Producing Tax Forms and Receipt Information

This chapter provides overviews of tax form and receipt production and receipt information generation and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tax Form and Receipt Production

This section lists common elements and discusses tax form production.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Calendar Year

For the purposes of tax reports, the calendar year represents the tax year for which you are reporting.

TIN (taxpayer identification number)

The number under which an institution files 1098-T tax information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTax Form Production

PeopleSoft Student Financials provides tools that you can use when managing your tax data and generating tax reports. The Manage Tax Reporting feature enables you to process data and generate reports using one Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax form and two Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) tax forms:

1098-T Tax Forms

The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 allows taxpayers to claim educational credits for some higher education expenses. Institutions that receive qualified tuition and related expenses from or on behalf of a student are required to furnish each eligible student with an IRS Form 1098-T, Tuition Statement. The information on the form helps determine whether a student, or the person who can claim the student as a dependent, can claim an income tax credit for the Hope Scholarship Credit or Lifetime Learning Credit. In addition, for every 1098-T provided to an eligible student, your institution must also file a 1098-T with the IRS. PeopleSoft Student Financials enables your institution to print your 1098-T forms for mailing to students and to transmit your 1098-T data electronically to the IRS.

Self-Service 1098-T Forms (United States)

Institutions based in the United States are required annually to issue IRS Form 1098-T to students so that they can report tuition and fee amounts on their tax returns. PeopleSoft Campus Solutions enables students to display and print their completed 1098-T forms in PDF format using self-service. This functionality supports institutions and their efforts to reduce costs and streamline administrative processes. Use Oracle's XML Publisher tool to create the PDF document.

Institutions can control the appearance of completed forms using the 1098-T TIN Detail setup page.

When 1098-T forms are generated and printed, the student can access a summary of the information from the completed 1098-T form. The student can then print the completed form in PDF format.

The student is required to provide consent and an eSignature before accessing the completed form.

(CAN) T2202A Tax Forms

Canadian taxpayers can claim tuition and education amounts as tax credits that reduce the amount of federal income tax they pay. For students to determine whether they are eligible for these tax credits, Canadian institutions must provide each of them with a Form T2202A. This form details the eligible tuition fees and education amounts that a student can claim for a given tax year.

(CAN) T4A Tax Forms

The CCRA requires that taxpayers report scholarship-related income. To comply with this requirement, Canadian institutions must provide each eligible student with a T4A slip detailing any scholarship-related income. Then, the student is responsible for reporting this income to the federal government.

Student Financials, in conjunction with PeopleSoft Payroll for North America, enables your institution to produce and print T4A forms. Using Student Financials, you can identify which students have items on their accounts that are T4A reportable and report these taxable items to your payroll department through an interface with PeopleSoft Payroll for North America. Your payroll department then uses processes within PeopleSoft Payroll for North America to produce T4A slips for the applicable students.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Receipt Information Generation

This section discusses generating income tax receipts and donation receipts.

Income Tax Receipt Information Generation

Canada allows students who are enrolled in non-degree continuing education courses to claim income tax credits for tuition fees. For these students to take advantage of this credit, they must receive an income tax receipt from their respective university listing the following information:

Donation Receipt Information Generation

Universities often receive donations from students and third-party organizations. When this occurs, the university is responsible to provide a receipt listing the following information:

Click to jump to parent topicProducing and Filing 1098-T Tax Forms

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you begin generating and transmitting 1098-T information, you must complete these setup tasks in your PeopleSoft Student Financials system:

  1. Set up a TIN under which your institution files 1098-T tax information to the IRS.

  2. Determine which of your item types to designate as qualified tuition and related expenses.

See Also

Setting Up a TIN

Setting Up Item Types and Item Type Groups

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Produce and File 1098-T Tax Forms

Page Name

Definition Name



Generate 1098-T


Student Financials, Taxes, Generate 1098-T

Generate 1098-T data.

Review 1098–T Messages


Student Financials, Taxes, Review 1098–T Messages, Review 1098–T Messages

Review 1098–T messages.

1098-T Data


Student Financials, Taxes, Edit 1098-T Data, 1098-T Data

Student Financials, Taxes, Review 1098–T Data, 1098–T Data

Edit or review 1098-T data by student.

1098-T Student Address


Click the Student Address link on the 1098-T Data page.

View the address of the student whose 1098-T data you are reviewing or overriding.

1098-T Audit Report


Student Financials, Taxes, Tax Reports, 1098-T Audit Report

Validate and audit 1098-T data.

1098-T Print


Student Financials, Taxes, Tax Reports, 1098-T Form Print, 1098-T Print

Print 1098-T forms and create electronic transmission files.

1098-T File Info


Click the File Parameters link on the 1098-T Print page.

Enter the file path and file name of the electronic file that you want to create and send to the IRS.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating 1098-T Data

Access the Generate 1098-T page (Student Financials, Taxes, Generate 1098-T, Generate 1098-T).

Control Information

Federal TIN (federal taxpayer identification number)

Enter the Tax Payer ID number for the reporting institution.

Calendar Year

Enter the calendar year for which you are reporting.

Alternate NID Type (alternate national identification type)

Enter another NID type to generate 1098-Ts for students who do not have a valid SSN without using individual student overrides. The 1098-T generation program first uses a look up of NID Type = PR (for Social Security Number). If that lookup has no result and there is a value in the Alternate NID Type field, the program does a second lookup using the Alternate NID Type. The National ID Type is set up at: Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Personal, National ID Type, National ID Type Table.

Bypass Validation Edits


Select to bypass the Citizenship edit, so that a 1098–T is produced for all students with eligible charges regardless of citizenship status.

Academic Credit

Select to bypass the Earned Academic Credit edit, so that a 1098–T is produced for all students with eligible charges, even if they are enrolled in classes that earn no academic credit.

Financial Aid

Select to bypass the Financial Aid edit, so that a 1098–T is produced for students who have eligible charges paid entirely by Financial Aid.

Financial Info (financial information)

Select to produce a 1098–T for students who have no financial information in boxes one through six. If the students are currently enrolled, the 1098-T is produced.

Note. Each edit bypass work independently—an institution can choose one, all, or none of the edit bypasses.

Student Override

Student Override (check box)

Clear the Student Override check box to generate data for all applicable students who fall under the federal TIN and calendar year that you select.

Select to use the fields in the Student Override group box to specify the students for which the process generates 1098-T data.



Select an ID to generate 1098-T data for the student.

National ID

Use this field to produce a 1098-T for a student who does not have a Social Security Number (SSN).

If you use the Alternate NID Type field, then individual students may not have to be overridden.

Force 1098-T

The Generate 1098-T process generates 1098-T data for all students who meet the following criteria:

  • The institution received payments of qualified tuition and related expenses from the student.

  • The student is not a nonresident alien.

  • The student is enrolled in courses for which he or she receives academic credit.

  • The student's qualified tuition and related expenses are not entirely waived or paid entirely with scholarships.

  • The student's qualified tuition and related expenses are not covered by a formal billing arrangement between an institution and the student's employer or a governmental entity.

If you select the Force 1098-T check box, the system generates a 1098-T record for the student specified in the ID field, even if the student does not meet the previous criteria.

The 1098-T (SFP1098P) process retrieves the necessary data from Campus Community and Student Records to populate and update the PS_SF_1098_DTL table in Student Financials. The system generates new 1098-T data for students who have no existing 1098-T records. In addition, the process compares the new 1098-T data it retrieves to any existing 1098-T data. When the process detects differences in an existing row of 1098-T data that has never been printed or included in an electronic transmission file, it updates all the affected fields in the record with the new information. However, if you have already printed a 1098-T record or included it in an electronic transmission file, the process does not update the existing record. Instead, it inserts a new row of updated 1098-T information for the student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing 1098–T Messages

Access the Review 1098–T Messages page (Student Financials, Taxes, Review 1098–T Messages, Review 1098–T Messages).

Use this page to view the messages that are created when 1098–T data is not generated for a student during the Generate 1098–T process.

Messages from only the most recent run of the Generate 1098–T process appear.

The Generate 1098–T process stores the message header values in the SSF_1098_MSGHDR table and stores the message details in the SSF_1098_MSGDTL table. You can access these tables in SF Query Tree.

ID is an optional search criteria when you enter criteria to access this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Overriding 1098-T Data

Access the 1098-T Data page (Student Financials, Taxes, Edit 1098-T Data, 1098-T Data).

1098-T Status


Indicates whether either you or the system has overridden a record. The system designates any records created using the Force 1098-T check box on the Generate 1098-T page as Overridden. When you click the Override Data button, the system automatically selects the Overridden check box for the resulting new row. The Generate 1098-T process updates existing overridden records only if it detects a change in the student's name or SSN. When editing a record, you can clear this check box.


Indicates whether you have printed a 1098-T form for this record. When you run the 1098-T Form Print report, the system selects this check box for all the records it prints. The date and time that the system printed the record appears to the right of the field.

To reprint a 1098-T form for a student, use the Override Data button to clear the Printed check box. Then use the 1098-T Print process to reprint the form.

File Created

Indicates whether you have included a 1098-T record in an electronic transmission file. When you run the 1098-T Form Print report, the system selects this check box for all the records it includes in the transmission file. The date and time that the system created the transmission file appears to the right of the field.


If you create a transmission file to send to the IRS and then discover an error in one of the records, you must submit a correction for that record. If you run the Generate 1098-T process and it inserts a new row for a record already included in a transmission file, the system selects this check box for the inserted row.

Note. If you manually edit a record that is already included in a transmission file, select the Correction check box.

Validation Status

Indicates whether the data in the record is valid. The 1098-T Audit report automatically sets the validation status to one of the following values. When you run the 1098-T Form Print report, the system uses this field to determine whether to pick up the record.

Do Not Report: The 1098-T Form Print report ignores records with this validation status. You can only assign this validation status to a record manually. Change the validation status to Do Not Report if you determine that you do not want to print or electronically file a 1098-T tax form for this student.

Failed Validation: The 1098-T Form Print report does not pick up records with this validation status. If you run the 1098-T Audit report to validate your data and it determines a record to be invalid, the system assigns this validation status to the record.

Passed Validation: The 1098-T Form Print report picks up records with this validation status. If you run the 1098-T Audit report to validate your data and it determines a record to be valid, the system assigns this validation status to the record.

Pending Validation: The 1098-T Form Print report does not pick up records with this validation status. The system assigns this validation status to all new records created by the Generate 1098-T process. In addition, if you click the Override Data button, the system assigns the new row this validation status.

Validation Overridden: The 1098-T Form Print report picks up records with this validation status. You can only assign this validation status to a record manually. Assign this value when a student's 1098-T data fails validation and you want the printing and file creation process to ignore the errors, transmitting the data exactly as it appears.

Disable 1098-T self-service

Select to prevent the current record from appearing on the 1098–T Year Select page.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Override Data

Click if you want to edit any of these fields: Overridden, Printed, File Created, Validation Status, and Correction.

You can also override data such as financial information and the SSN in the Student 1098-T Data group box.

When you click the Override Data button, the system inserts a new row for the student and selects the Overridden check box by default.

If a Social Security Number is not entered in the National ID field on the Campus Community Biographical Details page, the system enters a value of all nines (9s) in that field. This value appears by default in the SSN field on the 1098–T pages.

The IRS does not accept invalid SSNs (for example, all nines, ones, zeroes). If no valid SSN exists, the SSN can be recorded as blank, which the IRS accepts.

When you click the Override Data button, the SSN field becomes available for edit. You can then enter a valid SSN or delete the invalid SSN and leave the field blank.

Updating the SSN field on the 1098–T page does not update data in Campus Community.

Student 1098-T Data

(1) Payments Received

Displays the value that prints in Box 1 on 1098-T forms. (Payments received that applied to eligible tuition and fee charges.)

(2) Amount Billed

Displays the value that prints in Box 2 on 1098-T forms. (Billed eligible tuition and fee charges.)

(3) Reporting Method Change

Selects this check box if you have changed your reporting method on the TIN Setup page.

(4) Prior Year Adj (prior year adjustment)

Displays the value that prints in Box 4 on 1098-T forms.

Indicates adjustments made for a prior year to payments received or amount billed (adjustments to Box 1 or 2 for prior year).

(5) Financial Aid

Displays the value that prints in Box 5 on 1098-T forms.

Indicates receipt of scholarships or grants.

(6) Prior Year FA Adj (prior year financial aid adjustment)

Displays the value that prints in Box 6 on 1098-T forms.

Indicates adjustments to scholarships or grants for a prior year.

(7) Includes Future Period

Displays the value that prints in Box 7 on 1098-T forms.

The system selects this check box during the Generate 1098-T process if any of the amounts reported in Boxes 1 or 2 (Payments Received or Amount Billed) were related to an academic period that last from January through March. March of the following year.

(8) Half Time

Displays the value that prints in Box 8 on 1098-T forms.

The system selects this check box during the Generate 1098-T process if the student's academic load was at least half-time during any term within the tax-reporting year.

(9) Graduate

Displays the value that prints in Box 9 on 1098-T forms.

The system selects this check box during the Generate 1098-T process if the student was enrolled as a graduate student during any term within the tax-reporting year.

Student Address

Click to access the 1098-T Student Address page.

Note. The inquiry version of this page (Student Financials, Taxes, Review 1098–T Data, 1098–T Data) displays the same information as the (Edit 1098-T Data) 1098-T Data page. However, the inquiry page has no Override Data button, so you cannot edit any of the information that appears.

Viewing a 1098–T Form

Click the View 1098–T link on the (Review 1098–T Data) 1098–T Data page to access a 1098–T form (.pdf) and print it for a student.

You can also access the View 1098–T link on this page by clicking the 1098–T link on the finances page in the Student Service Ctr (Student).

Here is an example of the 1098–T Data page (Student Financials, Taxes, Review 1098–T Data, 1098–T Data) showing the View 1098–T link:

The View 1098–T link appears only if the Use Electronic Statements check box on the 1098–T TIN Detail setup page is selected. The link appears whether or not the Display 1098–T Self Service check box on the setup page is selected.

The link is enabled only when the value in the Validation Status field is Passed Validation or Validation Overridden.

If the record fails validation because of an invalid SSN, you can use the Override Data button on the (Edit 1098–T Data) 1098–T Data page to update the value in the SSN field to blank (a blank SSN can be submitted to the IRS) or to input a valid SSN. When the Audit/Validation process is run again, blanks are treated as a valid SSN so the record will not fail validation.

See the documentation about the Override Data button earlier in this section.

Click the link to retrieve a 1098–T .pdf of the most recent 1098–T data.

The link is sensitive to the context in the 1098-T Status scroll area—that is, the .pdf is generated using the data in context (the example 1098–T page has 4 rows of data).

Note. The View 1098–T link does not appear on the (Edit 1098-T Data) 1098–T Data page.

See Also

Validating and Auditing 1098-T Data

Viewing a Student's Self-Service Finances Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicValidating and Auditing 1098-T Data

Access the 1098-T Audit Report page (Student Financials, Taxes, Tax Reports, 1098-T Audit Report).

Report Mode

Select the report mode. Values are:

Audit Only: The report prints all 1098-T records meeting the parameters that you specify on this page, enabling you to check the data manually before printing or creating a transmission file.

Validate Only: The 1098-T Audit report checks each applicable record to determine the validity of its data.

If a record has an invalid SSN, name, or address, the system assigns it a validation status of Failed Validation and prints it on the 1098-T Audit Report. If a record has a valid SSN, name, and address, the system assigns it a validation status of Passed Validation and does not print it. Blanks are a valid SSN for reporting to the IRS.

In addition, if the system finds any records containing no data for the related academic statistics period, it issues a warning.

Audit and Validate: The 1098-T Audit Report prints all applicable records and assigns a validation status to them.

Print Selection

Determine which types of 1098-T records the system includes in the 1098-T Audit Report. Values are.

All 1098-T's: Select to include all types of 1098-T records.

Not Filed Corrected 1098-T's: Select to include only those 1098-T records that were included in a transmission file and have the Correction check box selected.

Not Filed Original 1098-T's: Select to include only those 1098-T records that were not included in a transmission file and do not have the Correction check box selected.

Not Printed Corrected 1098-T's: Select to include only those 1098-T records that you have not printed and that have the Correction check box selected.

Not Printed Original 1098-T's: Select to include only those 1098-T records that you have not printed and that do not have the Correction check box selected.

Primary Sort and Secondary Sort

Use these fields to determine the fields on which the system sorts when printing the report. It will sort first by the primary sort and then by the secondary sort value. Both fields have the following available values: Country, ID, Last Name, Postal Code, SSN, and State.

TIN Control Information

Student Override

Clear to run the report for all applicable students who fall under the Federal TIN and calendar year that you select.

Select to use the ID field to run the report on only the students that you specify.

See Also

Reviewing and Overriding 1098-T Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting 1098-T Forms and Creating Transmission Files

Access the 1098-T Print page (Student Financials, Taxes, Tax Reports, 1098-T Form Print, 1098-T Print).

Transmitter Information

Calendar Year

Select the calendar year for which you are reporting.


Select what you want the report to produce. Values are:

Extract File Only: Select to create a generic extract file containing the 1098-T Form data.

Extract and Transmittal Files: Select to create the IRS transmission and extract files simultaneously.

Print Only: Select to print your 1098-T tax forms using 1098-T print stock.

Print and Transmittal File: Select to create the IRS transmission file and simultaneously print your 1098-T tax forms using 1098-T print stock.

Transmittal File Only: Select to create the IRS transmission file.

Alignment Run

Select to run a print job that helps you align your print stock in the printer. When you select this check box, the report prints X instead of characters and 9 instead of numbers in the data fields of your 1098-T print stock. This field is available only if you select Print Only in the Media field.

Note. Because printer definitions vary, you may have to modify the SQR (Structured Query Report) for printer alignment purposes.

Alignment Count

Enter the number of dummy 1098-T forms that you want to print in your alignment run. This field is available only if you select the Alignment Run check box.

Filing Status

Select the type of records that you want to include in the report and specify the type of file that you intend to transmit to the IRS.

Correction: The report includes only those records that have the Correction check box selected. In addition, the system designates the file as containing only corrected records.

Original: The report includes only those records that do not have the Correction check box selected. In addition, the system designates the file as containing only original records.

Replacement: Select if the IRS rejected the file that you originally sent. The report includes only original records in the replacement file.

Note. The filing status that you select applies to the entire file. The IRS does not allow a transmitting TIN to mix original information and correction information within the same file.

Note. The 1098-T Form Print process always includes all 1098-T forms, even if they were previously printed or included in a transmission file. Use caution when running the 1098-T Form Print process after its initial run for a tax year. You should use the Student Override option with subsequent runs so that only those students whose information needs to be processed are included in the process.

Test File

Select to set a test file flag in the transmission file that is sent to the IRS. This selection indicates to the IRS that the file is for testing purposes only.

Note. You should participate in the IRS test electronic filing program. This program enables you to submit an electronic file containing 1098-T returns so that the IRS can confirm that the file is in a valid, readable format.

Replacement Alpha Character

If the IRS rejects your original file, it will request a replacement and assign you a two-character replacement alpha character to include with your file. Enter it here. This field is available only if you select Replacement in the Filing Status field.

Primary Sort and Secondary Sort

Use these fields to determine the fields on which the system sorts when printing the report. It will sort first by the primary sort and then by the secondary sort. Both fields have the following available values: Country, EmplID, Last Name, Postal Code, SSN, and State.

File Parameters

Click to access the 1098-T File Info page.

1098-T File Info Page

File Path

Enter the location where the system sends the transmission and extract files.

Transmission File Name

Enter the name of the transmission file. If you do not specify a name for the file, the default name is IRSTAX.001.

Extract File Name

If you are using another system to print your 1098-T forms, enter the name of the extract file that the system will use to print the forms. If you do not specify a name, the default name is SF1098RP.dat.

TIN Control Information


Select the TIN for which you want to report 1098-T information. You transmit the information generated by the report using the Transmitter's TIN.

Student Override

Clear to run the report for all applicable students who fall under the federal TIN and calendar year that you select.

Select to use the ID field to run the report for only the students that you specify.

Click to jump to parent topicProducing T2202A Tax Forms

This section lists a prerequisite and discusses how to:

  1. Generate T2202A data.

  2. Review and edit T2202A data.

  3. Print T2202A tax information on preprinted forms.

  4. Print T2202A tax information using File Extract.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Determine which of your item types you want to designate as T2202A- eligible tuition and offsets.

See Also

Setting Up Item Types and Item Type Groups

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Produce T2202A Tax Forms

Page Name

Definition Name



Generate T2202A


Student Financials, Taxes, Generate T2202A

Generate T2202A data.

T2202A Data


Student Financials, Taxes, Edit T2202A Data, T2202a Data

Review and edit T2202A data, or add T2202A data manually.

Student Address


Click the Student Address link on the T2202A Data page.

View and edit the address of the student whose T2202A data you are reviewing.

Print T2202A


Student Financials, Taxes, Print T2202A

Print T2202A tax information on preprinted forms.

Create T2202A Extract File


Student Financials, Taxes, Create T2202A Extract File

Print T2202A tax information using the Extract File process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating T2202A Data

Access the Generate T2202A page (Student Financials, Taxes, Generate T2202A).

Address Usage

Select the logic that the system uses to select the student address associated with each T2202A form.

Report Only

Select to create a report of the T2202A data retrieved without actually populating your Student Financials tables with T2202A data.

Note. Because the process generates effective-dated rows of data, you cannot run the Generate T2202A Data process more than once per day. However, if you select the Report Only check box before running the process, the system does not insert rows of data into your tables. Therefore, you can run the process in report only mode as many times as you want during a given day.

Citizenship Status

Select the student citizenship status for which you want to generate T2202A data. You can select from these values: Native, Naturalized, Alien Permanent, Alien Temporary, Permanent Resident, Employment Visa, Canadian Citizen, Student Visa, and Not Indicated.

The Generate T2202A process reviews the Student Enrollment table for the reporting calendar year. It summarizes all enrollment units taken by month and tabulates them to determine the academic load (full-time or part-time) for each month. The process then writes these results to the T2202A Data records, along with the financial information regarding tuition amounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Editing T2202A Data

Access the T2202A Data page (Student Financials, Taxes, Edit T2202A Data, T2202A Data).

Student Address

Click to access the Student Address page, where you can view and edit the address information for the student whose T2202A data you are reviewing.


Indicates whether you have printed a T2202A form for this row of data. When you run the Print T2202A process, the system selects this check box for all the rows of data that it prints. Subsequent runs of the Print T2202A process do not print any rows with the Printed check box selected. The date and time that the system printed the record appears to the right of the field.

Reviewing and Entering Enrollment and Tuition Information

If you are reviewing and editing T2202A data, the fields in the lower scroll area are already populated with information. If you are adding a new row of data, you must enter values in these fields manually.

Acad Program (academic program)

This field displays the academic program in which the student is enrolled. The description of the selected program appears in the field to the right of this field. You can edit this description if necessary.


This field displays the term during which a student was enrolled.


The Month and Year fields under these headings display the starting and ending month and year of the term.

Tuition Fees

Displays the amount of tuition that the student paid for the term.


This field displays the number of months within the term that the student was enrolled with full-time status.


This field displays the number of months within the term that the student was enrolled with part-time status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting T2202A Tax Information on Preprinted Forms

Access the Print T2202A page (Student Financials, Taxes, Print T2202A).

Message Text

Enter any text that you want to appear in the comment section of the T2202A form.

Alignment Only

If you select this check box, the system will print dummy forms that enable you to align the preprinted forms properly in your printer.

Align Cnt (alignment count)

If you select the Alignment Only check box, enter the number of dummy forms that you want to print.

The process prints a T2202A tax form for all students for whom data is available except those with the Printed check box selected. The system selects the Printed check box for all students whose T2202A information it prints. If you want to reprint a T2202A tax form for a given student, you must first clear the Printed check box using the T2202A Data page and then rerun the Print T2202A process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting T2202A Tax Information Using File Extract

Access the Create T2202A Extract File page (Student Financials, Taxes, Create T2202A Extract File).

Output File Directory

Enter the location where you want the system to send the extract.

Extract File

Enter the name that you want to give the extract.

Note. Unlike the Print T2202A process, this process neither recognizes nor updates the Printed check box on the T2202A Data page.

Click to jump to parent topicProducing T4A Tax Forms

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you begin generating T4A data, you must:

  1. Determine which of your item types are designated as T4A income.

  2. Define your T4A generation processing parameters on the Canadian/ANZ Taxes page of the SF Business Unit (BUSINESS_UNIT_SF) component.

  3. Run the Create POI Job Data process.

See Also

Setting Up Item Types and Item Type Groups

Setting Up Business Units

Creating Job Data for Payroll Refunds

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Produce T4A Tax Forms

Page Name

Definition Name



Request Student Job Data


Student Financials, Taxes, Create POI Job Data, Request Student Job Data

Run this process to create job and tax records for students.

Generate T4A


Student Financials, Taxes, Generate T4A

Generate T4A data by running the T4A process.

T4A Data


Student Financials, Taxes, Review T4A Data

View and validate the T4A student income balances resulting from the T4A process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating POI Job Data for T4A

Access the Request Student Job Data page (Student Financials, Taxes, Create POI Job Data, Request Student Job Data).

Processing Population

Select T4A Students to create tax data for students.

Commit Frequency

Enter a number for records committed to the database. Select this option to commit a specified number of transactions during background processing. For example, if you enter 100 in the Commit Frequency field, when you run a batch process the system will process 100 transactions and then commit them to the database until the batch is complete. At the end of a batch process, the system will commit all remaining transactions, even if the number of transactions is less than the number in the Commit Frequency field.

See Defining Commit Levels.

Confirm Job Data Created

Select to create a record in the message log of the process monitor for every job record created.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating T4A Data

Access the Generate T4A page (Student Financials, Taxes, Generate T4A).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing T4A Tax Forms

Access the T4A Data page (Student Financials, Taxes, Review T4A Data, T4A Data).

The T4A Data page is a display-only page.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Income Tax and Donation Receipt Information

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate Income Tax and Donation Receipt Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Generate Tax Receipts


Student Financials, Taxes, Generate Tax Receipts

Generate income tax receipt information.

Generate Donation Receipts


Student Financials, Taxes, Generate Donation Receipts

Generate donation receipt information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Income Tax Receipt Information

Access the Generate Tax Receipts page (Student Financials, Taxes, Generate Tax Receipts).

Select values in the Academic Career and Term fields for which you want to generate income tax receipt information and run the process. The process retrieves the required data from Student Records and Student Financials to populate the PS_CAN_TAX_RECEPT table. You can then use the data in this table to create official income tax receipts for students.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Donation Receipt Information

Access the Generate Donation Receipts page (Student Financials, Taxes, Generate Donation Receipts).

Item Type

Select the item type of the donation for which you want to generate receipt information. If you have more than one donation item type within your system, insert rows to include all types of donations for which you want to generate receipt information.

From Date and To Date

Enter the range of dates for which you want to generate donation receipt information.

The process retrieves the required data from Student Financials to populate the PS_CAN_DONAT_RECEPT table. You can then use the data in this table to create official donation receipts for students and third-party organizations.

Note. The Donation Receipt process obtains information according to the item types that you select when you establish the process parameters. Therefore, you must set up specific item types for each type of donation that your institution receives.