Setting Up Tax Form Production

This chapter lists common elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Chapter

Calendar Year

For the purposes of tax reports, the calendar year represents the tax year for which you are reporting.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up 1098-T Tax Form Production

To set up 1098-T tax form production, use the 1098-T TIN Table component (SF_1098_INST).

This section provides an overview of 1098-T tax form production setup and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding 1098-T Tax Form Production Setup

To set up Student Financials for 1098-T generation, you must:

  1. Set up a TIN under which your institution files 1098-T tax information to the IRS.

    While many institutions may only designate one TIN per business unit, Student Financials enables you to set up one TIN to file 1098-T information for multiple business units.

  2. Designate item types as qualified tuition and related expenses.

    For the Student Financials system to determine whether a student is to receive a 1098-T form, it looks for any item types on the student's account that you have designated as qualified tuition and related expenses. A check box on the Amount Edits setup page enables you to identify item types as qualified tuition and related expenses.

See Also

Setting Up Item Types and Item Type Groups

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up 1098-T Tax Form Production

Page Name

Definition Name



1098-T TIN Detail


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Taxes, 1098-T TIN Table

Set up a TIN.

1098-T Citizenship


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Taxes, 1098-T TIN Table, 1098-T Citizenship

Set up valid citizenship statuses.

1098-T Institution Address


Click the 1098-T Institution Address link on the 1098 TIN page.

Enter the address associated with the TIN that you are defining.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a TIN

Access the 1098-T TIN Detail page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Taxes, 1098-T TIN Table, 1098-T TIN Detail).

You set up TINs each year.

Copy TIN Setup

Click to copy the TIN setup data from a previous year into the TIN that you are creating. When you click this button, the system prompts you to enter the calendar year from which to copy setup data.

1098-T Institution Address

Click this link to access the 1098-T Institution Address page, where you can enter the address information associated with this TIN.

Address Usage

Select the logic that the system uses to select the student address that prints on each 1098-T form.

Name Usage

Enter the logic that the system uses to select the student name that prints on each 1098-T form.

Contact Name

Enter the name of the primary contact associated with the TIN.

Contact Phone

Enter the telephone number of the primary contact associated with the TIN.

Name Control

Enter the first four characters of the description of the institution associated with the TIN. Disregard the word the when it is the first word of the description unless the name has only two words.

Transmission Code

To file 1098-T tax forms with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) electronically, you must first file IRS Form 4419, Application for Filing Information Return Magnetically/Electronically. If the IRS accepts your application to file electronically, you are assigned a five-character alphanumeric Transmitter Control code. Enter this code in the Transmission Code field.

Last Filing Year

Select if this is the last year that you are using this TIN to file 1098-T forms with the IRS.

Reporting Method Changed

Select this check box if you have changed your method of reporting (payments received or amounts billed) from the previous year.

Business Unit Detail

Select the business units that you want to include under the TIN.

Business Unit

Enter the business unit for which you want to report 1098-T data under this TIN. When you exit this field, the system populates the Institution field with the institution that is associated with the business unit that you select.


Enter the institution that is associated with the business unit that you select. If you already selected a business unit, the system automatically populates this field with the correct institution.

FinAid Group (financial aid group)

Enter the item type group to use to identify items that are related to financial aid. The system uses this group to calculate the value of Box 4 on the 1098-T form.

Note. The financial aid item type group should contain only scholarships, grants, and fellowship item types.

Third Party Group

Enter the item type group to use to identify items that are related to third-party billing arrangements. The system uses this group to determine whether students are eligible to receive 1098-T forms.

1098-T Self Service

Select the self-service options that you want to include under the TIN.

Set up the report template each year when the new TIN record is created.

Display 1098-T Self Service

Select to enable students to see a given year on the Selection page. Selecting the check box causes the TIN for this calendar year to appear in self service.

Clear this check box to restrict this tax year from appearing in self service.

Use the Report Definition field to identify the associated XML Publisher template.

Display Box Amount

Select to enable students to access the details for each box amount that appears on the View 1098-T page in Student Financials self-service. Box amounts are the numbered and named boxes on the 1098-T form that contain amounts such as Payments Received.

This check box is only available when the Display 1098-T Self Service check box is selected.

Use Electronic Statements

Use this setting in batch to decide whether a paper copy should be printed. This setting is also used online to decide whether to show the consent message/button in self service.

Selecting this check box means that the student can consent to receive the 1098-T form electronically (online using self service) rather than receiving a printed copy. The student must consent to receive the 1098-T electronically; otherwise, the form continues to be printed by means of the batch process and mailed to the student.

Use the Template Definition field to identify the associated XML Publisher template.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Valid Citizenship Statuses

Access the 1098-T Citizenship page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Taxes, 1098-T TIN Table, 1098-T Citizenship).

Set up valid citizenship statuses so that a 1098-T is produced only for those statuses listed.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up T2202A Tax Form Production

To set up Student Financials for T2202A data generation, you must designate item types as T2202A eligible tuition and offsets. For Student Financials to calculate tuition amounts for each T2202A form, it totals the amounts of any item types on the student's account that you designated as T2202A eligible. In addition, you must identify any waivers that offset T2202A eligible tuition so that the system accurately calculates the tuition amount that appears on your T2202A forms. Check boxes on the Amount Edits setup page enable you to identify item types as T2202A eligible tuition or as T2202A offsets.

See Also

Setting Up Item Types and Item Type Groups

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up T4A Tax Form Production

This section discusses how to set up the T4A tax form production. To set up Student Financials for T4A data generation, you must:

  1. Designate item types as T4A income.

    To determine whether to generate T4A data for a student, Student Financials looks for any item types on the student's account that are designated as T4A income. A check box and associated field on the Amount Edits setup page enable you to identify item types that count as T4A income. The Wage Loss Plan has been moved to the Canadian/ANZ Taxes page of the SF Business Unit component. In addition, on the Miscellaneous page, you must select an earnings code to classify the type of the T4A income.

  2. Define your T4A generation processing parameters on the Canadian/ANZ Taxes page of the SF Business Unit component.

See Also

Setting Up Item Types and Item Type Groups

Setting Up Business Units