Refunding Customers

This chapter provides an overview of refunds and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Refunds

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRefunding Methods

You can use three refunding methods to create and distribute refunds:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRefunding Processes

You can use two types of processes to create and distribute refunds:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRefunding Recipients

Two types of recipients can receive refunds: students and organizations. In Student Financials, the recipient refers to the type of account being refunded and does not necessarily indicate the person or organization that actually receives the refund. For example, a student withdraws from a class and is due to receive a refund. However, a nonstudent sponsor originally paid the student's tuition fees and should therefore receive the refunded money. Although the sponsor receives the actual refund, it is still considered a student refund in terms of how you create and distribute it.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRefunding Formats

You can use several types of formats to distribute refunds:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRefunding Process Flow

The following diagrams display the decisions and processes involved with creating and distributing payroll and AP refunds.

Payroll Refund Processing

The following diagram outlines payroll refund processing:

Payroll refund process flow

AP Refund Processing

The following diagram outlines AP refund processing:

AP refund process flow

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Batch Refunds

This section discusses how to:

Note. You cannot refund unsettled credit card payments using the Batch Refund (SFPREFND) process. The process ignores any unsettled credit card payments.

See Also

Processing ePayment Transactions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Batch Refunds

Page Name

Definition Name



Batch Refund


Student Financials, Refunds, Process Batch Refunds, Create Refunds, Batch Refund

Define general parameters of the Batch Refund process.

Academic Programs


Student Financials, Refunds, Process Batch Refunds, Academic Programs

Specify academic programs to include in the batch refund process.



Student Financials, Refunds, Process Batch Refunds, Accounts / Terms

Select account types and academic terms to include in the batch refund process.

Item Types


Student Financials, Refunds, Process Batch Refunds, Item Types

Select item types to include in the batch refund process.

Batch Refund Lines


Student Financials, Refunds, Process Batch Refunds, Review Batch Refunds

View results of the Batch Refund process.

Review Batch Messages


Student Financials, Refunds, Process Batch Refunds, Review Batch Messages

View warnings or errors generated during the Batch Refund process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining General Parameters

Access the Batch Refund page (Student Financials, Refunds, Process Batch Refunds, Create Refunds, Batch Refund).

Batch ID

Displays the unique ID assigned after you save your batch refund parameters.

Check Batch Refunds

After you run the process, click to access the Batch Refund Lines page and view created refunds.

Batch Refund Messages

After you run the process, click to access the Review Batch Messages page and view warnings or errors that the system encountered during the process.

Refund Method

Select a refund method.

The value in the Refund Method field on the Refund Setup page (SF Business Unit component) appears here by default.

If you select the Allow Changes in Refund Method check box on the Refund Setup page, you can change the value in the Refund Method field here.

Run Option 1

Select the type of recipients to create refunds for. Values are: Individual Only, Organization Only, or Individual and Organization.

Run Option 2

Select the types of credits to create refunds for. You can create refunds for financial aid credits (credits with an item type classification of Financial Aid), nonfinancial aid credits (credits with an item type classification other than Financial Aid), or both.

Report Only

Select to generate a report listing what refunds the system would create. When selected, the process does not actually create the refunds listed in the report.

Calc Tuition if Required (calculate tuition if required)

Select to calculate tuition for students who have not already had their tuition calculated or who need tuition recalculated.

Sponsor Refund Option

Select whether you want to include sponsors in the process, and if so, what types of sponsors.

Refund Item Type

Select the item type to assign to the refunds that the Batch Refund process creates.

Address Usage

Enter how the system chooses the proper address for each refund.

External Org Contact Type (external organization contact type)

Displays the contact type that you specified on the Refund Setup page of the SF Business Unit component. The system uses this contact type to determine the recipient of any organization refunds generated by the batch process.

Refund Service Impact

Displays the refund service impact that you specified on the Refund Setup page of the SF Business Unit component. The system uses this service impact during the batch process to identify any students who should be prevented from receiving a refund.

Event ID

This field is available only if:

  • A/P is selected in the Refund Method field on the SF Business Unit - Refund Setup page.

  • The Use Single Payment Voucher option is selected in the AP Refunding Option group box on the SF Installation page.

The value that appears in this field by default is based on the Event ID field value on the Refund Setup page in the SF Business Unit component.

The batch refunding process stamps the refund data with the event ID that you select here and the 3C engine uses the value when it generates email notifications.

See Setting Up Refunding.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Academic Programs

Access the Academic Programs page (Student Financials, Refunds, Process Batch Refunds, Academic Programs).

Required Parameters

All Programs

Select to include all academic programs in the batch process.

Academic Programs

This group box is available only if you clear the All Programs check box.

Academic Program

Select the academic program to include in the process.

Program Status

All Statuses

Expand this scroll area to select academic program statuses to include in the batch refund process. The system creates refunds only for those students with the statuses you select. Alternatively, you can click the All Statuses button to populate all the statuses in the grid. This should be used with caution because statuses included are Deceased, Dismissed, and other statuses for which you may not want refunds processed. You can click the button and then delete the status rows that you do not want included for refund processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Account Types and Terms

Access the Accounts/Terms page (Student Financials, Refunds, Process Batch Refunds, Accounts / Terms).

All Accounts and All Terms

Select to include all account types and academic terms in the batch refund process. If you clear either check box and click Refresh, a scroll area appears. Add the accounts and terms to process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Item Types

Access the Item Types page (Student Financials, Refunds, Process Batch Refunds, Item Types).

All Item Types

Select to include all item types in the batch refund process. If you clear the check box, use the Item Type From and Item Type To fields to define the range of item types to include in the batch refund process.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Online Refunds

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Online Refunds

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Refund


Student Financials, Refunds, Student Refund

Create an online refund for a student.

Academic Information


Click the Academic Information link on the Student Refund page.

View enrollment and personal information for a given student.

Student Accounts


Click the Student Accounts link on the Student Refund page.

View account activity information for a given student.

Corporate Refund


Student Financials, Refunds, Corporate Refund

Create an online refund for an organization. You can use this page in conjunction with the A/P refund method only.

Corp Accounts


Click the Get Account link on the Corporate Refund page.

View account activity for a given corporation.

Refund with Extra Amount


Student Financials, Refunds, Refund with Extra Amount

Create a refund for an amount greater than the refundable balance.

Extra Refund Amount


Click the Extra Amount Info link on the Refund with Extra Amount page

Specify account and term information associated with the extra amount refunded.

Sponsor Refund


Student Financials, Refunds, Sponsor Refund

Create a refund for a designated sponsor.

Corporate Sponsor Refund


Student Financials, Refunds, Corporate Sponsor Refund

Create a refund for a designated corporate sponsor.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Student Refunds

Access the Student Refund page (Student Financials, Refunds, Student Refund).

Depending on the type of refund method that you select, the fields described below will differ.


Enter the ID of the student for whom you want to create a refund.

Balance and Anticipated Aid

Displays the account balance and any anticipated aid of the selected student.

Academic Information

Click to access the Academic Information page.

Student Accounts

Click to access the Student Accounts page.

Refund Method

Select the refund method that you want to use to create this refund. The possible values for this field are Payroll, A/P, and Other.

The value in the Refund Method field on the Refund Setup page (SF Business Unit component) appears here by default.

If you select the Allow Changes in Refund Method check box on the Refund Setup page, you can change the value in the Refund Method field here.

Refund Selection

Select the check box next to each credit line item to include in the refund. This group box displays the account type, academic term, item type description, original monetary amount, and balance of each line item.

Note. If you pay multiple targets by the same transaction, each target appears as a separate line item on the Student Refund page. When you refund multiple targets from the same transaction, however, the system combines the targets into a single refund. For example, if you are refunding a student 750.00 USD for tuition and 125.00 USD for housing, and both targets were part of the same credit card payment, the system combines the target refunds into a single credit card refund of 875.00 USD. It does not issue two separate refunds to the same credit card.

See Accepting Student Payments.

Refund Amount

The system automatically enters the total amount of the line item in this field. To include only a portion of the line item in the refund, decrease the amount.


Select the format to distribute the refund. Values are:

A (automatic check): Select if you have an interface to a specific check-writing application.

C (credit card): Select to directly refund the student's credit card. This value is selected by default for all refunds originating from credit card payments.

D (direct deposit):

  • Accounts Payable refund method (if you use the Single Payment Voucher option): Select D to distribute refunds by direct deposit.

    If the refund method is A/P and at least one direct deposit distribution exists for the student, the Format field is set by default to D. If no direct deposit distribution exists for a student, the field is set by default to A.

  • Payroll refund method: Select D to distribute the refund to a student's checking or savings account through direct deposit. If you have set up the student for direct deposit using the Direct Deposit page and the line item does not have a credit card payment item type, the Format field is set by default to D for every refund line item.

E (electronic check): Select to directly refund the student's eCheck account. This value is selected by default for all refunds originating from eCheck payments.

P (paper check): Select to distribute the refund by using a check generated according to the refund method that you selected.

Note. For ePayment transactions, you can change a default format of C or E to A or P. If you do this, the system processes the refund so that you can generate a paper check instead of directly crediting the student's credit card or eCheck account. If you change the format to A or P for more than one ePayment transaction, the system combines the transactions into one lump refund so that you issue only one check to the student. You cannot change a default format of A or P to C or E.

For the Accounts Payable and Payroll refund methods, you can change the format from D to A or P. You cannot change a format of A or P to D if no direct deposit distribution exists.

Address Type

Select the type of address that you want printed on the check.

Only address types for which an active address exists are available for selection.

You must select a value in this field.

Event ID

This field is available only if:

  • A/P is selected in the Refund Method field on the SF Business Unit - Refund Setup page.

  • The Use Single Payment Voucher option is selected in the AP Refunding Option group box on the SF Installation page.

  • The value in the Refund Format field is Direct Deposit (D), Automatic Check (A), or Paper Check (P).

The value that appears in this field by default is based on the Event ID field value on the Refund Setup page in the SF Business Unit component.

The 3C engine uses the Event ID value when it generates email notifications.

See Setting Up Refunding.

Note. You can only refund one ePayment at a time using the Student Refund page. Even if there are multiple ePayments on a student's account, you can select only one at a time. In addition, the system does not allow you to post a refund for eCheck payments that have not been debited or credit card payments that have not been settled. If you click the Post Refund button after selecting a refund for an ePayment that has not been debited/settled, you receive an error message.

Student Refund Buttons and Links

Post Refund

Click to post the refund to the student's account. If you selected Payroll in the Refund Method field, the Produce Check link becomes available when you click this button.

If you set up your business unit to require refund approval, the system alerts you to the approval requirement when you click Post Refund.

Produce Check

If you are creating the refund using the payroll refund method, click to create the payroll interface for the refund. This link opens the Produce Student Refund Check page (SSF_REF_STU_CNTRL).

Note. For refunds using the payroll method, the Create Student Job Data step must be completed before moving onto the Produce Student Refund Check. (You need to run the Create Student Job Data process if a student has never had a refund before and there is no "employee" data.) The Produce Check is the first process for interfacing to payroll. Once there, you enter the pay period end date and click Process Check. That step creates the paysheet data. A paysheet serves as a repository for the data required for Payroll for North America to calculate a refund. After creating the paysheet, (click Process Check) the system populates the paysheet data. The Print Check button appears, enabling you to print a check (or direct deposit advice) on your printer.

Calculate Tuition

Click to calculate tuition for the selected student. This button is available only if you selected the Auto Calculate Tuition check box on the Tuition Calculation Controls page, there is a term listed for any of the refunds listed, and tuition is required.

View Refund Check

Expand this group box to view a simulation of a refund check for the amount that you are refunding.

See Also

Processing ePayment Transactions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Organization Refunds

Access the Corporate Refund page (Student Financials, Refunds, Corporate Refund).

Note. Except for the fields documented here, the fields on this page are identical to their counterparts on the Student Refund page.

External Org ID (external organization ID)

Enter the ID of the organization for which you want to create a refund.

Get Account

Click to access the Corp Accounts secondary page.

Contact Type

Enter the organization's contact type to determine the address to print on the check. The address associated with the contact type appears at the bottom of the page, to the right of any image that you have inserted.

The value in the Contact Type field appears by default from the Refund Setup on the SF Business Unit, but can be changed.

View Refund Check

Expand this group box to view a simulation of a refund check for the amount that you are refunding.

The address that appears here is the address that is set up for the Contact on the Organization Table.

See Also

Creating Student Refunds

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Student Refunds with an Extra Amount

Access the Refund with Extra Amount page (Student Financials, Refunds, Refund with Extra Amount).

Note. You cannot use the Refund with Extra Amount page to create a refund for an organization.

Use this page to create a refund for more than the refundable balance or in the absence of a refundable balance. For example, you can disburse anticipated aid to a student before the actual receipt of funds. The refund becomes a charge on the student's account that is later credited when your institution actually receives the financial aid.

Note. By default, the value in the Format field for Extra Amount is the same as the value in the Format field for Refund Selection.

If you enter values that do not match, you receive an error message when you click the Post Refund button.

If at least one direct deposit distribution exists, a value of D appears in the Format field by default.

Note. Except for the fields documented here, the fields on this page are identical to their counterparts on the Student Refund page.


Enter the format to distribute any extra amount added to the refund.

Extra Amount

Enter the extra amount that you are adding to the refund.

Extra Refund Info

Click to access the Refund with Extra Amount Information page.

Note. You can create a refund for more than the refundable balance only if you select the Refund Debit Balances check box on the Refund Setup page. If you do not select this check box, you can create a refund for an extra amount, but not for an extra amount and a credit at the same time.

See Also

Setting Up Your Business Unit to Refund Customers

Creating Student Refunds

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying the Account and Term Associated with an Extra Refunded Amount

Access the Extra Refund Amount page (click the Extra Amount Info link on the Refund with Extra Amount page).

Extra Account Nbr (extra account number)

Specify the account to charge the extra refund amount to.

Extra Account Term

If the account that you select in the Extra Account Nbr field is set up by term, select a term.

Extra Item Term

Enter the academic term to assign to the extra refunded amount.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Sponsor Refunds

Access the Sponsor Refund page (Student Financials, Refunds, Sponsor Refunds).

If you have designated an individual as a sponsor for credits on a student's account, use the Sponsor Refund page to create refunds for those credits, to be distributed to the sponsor.

Note. You can create a refund for a sponsor only if you have associated the sponsor with a student using the Designate Individual Sponsor page.

Note. Except for the fields documented here, the fields on this page are identical to their counterparts on the Student Refund page.


Enter the ID of the sponsor for whom you are creating a refund. If the sponsor that you select sponsors only one student, the ID of that student appears in the For ID field.

For ID

If the sponsor that you select in the ID field sponsors more than one student, select the student whose refund you are creating.

Note. By default, the value in the Format field for Extra Amount is the same as the value in the Format field for Refund Selection.

If you enter values that do not match, you receive an error message when you click the Post Refund button.

If at least one direct deposit distribution exists, a value of D appears in the Format field by default.

See Also

Creating Student Refunds with an Extra Amount

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Corporate Sponsor Refunds

Access the Corporate Sponsor Refund page (Student Financials, Refunds, Corporate Sponsor Refund).

Refer to the documentation for the Corporate Refund page and the Sponsor Refund page.

Click to jump to parent topicApproving Refunds

Depending on your business unit setup, a refund might require approval by up to three separate approvers. When approval is required, you cannot create a paysheet for a refund (payroll method only), complete a refund, or print a refund until it has been approved. This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Approve Refunds

Page Name

Definition Name



Batch Refund Approval


Student Financials, Refunds, Approve Refunds, Process Refund Approval, Process Refund Approval

Route batch refunds requiring approval to appropriate worklists.

Refund Approval


Student Financials, Refunds, Approve Refunds, Approve Student

Note: This page can only be accessed through the worklist. From the worklist, click a refund for a student requiring approval.

Approve student refunds.

Corp Refund Approval


Student Financials, Refunds, Approve Refunds, Approve Corporate

Note: This page can only be accessed through the worklist. From the worklist, click a refund for an organization requiring approval.

Approve corporate refunds.

Refund Approvals


Student Financials, Refunds, Approve Refunds, Verify Student Approvals

View the progress of a student refund requiring approval.

Corp Refund Approvals


Student Financials, Refunds, Approve Refunds, Verify Corporate Approvals, Corp Refund Approval

View the progress of an organization refund requiring approval.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRouting Batch Refunds to Worklists

Access the Batch Refund Approval page (Student Financials, Refunds, Approve Refunds, Process Refund Approval, Process Refund Approval).

Before batch refunds can be approved, they must be routed to worklists.

Business Unit

Select the business unit of the batch refunds to approve.

Refund Batch ID

Enter the batch ID of the group of refunds to approve.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving Refunds

Access the Corp Refund Approval page through the worklist (Student Financials, Refunds, Approve Refunds, Approve Corporate).


Displays the ID, name, and address of the entity (student or corporation) receiving the refund.

Academic Information

Click to access the Academic Information page.

Refund Detail

Click to access details about the refund.

Student Accounts or Corp Accounts

Click to access the Student Accounts or the Corp Accounts page.

View Anticipated Aid

Click to access the Anticipated Aid Details page.

User ID

Displays the user ID of the person who created the refund.


Displays the date and time that the refund was created. When you approve a refund, a date and time appear under the original date and time to indicate when the refund was approved for a given level.

Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3

Change the approval status from Pending to either Denied or Approved. If a certain level of approval is not required, that field has a value of N/A.

Approved By

When you approve the refund and save the page, the user ID of the approver appears here.

See Also

Viewing Refund Information in Student Financials

Click to jump to parent topicCompleting Batch Payroll Refunds

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Complete Batch Payroll Refunds

Page Name

Definition Name



Request Student Job Data


Student Financials, Refunds, Process Batch Refunds, Request Student Job Data

Create student job data in batch.

Request Payroll Interface


Student Financials, Refunds, Process Batch Refunds, Request Payroll Interface

The Request Payroll Interface page acts in the same way as the Produce Check link on the individual refund page. Instead of taking you to the Produce Student Refund Check page, it does essentially the same thing for a refund batch.

Load Paysheet Transactions


Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USA, Create and Load Paysheets, Load Paysheet Transactions

Create and load paysheets using Payroll for North America.

Pay Calculation


Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USA, Produce Payroll, Calculate Pay

Calculate using Payroll for North America.

Refund Confirmation


Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USA, Produce Payroll, Confirm Pay

Confirm using Payroll for North America.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Job Data by Batch

Access the Request Student Job Data page (Student Financials, Refunds, Process Batch Refunds, Request Student Job Data).

See Also

Creating Job Data for Payroll Refunds

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRequesting a Payroll Interface

Access the Request Payroll Interface page (Student Financials, Refunds, Process Batch Refunds, Request Payroll Interface).

Batch ID

Select the batch ID of the refunds you want to process.

Pay Period End Date

Select the pay period end date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Loading Paysheets

Access the Refund Paysheet Creation page.

You must create a paysheet for each batch refund created using the payroll refund method. Payroll for North America uses these paysheets to calculate refund checks.

See PeopleSoft Payroll for North America PeopleBook, Working with Paysheets

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Refunds

Access the Refund Calculation page.

See Also

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America PeopleBook, Calculating Pay

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfirming Refunds

Access the Refund Confirmation page (Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USA, Produce Payroll, Confirm Pay, Refund Confirmation).

After you have completed your refund calculations, run the Refund Confirmation (PSPCNFRM) process to finalize refund earnings, create check records, and update period-to-date earnings balances within Payroll for North America.

See Also

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America PeopleBook, Confirming Pay

Click to jump to parent topicDistributing Payroll Refunds Through Direct Deposit

If you created any batch or online refunds with a direct deposit format, you must create a transmittal file with all the information that your institution must provide to student banks, so that the refunds can be transferred directly into the students' bank accounts. This section discusses how to run the Create Direct Deposit File process.

Note. The system includes a student's direct deposit refund in the transmittal file only if you set up the student's direct deposit parameters using the Direct Deposit or Direct Deposit Canada pages (through Payroll for North America).

See Also

Setting Up Direct Deposit for Payroll Refunding

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Distribute Payroll Refunds Through Direct Deposit

Page Name

Definition Name



Direct Deposit Create File


Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USA, Create Direct Deposits, Create Direct Deposit File, Direct Deposit Create File

Create an electronic transmittal file to transfer refunds directly into a student's bank account.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Create Direct Deposit File Process

Access the Direct Deposit Create File page (Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USA, Create Direct Deposits, Create Direct Deposit File, Direct Deposit Create File).

See Also

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America PeopleBook, Working with Checks and Direct Deposit

Click to jump to parent topicPrinting Checks and Direct Deposit Advice Slips

Payroll for North America provides reports that enable you to print out refund checks or direct deposit advice slips for a given pay end date. This section discusses how to run the Refund Check and Advice Slip Printing processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Print Checks and Direct Deposit Advice Slips

Page Name

Definition Name



Refund Check Print


Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USA, Produce Checks, Print Checks, Refund Check Print

Print confirmed payroll refund checks for U.S. students.

Refund Cheque Print


Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing CAN, Produce Cheques, Print Cheques

Print confirmed payroll refund checks for Canadian students.

DDP Advice Print


Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USA, Create Direct Deposits, Print Advice Forms

Print direct deposit advice slips for U.S. students.

DDP Advice Print Canada


Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing CAN, Create Direct Deposits, Print Advice Forms

Print direct deposit advice slips for Canadian students.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Refund Check and Advice Slip Printing Processes

Access the Refund Check Print Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USA, Produce Checks, Print Checks, Refund Check Print, DDP Advice Print Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USA, Create Direct Deposits, Print Advice Forms, DDP Advice Print) or DDP Advice Print Canada (Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing CAN, Create Direct Deposits, Print Advice Forms) page.

Note. The Refund Cheque Print, DDP Advice Print, and DDP Advice Print Canada pages are identical to the Refund Check Print page except for the page labels, checks, and advice slips that they generate.

See PeopleSoft Payroll for North America PeopleBook, Working with Checks and Direct Deposit

Click to jump to parent topicCompleting AP Refunds

This section provides an overview of AP refund completion and discusses how to:

See Also

PeopleSoft Payables PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding AP Refund Completion

When you create refunds using the accounts payable method, you must interface with PeopleSoft Payables to complete your refunds. If your system interfaces with PeopleSoft Financials the AP Refund process publishes messages to which PeopleSoft Payables subscribes through PeopleSoft Application Messaging.

The Create Vendors and Voucher process generates a vendor ID for each student or organization using VOUCHER_BUILD VERSION_1 message.

The Create Refund Voucher process generates a single payment voucher for each refund using VOUCHER_BUILD VERSION_2 message. No vendor ID is created either for student or organization—instead a single payment vendor, set up on the AP Business Unit Options page, is used.

Note. To understand AP refunding, you must also read the Addendum: Direct Deposit Through AP Refunding chapter.

See: Addendum: Direct Deposit Through AP Refunding. This document is posted to My Oracle Support for Additional Features January 2011 as part of the AP Direct Deposit Refunds Documentation Package.

AP Refund Messaging

The following diagram illustrates how AP refund messages travel between Student Financials and PeopleSoft Financials:

Student Financials to PeopleSoft Financials AP refund messaging process

During the AP refund messaging process, Student Financials delivers queues and messages using Service Operations to the PeopleSoft Financials database:



Service Operation





Publishes all vendor information (address, location, and contact) in a message to the PeopleSoft Financials database, one vendor at a time. Also allows changes to vendor data to be published iteratively.




Sends voucher header, line, and distribution information in the message to be processed by PeopleSoft Payables. The system populates staging tables with the message data. The Voucher Build (AP_VCHRBLD) process then processes these staging tables.




For Direct Deposit only

Sends refund as a Single Payment Voucher (SGLP) to the PeopleSoft Financials database. In addition to sending the voucher header, line, and distribution information, voucher vendor details and voucher bank details are also included.

The system populates staging tables with the message data. The Voucher Build (AP_VCHRBLD) process then processes these staging tables.

See: Addendum: Direct Deposit Through AP Refunding. This document is posted to My Oracle Support for Additional Features January 2011 as part of the AP Direct Deposit Refunds Documentation Package.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Complete AP Refunds

Page Name

Definition Name



Create Vendors and Vouchers


Student Financials, Refunds, AP Refunding, Create Vendors and Vouchers

Run the Create Vendors and Voucher process to create vendor and voucher files or publish vendor and voucher information.

Use this process only if you selected the Use Voucher/Vendor Sync option on the SF Installation page. Direct Deposit refunding is not available with this option.

Pers Sf Vendor


Student Financials, Refunds, AP Refunding, Student Vendor IDs, Pers Sf Vendor

Maintain or delete student vendor IDs after refunds have been processed to AP.

This page is used only if you run the Create Vendors and Vouchers process.

Create Refund Voucher


Student Financials, Refunds, AP Direct Deposit, Create Refund Vouchers, Create Refund Voucher

Run the Create Refund Voucher process to generate a single payment voucher and send to AP with bank account details.

Use this process only if you selected the Use Single Payment Voucher option on the SF Installation page. Direct Deposit refunding is available with this option.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Create Vendors and Vouchers Process

Access the Create Vendors and Vouchers page (Student Financials, Refunds, AP Refunding, Create Vendors and Vouchers).

Note. You can run this process only if the Use Voucher/Vendor Sync option is selected in the AP Refunding Option group box on the SF Installation page.

Direct Deposit refunding is not available with this option.

If the SF Installation is incorrect, when you run the process, an error message appears in the log file.

Run Option

Select the type of recipient for whom you are running the process. Values are: Individual Only, Organization Only, or Individual and Organization.


Click to access the Process Scheduler page.

If your system integrates with PeopleSoft Financials, select the check box next to the SF to Payables Interface (SF_AP_INTFC) process. This process looks at AP setup data and refund data to build and generate messages. It publishes a message for each vendor that it creates or changes, and it also publishes one single message containing all processed vouchers. In addition, if a student or corporate address changes in Student Financials, the system sends a message to PeopleSoft Payables indicating the change. PeopleSoft Payables subscribes to this message and updates the corresponding vendor address accordingly.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Create Refund Voucher Process

Access the Create Refund Voucher page (Student Financials, Refunds, AP Direct Deposit, Create Refund Vouchers, Create Refund Voucher).

Note. You can run this process only if the Use Single Payment Voucher option is selected in the AP Refunding Option group box on the SF Installation page.

Direct Deposit refunding is available with this option.

If the SF Installation is incorrect, when you run the process, an error message appears in the log file.

Run Option

Select the type of recipient for whom you are running the process. Values are: Individual Only, Organization Only, or Individual and Organization.


Click to access the Process Scheduler page.

Select the SSF_AP_INTFC process.

This process creates a single payment voucher in AP using the bank account and direct deposit details that are set up in the Manage Bank Details and Manage Direct Deposit components.

See: Addendum: Direct Deposit Through AP Refunding. This document is posted to My Oracle Support for Additional Features January 2011 as part of the AP Direct Deposit Refunds Documentation Package.

See Setting Up Installation Parameters and Keywords.

See Setting Up Accounts Payable Options.

See Using Account Services.

Direct Deposit Refunds

If a Direct Deposit agreement exists for a student, the Create Refund Voucher process uses the value in the Direct Deposit Vendor ID field on the AP Business Unit Options page to send direct deposit details to AP for the refund amount. The process:

Note. If a Direct Deposit Agreement does not exist for a student, the refund is sent as a check. The Create Refund Voucher process uses the value in the Check Vendor ID field on the AP Business Unit Options page to send the refund details to AP to produce a check for the refund amount. No bank details are sent. Such refunds still appear as direct deposit refunds in the Refund Inquiry pages because the refund was originally processed for direct deposit.

Check Refunds

The Create Refund Voucher process skips the bank and direct deposit setup details and generates the check with the fetched data.

Final Steps in the Create Refund Voucher Process

The process:


Here are some examples of how a refund amount is distributed based on the direct deposit account distribution setup. Deposit Types are A: Amount, P: Percent, and B: Balance. For further information about setting up direct deposit distributions:

See Setting Up and Managing Direct Deposit Distributions for AP Refunding.

Example 1: A student is to receive a $100.00 refund. The direct deposit distribution for the student is:



















  1. The process calculates the first voucher as $40.00 ($40.00 flat amount) and associates bank details for the My-1234 account.

  2. The process calculates the second voucher as $30.00 (30 percent of $100.00) and associates bank details for the Mom-5678 account.

  3. The process calculates the third voucher as $30.00 ($100.00 minus $40.00 minus $30.00) and associates bank details for the Father-6789 account.

Example 2: A student is to receive a $75.00 refund. The direct deposit distribution for the student is:



















  1. The process calculates the first voucher as $45.00 (60 percent of $75.00) and associates bank details for the My-1234 account.

  2. The process calculates the second voucher as $30.00 ($75.00 minus $45.00) which is less than $50.00—therefore $30.00 is used and the process associates bank details for the Mom-5678 account.

  3. The process does not calculate a third voucher because no amount remains on the refund.

Example 3: A student is to receive a $250.00 refund. The direct deposit distribution for the student is:














  1. The process calculates the first voucher as $125.00 (50 percent of $250.00) and associates bank details for the My-1234 account.

  2. The process calculates the second voucher as $125.00 ($250.00 minus $125.00) and associates bank details for the Father-6789 account.

Example 4: A student is to receive a $250.00 refund. The direct deposit distribution for the student is:














  1. The process calculates the first voucher as $100.00 ($100.00 flat amount) and associates bank details for the My-1234 account.

  2. The process calculates the second voucher as $150.00 ($250.00 minus $100.00) and associates bank details for the Mom-4567 account.

Example 5: A student is to receive a $250.00 refund. The direct deposit distribution for the student is:














  1. The process calculates the first voucher as $250.00 which is less than the $500.00 flat amount— therefore $250.00 is used and the process associates bank details for the My-1234 account.

  2. The process does not calculate a second voucher because no amount remains on the refund.

Example 6: A student is to receive a $250 refund. The direct deposit distribution for the student is:










The process calculates the only voucher as $250.00 and associates bank details for the Father-6789 account.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Data for AP Refunds

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Data for AP Refunds

Page Name

Definition Name



Vendor Information - SA Student Vendor


Student Financials, Refunds, AP Refunding, Review Student Vendors, Vendor Information - SA Student Vendor

View vendor details for a student refund processed through Accounts Payable.

The data on this page relates only to the Create Vendors and Vouchers process.

Vendor Information - SA Corp Vendor


Student Financials, Refunds, AP Refunding, Review Corporate Vendors, Vendor Information - SA Corp Vendor

View vendor details for an organization refund processed through Accounts Payable.

The data on this page relates only to the Create Vendors and Vouchers process.

Voucher Data - Vouchers


Student Financials, Refunds, AP Refunding, Review Student Vendors, Voucher Data - Vouchers

Student Financials, Refunds, AP Refunding, Review Corporate Vendors, Voucher Data - Vouchers

View voucher details for student or organization refunds processed through Accounts Payable.

SA Voucher Detail


Student Financials, Refunds, AP Refunding, Review Voucher Data, SA Voucher Detail

View voucher data by Accounts Payable business unit.

The data on this page relates only to the Create Vendors and Vouchers process.

Voucher Details


Student Financials, Refunds, AP Direct Deposit, Review Vouchers, Voucher Details

View voucher details sent to AP by the Create Refund Voucher process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Data from the Create Vendors and Vouchers Process

If you use the Create Vendors and Vouchers process, use the Vendor Information - SA Student Vendor, Vendor Information - SA Corp Vendor, Voucher Data - Vouchers, and SA Voucher Detail pages to review data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Data from the Create Refund Voucher Process

Access the Voucher Details page (Student Financials, Refunds, AP Direct Deposit, Review Vouchers, Voucher Details).

The data on this page relates only to the Create Refund Voucher process.

After you run the Create Refund Voucher process, use this page to review details of refunds interfaced to AP.

The values in the SetID, Control Group, Vendor ID, Origin, DFI Qualifier, and DFI ID field are based on the setup on the AP Business Unit Options page.

The Vendor ID, DFI Qualifier, and DFI ID values are required by AP to process a single payment voucher.

Vendor ID

If the refund is a direct deposit, this value is based on the Direct Deposit Vendor ID value on the AP Business Unit Options page. If the refund is a check, the value is based on the Check Vendor ID value.

DFI Qualifier

This value is based on the option that is selected in the DFI Qualifier group box on the AP Business Unit Options page: Transit Number or Swift ID.


This value is derived by the Create Refund Voucher process. If the DFI Qualifier is Transit Number, the DFI ID is similar to the routing number. If the DFI Qualifier is Swift ID, the DFI ID is similar to the BIC code.

Refund Address

Click this link to view Student Name, Email, and Refund address details.

Voucher Distribution

Click this link to view the GL Business Unit and Chartfields information.

Bank Address

Click this link to view the bank/branch address details (from the bank/branch setup in HR).

For information about the setup for other fields on this page,

See Setting Up Refunding.

Click to jump to parent topicRevoking Direct Deposits for AP Refunding

Use the Direct Deposit Revocation page to revoke a direct deposit agreement for a student or organization—the student or organization then receives refunds by check instead of direct deposit.

This section discusses how to revoke direct deposits for AP refunding.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Revoke Direct Deposits for AP Refunding

Page Name

Definition Name



Direct Deposit Revocation


Student Financials, Refunds, AP Direct Deposit, Revoke Direct Deposit, Direct Deposit Revocation

Revoke direct deposit agreements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRevoking Direct Deposits for AP Refunding

Access the Direct Deposit Revocation page (Student Financials, Refunds, AP Direct Deposit, Revoke Direct Deposit, Direct Deposit Revocation).

Agreement Text

The text that appears here is the original agreement text that was viewed by the student or organization when the direct deposit distribution was signed or created.

Revoke Consent

If you select the Revoke Consent check box, the direct deposit agreement for the student or organization is revoked and the status of all existing direct deposit distributions is changed to inactive. The student or organization receives refunds by check.

To create distributions after an agreement is revoked, the student or organization must sign a new agreement and re-enter all required information. In Self Service, the student is taken to Enroll in Direct Deposit and not to Modify Direct Deposit. The student cannot view previous distributions.

Note. No email notification is sent when a direct deposit agreement is revoked.

After you select the check box and save the page, the Revoke Consent check box is no longer available for edit.

Date Revoked

The current date appears by default when the Revoke Consent check box is selected.

Click to jump to parent topicDistributing Refunds to ePayment Accounts

This section provides an overview of ePayment refunds and discusses how to distribute refunds for ePayment transactions.

See Also

Processing Refunds for ePayments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding ePayment Refunds

Student Financials handles refunds to credit cards and eChecks (ePayments) differently than check and direct deposit refunds.

When you refund ePayments using the Batch Refund process, the system creates a separate refund for each credit card payment, even if there are multiple credit card payments on one student's account. The system rolls any cash or check credits on the student's account into one lump sum refund that is separate from any credit card refunds.

In addition, unlike refunds created using the check or direct deposit format, you do not use your Payroll for North America or Payables interface to complete the refunds. The system ignores ePayment refunds when you run the Refund Sheet Creation, Refund Calculation, Refund Confirmation, and AP Refunds batch processes. Instead, you run ePayment-specific batch processes that enable you to interface with your third-party credit card vendor to directly refund student ePayments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Distribute ePayment Refunds

Page Name

Definition Name



ePayment Refunds


Student Financials, Refunds, Electronic Payment Refunds, Process ePayment Refunds, ePayment Refunds

Generate refund credits in preparation of transmission to your third-party ePayment processor.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDistributing Refunds for ePayment Transactions

Access the ePayment Refunds page Student Financials, Refunds, Electronic Payment Refunds, Process ePayment Refunds, ePayment Refunds).

The ePayment Refunds page (SFPCCBAT) process logs any refunded web credit card payments for a given business unit and generates the credits that you send to your third-party credit card processing vendor. Run this process prior to running the Credit Card Processing (SF_CRCRD) process.

See Also

Processing ePayment Transactions

Click to jump to parent topicCanceling Refunds

If the system generates an error during the posting of a refund, you cannot continue processing the refund, and you cannot reverse it because the posting process did not finish. You must cancel the refund and post it again. This section discusses how to:

Note. You may never have to use the cancellation pages. They are designed solely as a safety measure for quick recovery.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Cancel Refunds

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Refund Cancellation


Student Financials, Refunds, Reverse and Cancel Refunds, Cancel Student Refund, Student Refund Cancellation

Cancel a student refund and begin again if you encounter a problem during the posting process.

Corp Refund Cancellation


Student Financials, Refunds, Reverse and Cancel Refunds, Cancel Corporate Refund, Corp Refund Cancellation

Cancel an organization refund and begin again if you encounter a problem during the posting process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCanceling Student Refunds

Access the Student Refund Cancellation page (Student Financials, Refunds, Reverse and Cancel Refunds, Cancel Student Refund, Student Refund Cancellation).


Select this check box next to the refund to cancel. When you save the page, the system cancels each selected refund and makes the Cancel check box unavailable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCanceling Organization Refunds

Access the Corp Refund Cancellation page (Student Financials, Refunds, Reverse and Cancel Refunds, Cancel Corporate Refund, Corp Refund Cancellation).

This page is identical to the Student Refund Cancellation page.

See Also

Canceling Refunds

Click to jump to parent topicReversing Refunds

This section provides an overview of refund reversals and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Refund Reversals

First, you reverse the refund within Student Financials, effectively unposting the refund from the recipient's account.

Next, if you originally created the reversed refund using the payroll method, you run a process that reverses the associated refund check within Payroll for North America. If you reverse a direct deposit refund for which you have already created a transmittal file, the system includes the reversal in the next transmittal file that you create.

If you originally created the reversed refund using the accounts payable method, you must notify your accounts payable department so they can reverse the associated refund record within PeopleSoft Payables.

Credit card refund reversals are possible only during certain stages of the refunding process. You can reverse a credit card refund after its original creation and after you run the ePayment Refunds process. When reversing a credit card refund, you need only reverse it within Student Financials. However, after you submit the credit to the third-party credit card processing vendor, you can no longer reverse the credit card refund.

See Also

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America PeopleBook, Working with Checks and Direct Deposit

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Reverse Refunds

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Refunds by ID


Student Financials, Refunds, Reverse and Cancel Refunds, Student Refunds by ID

Reverse refunds for a specific student.

Student Refunds by Date


Student Financials, Refunds, Reverse and Cancel Refunds, Student Refunds by Date

Reverse student refunds for a specific date.

Corporate Refunds by ID


Student Financials, Refunds, Reverse and Cancel Refunds, Corporate Refunds by ID

Reverse refunds for a specific organization.

Corporate Refunds by Date


Student Financials, Refunds, Reverse and Cancel Refunds, Corporate Refunds by Date

Reverse organization refunds for a specific organization.

Refund Check Reversal


  • Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USF, Reverse/Adjust Paychecks

  • Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing CAN, Reverse/Adjust Paycheques

  • Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USA, Reverse/Adjust Paychecks

Reverse a check within Payroll for North America.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReversing Student Refunds by ID

Access the Student Refunds by ID page (Student Financials, Refunds, Reverse and Cancel Refunds, Student Refunds by ID).

Academic Information

Click to access the Academic Information page.


The values that appear on this page are AP Interface Created, Credit Pending, Confirmed, Declined, Posted, and Interfaced to Payroll.

Check/Voucher Info

Click to view information regarding the check or voucher associated with this refund. If you completed this refund using the Payroll for North America interface, this link accesses the Detail Check Information page. If you completed this refund using the PeopleSoft Payables interface, this link accesses the Detail Refund AP Information page.

Refund Detail

Click to access the Detail Refund Information by Student page.


Click this button next to the refund that you want to reverse.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReversing Student Refunds by Date

Access the Student Refunds by Date page (Student Financials, Refunds, Reverse and Cancel Refunds, Student Refunds by Date).

Aside from displaying refunds by date instead of student ID, this page is identical to the Student Refunds by ID page.

See Also

Reversing Student Refunds by ID

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReversing Organization Refunds by ID

Access the Corporate Refunds by ID page (Student Financials, Refunds, Reverse and Cancel Refunds, Corporate Refunds by ID).

Aside from displaying organization refunds instead of student refunds, this page is identical to the Student Refunds By ID page.

See Also

Reversing Student Refunds by ID

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReversing Organization Refunds by Date

Access the Corporate Refunds by Date page (Student Financials, Refunds, Reverse and Cancel Refunds, Corporate Refunds by Date).

Aside from displaying organization refunds by date instead of by ID, this page is identical to the Student Refunds By ID page.

See Also

Reversing Student Refunds by ID

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReversing Refunds Within Payroll for North America

Access the Paycheck Reversal/Adjustment page.

Note. If a refund calendar is not set up as off-cycle, you may encounter processing problems.

Click to jump to parent topicRenumbering Refund Checks for Reprinting

During your refunding process, you may have to reprint a range of checks. For example, if a group of physical checks were damaged during printing, you would need to renumber the checks stored in the system to match the replacement checks that you actually issue. This section discusses how to renumber checks.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Renumber Refund Checks for Reprinting

Page Name

Definition Name



Refund Check Reprint


  • Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USA, Produce Checks, Reprint Checks

  • Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing CAN, Produce Cheques, Reprint Cheques

  • Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USF, Produce Checks, Reprint Checks.

Renumber checks for reprinting.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRenumbering Checks

Access the Refund Check Reprint page (Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USA, Produce Checks, Reprint Checks, Refund Check Reprint).

See Also

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America PeopleBook, Working with Checks and Direct Deposit

Click to jump to parent topicDeleting Paysheets

While generating refund checks using Payroll for North America, you may encounter problems during the paysheet creation or refund calculation steps. This results in an uncalculated refund check or an incomplete paysheet, both of which cannot be completed. You must delete the paysheet and start the process over again. This section discusses how to delete paysheets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Delete Paysheets

Page Name

Definition Name



Refund Unsheet


Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USA, Update Paysheets, Pay Unsheet, Refund Unsheet

Delete paysheets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting Paysheets

Access the Refund Unsheet page (Payroll for North America, Payroll Processing USA, Update Paysheets, Pay Unsheet, Refund Unsheet).

The options in the Payroll Cycle group box are unavailable.

See Also

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America PeopleBook, Working with Paysheets

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Refund Information in Student Financials

Throughout your refunding process, you may want to view information about the refunds that you are creating and distributing. The following table lists information for Student Financials. Other reports are available in Payroll for North America. This section lists the pages used to view refund information.

For information about the pages used to review data for AP refunds, refer to the Reviewing Data for AP Refunds section earlier in this chapter.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Refund Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Review Student by ID


Student Financials, Refunds, Review Student by ID

View information regarding the selected student's refunds.

Detail Refund Check Information


Click the Check/Voucher Info (check/voucher information) link on various pages within the Refunding feature.

Review details about the check associated with a payroll refund.

Detail Refund AP Information


Click the Check/Voucher Info (check/voucher information) link on various pages within the Refunding feature.

Review details about the voucher associated with an AP refund.

Detail Refund Information By Student


Click the Refund Detail link from various pages within the Refunding feature.

Review information about a student refund.

Review Student by Date


Student Financials, Refunds, Review Student by Date

View information regarding student refunds created on a specific date.

Ind Sponsor Refunds By ID (individual sponsor refunds by ID)


Student Financials, Refunds, Review Sponsor Refunds by ID

View information regarding an individual sponsor's refunds.

Ind Sponsor Refunds By Date (individual sponsor refunds by date)


Student Financials, Refunds, Review Sponsor Refunds by Date

View information regarding individual sponsor refunds created on a specific date.

Corp Refunds By ID (corporation refunds by ID)


Student Financials, Refunds, Review Corporate Refunds by ID

View information regarding a specific organization's refunds.

Corp Refunds By Date (corporation refunds by date)


Student Financials, Refunds, View Corporate Refunds by Date

View information regarding organization refunds created on a specific date.

Corp Sponsor Refunds by ID (corporation sponsor refunds by ID)


Student Financials, Refunds, Review Corporate Sponsor by ID

View information regarding the refunds of a specific organization sponsor.

Corp Sponsor Refunds by Date (corporation sponsor refunds by date)


Student Financials, Refunds, View Corporate Sponsor by Date

View information regarding the organization sponsor refunds created on a specific date.

Refund Address


Click the Get Address link on the Batch Refund Lines page.

View address information for a refund recipient.