dynamic Dates COBOL/SQL process (SRDYNADT and SRPCDYNP) uses a dynamic class date rule to calculate deadlines for landmark dates on the dynamic academic calendars that the process creates. There are two types of dynamic class date rules. The first type, a dynamic class date rule, is used to create dynamic academic calendars for individual class sections within a session. The second type, an OEE dynamic date rule, is a dynamic class date rule that is designated for open OEE enrollment. The enrollment engine uses the OEE dynamic date rule in conjunction with students' enrollment start dates to calculate dynamic academic calendars for the students whenever they enroll in OEE classes. Regardless of the type of rule that you define, for each rule you must specify the rule schemes, rounding schemes, and factors that the Dynamic Class Dates process uses to calculate the landmark dates on a dynamic academic calendar.

You define a rule scheme for the landmark date of a dynamic class date rule. A rule scheme indicates the method that the Dynamic Class Dates process uses as a basis for calculating the applicable landmark date. Your selection varies depending on the type of rule that you define. All rule schemes are valid for dynamic class date rules, but rule schemes that relate to class meetings are invalid for OEE dynamic date rules because of the nature of OEE classes.

You can define rule schemes based on these factors:

Then, you define a rounding scheme for the landmark date of the dynamic class date rule. A rounding scheme enables you to round the deadline up or down to various days. After the Dynamic Class Dates process determines the landmark date according to the rule scheme and factor (known as the basis day), it adjusts that date according to the rounding scheme. All rounding schemes are valid for dynamic class date rules, but rounding schemes that relate to class meetings are invalid for OEE dynamic date rules because of the nature of OEE classes.

You can define rounding schemes that use these days:

You must also define a factor for the landmark date of the dynamic class date rule. A factor instructs the Dynamic Class Dates process how many units to move the deadline either forward or backward, based on the rule scheme. For example, if you use the percentage of class meetings for the rule scheme and you want the deadline to be at the halfway point of the class, you would enter .50 (fifty percent).

The Dynamic Class Dates process uses the rule scheme and factor to determine the basis day. If the rule scheme uses the number of class meetings, a percentage of class meetings, a percentage of total class hours, or a point between class start and end date (for non-OEE classes), then the basis day is the class meeting with the maximum value that does not exceed the specified factor. After the Dynamic Class Dates process determines the basis day, it applies the rounding scheme to the basis day to determine the deadline. If the rule scheme uses a point between class start and end date (OEE classes), the day before or after class start date, or the day before or after class end date, then the basis day is the actual calculated date.

Examples of Dynamic Class Date Rules

This section discusses examples of how the Dynamic Dates process calculates deadlines for a dynamic academic calendar.

Suppose that you schedule a class that meets every Wednesday for 7 weeks starting March 4. In the Last Wait List Date group box on the Dynamic Class Dates page, you enterPercentage of Class Meetings as the rule scheme and Beginning of Next Week as the rounding scheme. You also set the factor to .30 (thirty percent). The Dynamic Class dates process would calculate the last wait list date as shown in this table:










March 4

March 11

March 18

March 25

April 1

April 8

April 15









Based on the rule scheme and factor, the basis day would be the second meeting. By using the basis day as a starting point, the process then rounds the deadline up or down based on the rounding scheme that you specify. In this example, the last day to waitlist the class would be Monday, March 16, which is the beginning of the next week.

This table shows other possible deadlines in this example, depending on the rounding scheme that you enter:

Last Wait List Date Rounding Scheme

Last Wait List Date Deadline

Basis day.

March 11

Previous day.

March 10

Next day.

March 12

Next meeting day.

March 18

Beginning of week (Monday).

March 9

Previous meeting day.

March 4

Beginning of next week (next Monday).

March 16

Because the system dynamically calculates the landmark dates of the academic calendar, you can apply the same rule to any number of classes.

To further illustrate how the system uses the dynamic class date rule that you create, suppose that you have a 10-week class that meets once a week, starting January 1. In the Drop Dates group box on the Dynamic Class Dates page, you select a rule scheme of Number of Class Meetings and a rounding scheme of Basis Day. You have four drop deadlines—drop and delete record, drop but retain record, drop with penalty, and drop with greater penalty. The consequence of violating each deadline becomes more severe as time passes. Suppose that you want these deadlines to occur a week apart, starting the second week of class. You would enter 2 in the Drop Deadline (delete) Factor field, 3 in the Drop Deadline (retain) Factor field, 4 for the Drop Deadline (Penalty) Factor field, and 5 for the Drop Deadline (Penalty2) Factor field.

After you save the rule and assign it to the appropriate class, the Dynamic Class Dates process can dynamically calculate each of these drop deadlines for the class. According to the rule scheme and factors that you specified, the process calculates the basis day for each of the drop deadlines as January 8, January 15, January 22, and January 29. In this scenario, because you have used a basis day rounding scheme, the process determines that the drop deadlines are the same as the dates for the basis days.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Dynamic Class Date Rules

To set up dynamic class date rules, use the Dynamic Class Dates component (DYN_CLASS_TBL).

This section discusses how to establish dynamic class date rules.

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Dynamic Class Dates


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Curriculum Management, Dynamic Class Dates, Dynamic Class Dates

Establish dynamic class date rules and OEE dynamic date rules for an academic institution. Rules enable you to dynamically calculate cancel, withdrawal, and drop deadlines and other landmark dates. You then apply these rules to various parts of the academic structure so that you can calculate the landmark calendar dates for individual classes or student enrollments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Dynamic Class Date Rules

Access the Dynamic Class Dates page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Curriculum Management, Dynamic Class Dates, Dynamic Class Dates).

Use for OEE (use for open entry/exit)

Select to make this dynamic class date rule applicable only to OEE class sections. This option distinguishes the rule as an OEE dynamic date rule. Clear the check box to make the dynamic class date rule applicable only to regular dynamically dated class sections. Depending on your selection, the dates for which you must define rules, rounding schemes, and factors vary according to individual needs, as do the translate values for the Rule and Rounding Scheme fields. You must enter a value for this check box before defining rule schemes, rounding schemes, and factors.

Last Date to Drop

In the Last Date to Drop group box, enter the rule scheme, rounding scheme, and factors that the Dynamic Dates process uses to calculate the last drop date for classes or OEE enrollments to which this rule applies.

Drop Action Dates

In the Drop Dates group box, enter the rule scheme, rounding scheme, and factors that the Dynamic Dates process uses to calculate the drop deadlines for classes or OEE enrollments to which this rule applies. The process assigns the reason code for the drop-and-retain-record deadline and the grade for the drop-with-penalty deadlines according to the student's primary academic program. Define reason codes and grades for drops by academic program on the Dynamic Date page of the Academic Program Table component.

Cancel & Withdrawal Dates

Enter the rule scheme, rounding scheme, and cancel factor that the Dynamic Class Dates process uses to calculate the cancel and withdrawal date deadlines for classes or OEE enrollments to which this rule applies. The process assigns the reason code for the cancellation, and the grade for the withdraw-with-penalty deadlines, according to the student's academic program. Define reason codes and grades for withdrawals by academic program on the Dynamic Dates page of the Academic Program Table component.

Lapse Start Date

Enter the rule scheme, rounding scheme, and factor that the Dynamic Class Dates process uses to calculate the lapse start date for classes or OEE enrollments to which this rule applies. The lapse start date is the first date on which a student's grade lapses. This date determines when the grade lapse rules go into effect for students.

Sixty Percent Point In Time

Enter the rule scheme, rounding scheme, and factor that the Dynamic Class Dates process uses to calculate the 60 percent point in time for classes or OEE enrollments to which this rule applies. The 60 percent point in time is the date that you consider the class or OEE enrollment to be 60 percent complete. The system uses this date when computing refunds. In the U.S., the majority of academic institutions stop issuing refunds at this point in time.

Census Date

Enter the rule scheme, rounding scheme, and factor that the Dynamic Class Dates process uses to calculate the census date for classes or OEE enrollments to which this rule applies. The census date is the official cutoff date for census statistics.

Fully Graded Date

Enter the rule scheme, rounding scheme, and factor that the Dynamic Class Dates process uses to calculate the date on which a student is considered to be fully graded for classes or OEE enrollments to which this rule applies. This field is optional. When you define transcript types, you can indicate on the Transcript Type – Basic Data page whether the transcript processes uses this date and displays grades for classes within the term.

Class End Date

Enter the rule scheme, rounding scheme, and factor that the Dynamic Class Dates process uses to calculate the end date of a class for OEE enrollments to which this rule applies. This field is unavailable for when you define OEE dynamic date rules.

See Also

Setting Up Session Drop Dates

Setting Up Session Cancellation and Withdrawal Dates

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Dynamic Class Dates

After you create dynamic class date rules, you must set up the Dynamic Class Dates feature within the academic structure so that you can create dynamic academic calendars.

To set up the Dynamic Class Dates feature:

  1. On the Academic Career Table page, indicate in the Allow OEE Enrollment field whether by default you permit the scheduling of OEE class sections for all course offerings that you tie to an academic career.

    See Defining Academic Careers.

    See Describing Academic Career Parameters.

  2. On the Academic Career Table 2 page, select the Use Dynamic Class Dates check box to make available the Dynamic Date page of the Academic Program Table component.

    You use the Dynamic Date page to set up the reasons and penalties for canceling, withdrawing from, and dropping dynamically dated classes. To define a default dynamic class date rule for courses within the academic career, enter the rule in the Dynamic Class Date Rule field. To define a default OEE dynamic class date rule for the courses within the academic career, enter the rule in the OEE Dynamic Date Rule field.

    See Setting Additional Academic Career Parameters.

  3. On the Program 1 page of the Academic Program Table component, indicate in the Allow OEE Enrollment field whether to permit OEE enrollment for students within a specific academic program.

    See Describing Academic Career Parameters.

  4. On the Dynamic Date page of the Academic Program Table component, set up dynamic date fields for a specific academic program.

    This page is available only if you enable the Dynamic Class Dates features on the Academic Career Table 2 page. For students within an academic program to be able to drop or withdraw from OEE classes, you must define the values on the Academic Program - Dynamic Date page.

    See Setting Up Dynamic Date Fields for Academic Programs.

  5. On the Term Table page, select the Use Dynamic Class Dates check box to select the Dynamic Class Dates feature by default for each session created within a term.

    See Defining Terms.

  6. On the Session Table page, select the Use Dynamic Class Dates check box to enable the Dynamic Class Dates feature for all classes that you schedule within a session.

    To schedule OEE class sections for a course within a particular academic institution, academic career, and term combination, for each combination you must define one OEE in the Session field.

    See Defining Sessions.

  7. On the Offerings page of the Course Catalog component, in the Dynamic Class Date Rule field, enter the default rule that you want the Dynamic Class Dates process to assign to all class sections of the course offering that you schedule.

    To enable students to enroll in OEE class sections of a course offering, select the Allow OEE Enrollment check box. The OEE Dynamic Date Rule field becomes available. Then, enter a default OEE dynamic date rule that the system assigns to all OEE class sections of the course offering that you schedule. If you have assigned a dynamic class date rule or an OEE dynamic date rule on the Academic Career Table 2 page, then the system uses that value in the corresponding field on the Course Catalog - Offerings page when you create a new course catalog record.

    See Defining Course Offerings.

  8. On the Components page of the Course Catalog component, select the Primary Component check box to indicate the primary component of the course offering.

    Also, indicate the additional components that you want the Dynamic Class Dates process to include in its calculations by selecting the Include In Dynamic Date Calc (include in dynamic date calculations) check box for the component.

    See Defining Course Components.

  9. On the Basic Data page of the Schedule New Course component, select the Include In Dynamic Date Calc check box to also include a non primary component of the class section in the Dynamic Class Dates process calculations.

    To schedule OEE class sections, you must enter OEE in the Session field. Finish scheduling the class.

    See Defining Basic Data for Class Sections.

  10. On the Class Components page of the Class Associations component, in the Primary Component field, enter the primary component for the class that you are scheduling.

    Because the system takes the value for the primary component from the Course Catalog - Components page, use the Class Associations component only if you are changing the primary component for the term.

    See Modifying Class Components.

After you complete the setup for the Dynamic Class Dates feature, you can dynamically calculate the academic calendar landmark dates for classes.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Dynamic Academic Calendars by Term

This section discusses how to calculate dynamic academic calendars by term.

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Generate Dynamic Class Dates


Curriculum Management, Dynamic Dates, Generate Dynamic Class Dates, Generate Dynamic Class Dates

Dynamically calculate the academic calendar deadlines for class sections that you have scheduled for a term.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Dynamic Academic Calendars by Term

Access the Generate Dynamic Class Dates page (Curriculum Management, Dynamic Dates, Generate Dynamic Class Dates, Generate Dynamic Class Dates).

Use the fields in the lower portion of the page to enter the criteria that the Dynamic Class Dates process uses to determine which class sections to process. Enter as many criteria as necessary to include all the class sections for which the system must dynamically calculate academic calendar dates. After the system calculates the deadlines, you can view, override, and recalculate them on a section-by-section basis on the Dynamic Class Data page of the Dynamic Class Dates component.

Academic Institution

Enter the academic institution for which you want to run the Dynamic Class Dates process for multiple class sections. The system supplies this value from the User Defaults 1 page, but you can override the default value.


Enter the term that contains the class sections for which you want to run the Dynamic Class Dates process.

Commit Frequency

Enter a commit frequency. Lower commit frequencies provide better concurrence of data. Although higher commit frequencies enable faster job processing, jobs may become busy with other processes. You should retain the default commit frequency or enter 1.

Class Nbr (class number)

Enter the class number for which you want to dynamically calculate academic calendar dates and assign OEE dynamic date rules. The system displays the scheduled classes for the specified term and academic institution. After you enter the class number and exit the field, the system populates the values for the remaining selection criteria. To dynamically calculate academic calendar dates for multiple class sections on this row, leave this field blank.


Enter the session (in the specified term and academic institution) for which you want to dynamically calculate academic calendar dates and assign OEE dynamic date rules for scheduled class sections. You can modify these translate values. To dynamically calculate academic calendar dates for multiple sessions on this row, leave this field blank.

Academic Organization

Enter the academic organization (within the specified academic institution) for which you want to dynamically calculate academic calendar dates and assign OEE dynamic date rules for scheduled class sections.


Enter the campus (within the specified academic institution) for which you want to dynamically calculate academic calendar dates and assign OEE dynamic date rules for scheduled class sections.

Subject Area

Enter the subject area for which you want to dynamically calculate academic calendar dates and assign OEE dynamic date rules for scheduled class sections.

Catalog Number From

Enter the first catalog number in the range if you have a specific range of catalog numbers within a subject area for which you want to dynamically calculate academic calendar dates and assign OEE dynamic date rules for scheduled class sections.

Catalog Number To

Enter the last catalog number in the range.

Class Start Date From

Enter the first class start date in the range if you have a specific range of class start dates for which you want to dynamically calculate academic calendar dates and assign OEE dynamic date rules for scheduled class sections.

Class Start Date To

Enter the last class start date in the range.

Obey Dynamic Date Cal Required (obey dynamic date calculation required)

Select to have the Dynamic Class Dates process include in its calculations only the components of a scheduled class section within a dynamically dated session for which the system has selected the Dynamic Date Calc Required (dynamic date calculation required) field on the Basic Data page of the schedule of classes. The system selects this field whenever you modify the class meeting pattern for a component of a scheduled class section. Clear this check box to have the system calculate academic calendar dates and assign OEE dynamic date rules for all scheduled class sections.


Click to run this request. PeopleSoft Process Scheduler runs the Dynamic Class Dates SQL process at user-defined intervals. You can also run the Dynamic Class Dates SQR report (SRDYNADT), or the Dynamic Class Dates multiprocess job, which consists of both the Dynamic Class Dates process and the SQR report. After the process finishes, the system makes the rows that you included in the run request unavailable for editing, but it still displays these rows so that you can review the processing parameters of the run. These rows have no effect on future processing.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Dynamic Academic Calendars for Class Sections

If you have attached the dynamic class date rule directly to the course offering, the Dynamic Class Dates process uses that rule every time that you run the process for a scheduled class section of that course offering. Although this ensures consistency and facilitates maintenance, you might want to apply rules directly to each class section, modify the course offering default rule for specific class sections, or manually enter a deadline for a dynamic academic calendar date. You can use the Dynamic Class Dates component to accomplish these tasks and more. With this component, you can also view the class meeting patterns of class sections and Dynamic Class Date process messages.

This section discusses how to:

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Dynamic Class Data


Curriculum Management, Dynamic Dates, Class Section Dynamic Dates, Dynamic Class Data

Run the Dynamic Class Dates process for a class section, or view and override the calculated results.

Class Meeting Pattern


Curriculum Management, Dynamic Dates, Class Section Dynamic Dates, Class Meeting Pattern

View the class meeting pattern of the class section for which you dynamically calculate academic calendar dates.



Curriculum Management, Dynamic Dates, Class Section Dynamic Dates, Messages

View the Dynamic Class Date process status and messages related to each class section for which you have dynamically calculated academic calendar dates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating, Viewing, and Overriding Dynamic Academic Calendar Dates

Access the Dynamic Class Data page (Curriculum Management, Dynamic Dates, Class Section Dynamic Dates, Dynamic Class Data).

When you run the Dynamic Class Dates process, the Dynamic Class Data page displays the rule scheme, rounding scheme, and factor of each academic calendar date found in the rule. Additionally, for non-OEE dynamic date sections, the process calculates and displays deadline dates. After you run the Dynamic Class Dates process, you can use this page to override the calculated deadlines. You can also use this page to attach a different rule to a class section and rerun the Dynamic Class Dates process.

Note. Assign a factor of 9999 to exclude a date from the calculation process.

Event ID

Displays the event ID that the system associates with the section when you schedule the class.

Dynamic Class Date Rule

Enter the dynamic class date rule that you want to apply to each primary component class section when you run the Dynamic Class Dates process. Click the Calculate Dynamic Dates button to run the Dynamic Class Dates process. If you leave this field blank and click the Calculate Dynamic Dates button to run the process, the process assigns the rule that you specified on the Offerings page to each corresponding primary component class section. If you have already run the process using the Dynamic Class Dates process page, this field displays the rule that the process used to dynamically calculate the academic calendar dates. You can apply a different rule, as necessary, to a class section and rerun the process.

Calculate Dynamic Dates

Click to run the Dynamic Class Dates process. The process dynamically calculates the academic calendar deadlines based on the rule that you have attached to the primary component class sections, either in the Dynamic Class Date Rule field or in the corresponding field on the Offerings page. The process displays the calculated deadlines for each landmark date. If you make changes to the rule that applies to a class section after you have run the Dynamic Class Dates process, you must rerun the process to update these deadlines.

For OEE class sections, the process assigns and displays the associated rules, rounding schemes, and factors based on the rule that you have attached to a primary component class section, either in the Dynamic Class Date Rule field or in the corresponding field on the Offerings page. The system calculates deadlines for OEE class during enrollment processing.

Note. You can click this button as many times as necessary to have the Dynamic Class Dates feature calculate and recalculate the landmark date deadlines.

Deadline and Override

The Dynamic Class Dates process displays the dynamically calculated deadline for the corresponding landmark date according to the dynamic class date rule that you apply to the class section. If you select the corresponding Override check box, this field becomes available so that you can manually enter a new deadline. The system calculates deadlines for OEE class during enrollment processing.

See Also

Creating Dynamic Class Date Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Class Meeting Patterns

Access the Class Meeting Pattern page (Curriculum Management, Dynamic Dates, Class Section Dynamic Dates, Class Meeting Pattern).

The system displays the start and end date of the class section, plus class meeting pattern detail for all sections scheduled within a dynamic date or OEE session. If you have already calculated deadlines for the class section, this data enables you to determine if the calculated deadlines are appropriate or whether to override the deadlines or apply a different rule to the class section.

Holiday Schedule

Displays the holiday schedule for the class section.

Pat Nbr (pattern number)

Displays the sequence number that identifies the class meeting pattern of the section. The first row always indicates the class meeting pattern of the primary class component. Subsequent rows indicate additional class meeting patterns for a particular class section.

Start Date and End Date

Displays the start and end dates of the class component.

Mtg Start (meeting start) and Mtg End (meeting end)

Displays the meeting start and end time of the class component.

M (Monday), T (Tuesday), W (Wednesday), T (Thursday), F (Friday), S (Saturday), and S (Sunday)

Indicates the days of the week that the class component meets.

Facility ID

Indicates where the class component meets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Dynamic Class Date Process Messages

Access the Messages page (Curriculum Management, Dynamic Dates, Class Section Dynamic Dates, Messages).

If the Dynamic Class Dates process encounters any difficulties when it calculates the deadlines for the class section, it writes a message to the message log and displays that message on this page. Use these messages to troubleshoot the problem.


Displays the status of the process run.

Message Text

Displays any messages written to the message log that relate to the process run.


Displays the severity of messages written to the message log that relate to the process run.


Displays the message catalog set to which the message belongs.

Message Number

Displays a number that identifies the message within the message catalog set to which it belongs.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Dynamic Academic Calendars for OEE Enrollments

If you have set up the academic structure such that a student can enroll in an OEE class, the enrollment engine runs the Dynamic Class Dates process at enrollment time for each student who enrolls in an OEE class section. The Dynamic Class Dates process uses the OEE dynamic date rule that you have associated with the class to calculate the deadlines. The process then stores these dynamically calculated deadlines for the student's OEE enrollment in the STDNT_ENROLL_OEE table. To view and override these deadlines, use the Student OEE Enroll Data page.

This section discusses how to view and override dynamic academic calendar dates for OEE enrollments.

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Student OEE Enroll Data (student open entry/exit enrollment data)


Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Student OEE Enrollment Data, Student OEE Enroll Data

View and override the academic calendar date deadlines that the Dynamic Class Dates process calculates for a student's OEE enrollment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Overriding Dynamic Academic Calendar Dates for OEE Enrollments

Access the Student OEE Enroll Data page (Records and Enrollment, Enroll Students, Student OEE Enrollment Data, Student OEE Enroll Data).

The Dynamic Class Dates process calculates these deadlines based on the start date of the student's enrollment, which is specified at enrollment time. The Student OEE Enroll Data page displays the rule scheme, rounding scheme, and factor of each academic calendar date in the rule, as well as the calculated deadline.

Start Date

Displays the date that the student started enrollment in the OEE class. This date drives the Dynamic Class Dates process calculations for OEE enrollments.

Dynamic Class Data Rule

Displays the rule that the Dynamic Class Dates process applied to this class when the student enrolled in the class. If you run the Dynamic Class Date process, which assigns a rule to the primary component of the OEE class, or if you assign a rule to the class on the Dynamic Class Dates page, then the enrollment engine uses that rule to calculate the deadlines for the landmark dates of the dynamic academic calendar. Otherwise, the enrollment engine uses the OEE dynamic date rule, which is specified on the Offerings page.

Deadline and Override

The Dynamic Class Dates process displays the deadline for the corresponding landmark date, calculated according to the dynamic class date rule that you have applied to the class. If you select the corresponding Override check box, this field becomes available so that you can manually enter a new deadline.

See Also

Creating Dynamic Class Date Rules