Establishing Terms and Sessions

Terms, sessions, and academic calendars are time elements. As you define these elements, consider how they affect the business processes. For instance, they can affect class enrollment, financial aid, billing, tuition refunds, and statistical reporting.

This chapter discusses how to:

See Also

Defining Traditional Academic Calendars

Defining Dynamic Academic Calendars

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Term Values

To set up term values, use the Term Values Table component (TERM_VALUES_TABLE).

This section discusses how to set up term values and control their display in Self Service.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Term Values

Page Name

Definition Name



Term Values Table


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Term Setup, Term Values Table, Term Values Table

Set up term values and their descriptions. You use these term values for all academic institutions and careers throughout Campus Solutions, regardless of the structure of the terms that you define.

Display Term in Class Search


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Term Setup, Term Values Table, Display in Class Search

Define dates to control the availability of terms on self-service pages, both for students and faculty.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Term Values

Access the Term Values Table page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Term Setup, Term Values Table, Term Values Table).


Enter the numeric code that uniquely identifies the term. You must define terms in sequential order so that you can correctly sort, report, and analyze term data. For example, the system accumulates statistics and evaluates degree progress by the sequence of terms. In addition, you should assign term values in increments of two or three so that you can insert additional terms, such as intersession or summer terms, later.

Last Class Nbr (last class number)

Enter the class number from which you want the class scheduling processes to begin assigning class numbers. When you schedule a new class through either the manual or term roll process, the process references this field for the term in which you are creating the class, and it assigns the class the next number.

For example, if you have set this field to 1000 for term 0641, when you schedule a new class for term 0641, the class scheduling process assigns the class the number 1001 and updates the field value on this page to 1001. The next new class that you schedule for term 0641 is number 1002. This process continues until you have assigned a number to all the classes. Use large number increments between subsequent terms to avoid having students mistakenly use a class number from the previous term to enroll in a class for the current term.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Term Display in Class Search

Access the Display in Class Search page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Term Setup, Term Values Table, Display in Class Search).

Enter the date range in which you want the term to appear in the self-service class search and browse course catalog options for students and visitors. You can define a separate date range for instructors and advisors. All terms appear within administrative pages.

Note. The SSR_CLASS (Class Search) web service is one of a number of delivered Enrollment Web Services. The service operation SSR_GET_CLASSES: Retrieve Classes validates the term value that is entered by a user (for example a student using a self service enrollment user interface) against the date range for the term for Self Service Student/Visitor on this page. An error message is sent if the term is not within the specified date range.

For detailed information about Enrollment Web Services:

See Enrollment Web Services Developers Guide and Enrollment Web Services Users Guide on My Oracle Support, ID 751540.1 (original release: Additional Features July 2011).

See Using Enrollment Web Services.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Time Periods

To set up time periods, use the Time Period Table component (TIME_PERIOD_TABLE).

This section discusses how to define time periods.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Time Periods

Page Name

Definition Name



Time Period Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment, Time Period Table, Time Period Table

Define the time periods, or critical points in time, that are valid for each academic career within a setID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Time Periods

Access the Time Period Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment, Time Period Table, Time Period Table).

Time periods identify landmark session dates (on the Session Time Period Table page), secure access to various enrollment functions by enrollment access ID (on the Enrollment Functions page), and define how enrollment action reasons relate to the dropping of classes (on the Enrollment Action Reason Table page).

Time Period

Enter a time period that is valid for the academic career and setID. You can add more time period translate values, provided that you attach your own coding to them.


This field is populated by the translate table when you enter a time period.

Short Description

This field is populated by the translate table when you enter a time period.

See Also

Securing Student Records

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Enrollment Action Reasons

To set up enrollment action reasons, use the Enrollment Action Reason component (ENRL_RSN_TBL).

This section discusses how to define enrollment action reasons.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Enrollment Action Reasons

Page Name

Definition Name



Enrollment Action Reason Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment, Enrollment Action Reason, Enrollment Action Reason Table

Define enrollment action reasons to provide relevant information about class enrollment transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Enrollment Action Reasons

Access the Enrollment Action Reason Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment, Enrollment Action Reason, Enrollment Action Reason Table).

Enrollment action reasons are linked to enrollment actions such as Add Grade, Drop, and Enroll. Enrollment actions are delivered with the system as translate values. You can add enrollment actions to the translate table.

Retain Drop Until Time Period

If the institution needs to retain student enrollment records during part of the drop delete period, you can associate time periods with enrollment action reasons that you define for enrollment drop actions. When you create an enrollment request with an enrollment drop action, you can then enter an enrollment action reason that has a time period associated with it. For requests during the drop delete period but before the end of the time period, the enrollment engine retains the affected student enrollment records. For requests during the drop delete period but after the time period, the enrollment engine deletes the affected student enrollment records.

See Also

Using Enrollment-Related Processes

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Terms, Sessions, and Session Time Periods

To set up terms, sessions, and session time periods, use the Term/Session Table component (TERM_TABLE).

Campus Solutions enables you to link defined terms to every academic career at an academic institution. This functionality enables you to structure different terms and sessions, depending on the academic career, to suit the needs of the institution.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Terms, Sessions, and Session Time Periods

Page Name

Definition Name



Term Table


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Term Setup, Term/Session Table, Term Table

Define terms within academic careers. Different academic careers at an institution can have different term structures.

Session Table


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Term Setup, Term/Session Table, Session Table

Define the sessions of a term, including the significant dates within the session. Sessions subdivide a term into multiple time periods in which to offer classes.

Session Time Periods


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Term Setup, Term/Session Table, Session Time Periods

Define landmark time periods within each session of a term. The system uses time periods for enrollment security purposes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Terms

Access the Term Table page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Term Setup, Term/Session Table, Term Table).

A term is an administrative time period within which sessions are defined, students are billed, and statistics are accumulated for individual students and the entire academic institution.

Term Category

Select the category that best describes the term. You can modify these translate values.

Term Begin Date and Ending Date

Enter the first and last official dates of the term. The system uses the term begin date as the effective date of the term. The term begin and end dates are important because they determine, for example, the courses that are available for the term and the status of a student's academic program and academic plan. These dates are referenced throughout the system.

Academic Year

Enter the academic year to which the term belongs. For example, 2004 indicates that the term belongs to the 2004−2005 academic year. You must associate each term with an academic year for reporting and financial aid accumulation purposes. However, you can modify the financial aid academic year for individual students.

Holiday Schedule

Enter the holiday schedule for the term. Define holiday schedule values on the Holiday Schedule Table page in HRMS.

Default Session Code

Enter the default session code. This value is used throughout the system to supply the session code associated with the term, although the value can be overridden. The default serves as a data entry aid.

Weeks of Instruction

Enter the standard number of weeks of instruction for classes offered in the term. The Instructor Workload feature in Student Records uses this value when calculating faculty workload. Financial Aid uses this value when building terms and projections.

Transcript Date Print

Select the dates to print on student transcripts for this academic career and term combination. The value of this field appears by default, based on the corresponding field value from the SA Options (student administration options) page of the Installation Table component. Any modification to these translate values requires substantial programming. Values are:

Do Not Print Any Dates: No dates are printed on student transcripts.

Print Class Dates: To print class dates on student transcripts for the specified transcript type, select this value and the Print Class Dates check box on the Enrollment/Statistics page of the Transcript Type component.

Print Session Dates: Select to print session dates on student transcripts.

Print Term Dates: Select to print term dates on student transcripts.

Sixty Percent Point in Time

Enter the date on which the term is 60 percent complete. The system uses this date when computing refunds for students. In the U.S., most academic institutions stop issuing refunds at this point.

Use Dynamic Class Dates

Select to enable the Dynamic Class Dates feature for all sessions scheduled in this term. The system migrates the value of this check box to the corresponding field on the Session Table page, where you can override the selection for a specific session.

Max Program Effdt for Term (maximum program effective date for term)

Enter the date to be used as the deadline for term activation in a given term. The date appears by default from the Academic Career Table page. The deadline can be modified on the Term Table, but must be equal to or after the term start and before the Term end date.

Display in Self-Service in Term Drop Down

Define dates in this group box to control the availability of self-service enrollment and My Planner features by term.

Enrollment & Shopping Cart

Enter a range of dates to control the availability of this term in the Select Term field on student self-service enrollment and shopping cart pages.

The student self-service Class Search & Browse Course Catalog also uses the date range to determine if the Select button should appear, which allows the student to add the class to their shopping cart.

Note. The SSR_ENROLLMENT web service is one of a number of delivered Enrollment Web Services. The service operation SSR_GET_ENROLLMENT supports the retrieval of the StudyList details for an enrolled student. The service validates the term value that is entered by a user (for example a student using a self service enrollment user interface) against the date range for the term in the Enrollment & Shopping Cart field. An error message is sent if the term is not within the specified date range.

For detailed information about Enrollment Web Services:

See Enrollment Web Services Developers Guide and Enrollment Web Services Users Guide on My Oracle Support, ID 751540.1 (original release: Additional Features July 2011).

See Using Enrollment Web Services.

Student Planner

Enter a range of dates to control the availability of this term for use on the student self-service My Planner.

See Also

Defining Dynamic Academic Calendars

Refunding Customers

PeopleSoft Human Resources Management System documentation

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Sessions

Access the Session Table page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Term Setup, Term/Session Table, Session Table).

Important! After the open enrollment period of the academic institution begins, the system holds the student to the enrollment limits for the session rather than the enrollment limits for the appointment. The enrollment limit for a session is defined on the Academic Program Table page; the appointment limit is defined on the Appointment Limits Table page in the Term/Session Table component.


Enter the type of session that you are defining for the term. To schedule open entry/exit (OEE) class sections for a course within the specified academic institution, academic career, and term combination, you must define one OEE session per combination. The system restricts the scheduling of classes within an OEE session to only the courses available in OEE format, as defined on the Offerings page of the Course Catalog component.

When you define an OEE session, the system automatically selects the Use Dynamic Class Dates check box and makes it unavailable, because the calculation of dynamic class data for an OEE class section requires the use of the Dynamic Class Dates feature. The system also makes several date fields unavailable because the dates do not apply to OEE class sections.

You can modify these translate values and their descriptions, with the exception of OEE, for which you can modify the descriptions only. Any modification to this code requires substantial programming.

Enrollment Control Session

Enter an enrollment control session to limit to a single session's enrollment limit the number of units that a student can take for all sessions within a term.

For example, suppose that the following three sessions and corresponding enrollment unit limits exist for the fall term: a regular session with an 18-unit limit, a 12-week session with a 6-unit limit, and a 6-week session with a 3-unit limit. To limit the total number of units that a student can take in all three sessions to 18 units, make the regular session the enrollment control session. This limits the student to a maximum of 18 units in the fall term—regardless of the session in which the student registers for courses. The system still enforces enrollment limits for individual sessions. In this example, a student can take a maximum of only 6 units for the 12-week session and 3 units for the 6-week session. However, if a student takes the maximum units for the 12-week and 6-week sessions, the system limits the student to 9 units in the regular session because the student cannot exceed 18 units for all three sessions.

Holiday Schedule

Enter the holiday schedule for the session. Define holiday schedule values on the Holiday Schedule Table page in HRMS.

Use Dynamic Class Dates

Select to enable the Dynamic Class Dates feature for all classes scheduled within the session.

Begin Date and End Date

Enter the default begin and end date for classes offered in the session. When you define class sections, the system migrates the session begin and end dates to the class start and end dates on the Basic Data page of the Schedule New Course component. You can override these dates for the class section.

Warning! The system does not validate against term begin and end dates. Session begin and end dates can extend beyond the boundaries of the begin and end dates of the term.

First Date to Enroll and Last Date to Enroll

Enter the first and last dates on which students can enroll in classes for the specified session. The enrollment engine prevents students from enrolling in classes before the date that you specify. This field is required for OEE sessions but optional for all other sessions. The first date to enroll must be on or before the start date of the first enrollment appointment within the session. The last date to enroll must be on or after the end date of the last enrollment appointment within the session.

Open Enrollment Date

Enter the date on which students can perform enrollment functions in the session, term, and academic career combination without having an enrollment appointment. The open enrollment date is tied to the academic career of the course as defined in the Course Catalog component. For example, if the academic career, term, and session combination is graduate, fall, and regular, then the open enrollment date affects the courses defined under the graduate career in the course catalog for this session.

Last Date for Wait List

Enter the final date on which a student can be placed on a wait list for the session. The enrollment engine assigns a student to the wait list for a class if the class is full and the user selects the Wait List Okay check box for the enrollment request.

Weeks of Instruction

Enter the standard number of weeks of instruction for classes offered in the session. The Instructor Workload feature in Student Records uses this value when calculating faculty workload. Financial Aid uses this value when building terms and projections.

Census Date

Enter the cutoff date for census statistics for the session. This field is for informational purposes only.

Sixty Percent Point in Time

Enter the date on which you consider the session to be 60 percent complete. The system uses this date when computing refunds. In the U.S., most academic institutions stop issuing refunds at this point.

Facility Assignment Run Date

Enter the run date of the facility assignment if you are using the Universal Algorithm Schedule25 and Resource25 software to assign facilities to classes. This assists you in assigning facilities during class scheduling.

See Also

Defining Dynamic Academic Calendars

Refunding Customers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Session Time Periods

Access the Session Time Periods page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Term Setup, Term/Session Table, Session Time Periods).

Important! If you do not enter any time periods on this page and the enrollment functions security points to specific time periods, then the system denies access to enrollment functions.

Session Time Periods

Time Period

The system uses time periods for enrollment security to secure access to various enrollment functions. Enter a time period to enforce deadlines for performing enrollment access functions.

For example, at PSUNV, the enroll-function deadline for the advisors enrollment access ID (ADV) is set time period 110, so that advisors can enroll students in classes through the first week of classes. To enforce this deadline for fall 2003 undergraduate enrollment in the regular session, PSUNV defines time period 110 in this field and enters in the End Date field a date equal to the end of the first week of the regular session.

End Date

Enter the date on which the time period ends for the session. Only one time period in the session is active at a time.

Many of the dates required affect more than one area of Campus Solutions, such as withdrawal dates. Keep in mind that the Student Financials, Financial Aid, and Student Records applications all must use dates that match the dates set here.

See Also

Setting Up Enrollment Access IDs