Setting Up Refunding

This chapter lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

See Also

Understanding Refunds

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Refunding Setup

To process refunds, first create refund item types. An item type defines how the item is applied to a student or corporate account within Student Financials. Use the SF Item Type component to define refund item types.

Note. If you are implementing separate instances of your PeopleSoft Campus Solutions and PeopleSoft HCM systems, you should read the additional documentation describing those integrations. Use of PeopleSoft Payroll for North America may vary depending on how you configure your systems. The CS-HCM Integration Information Knowledge Document details the additional documents that describe the setup, functional, and technical implementation considerations.

See CS-HCM Integration Information, posted to My Oracle Support

Prerequisites for AP Refunding

If you use the accounts payable (AP) method to create and distribute refunds, your accounts payable department must set up their system to recognize students and corporations as vendors to distribute refunds to them by direct deposit or check.

You must also define an AP refunding option on the SF Installation page.

If you select the Use Single Payment Voucher option on the SF Installation page, to distribute refunds by direct deposit, you must also:

Note. When you set up AP Refunding, you must refer to the information in the following Addendum document:

See: Addendum: Direct Deposit Through AP Refunding. This document is posted to My Oracle Support for Additional Features January 2011 as part of the AP Direct Deposit Refunds Documentation Package.

As well as the specific Student Financials setup that is required for creating direct deposit refunds through AP, make sure that you have verified or completed the other required setup which is documented in the following chapters:

See Defining Student Financials Installation Settings.

See Setting Up Your Business Unit to Refund Customers.

See Setting Up Institution Sets.

Note. UPK for setting up AP Direct Deposit is also available. Use this link to access the "Campus Solutions 9.0 Additional Features, January 2011, AP Direct Deposit Setups" UPK:

Prerequisites for Payroll Refunding

If you use the payroll method to create and distribute refunds, your payroll department must use PeopleSoft Payroll for North America to create a refund company that employs your students. This enables your payroll department to issue refund checks to students as if they were paychecks. Most of the setup for payroll refunds occurs in Payroll for North America. In addition to company and job data, you need to set up pay groups, run IDs, and direct deposits for students. Finally, node definitions (for the HRMS node) need to be set up for any batch processing.

See Also

Setting Up Item Types and Item Type Groups

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, Configuring the Portal Environment

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America PeopleBook, Integrating with Student Financials

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Your Business Unit to Refund Customers

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Your Business Unit to Refund Customers

Page Name

Definition Name



Refund Setup


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Refund Setup

Define the rules governing how your business unit handles refunds.

Refund Approval


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Refund Approval

Define refund approval levels.

Payroll Defaults


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Payroll Defaults

Create default parameters for refunds that use the payroll interface.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Basic Refunding Rules

Access the Refund Setup page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Refund Setup).

Refund Method

Values are:

A/P: Create the refund in Student Financials and have your accounts payable department produce and distribute the refund by direct deposit or check.

Other: Create the refund in Student Financials and produce a check using a third-party application.

Payroll: Use PeopleSoft Payroll for North America to create refunds and produce checks. You can use this option for individual refunds only, not for refunds to an organization.

Allow Changes in Refund Method

Select to enable a user to switch between the AP, Other, and Payroll methods when processing online and batch refunds. If you clear this check box, the user can use only the refund method specified for the SF Business Unit.

Refund Service Impact

Select the value to use to prevent or deny a refund.

Refund Debit Balances

Select to create refunds that exceed the available credit balance. For example, if a student has charges of 9,000 USD and an unapplied credit of 10,000 USD from a fellowship award, the system allows a refund of the excess unapplied credit even though the student's account technically has a debit balance.

Ext Org Contact Type (external organization contact type)

Select the external organization contact type for processing batch refunds for external organizations.

The system uses the external organization contact type to determine an address for a corporate refund, both on-line and batch. Both a contact type and a preferred contact must be set up on the Organization Table component.

See Managing Organization Data.

Event ID

This field is available only if A/P is selected in the Refund Method field on this page and Use Single Payment Voucher is selected in the AP Refunding Option group box on the SF Installation page.

Select an event ID to be used in the generation of communication records when refunds are processed using the Create Refund Voucher process. You must first complete the relevant 3C setup in Campus Community.

See Setting Up Communications.

The value that you select here appears by default in the Event ID field on the Batch Refund run control page and on the online refund pages—for example, the Student Refund page.

You can change the value for specific populations—for example, PLUS refunds.

Values appear in the Event ID field based on the Administrative Function of SFRF and the academic institution that is associated with the SF Business Unit.

See Refunding Customers.

See Setting Up Administrative Functions.

Number of Days Between Refunds

Define the minimum number of days between the times refunds can be processed for a particular customer.

Note. These restrictions prevent refunds processed in batch mode, but produce only warning messages for online refunds.

Batch Financial Aid Only

Enter the minimum number of days between batch-produced refunds of excess financial-aid credits. This setting restricts refunds of financial aid item type credits only and does not affect batch-produced refunds of nonfinancial-aid credits.

Note. Use this setting to specify a different interval between refunds for financial aid and nonfinancial-aid credits only.

Batch both FA and Non FA (batch both financial aid and nonfinancial aid)

Enter the minimum number of days between batch-produced refunds of all excess credits. Use this setting to process financial-aid and nonfinancial-aid credits the same way.

Batch Non Financial Aid Only

Enter the minimum number of days between batch-produced refunds of excess nonfinancial-aid credits. This setting restricts nonfinancial-aid credits only and does not affect batch-produced refunds of financial aid item type credits.

Note. Use this setting to specify a different interval between refunds for nonfinancial-aid and financial aid credits only.

Online Refunds

Enter the minimum number of days between online-produced refunds of all excess credits.

Note. Because online refunds are usually produced for extraordinary reasons, this setting results in a warning message when you attempt to process refunds more frequently than the specified number of days. It does not prevent you from processing the refund.

Amount Controls Group Box

Minimum Refund

Enter an amount below which you do not want to produce refunds in batch mode. Refunds below this amount can be processed online. You receive a warning message, but you can override it.

Maximum Refund

Enter an amount above which you do not want to produce refunds. You cannot override this amount.

Sponsored Recipient Controls

Sponsored recipient controls refer to the threshold below which student refunds are paid directly to the sponsored student or organization rather than to the sponsor. For example, if the individual sponsor threshold amount is established at 25.00 USD and a sponsored student has a refundable credit balance of 20.00 USD, the refund is paid to the student rather than to a sponsor. Sponsors can be either individuals or organizations.

Individual Threshold Amount

Individual Sponsor and Organization Sponsor

Enter a monetary amount (threshold) below which student refunds are not paid to an individual or an organization sponsor.

Corp Threshold Amount

Individual Sponsor and Organization Sponsor

Enter a monetary amount (threshold) below which refunds to an organization are not paid to an individual or an organization sponsor.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Refund Approval Parameters

Access the Refund Approval page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Refund Approval).

Refund approval controls determine whether approval is required before a refund can be issued. If approval is required, refund requests are routed to the appropriate approver's worklist.

Approval amounts define a range. For example, if the approval 1 amount is set at 500 USD, the approval 2 amount is set at 1,000 USD, and the approval 3 amount is set at 2,000 USD, all refunds under 500 USD do not require approval. All refunds between 500 USD and 999 USD require only level 1 approval, and so on.


Activate Online Approvals and Activate Batch Approvals

Select to require approval of online or batch refunds. If you activate approvals, you must establish roles and approval amounts.

Level 1 Role, Level 2 Role, and Level 3 Role

Select the appropriate role for each level of approval.

Approval 1 Amt (approval 1 amount), Approval 2 Amt (approval 2 amount), and Approval 3 Amt (approval 3 amount)

Enter the refund amount for which the system requires each level of approval.


Establish approval parameters for corporate refunds. The fields in this group box are identical to those in the Individual group box, except that batch approvals do not apply for organization refunds.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Default Payroll Interface Parameters

Access the Payroll Defaults page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Payroll Defaults).

Note. Before entering data on this page, consult your institution's payroll staff to determine the correct settings. Use PeopleSoft Payroll for North America to set up and process payroll refunds.

Business Unit for HRMS (business unit for human resources management system)

Select the business unit that PeopleSoft Payroll for North America uses to identify the refund company.


Select the company code that has been designated for individual refunds.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Default Withholding Amounts for Payroll Refunds

Default withholding amounts, as well as Federal, State, and company tax tables, are set up in PeopleSoft Payroll for North America.

See Also

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America PeopleBook, Maintaining Payroll Data

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Accounts Payable Options

To set up accounts payable options, use the AP Business Unit component (BUS_UNIT_AP) and the AP Set Controls - Vendor component (SF_AP_VNDR_OPTIONS).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Accounts Payable Options

Page Name

Definition Name



AP Business Unit Options


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Refunds, AP Business Unit

Establish AP interface and voucher numbering parameters.

AP Set Controls - Vendor


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Refunds, AP Set Controls - Vendor

Define vendor information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up an AP Business Unit

Access the AP Business Unit Options page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Refunds, AP Business Unit).

AP business unit options control how Student Financials creates vendor and voucher file definitions. These definitions are used for transfer to PeopleSoft Payables to create refund payments.

Note. The AP business unit options that you define on this page should match PeopleSoft Payables definitions.

AP User ID

The Student Financials application refunding process populates each voucher it creates with the AP user ID that you specify here. This ID must exist in PeopleSoft Financials.

Voucher Origin

The Student Financials application refunding process populates each voucher it creates with the voucher origin that you specify here. This origin value must exist in PeopleSoft Payables.

Voucher Numbering

Voucher Sequencing By

Select how voucher numbers are assigned. Values are:

Automatic Sequencing: Assign voucher numbers starting with the number that you specify in the Last Voucher Number field.

Use SF Refund# as Voucher#: Assign voucher numbers using the SF refund ID number.

Voucher Prefix

Enter an optional two-character voucher prefix to enable accounts payable staff to easily identify vouchers that originate in Student Financials. Voucher IDs are eight characters long. If you enter a prefix, a six-digit number is attached to create the voucher ID. For example, if you use the prefix SF, the refunding process will create the voucher ID SF000001.

Last Voucher Number

Displays the last voucher number used. You can override this value to establish a new starting point for numbering.

Voucher Group Numbering

Control Group Numbering

Select to assign a control group ID to each voucher that the Student Financials refunding process creates. If control group numbering is selected, the Group ID Last Used field is updated every time you run the refund process. (All of the vouchers created from one refund process run share a common group ID number.)

Group ID Last Used

Displays the last group ID when the Control Group Numbering check box is selected.

Single Payment Vendor Options

The Single Payment Vendor Options group box is available and required only if the Use Single Payment Voucher option is selected in the AP Refunding Option group box on the SF Installation page.

Use this group box to map a single payment Vendor ID for direct deposit and a single payment Vendor ID for checks. AP requires a single payment Vendor ID to create a single payment voucher. To facilitate this, you set up the Vendor ID here. The Create Voucher Process then passes this ID, with the refund details, to AP for voucher creation.

Check Vendor ID

This is a free form edit field. The value that you enter must be a valid single payment vendor in AP.

If a direct deposit agreement does not exist for a student, the Check Vendor ID value is used by the Create Refund Voucher process to send the refund details to AP to produce a check for the refund amount.

Direct Deposit Vendor ID

This is a free form edit field. The value that you enter must be a valid single payment vendor in AP.

If a direct deposit agreement exists for a student, the Direct Deposit Vendor ID value is used by the Create Refund Voucher process to send direct deposit details to AP for the refund amount.

DFI Qualifier

AP requires the DFI Qualifier and the derived DFI ID to create a single payment voucher—the setup here is used to send that information to AP.

Select Transit Number or Swift ID.

If you change the DFI Qualifier, you receive a warning message: Changing DFI Qualifier might affect bank details being sent to accounts payable. Changing DFI Qualifier will have an impact on the DFI ID value too. Bank details sent to accounts payable might be incorrect or invalid.

Note. Oracle supports only these DFI Qualifiers: Transit Number and Swift ID.

See Setting Up Installation Parameters and Keywords.

See Completing AP Refunds.

Note. UPK for setting up AP Direct Deposit is also available. Use this link to access the "Campus Solutions 9.0 Additional Features, January 2011, AP Direct Deposit Setups" UPK:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining AP Set Controls for Vendors

Access the AP Set Controls - Vendor page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Refunds, AP Set Controls - Vendor).

Note. AP set controls insert information into vouchers that are produced for refunds using PeopleSoft Payables. Consult your account payables staff to determine the proper settings.

Note. The setup on this page is used only by the Create Vendors and Vouchers (VOUCHER_BUILD VERSION_1) process.

See Setting Up Installation Parameters and Keywords.

See Completing AP Refunds.

Vendor ID Prefix

Enter an optional vendor ID prefix to be used with all vendor ID numbers. This prefix should describe the entity producing the voucher transactions. When you add a vendor ID prefix, the prefix replaces the first two characters of the vendor ID number.

Last Vendor ID

Displays the last vendor ID used by the system. Insert a new value to specify a starting point for new vouchers.

Vendor Pay Group

Enter an optional two-character vendor pay group code. This code can be used during payment processing to cause Pay Cycle Manager to pay only vouchers originating in Student Financials.

Vendor Classification

Select the value to use for the VENDOR_CLASS in the VENDOR_SYNC message for the AP Interface process for refunding. Values are Attorney, Employee, HRMS,and Supplier. The default value is Supplier.

See Also

PeopleSoft Payables PeopleBook, Entering and Processing Vouchers Online, General Voucher Entry Information

PeopleSoft Payables PeopleBook, Establishing Pay Cycles

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Managing Bank Accounts for AP Direct Deposit Refunding

Use the Bank Accounts - Student page and the Bank Accounts - Corporate page to set up and manage bank accounts for students and organizations.

The Bank Accounts - Corporate page is similar to the Bank Accounts - Student page, except that the External Org ID appears on the Corporate page.

This section discusses how to set up and manage bank accounts for students. Students can also set up and manage bank accounts using Self Service.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up and Manage Bank Accounts

Page Name

Definition Name



Bank Accounts - Student


Student Financials, Refunds, AP Direct Deposit, Bank Accounts - Student, Bank Accounts - Student

Set up and manage student bank accounts.

Bank Accounts - Corporate


Student Financials, Refunds, AP Direct Deposit, Bank Accounts - Corporate, Bank Accounts - Corporate

Set up and manage corporate bank accounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Managing Student Bank Accounts

Access the Bank Accounts - Student page (Student Financials, Refunds, AP Direct Deposit, Bank Accounts - Student, Bank Accounts - Student).

Use this component only if you use the Create Refund Voucher (VOUCHER_BUILD VERSION_2) process.

See Completing AP Refunds.

See Setting Up Installation Parameters and Keywords.

See: Addendum: Direct Deposit Through AP Refunding. This document is posted to My Oracle Support for Additional Features January 2011 as part of the AP Direct Deposit Refunds Documentation Package.

Note. Whether the Branch, IBAN (International Bank Account Number), BIC (Bank Identifier Code), and Check Digit fields appear on this page depends on the country code.

You can set up multiple bank accounts for a student.

You can view and edit bank accounts that have been created by students in Self Service.

When you set up bank accounts for a student and save this page for the first time, an agreement type of Bank Account is inserted into the Agreement table.

In update/edit mode, the only fields available are Status and Nickname. All other fields are view only. In this mode, you can add bank accounts, but you cannot delete bank accounts—the delete icon is greyed out.

To ensure that a bank account can no longer be used, change the status from Active to Inactive. To change the status to Inactive for a bank account for which direct deposit distributions have been set up, you must first inactivate the direct deposit distributions.

When you save the page in Add or Edit mode, data is inserted into the 3C Trigger table with the Bank Event ID, to facilitate communication using 3C and the Comm Gen process.

See Setting Up Communications.

Note. To prevent duplicate bank accounts, when the page is saved, the system checks to make sure that the combination of EmplID, Routing Number, Branch, and Account Number is unique.

If you use View All, data appears in descending sequence of the date created.

Country Code and Currency Code

These fields are view only. The values appear by default from HRMS installation setup.

Routing Number

Select a routing number. The bank details record in HRMS (Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Banking, Banks, Bank Table) controls which values are available.

Account Type

Select an account type. Checking is selected by default.

Account Number

Enter an account number. For security reasons, after you save the page, the account number is masked to show only the last 4 digits. The account number is also encrypted and stored in the database.

Confirm Account Number

This field is used to reduce data entry errors and as an extra security step.

The value in this field must match the value in the Account Number field.

This field does not appear when a value is entered in the IBAN field.

Account Name

Enter the name as it appears on the bank account.


You can enter an optional personalized name for the bank account.


Whether these fields appear on the page depends on the country code.

Student Financials uses the HRMS IBAN setup (Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Banking, IBAN Country Setup) and the HRMS BIC setup (Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Banking, Banks, Branch Table) to perform required validations and prompt for values on the lookups.

  • If the IBAN Enabled check box is cleared on the IBAN Country Setup page (or the Country is not found on the IBAN Country Setup page), the IBAN and BIC fields do not appear here.

  • If the IBAN Enabled check box is selected but the IBAN Required check box is cleared on the IBAN Country Setup page, the IBAN and BIC fields are available here.

    You can save bank data without entering a value in the IBAN field—if you enter data in the standard bank fields, the data is saved and the IBAN and BIC are stored as blank.

    If you enter a value in the IBAN field:

    You must enter a value in the BIC field.

    The Routing Number and Branch values are derived from the BIC that you enter and appear as view only.

    The Account Number field is populated based on the IBAN value and is view only.

    Data for the other bank fields, derived from the IBAN and BIC setup, is view only.

    For example, if you enter an IBAN value of NL51ABNA0401396312:

    The BIC field is required—the values that are available are all those for the country NLD, based on the IBAN value (the first 2 digits are always the country and the next 2 digits are always the IBAN check digit). You select a BIC of ABNANL2A (this is an available value because it is set up on the Bank Branch Setup table in HR).

    The Routing Number and Branch fields are populated and are view only—with the values 0150681 (BankID already set up for ABN Amro) and ABNANL2 (Branch ID) respectively. The Bank Name and Branch Name also appear.

    The Account Number field is populated with 0401396312 which is derived from the IBAN and is view only.

  • If the IBAN Enabled and IBAN Required check boxes are selected on the IBAN Country Setup page:

    You must enter a value in the IBAN and BIC fields.

    The Routing Number and Branch values are derived from the BIC value that you enter and appear as view only.

    The Account Number field is populated based on the IBAN value and is view only.

    The other standard bank fields are view only.

After you save the page, only the last four digits of the IBAN are visible on the page.

See PeopleSoft HRMS Application Fundamentals PeopleBook, Setting Up Banks and Bank Branches

Direct Deposit

This link becomes available only after the data that you enter is saved.

Click this link to access the Direct Deposit - Student page to set up or view direct deposit distributions.

If all bank accounts are inactive, this link is not available.

Last Updated By and Last Updated On

Last Updated By shows the OPRID and Last Updated On shows the date/time of the last modification. Use these fields for auditing.

See Setting Up Installation Parameters and Keywords.

See Using Account Services.

Note. UPK for setting up AP Direct Deposit is also available. Use this link to access the "Campus Solutions 9.0 Additional Features, January 2011, AP Direct Deposit Setups" UPK:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Managing Direct Deposit Distributions for AP Refunding

Use the Direct Deposit - Student page or the Direct Deposit - Corporate page to set up and manage direct deposit distributions across bank accounts. Multiple distributions can be created, allowing refunds to be sent to multiple accounts.

The Direct Deposit - Corporate page is similar to the Direct Deposit - Student page, except that the External Org ID appears on the Corporate page.

This section discusses how to set up and manage student direct deposit distributions. Students can set up and manage direct deposit distributions using Self Service.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up and Manage Direct Deposit Distributions for AP Refunding

Page Name

Definition Name



Direct Deposit - Student


Student Financials, Refunds, AP Direct Deposit, Direct Deposit - Student, Direct Deposit - Student

Click the Direct Deposit link on the Bank Accounts - Student page.

Set up and manage student direct deposit distributions for AP refunds.

Direct Deposit - Corporate


Student Financials, Refunds, AP Direct Deposit, Direct Deposit - Corporate, Direct Deposit - Corporate

Click the Direct Deposit link on the Bank Accounts - Corporate page.

Set up and manage corporate direct deposit distributions for AP refunds.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Managing Student Direct Deposit Distributions

Access the Direct Deposit - Student page (Student Financials, Refunds, AP Direct Deposit, Direct Deposit - Student, Direct Deposit - Student).

Use this component only if you use the Create Refund Voucher (VOUCHER_BUILD VERSION_2) process.

See Completing AP Refunds.

See Setting Up Installation Parameters and Keywords.

See: Addendum: Direct Deposit Through AP Refunding. This document is posted to My Oracle Support for Additional Features January 2011 as part of the AP Direct Deposit Refunds Documentation Package.

A bank account must exist before direct deposit distributions can be set up. Search results for the Direct Deposit - Student page therefore include only students for whom either a bank account or direct deposit distributions have already been set up.

When you set up the first direct deposit distribution for a student, an agreement type of DD Enroll is inserted into the Agreement table when you save the page. On subsequent edits and save, an agreement type of DD Change is inserted into the Agreement table.

You can edit distributions that have been created by students in Self Service.

When you save the page in Add or Edit mode, data is inserted into the 3C Trigger table with the Bank Event ID to facilitate communication using 3C and the Comm Gen process.

Agreement Status

Displays the agreement status of the Direct Deposit agreement (DD-Enroll): Accepted or Revoked.

Effective Date

Displays the effective date.

The current system date appears by default. You cannot change this date.

Effective Sequence

Displays the effective sequence. All rows created on the same date have the same sequence number.

The Add and Delete icons are enabled for the current effective dated row only. To edit an existing distribution, click the Add icon to add a new effective sequence—all existing rows are carried forward to the current effective date and sequence and you can edit the direct deposit distribution.

Use the Delete icon to delete a distribution row.

Note. A Balance distribution type row cannot be deleted.

The maximum effective date and sequence are used by the refunding process.



The Nickname field on the Bank Accounts page is optional.

If you enter a value in the Nickname field on the Bank Accounts page, that nickname, followed by the last 4 digits of the account number, appears here in the Nickname field on the Direct Deposit page. If you do not enter a Nickname value on the Bank Accounts page, the last 4 digits of the account number appear here in the Nickname field.

The values available here are for active bank accounts only.

When you select the nickname or the last 4 digits, the Routing Number, Account Type, and Account Number fields are automatically populated with the relevant account information from the Bank Accounts page.

Note. Only one distribution per bank account (nickname) is allowed.

Distribution Type

When you set up the first distribution, a value of Balance appears in this field by default and cannot be changed. You must always assign the distribution type of Balance to one account.

The other distribution type values are Percent and Amount.

If refunds are to be distributed across more than one account, you can assign a Balance distribution type to only one of those accounts.


If the distribution type is Balance, a value of 999 appears in this field by default and cannot be changed.

The value that you enter here indicates the order in which a bank account is selected to post a refund. The lower the number, the higher the priority—for example, an account with a value 1 is used first, then an account with a value 2.

You can enter only whole numbers—for example, 1.5 is not allowed.

Refund Amount

This field is available only if the distribution type is Amount.

Currency code appears based on the value setup on HR Installation.

Refund Percent

This field is available only if the distribution type is Percent.

Manage Bank Accounts

Click this link to access the Bank Accounts - Student page to view and edit bank account setup data.

Note. UPK for setting up AP Direct Deposit is also available. Use this link to access the "Campus Solutions 9.0 Additional Features, January 2011, AP Direct Deposit Setups" UPK:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Payroll Refund Options

Use PeopleSoft Payroll for North America to create and distribute refunds using the payroll method. A number of setup steps are included on the Payroll side, including generating a calendar, which designates pay period end dates that the Payroll system uses when generating refund checks. Most of the time you will create a calendar for every possible day of a given year. That way, whenever you want to create a payroll refund, a pay period end date has already been designated. You can also create calendars for specific days on an as-needed basis. Be sure to select the Off Cycle check box when creating calendars for Student Financials.

You will also use PeopleSoft Payroll for North America to create pay groups, pay run IDs, balance IDs and so on.

For refunding students through Payroll, Student Financials recommends the following settings in HRMS:

If the student is assigned to an existing Benefit Record Assign Primary Job, select Make New Job Primary.

If the Primary Job terminates, select Re-Assign Primary Job Highest Active Job.

See PeopleSoft Human Resources PeopleBook: Manage Base Benefits, Setting Up Additional Base Benefits Features, Setting Up Multiple Jobs

See PeopleSoft Payroll for North America PeopleBook: Integrating with Student Financials

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Job Data for Payroll Refunds

To set up job data for payroll refunds, use the Create Student Job Data component (SSF_POIJOB_TEST) and the Request Student Job Data component (SSF_RUN_POIJOB).

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Your Business Unit to Refund Customers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Job Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Request Student Job Data


Student Financials, Refunds, Create Student Job Data, Request Student Job Data

Create a student job record.

Request Student Job Data


Student Financials, Refunds, Process Batch Refunds, Request Student Job Data

Create student job data in batch.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Job Data for Payroll Refunds

Access the Request Student Job Data page (Student Financials, Refunds, Create Student Job Data, Request Student Job Data).

Processing Options

The fields that appear on this page depend on your processing population selection.

Processing Population

Values are:

Refund Batch: Enables you to select a specific refund batch ID.

Refund Students: Creates job data for all students with a pending refund.

Student List: Click the Student List link to enter individual IDs.

T4A Students: Creates job (tax) records for students receiving a T4A (Canadian tax form).

Batch ID

This field appears only if you select Student List for the processing population. Select the student IDs that you want to process.

Student List

This link appears only if you select Refund Batch for the processing population.

Commit Frequency

Enter a number for records committed to the database. Select this option to commit a specified number of transactions during background processing. For example, if you enter 100 in the Commit Frequency field, when you run a batch process the system processes 100 transactions and then commits them to the database until the batch is complete. At the end of a batch process, the system commits all remaining transactions even if the number of transactions is less than the number in the Commit Frequency field.

See Defining Commit Levels.

Confirm Job Data Created

Select to create a record in the message log of the process monitor for every job record created.

Empl Rcd# (employee record number)

After the process is complete, Empl Rcd# is populated with a value of 0 for the primary job record. A secondary job will have a value of 1. You might have a secondary job if you have a multi-institution environment and a student is enrolled in two institutions (and is receiving refunds from both of them).

Student Job Data

Click to access the Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data component.

Service Return Messages

Any messages, if problems occur, appear here.

Create POI Job

Click to create job data for the selected student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Job Data in Batch

Access the Request Student Job Data page (Student Financials, Refunds, Process Batch Refunds, Request Student Job Data).

The processing options on this page are identical to those on the previous page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating T4A Tax Job Data

You may need to create T4A tax records for students.

See Creating POI Job Data for T4A.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Direct Deposit for Payroll Refunding

If you use the payroll refund method and you want to distribute refunds through direct deposit, you must first set up direct deposit for each applicable student (for U.S. or Canadian students).

You set up direct deposits in PeopleSoft Payroll for North America.

See PeopleSoft Payroll for North America, Maintaining Payroll Data, Setting Up Direct Deposits

Click to jump to parent topicDesignating Sponsors

Sometimes students and organizations with a negative account balance have sponsors that should be the refund recipient. You must designate a sponsor for those sponsored students and corporations.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Designate Sponsors

Page Name

Definition Name



Individual Sponsor


Student Financials, Refunds, Designate Sponsor

Designate a sponsor for each credit on the student's account.

Corp Sponsor (corporate sponsor)


Student Financials, Refunds, Designate Corporate Sponsor

Designate a sponsor for each credit on the organization's account.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDesignating Sponsors for Individual Students

Access the Individual Sponsor page (Student Financials, Refunds, Designate Sponsor, Individual Sponsor).


Enter the ID of the student for whom you want to designate one or more sponsors.

Individual Sponsor

Sponsor ID

If the sponsor that you are designating is an individual, select the ID of the individual. When you select a value in this field, the Sponsor Org ID and Org Contact fields become unavailable.

Sponsor Org ID (sponsor organization ID)

If the sponsor that you are designating is an external organization, select the ID of the organization. When you select a value in this field, the Sponsor ID field becomes unavailable.

Org Contact (organization contact)

If you select an organization in the Sponsor Org ID field, select the contact for that organization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDesignating Sponsors for Organizations

Access the Corp Sponsor page (Student Financials, Refunds, Designate Corporate Sponsor).

With the exception of the External Org ID (external organization ID) field, the fields on this page are identical to those on the Individual Sponsor page.

External Org ID

Enter the ID of the external organization for which you want to designate one or more sponsors.

See Also

Designating Sponsors