Completing Student Financials General Setup

This chapter provides an overview of PeopleSoft Student Financials general setup and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Student Financials General Setup

A substantial amount of setup is required before you can use. The setup described in this chapter establishes the framework for everything that follows. Take enough time and resources now to build a strong foundation, which you can add to later. You do much of this setup once, and modify it rarely, if ever. You use other parts repeatedly as the system expands and changes.

Be aware that PeopleSoft Campus Solutions is an integrated system and coordination between departments and applications is essential to the success of your implementation.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Installation Parameters and Keywords

To set up installation parameters and keywords, use the Student Fin Installation component (INSTALLATION_SF) and the Keywords component (KEYWORDS).

This section provides overviews of installation parameters and key words and global invoicing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Installation Parameters

Installation parameters define how Student Financials looks and performs. You specify how the system:

You can change most of these settings at any time without any negative impact. In fact, you should experiment with your settings to strike the proper performance balance. PeopleSoft software provides default settings for many of these parameters, but review them to make sure that they work well for your institution.


Key words enable you to quickly locate item types within a long list of possibilities. For example, you might have dozens of payment item types, but only a handful that are related to scholarships. By defining Scholarship as one of your key words and associating it with the select few item types, it will be much easier to locating just the item type you need will be much easier. You can define up to three keywords per item type. Key words are associated with edit tables, and you must select the appropriate edit table to use for each key word.

Note. Because Student Financials, Financial Aid, and Contributor Relations all use keywords, we recommend Student Financials, Financial Aid, and Contributor Relations staff work together to define a keyword standard for your institution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Global Invoicing

Many institutions, especially those outside the United States, are required to bill and collect payments from students using an invoice model rather than the standard statements typically used in the United States. Campus Solutions enables such global institutions to invoice for student receivables.

Global invoicing enables institutions to:

Campus Solutions offers institutions the flexibility to use its global invoicing functionality or to use billing statements.

An option in the Student Financials installation setup enables the global invoicing functionality. Institutions can also define banking information for inclusion on the invoice as necessary.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Installation Parameters and Keywords

Page Name

Definition Name



SF Installation


Set Up SACR, Install, Student Fin Installation, SF Installation

Define number sequence start points, maximum row settings, ChartField edit options, financial system setup, AP refunding option, and notification options for direct deposit refunding.

Populate Items by Invoice


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Populate Items by Invoice

Define payment by invoice.

SF Installation 2


Set Up SACR, Install, Student Fin Installation, SF Installation 2

Define keyword edit tables, invoice/payment processing, and a null due date.

SF Installation 3


Set Up SACR, Install, Student Fin Installation, SF Installation 3

Define commit levels.



Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Keywords

Define keywords.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Student Financials Installation Settings

Access the SF Installation page (Set Up SACR, Install, Student Fin Installation, SF Installation).

Process Group

Enter a value for the process group. The system uses the process group in conjunction with GL Combination processes.

Last Batch ID

Each batch transaction is assigned an ID number. This field displays the last ID number assigned to a batch. To start your numbering sequence at a particular point, enter a number here. Otherwise, the system continues to increment subsequent batch transactions from the number shown.

Last Origin ID

Use origin IDs to track the source of batch transactions (for example, receipts from the housing or parking offices). This field displays the last ID number that was assigned to an origin definition. To start your numbering sequence at a particular point, enter a number here. Otherwise, the system continues to increment subsequent origin definitions from the number shown.

Maximum Row Settings Group Box

For each field in this group box, enter the maximum rows of results that you want to display on a page at one time.

Financial System

Use this group box to select the financial system that you want to use: Enterprise Financials, Oracle Financials, or Others.

The selection and functioning of the options in this group box depends on the General Ledger check box selection on the HRMS Installation Table (Setup HRMS, Install, Installation Table).

If the General Ledger check box is selected in HRMS:

If the General Ledger check box is cleared in HRMS:

ChartField Display Options

Abbreviated Display Delimiter

This field is used to distinguish individual ChartFields to be added, updated or viewed as a string on setup pages. Select a delimiter that is not a letter, number or special character used to define any of the ChartField values. For example, if the character '-' is used within the ChartField value 23-1103, do not use the '-' character as the delimiter. If 'A' is used within the ChartField value such as TRAINING, do not use 'A' as the delimiter.

Display External Chartfield

This field is available only if the General Ledger check box is cleared in HRMS and the Others option is selected in the Financial System group box.

ChartField Edit Options

ChartFields represent organizational or reporting structures and are used to facilitate the journaling of accounting entries. You can use dynamic ChartFields to customize certain display characteristics (such as order, visibility, labels) of the standard set of ChartFields. Selecting one of the first four options ensures that the Student Financials Departmental Receipt is created with a required ChartField.

Combinations Table Edit

Evaluates the ChartField combination to determine whether it exists in the PS_VALID_COMBO_TBL.

If you select the Combinations Table Edit check box, you cannot select the Real-Time Validation Edit check box.

If you select Oracle Financials in the Financial System group box, this check box is cleared by default.

Note. The Combinations Table Edit option is not supported for Oracle Financials.

Real-Time Validation Edit

Evaluates the ChartField combination using the Synchronous Message COMBO_CF_EDIT_REQUEST with Student Financials.

If you select the Real-Time Validation Edit check box, you cannot select the Combinations Table Edit check box.

If you select Oracle Financials in the Financial System group box, this check box is selected by default.

Note. The Real-Time Validation Edit option is supported for Oracle Financials and you should select this option if you select Oracle Financials as the financial system. When you set up chartfield combinations, a web service performs real time validation of the chartfield combinations against the Oracle GL combinations.

Ledger Table Edit

The LED_FLDS_SF_TBL is used to store required ChartFields for a specified ledger. Required ChartFields are examined for values, and edit errors occur when required values do not exist in the specified ChartFields.

If you select Oracle Financials in the Financial System group box, this check box is cleared by default.

Note. The Ledger Table Edit option is not supported for Oracle Financials.

Required Fields Edit

Checks for values in all fields defined in the Required Fields secondary page.

Journal Set Edit

Evaluates individual sets of ChartFields (journal sets) to make sure that percent totals equal 100 and that ledger values remain the same for ChartFields of the same journal set. Selecting this check box also ensures that debit and credit journal set entries are properly balanced.

Use External ChartFields

This check box appears only if you clear the General Ledger check box in HRMS, select Others as the Financial System on the SF Installation page, and restart the application server.

See CS90 to EBS GL Integration Developer's Reference Guide. The guide is posted to My Oracle Support for Feature Pack 2, November 2009.

AP Refunding Option

This group box is available only if the Financial System is Enterprise Financials.

Select an option to indicate how vouchers and vendors are created and sent to Accounts Payable (AP).

If you change the option, you receive a warning message: Changing AP Refunding Option might affect proper functioning of the system. Changing AP Refunding might make the system unstable. Some refunding functionality might not work as desired.

Note. Before you select an AP refunding option, refer to the Addendum: Direct Deposit Through AP Refunding document for additional setup information. This document is posted to My Oracle Support for Additional Features January 2011 as part of the AP Direct Deposit Refunds Documentation Package.

Use Voucher/Vendor Sync

This option is selected by default.

Select this option to be able to run the Create Vendors and Vouchers process using VOUCHER_BUILD VERSION_1. A Vendor ID is generated for each student or organization.

Use Single Payment Voucher

If you select this option, you can distribute refunds by direct deposit.

Select this option to be able to run the Create Refund Voucher process using VOUCHER_BUILD VERSION_2.

Note. A single payment voucher is created in AP, using a single payment vendor that is already set up—the same Vendor ID is reused across students or organizations. This reduces your vendor maintenance.

Refunds are transferred to AP along with bank details and direct deposit distributions.

See Setting Up Refunding.

See Refunding Customers.

Notification Options

Use this group box to identify a bank event ID and direct deposit event ID to enable the generation of communication records when bank accounts or direct deposit distributions are created or edited. The academic institution value defaults from the Student Admin Installation setup and is used along with the event ID for generating required communication.

To use the notification feature, you must first complete 3C setup in Campus Community.

The Bank Event ID, Direct Deposit Event ID, and Institution values are used to insert details into the 3C trigger table when a new bank account or direct deposit distribution is added or existing details are modified by students in Self Service or by administrative staff. The 3C Engine and ComGen features use these values to generate the email notifications which are sent to students.

Note. The default academic institution and an Administrative Function of GEN control which values are available in the Bank Event ID and Direct Deposit ID fields.

Email notifications can also be generated when a direct deposit refund is initiated—you complete setup for refund notifications on the SF Business Unit - Refund Setup page.

See Setting Up Communications.

See Setting Up and Managing Bank Accounts for AP Direct Deposit Refunding.

See Setting Up and Managing Direct Deposit Distributions for AP Refunding.

See Setting Up Your Business Unit to Refund Customers.

See Setting Up Bank Accounts.

See Enrolling in Direct Deposit.

See Addendum: Direct Deposit Through AP Refunding. This document is posted to My Oracle Support for Additional Features January 2011 as part of the AP Direct Deposit Refunds Documentation Package.

See Setting Up Administrative Functions.

Note. UPK for setting up AP Direct Deposit is also available. Use this link to access the "Campus Solutions 9.0 Additional Features, January 2011, AP Direct Deposit Setups" UPK:

See Also

Defining Origins and Group Types

Understanding GL Interface Processing Setup

Understanding Refunds

PeopleSoft HRMS Application Fundamentals PeopleBook, Setting Up and Working with ChartFields and ChartField Combinations, Populating HRMS with Valid ChartField Combinations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Payment by Invoice

Access the Populate Items by Invoice page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Populate Items by Invoice).

You can define your business requirements based on country requirements and business model needs.

This enables you to associate charges to individual invoices, create credit invoices, and produce reminder letters. On the payment side, you can run online posting, Cashiering, and batch processes to apply payments to specific invoices.

Run the Populate Item Invoice process to initialize the apply payments by invoice functionality.

This process creates rows in SSF_ITEM_INV that are required to apply payments by invoice. Before running this process, run billing for any transaction that has not yet been billed.

After the process is run, the installation Apply Payments by Invoice check box is selected on the SF Installation 2 page. If you decide at a later time to not apply payments by invoice, the user can clear the check box.

*Pre-conversion Invoice ID

The pre-conversion invoice ID can be any value and does not need to be defined in the Billing Invoice setup, for example, invconv2006.


Click to initiate the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Keyword Edit Tables and a Null Due Date

Access the SF Installation 2 page (Set Up SACR, Install, Student Fin Installation, SF Installation 2).

Applying Payment by Invoice

Global institutions may have the requirement to assign payments to a specific invoice and not to individual charges.

Campus Solutions allows institutions to select whether to associate payments with a specific invoice or with individual charges. Global Invoicing will associate charges with individual invoices. When payments are received, they are paid against an invoice number and the payment is applied to the charges associated with that invoice. If an overpayment of an invoice number exists, a refund can be generated. A student can make a prepayment prior to any charges invoiced in order to hold his or her place in class. Such a prepayment is not part of the invoice. When tuition calculation is run and charges are incurred, and a bill is generated with the unique invoice number, the prepayment is applied to that invoice. Future bills show only the unpaid amount of the invoice, not an accumulation of charges and payments. If a waiver exists for a student's payment, the waiver appears on the invoice.

Applying payments by invoice involves:

Edit Table

Key Word

Select an edit table to use for your first level Key Word values.

Key Word 2

Select an edit table to use for your Key Word 2 values.

Key Word 3

Select an edit table to use for your Key Word 3 values.

Invoice Payment Processing

You cannot set the Apply Payments by Invoice check box. You must instead run the Populate Item Invoice process.

After the process is run, the installation check box, Apply Payments by Invoice, is selected.

If you decide at a later time to not apply payments by invoice, you can clear the check box.


Set default profile IDs.

PeopleTools Pluggable Cryptography framework provides the delivered profiles of TRIPLE DES ENC B64 and TRIPLE DES DEC B64.

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions has enhanced the PeopleTools profiles specifically for Campus Solutions re-encryption.

Profiles specify multiple user-defined steps applying various algorithms and keys to the data in a specified order and supporting various encryption standards and third-party encryption libraries.

The decrypt profile must be the same profile and have the same keys that are used to encrypt the data as it is. The encryption profile must contain the new keys and algorithm to which you are converting. Therefore, when using the delivered Campus Solutions profiles, you must change the key value on the Algorithm Keyset page for the encrypt profile and associated algorithm before running the conversion process. After running the conversion, you must modify the decrypt profile to include the new key.

Decryption Profile ID

The predefined, enhanced profile that is delivered for Campus Solution is CS_CREDIT_CARD_DECRYPT.

Encryption Profile ID

The predefined, enhanced profile that is delivered for Campus Solution is CS_CREDIT_CARD_ENCRYPT.

This encryption profile is used in the storage of credit card, bank account numbers, Security Code data, and Security Key.

The profile is used by both Student Financials and Contributor Relations.

See Re-encrypting Credit Card, Bank Account Numbers, Security Code Data, and Security Key.

See Purging Security Code Data.

Self Service Payment Profile

Self Service Payment Profile

The check box is selected by default. When the check box is selected, existing self-service payment profiles are retained and students can create and save new profiles.

Clear the check box to prevent students from creating and saving new payment profiles and from using existing profiles in Self Service.

Note. Clearing the check box does not automatically delete existing payment profiles. The check box is therefore not cleared by default, because you might have existing profiles in your system.

Note also that clearing the check box does not automatically prevent students from creating and maintaining profiles.

Use the following instructions to delete existing profiles and ensure that students cannot create and maintain payment profiles.

After you clear the check box, you must:

  1. Run the SSF_PPROFDEL process to delete existing payment profiles: PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, System Process Requests. Click Run, select Purge SF Payment Profiles, and click OK.

  2. Remove security for the Payment Profile (SS_SF_ACCT_PROFILE) component by removing the component from all permission lists.

If you clear the check box and take these steps, the default behavior in Self Service will be to not create or save payment profiles.

If you forget to remove security for the Payment Profile component and the Self Service Payment Profile check box is cleared, students will still be able to create new and maintain existing payment profiles.

This information appears in a warning message when you clear the Self Service Payment Profile check box and click Save.

Null Due Date

Enter a date that you want the system to use when no other form of due date is specified. Charges with a null due date appear as future charges. You should select a date well into the future. This date appears on the Total Due Charges page of the self-service portion of Student Financials.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Commit Levels

Access the SF Installation 3 page (Set Up SACR, Install, Student Fin Installation, SF Installation 3).

Application Fee, Deposit Fee, Late Fee, and 1098–T Data Commit Level Group Boxes

The selections that you make in the following fields control how often the system commits batched application, deposit, 1098–T, and late fee transactions to the database.

Commit After Each Item

Select to commit each transaction when it is processed. The advantage to this selection is that the commitment process does not affect access to your database.

Commit At The End

Select this option to commit all the transactions contained in the batch being processed at the conclusion of that batch's process. The advantage to this selection is that processing itself is more efficient. The disadvantage is that when transactions are being committed, other processing involving that database may be affected until commitment is complete.

Use Commit Level

Select to commit a specified number of transactions during processing. For example, if you enter 50 in the Use Commit Level field, when the transactions are saved the system commits blocks of fifty transactions until the batch is complete. At the end of a batch process, the system commits all remaining transactions even if the number of transactions is less than the number in the Commit Level field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Keywords

Access the Keywords page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Keywords).

Keyword Nbr (keyword number)

Select the keyword number for this keyword. Each keyword is associated with an edit table that is set up in SF Installation.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Valid Records and Fields

To set up records and fields, use the Valid Records component (VALID_RECORD_SF) and the Valid Fields component (VALID_FIELDS).

Student Financials makes certain valid records (tables) and fields available for users to review. You can modify these records and fields, but it is not advised. This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Valid Records and Fields

Page Name

Definition Name



Valid Records


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Valid Records

Review valid records.

Valid Fields


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Valid Fields

Review valid fields.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Valid Records

Access the Valid Records page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Valid Records).

Record (Table) Name

The record (table) name used in the tuition calculation setup appears when you open the page. Because this information is delivered with the system, be careful whenever you plan to make changes to it.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Valid Fields

Access the Valid Fields page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Valid Fields).


This field displays the record name. The system provides the default selection for this field.


This field displays the record description. The system provides the default selection for this field.


This field displays the field name. The system provides the default selection for this field.

Edit Table

This field displays the edit table associated with the record. The system provides the default selection for this field.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Business Units

To set up business units, use the SF Business Unit component (BUSINESS_UNIT_SF).

This section provides an overview of business units and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Business Units

The SF business unit is the framework that controls all processing within the Student Financials application. Each business unit can have its own set of business rules. For example, you might have different campuses that operate independently from each other financially. By setting up different business units, you can define just what you need. You must set up at least one business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Business Units

Page Name

Definition Name



General 1


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, General 1

Define basic business unit parameters.

General 2


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, General 2

Define additional business unit parameters.

Posting Setup


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Posting Setup

Define posting parameters.

Commit Options


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Commit Options

Define committal and approval options.



Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Collections

Define collection rules.

Refund Setup


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Refund Setup

Define basic refunding rules.

Refund Approval


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Refund Approval

Define refund approval parameters.

Payroll Defaults


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Payroll Defaults

Define default payroll parameters. Use PeopleSoft Payroll for North America to process refunds.



Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Counters

Define auto-numbering sequences.

Canadian/ANZ Taxes


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Canadian/ANZ Taxes

Define tax parameters for students from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand and tax calculation options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Basic Business Unit Parameters

Access the General 1 page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, General 1).

Base Currency

Confirm or select the base currency that you want this business unit to use. The default value is the base currency selected for the institution under Set Up HRMS, Install, Installation Table, HRMS Options. You can override the base currency for each business unit.

Exchange Rate Type

Select the exchange rate type that you use to convert other currency types to the base currency. The exchange rate type is necessary for the posting of charges.

Note. You define exchange rate types on the Currency Rate Type page (same navigation as above).

Academic Institution

Identify the academic institution that contains the SF business unit.


Enter the appropriate campus for the SF business unit.


Enter the appropriate location for the SF business unit.

General Ledger Unit

If your institution uses PeopleSoft Financials, select the general ledger unit that receives information from the SF business unit. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

Accounting Method

Select your institution's accounting method: Accrual, Cash, or Modified Cash accounting.

AP Business Unit

Select the business unit with which your system interacts when processing refunds through the accounts payable department.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Additional Business Unit Parameters

Access the General 2 page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, General 2).

Display Ethnicity Online

Select this option if you want the student's ethnicity to appear on the Academic Information page.

Display Campus ID Online

Select this option if you want the campus ID to appear on the Academic Information page. The campus ID identifies the campus, not the student.

Display National ID Online

Select this option if you want the student's national ID (for example, social security number) to appear on the Academic Information page.

Late Fee Option

Select one of two Late Fee - Billing methods: Late Fees - Bill Request Nbr or Late Fees - Past Due/Aging.

Late Fees run control pages use this option to verify that the correct process is used before processing.

You can use two distinct processes to calculate late fees. One method is based on the account aging or the due date. The other method is based on a billing request number using the amount billed as a basis.

Address Usage Billing

Select a default address usage type to use when you generate customer bills.

Name Usage

Select a default name usage type.

Term/Class Cancel Reason

Select a term/class cancellation code that you want to use as the default reason when you run the Term/Class Cancellation process.

Aging Set

Select the aging set that the system uses by default for the Assign Collector process.

Service Indicator Set

Select the service indicator set to use. This service indicator set must include all service indicators that you want to use for credit history processing.

Service Impact

Select the service impact to use to stop a service indicator from being placed by the credit history process. This is a default value that will be used when credit history is called from the self-service pages.

Tuition Calc Required Default (tuition calculation required default)

Select Yes if you want the Tuition Calc Required flag set automatically when a student is activated in a term. Use this option if you want tuition to be calculated on Anticipated Units.

Select No if you do not want the Tuition Calc Required flag set automatically when a student is activated in a term. Use this option if you want tuition fees calculated only after enrollment activity (Bill Units).

Maintain GL Interface History

Select this option if you want the system to maintain general ledger interface history. This selection is required for you to use the Back Out GL Interface functionality.

Calc Tuition after Grade Post (calculate tuition after grade post)

Select this option if you want the Tuition Calc Required flag to be set to Yes whenever student grades are posted or changed through the Grade Roster page.

Note. This check box does not affect the Tuition Calc Required flag being set to Yes when grades are posted or changed through the Enrollment pages.

Load Criteria Table

Select this option if you want the criteria tables (for example, Career, Program, Fee Triggers, and so on) to be loaded into working storage at the beginning of the Tuition Calculation process. If you are using a large number of waiver criteria, fee triggers, and criteria for tuition groups, selecting this option can improve Tuition Calculation process performance.

Note. If more than 1000 total criteria values exist, this option must not be selected. Working storage is currently limited to 1000 maximum values.

Accept Self-Service Payments

Select this option if you want to allow students to make payments over the web using ePayments. This selection is limited to this SF business unit. This SF business unit must also be attached to an institution set that enables self-service payments. Unless self-service payments are enabled for both the SF business unit and the institution set, students will have access to only one of the self-service pages (Account Inquiry).

See Setting Up Student Financials Self Service.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Posting Parameters

Access the Posting Setup page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Posting Setup).

Default Term Control

Select a value on which to base the term.

The values are:

  • Latest Enrollment Term. Select if you want the default term to be based on the maximum term from STDNT_CAR_TERM where the eligible to enroll check box is on. If that does not return a term, then the default term will be based on the term value defined in the SF Term Default setup.

  • Most Current Enrollment Term Select if you want the default term based on the term from STDNT_CAR_TERM with a begin date of less than equal to the current date. If that does not return a term, then the default term will be based on the term from STDNT_CAR_TERM where the end date is greater than or equal to the current date. If this does not return a term, then the default term will be based on the term value defined in the SF Term Default setup.

QUICK_POST_TBL Purge Control

Student Post (Quick Post) and Corp Post transactions are recorded in the Quick Post table. These entries can be consolidated into posting groups using the Purge QUICK_POST_TBL process. The options in this group box create entries in the Group Control record that enable you to easily track Student Post transactions.

Origin ID

Select the origin ID that you want the system to use when consolidating transactions into posting groups.

Group Type

Select the group type that you want the system to use when consolidating transactions into posting groups.

Credit Processing

Set the conditions that you want the system to use when credits (payments) are posted on an account.

Item Tree Name

Select the name of the item type tree that contains all of the item types that you use for transactions. This tree also controls item type security.

Default Term Control

Select how you want to determine the term that the system uses as the default if a charge or payment is entered without specifying a term.

Note. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.

Warning! Your selection of a default term control can affect how payments are processed. When either of the enrollment term selections are used, the actual term value may vary from student to student. The actual term value used becomes the value of the current term for payment processing.

Values are:

Last Enrollment Term: Select if you want the default term to be based on the student's most recent completed term of enrollment.

Most Current Enrollment Term: Select if you want the default term to be based on the student's most recent term of enrollment, whether completed or not.

Use SF Term Default: Select if you want the default term to be based on the term value that you defined in SF Term Default setup.

Move Initial Payment

Select to move all payments in excess of charges to the account specified for excess payments. If the option is not selected, excess payments show as a credit balance on the charge account.

Excess Payment Account

Select a default account that you want to use for payments that are received in excess of charges.

Move Initial Waiver

Select to move all waivers in excess of charges to the account specified for excess waivers. If this option is not selected, excess waivers show as a credit balance on the charge account.

Excess Waiver Account

Select a default account that you want to use for waivers that are posted to an account in advance of charges. This feature can also be used as an option for waivers that are posted in excess of charges.

Warning! Waivers should rarely, if ever, be applied to a student's account other than through the tuition calculation process. Waivers posted using the Student Post or Group Post processes may not be able to be adjusted properly.

Move Initial Financial Aid

Select to move all financial aid payments in excess of eligible charges to the account specified for excess financial aid. If this option is not selected, excess financial aid payments show as a credit balance on the charge account.

Excess FA Account (excess financial aid account)

Select a default account that you want to use for financial aid that is posted to an account in excess of eligible charges.

Disbursement Date Item

Select if you want the system to display each disbursement of a financial aid award in a single term (same item type) as a separate line item on a student's account. Also, selecting this option enables the system to identify specific disbursements in the event that an adjustment is required.

For example, if a direct loan requires more than one disbursement in one term, selecting this check box identifies each disbursement with a unique date causing the system to recognize each as a separate entry.

Clear this option to have all disbursements in a term roll into one line item.

Note. After you begin posting financial aid awards, you should not change this setting.

Warning! Financial aid disbursement does not correctly reverse disbursements when multiple disbursements exist within a term and you do not select the Disbursement Date Item check box. This can occur, for example, if multiple disbursements are in a single term and one or more of them is reduced. If you use batch disbursement to post the new disbursement amount, the posting process reverses the entire disbursement total for the term and then reposts only one of the disbursements in the term. In PeopleSoft Financial Aid, the disbursements look like they have been disbursed properly, but in Student Financials only one of the disbursements is properly posted, so the two applications are out of sync. If you use online disbursement to update the newly reduced disbursement amount, the same problem occurs. The online disbursement process reverses the entire award amount for the term and posts only the new reduced single disbursement amount.

Reference Number Posting Usage

This group box provides additional options for the posting of debits and payments.

Ref Debit Item Flag (reference debit item flag)

Select to have the option of associating a reference number with charge items. For example, you could use a parking ticket number as a reference on a parking fine charge. Each charge item with a reference number is displayed separately on the Charge Detail page.

Ref Item Payment Flag (reference item payment flag)

Select to have the option of associating a payment with a particular charge by using the reference number. For example, if you use a parking ticket number as a reference number on a parking fine charge, you can use that same ticket number to tie the payment to the specific charge.

Note. The Ref Debit Item Flag check box must be selected for you to use the Ref Item Payment Flag option.

Ref Excess Payment Flag (reference excess payment flag)

Select this option to have payments made in excess of a particular charge applied to other charges with the same reference ID.

Note. The Move Initial Payment check box must be selected for you to use the Ref Excess Payment Flag.

Third Party Contract Options

This group box provides an additional option for Third Party Contract functionality.

Track Charges by Due Date

Select this check box if you want to be able to track the student's due and billing date in the Third Party Contract process. The check box is cleared by default.

See Setting Up Third-Party Contracts.

See Also

Setting Up Receivables Maintenance

Consolidating and Reviewing Transactions for Individual Students and Organizations

Setting Up Payment Application Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Committal and Approval Options

Access the Commit Options page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Commit Options).

Important! The selections that you make in this page have a specific effect on processing. Consult your IT staff and system administrators to determine the optimum selections for your processing needs.

Group Posting

Set the levels at which group post transactions are committed to the database.

Commit Every Transaction

Select to commit each transaction when it is processed.

Commit At the End

Select to commit all the transactions that are contained in the batch being processed at the conclusion of that batch process.

Commit Level

Select to commit a specified number of transactions during background processing. For example, if you enter 100 in the Commit Level field, when you run a batch process the system processes 100 transactions and then commits them to the database until the batch is complete. At the end of a batch process, the system commits all remaining transactions even if the number of transactions is less than the number in the Commit Level field.

Group Approval Role

Select the role of the person or persons who can approve the group.

Unbalanced Group Approval Role

Select the role of the person or persons who can approve an out-of-balance group.

GL Posting

Set the levels at which general ledger transactions are committed to the database.

Commit Every Item

Select to commit each transaction when it is processed.

Commit at the End

Select to commit all the transactions that are contained in the batch being processed at the conclusion of that batch process.

Commit Level

Select to commit a set number of transactions during background processing.

GL Max Error Before Stopping (general ledger maximum error before stopping)

Enter the maximum number of errors that you want the system to allow before stopping transaction processing.

Billing Commit Option

Set the levels at which billing transactions are committed to the database.

Commit Every Transaction

Select to commit each transaction when it is processed.

Commit at the End

Select to commit all the transactions that are contained in the batch being processed at the conclusion of that batch's process.

Commit Level

Select to commit a set number of transactions during background processing. Enter a commit level in the field to the right of this option.

Credit History Commit Option

Set the levels at which Credit History process transactions are committed to the database.

The functionality of Credit History commit options is similar to other commit options on this page.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Workflow Technology

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Collection Rules

Define the rules governing how your business unit handles receivables collection.

See Also

Setting Up Receivables Collection

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Basic Refunding Rules

Specify the business unit rules governing how the system handles refunds.

See Also

Setting Up Your Business Unit to Refund Customers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Refund Approval Parameters

Set refund approval levels for student and organization refunds.

See Also

Setting Up Your Business Unit to Refund Customers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Default Payroll Parameters

Establish default parameters for refunds created using PeopleSoft Payroll for North America.

See Also

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America PeopleBook, Setting Up the Payroll Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Auto-Numbering Sequences

Access the Counters page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Counters).

With the exception of payment plans, the counter number fields on this page automatically display the last number used. You can specify a number with which you would like the sequence numbering to begin. For example, if you want cashiering receipt numbers to begin at 1,000, enter the number 999 in the Last Cashiering Receipt Number field. The system automatically assigns the number 1,000 to the first receipt produced and increments all receipts by 1 thereafter.

Last Cashiering Receipt Number

If you want to change the starting point of the numbering sequence for cashiering receipts, enter a number that is one less than the number that you want to begin with.

Last Billing Print Request Nbr (last billing print request number)

If you want to change the starting point of the numbering sequence for billing requests, enter a number that is one less than the number that you want to begin with.

Group Posting

Last Group ID

If you want to change the starting point of the numbering sequence for posting group ID numbers, enter a number that is one less than the number that you want to begin with.

Payment Plans

Auto Number

Select if you want the system to automatically generate sequential contract numbers for payment plan contracts.

Next Contract Number

If you want to change the starting point of the numbering sequence for payment plan contract numbers, enter the contract number that you want to begin with.

Unlike the previous counters, the Next Contract Number field displays the next number in the sequence.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(CAN)(AUS)(NZL) Defining Tax Parameters for Students from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

Access the Canadian/ANZ Taxes page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, SF Business Unit, Canadian/ANZ Taxes).

T4A Generation Setup

Canadian students are required to report all scholarship income. The T4A report is generated for the student's use.

The following fields define the setup that is needed to transfer information from the Student Financials application to the PeopleSoft Payroll for North America application for the processing and generation of T4A reports. Consult your payroll staff to determine the proper selections for the following options.


Enter the company that generates the report. This is used to aggregate student income balances in payroll.

Balance ID

Enter the balance ID. This selection controls the period of time covered by the report.


Enter the province where scholarship income is received.

Wage Loss Plan

Enter a wage loss plan. Wage loss plans are set up in Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Canadian Taxes, Wage Loss Plan Table.

Date Type Selection

In this group box, select the type of date that you want to use to govern selection of items to be included in the T4A report. The system uses the date type selection in conjunction with the balance ID to control which transactions it includes in the report.

Posting Date

Select to use the item posting date to govern transaction selection.

Item Effective Date

Select to use the item effective date to govern transaction selection.

Run Date

Select to use the item run date to govern transaction selection.

Note. Use only when the T4A Generation process is run within the same calendar or tax year as the transactions.

Cdn GST Registration Number

Enter the GST Reg No (Goods and Services Tax registration number) that is assigned to this business unit. The system uses this value for any receipts and invoices that are specifically designed to include the GST registration number when GST is assessed.

Australia/New Zealand Taxes

Display − Combine Tax

Select to display transactions with tax included (summed). The default setting (check box cleared) displays taxes as a separate line item.


Tax Due Date

Select a Tax Due Date option to control when taxes that are associated with charges are considered due. Options are:

Charge Due Date: Select to make taxes due on the same date as the corresponding charge.

Charge Effective Date: Select to make taxes due on the date that the corresponding charge becomes effective. This date may be different from the due date of the charge.

Null: Select if you do not want the system to automatically assign a due date. This setting leaves open the option of assigning a due date at a later point (for example, through the Billing process). This is the default setting.

Posting Date: Select to make tax charges due immediately on the date that the corresponding charge is posted.


Tax Rounding

This option controls how taxes are adjusted at the half-cent point. Different taxing authorities have different rules for how adjustments must be made. Determine the requirements for your institution before selecting an option. Rounding affects only tax amounts that are calculated to the exact half-cent point. Options are:

No Rounding: Select to truncate the calculated tax amount to the full-cent value. This option effectively eliminates any fraction of a cent. For example, 3.769 USD would be truncated to 3.76 USD. Fractions will never be rounded up.

Round Down: Select if you want taxes that calculate to the half-cent point or less to be reduced to the nearest full-cent value. For example, 3.765 USD would be reduced to 3.76 USD.

Round Up: Select if you want taxes that calculate to the half-cent point or more to be increased to the nearest full-cent value. For example, 3.765 USD would be increased to 3.77 USD.

Note. Student Financials rounds based on the third decimal place of a number.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Tax Authorities and Tax Codes

To set up tax authorities and tax codes, use the Tax Authorities component (TAX_AUTHORITY) and the Tax Codes component (TAX_CODE_VAT).

This section provides an overview of tax authorities and tax codes and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tax Authorities and Tax Codes

Your institution may be under the jurisdiction of one or more tax authorities that require you to charge taxes for certain transactions. To process tax charges, you must define one or more tax authority codes.

Tax codes are used to link taxes to charge item types. Each tax code must include at least one tax authority, but can include more than one if your institution is subject to more than one taxing authority. For example, you may need to charge students both state and local sales taxes for books. By setting up a tax code that combines the two authorities, you can charge both taxes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Tax Authorities and Tax Codes

Page Name

Definition Name



Tax Authority


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Tax Authorities, Tax Authority

Define tax authorities.

Tax Authorities - Rebate


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Tax Authorities, Rebate

Specify VAT rebates for tax authorities.

Tax Authorities - Summary


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Tax Authorities, Summary

Review tax authority parameters.

Tax Codes


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Tax Codes

Define tax codes using one or more tax authorities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Tax Authorities

Access the Tax Authority page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Tax Authorities, Tax Authority).

Tax Code Type

Select a tax code type of S (sales tax) or V (value added tax).


Set the default percentage of tax that the authority assesses.

Same Account and Acct Type (account type)

Select the Same Account check box if you want the tax assessed to appear in the same account as its associated charge. If you clear the check box, you can select a different account type in the Acct Type field.

Item Type

Select the item type that you have defined for transactions from this tax authority.

Service Impact

Select the service impact that exempts customers from this taxation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying VAT Rebates for Tax Authorities

Access the Tax Authorities - Rebate page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Tax Authorities, Rebate).

VAT PSB Type (value added tax public service body type) and Rebate Rate

If applicable, select the value added tax public service body type and enter a rebate rate.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Tax Codes

Access the Tax Codes page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Tax Codes).

Consolidate Same Item Type

If you are creating a code that combines two or more different tax authorities, you can select this check box to consolidate the tax transactions that make up the code into the same item type during posting. Otherwise, the system creates each transaction on an account as individual entries.


Select the tax authority that you want to attach to the tax code.


The default percentage appears to the right of each authority that you add.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Aging Sets

To set up aging sets, use the Aging Set component (AGING_TABLE).

An aging set is a complete set of aging categories that defines how your system ages your accounts. You can define multiple aging sets to be used for different types of customers. For example, you might want to age student accounts differently than you do organization accounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Aging Sets

Page Name

Definition Name



Aging Set


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Aging Set

Define aging sets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Aging Sets

Access the Aging Set page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Aging Set).

Basis Date

Select the basis date that you want to use when a charge is assigned to an aging category. Options are: Actual Billing Date, Billing Date, Current Due Date, and Original Due Date. For External Organization accounts, the two valid basis dates are Actual Billing Date and Original Due Date.

Dispute Aging

In the Dispute Aging and Category fields, define how you want to categorize any charges in dispute.

Values are:

Age Normal: Select to age disputed charges like any other charge. When you select this option, disputed charges can still show up as being past due and can trigger collection actions.

Categorize: Select if you want disputed charges to be distinguished as a unique category. When you select this option, the Category field becomes active.

Ignore: Select if you want the system to overlook disputed charges. When you select this option, the system does not distinguish disputed charges as a unique category and does not age them like other charges. In addition, disputed charges do not trigger collection actions.


Enter the category value that you want to use for disputed charges.

Aging Category

Enter an aging category value that you want to use to distinguish each time range. In the field to the right, enter a description of the particular category.

Start Days and End Days

Enter the beginning and ending points of the aging category. For example, if charges that are up to thirty days old are considered current, enter 0 in the Start Days field and 30 in the End Days field. The beginning and ending points of the range are controlled by the basis date.

Summ (summary)

Select a code to identify the late charge category. Values are C (current due), D (dispute due), F (future due), O (other), or P (past due).

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Payment Application Rules

To set up payment application rules, use the Charge Priority List component (CHARGE_PRIORITY) and the Payment Overall Priority component (OVERALL_PRIORITY).

This section provides an overview of payment application rules and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Payment Application Rules

Your institution probably has rules about how payments are to be applied to charges on student accounts. You may want tuition to always be paid first, or you may want the oldest charges paid first. In addition, many rules apply to financial aid. Regardless of your institution's specific rules, you want Student Financials to automatically apply them, eliminating the need to make immediate decisions about each payment.

Obviously, defining one set of rules that works for every situation is difficult. To meet all of your needs, you should carefully plan and define several sets of rules. You must understand how these rule sets work separately and with each other, and how they work with other parts of the system.

To make setup as flexible, yet precise, as possible, the system uses a combination of charge priority list and payment overall priority rules that are attached to payment item types. These very specific payment processing definitions are also affected by the default term, business unit posting rules, and priority values defined for payment item types.

Student Financials provides flexible payment processing capabilities, but setup requires considerable thought. While complex, the process is logical and accommodates most payment application schemes. Plan well and take the time to test your setup extensively.

Before you start setting up your charge priority list and payment overall priority rules, be sure to check your item type tree setup. Because your charge priority definition depends on your item type tree, the tree must be set up correctly. For example, all item types that are related to tuition should be grouped together under a tree node named Tuition. The same applies to housing and parking item types. Your actual item type tree setup may use different terminology, but the structure must include nodes similar to these examples. Also, make sure that the same item type number has not been included in more than one tree node.

Charge Priority List Rules

Defining charge priority rules is the first step in determining how the system applies a payment. You define exactly what charges are eligible for payment under a particular rule set. You also define whether payments can be applied to charges from various time periods and you can establish a priority order for allowed charges.

Charge priority lists depend on item type trees to identify which charge items are qualified for the particular type of payment. Because charge priority list details are defined at the tree node level, you can make payment restrictions as broad or narrow as you want.

Payment Overall Priority Rules

Payment overall priority rules define the order of payment allocation when payments do not fully cover all eligible charges. You have two options when defining payment overall priority rules. Either your payment overall priority can act as a tiebreaker, or it can pay all eligible charges equally.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Tree Manager

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Payment Application Rules

Page Name

Definition Name



Charge Priority List


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Charge Priority List

Create a charge priority list and link it to an item type tree.

Charge Priority List - Details


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Charge Priority List, Details

Define charge priority list rules.

Payment Overall Priority


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payment Overall Priority

Define payment overall priorities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Charge Priority List and Linking It to an Item Type Tree

Access the Charge Priority List page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Charge Priority List).

Tree Name

Select the name of the item type tree that includes all item types to be paid under this charge priority list.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Charge Priority List Rules

Access the Charge Priority List - Details page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Charge Priority List, Details).

Self service student permissions can be used for a student to grant permission.

Permission Form

Select a permission form if you want one to apply. A permission form is a type of advance permission that the system uses with item types that have payment application restrictions. When you select a permission form, the system applies the charge priority definition only if the permission form has been attached to the student.

Permission forms are commonly used with financial aid payment. For example, if a particular type of financial aid award restricts payments to the current term charges unless permission is given by the student to pay prior term charges, then a permission form can grant that permission. The permission form must be attached to the charge priority list definition that is set to Permission for the prior term.

Use Aid Year

Select to use the financial aid year for the charge priority list. When the flag is off (cleared), current functionality applies and the academic year is used.

Tree Node

Select allowable charges by entering the appropriate tree nodes. The system applies payments only to charge item types that fall in the range of the tree node.

Warning! If you want to use the pay proportionate % tax functionality that is available in Payment Overall Priority setup (see the following field description), the tax item type must not be included within the range of allowable charges. If it is included within the range, the system treats it as any other eligible charge and it does not distinguish it as unique.


Assign a priority level for each tree node that is used to define allowable charges. The system uses this priority value only when you select Charge Tree Node as one of the Sort Payment Field values in your Payment Overall Priority setup. A priority of 1 is higher than a priority of 2.

Current Term

Select a value to control whether payments can be applied to charges for the current term. Four values are available for this field:

Yes: Select this value if you want the system to apply payments with no restrictions to charges in this time period.

No: Select this value if you do not want the system to apply payments to any charges in this time period.

Neg. Perm: (negative permission) Select this value if you want the system to apply payments as necessary to charges in this time period, unless the student expressly prevents it. Student permissions can be used in conjunction with negative permission.

Permission: Select this value if you want the system to require specific permission before applying payments to charges in this time period. Student permissions can be used in conjunction with permission needed.

Note. The definition of the Current Term value is determined by the value of the payment term. If no term is specified, the value of the payment term is determined by the Default Term Control value in the SF Business Unit component. Three options are available for default term control: Use SF Default Term, Use Last Enrollment Term, and Use Current Enrollment Term. When you use SF Default Term, the value of the payment term is the same as that of the SF default term. If you use either Last Enrollment Term or Current Enrollment Term as the default term control, the value of the payment term varies by the enrollment history of the student against whose account the payment is being applied.

Prior Term

Select a value to control whether and how payments can be applied to charges for the prior term. The four values for this field are the same as those defined for the Current Term field.

The prior term is the academic term that immediately precedes the current term. The actual determination of the prior term is based on the value that is used for the current term. Values are:

Use Aid Year OFF:All terms prior to the current term within the academic year only.

Use Aid Year ON:All terms prior to the current term within the current aid year only.

Prior Year

Select a value to control whether and how payments are applied to charges for the prior year. The four values for this field are the same as those defined for the Current Term field.

Use Aid Year OFF:All terms prior to the current academic year.

Use Aid Year ON:All terms prior to the current term that are in the aid year immediately prior to the current aid year.

Future Term

Select a value to control whether and how payments can be applied to charges for any future terms. The four values for this field are the same as those defined for the Current Term field.

A future term is an academic term that comes after the current term. The actual determination of a future term is based on the value that is used for the current term.

Use Aid Year flag OFF: A future term is an academic term that comes after the current term. The actual determination of a future term is based on the value that is used for current term.

Use Aid Year flag ON: All terms after the current term within the current aid year.


Enter the maximum amount that can be applied to the corresponding period. If no limitation exists for this payment, leave the amount field blank on all platforms except for DB2. If the amount is left blank on a DB2 platform, it functions as if it is zero and does not allow any amounts to be paid by the payment. On DB2 platforms only, you must complete the amount field with all 9s (a value of 999,999,999.00) to allow for no limitation. The field is formatted for 12.2 number entries.

Example of a Charge Priority List Selection

Charge priority setup can be confusing, and small differences can sometimes yield surprising results. It is not possible to provide examples of all scenarios, but the following examples present two common outcomes.

Remember that any charge that is qualified for payment by the charge priority selection is considered equal and can be paid according to the rules of the definition. This is why tax item types must be excluded from the range of allowable charges if you want to pay them proportionate to the payment against the charge. If they were included within the range of allowable charges, the tax could be paid in full, or not at all, regardless of the amount paid on the associated charge.

Using our sample charges, and a charge priority list allowing charges from the Tuition, Housing, Miscellaneous, and Parking tree nodes, examine the following two scenarios and see how minor changes can affect payment application. In each case, the SF Business Unit Default Term Control is set to use the value Last Enrollment Term. For purposes of this example, assume that the student's last completed term of enrollment is Fall, 2000 and no term is specified with the payment (causing the system to use the SF Business Unit Default Term Control value—this point is important to understanding these examples).

Sample Charges

Transaction Type

Tree Node


Charge Amount

Due Date

Tuition Charge


Fall, 1999

500.00 USD

October 15, 1999

Housing Charge


Fall, 1999

1,000.00 USD

October 30, 1999

Phone Charge


Fall, 1999

100.00 USD

October 30, 1999

Tuition Charge


Spring, 2000

2,000.00 USD

February 15, 2000

Tuition Charge


Fall, 2000

2,000.00 USD

October 5, 2000

Housing Charge


Fall, 2000

700.00 USD

October 5, 2000

Misc. Charge


Fall, 2000

75.00 USD

October 1, 2000

Housing Charge


Fall, 2000

200.00 USD

February 1, 2001 2

Tuition Charge


Spring, 2001

1,800.00 USD

January 15, 2001

Housing Charge


Spring, 2001

1,050.00 USD

February 5, 2001

Misc. Charge


Spring, 2001

50.00 USD

February 5, 2001

Selected Charges—Scenario One

When the student makes a payment to the account, the charge priority list rules allow the following charges to be selected as eligible for payment:

Transaction Type

Tree Node


Charge Amount

Due Date

Tuition Charge


Fall, 1999

500.00 USD


Housing Charge


Fall, 1999

1,000.00 USD


Tuition Charge


Spring, 2000

2,000.00 USD


Tuition Charge


Fall, 2000

2,000.00 USD


Housing Charge


Fall, 2000

700.00 USD


Misc. Charge


Fall, 2000

75.00 USD


Housing Charge


Fall, 2000

200.00 USD


Tuition Charge


Spring, 2001

1,800.00 USD


Housing Charge


Spring, 2001

1,050.00 USD


Misc. Charge


Spring, 2001

50.00 USD


Comparing the two tables, you can see that the only item not included in the set of eligible charges is the phone charge. The reason for this is that the charge priority list example given previously allows payments for charges from four tree nodes: Tuition, Housing, Miscellaneous, and Parking. The Phone charge is under the tree node of Other and, therefore, is not considered an eligible charge. Also, because payments can be applied to all time periods (current term, prior term, prior year, and future term), the system can include all active charges.

Selected Charges—Scenario Two

If you use a different charge priority setup that excludes payments for a future term on each of the allowable charge nodes, the results are considerably different:

Transaction Type

Tree Node


Charge Amount

Due Date

Tuition Charge


Fall, 1999

500.00 USD


Housing Charge


Fall, 1999

1,000.00 USD


Tuition Charge


Spring, 2000

2,000.00 USD


Tuition Charge


Fall, 2000

2,000.00 USD


Housing Charge


Fall, 2000

700.00 USD


Misc. Charge


Fall, 2000

75.00 USD


Housing Charge


Fall, 2000

200.00 USD


In this case, the system does not include charges for Spring, 2001 because they are associated with a future term. This is because you established the current term as the last enrollment term when you defined your default term control. In this case, the last enrollment term is Fall, 2000. If you change the Default Term Control value to Use SF Default Term, the system will again include all charges because the current term will be Spring, 2001.

In summary, your charge priority definitions determine what charges are eligible for payment. This determination is made by limiting payments to charge item types that meet specific criteria that are related to tree nodes and time periods.

See Also

Managing Student Permissions

Defining Posting Parameters

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Payment Overall Priorities

Access the Payment Overall Priority page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Payment Overall Priority).

Allocation Method

Select an allocation method:

By Oldest First: Select if you want to use sort payment fields to sort the eligible charges. If you select this option, the last sort is to order the eligible charges by the oldest item number first.

Equal Percentages: Select if you want to pay an equal portion of each eligible charge. If you elect to pay by equal percentages, the sort payment fields are not used.

Pay Proportionate % Tax

Select if you want all taxes associated with a particular charge to be paid proportionate to the payment against the charge. Payment of taxes follows the same payment priority as the associated charge.

Note. For pay proportionate % tax functionality to work, the tax item type cannot be included as an allowable charge in the charge priority setup. Make sure that the tax item type is not included within the range of any of the tree nodes that are selected as allowable charges.

Charge Sort

You can define up to four charge sort criteria. Remember that all sort rules defined for Payment Overall Priority apply only to charges already selected by the Charge Priority rules. For example, if your Charge Priority rules are set up to select charges for current and future terms only, and your Payment Overall Priority rules are set up to sort by Term, Oldest First, the term that is defined as current will be the oldest term available.

Sort 1 Sort 2 Sort 3 and Sort 4

A number of possible values exist for each sort field:

Academic Year: Select to sort active charges by academic year, beginning with active charges from the earliest year.

Academic Year, Current First: Select to sort active charges by the academic year, using the current academic year first. After the system selects eligible charges for the current academic year, it sorts the remaining charges by academic year from the oldest to the most recent.

Charge Tree Node: Select to sort active charges by the priority value of the charge tree nodes that are established in the charge priority list definition being used.

Item Charge Due Date: Select to sort active charges by charge due date, beginning with the active charge with the earliest due date.

If restricting corporate payments for third-party contract functionality, do not use the Payment Overall Priority of sorting by Item Charge Due Date. For non-contract corporate payments, you can use the Payment Overall Priority of sorting by Item Charge Due Date.

Term, Current First: Select to sort active charges by term, using the current term first. You determine the definition of the current term using the Default Term Control field on the Posting Setup page of the SF Business Unit component. Therefore, it is not necessarily the chronological current term. After the system selects eligible charges for the current term, it sorts the remaining charges by term from the oldest to the most recent.

Term, Oldest First: Select to sort active charges by terms, using the oldest term first.

Term, Payment Term First: Select to sort active charges by terms, using the term for which the payment applies first. If no term is specified with the payment, the system uses the SF default term. After the system selects eligible charges for the payment term, it sorts the remaining charges by term from the oldest to the most recent.

Oldest Invoice Date: Select if you want the posting to gather the charges by invoice. This value is available only if the Apply Payments by Invoice flag is selected on the SF Installation setup.

Example of How Payment Overall Priority Sorts Eligible Charges

Using our sample set of charges, look at how charge priority and payment overall priority rules work together to control payment application. Suppose that a student makes a payment of 8,000.00 USD against his or her account. Consider the following two setup scenarios to understand how differently payments are applied.

Sample Charges

Transaction Type

Tree Node


Charge Amount

Due Date

Tuition Charge


Fall, 1999

500.00 USD


Housing Charge


Fall, 1999

1,000.00 USD


Phone Charge


Fall, 1999

100.00 USD


Tuition Charge


Spring, 2000

2,000.00 USD


Tuition Charge


Fall, 2000

2,000.00 USD


Housing Charge


Fall, 2000

700.00 USD


Misc. Charge


Fall, 2000

75.00 USD


Housing Charge


Fall, 2000

200.00 USD


Tuition Charge


Spring, 2001

1,800.00 USD


Housing Charge


Spring, 2001

1,050.00 USD


Misc. Charge


Spring, 2001

50.00 USD


In the previous section on setting up a charge priority list, the setup example shown selects charges using four Item Type Tree nodes (Tuition, Housing, Miscellaneous, and Parking) and allows payments to be applied in all time periods. Using this rule set, the system selects all of the charges on the student's account as eligible, with the exception of the phone charge.

Selected and Sorted Charges—Scenario One

Using the Payment Overall Priority setup shown previously (eligible charges sorted first by due date, then by charge tree node), the system sorts the eligible charges in this way:

Transaction Type

Tree Node


Charge Amount

Due Date

Tuition Charge


Fall, 1999

500.00 USD


Housing Charge


Fall, 1999

1,000.00 USD


Tuition Charge


Spring, 2000

2,000.00 USD


Misc. Charge


Fall, 2000

75.00 USD


Tuition Charge


Fall, 2000

2,000.00 USD


Housing Charge


Fall, 2000

700.00 USD


Tuition Charge


Spring, 2001

1,800.00 USD


Housing Charge


Fall, 2000

200.00 USD


Housing Charge


Spring, 2001

1,050.00 USD


Misc. Charge


Spring, 2001

50.00 USD


In this example, all charges with due dates through 10/5/00 will be paid in full and 1,725.00 USD will be applied to the Spring, 2001 Tuition charge due 1/15/01. Because not enough money is exists to pay all charges in full, the system applies the payment to the charges in order of the due date.

Also, note that two charges are due 10/5/00 and also two are due on 2/5/01. The system sorted these charges in order of their charge tree node priority. Recall that in the charge priority setup, the Tuition node is given a priority of 1, Housing a priority of 2, and Miscellaneous and Parking a priority of 3.

Selected and Sorted Charges—Scenario Two

If you use a payment overall priority that reverses the order of the sort payment fields (charge tree node first and charge due date second), the results are very different. In this case, the system sorts the eligible charges in the following way:

Transaction Type

Tree Node


Charge Amount

Due Date

Tuition Charge


Fall, 1999

500.00 USD


Tuition Charge


Spring, 2000

2,000.00 USD


Tuition Charge


Fall, 2000

2,000.00 USD


Tuition Charge


Spring, 2001

1,800.00 USD


Housing Charge


Fall, 1999

1,000.00 USD


Housing Charge


Fall, 2000

700.00 USD


Housing Charge


Fall, 2000

200.00 USD


Housing Charge


Spring, 2001

1,050.00 USD


Misc. Charge


Fall, 2000

75.00 USD


Misc. Charge


Spring, 2001

50.00 USD


The system pays in full all Tuition charges and those Housing charges through the October 5, 2000 due date. This is because the system sorts charges first by charge tree node and second by the charge due date.

In summary, your Payment Overall Priority definition determines how the system sorts eligible charges (selected by your corresponding charge priority definition) to allocate payment.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Account Types

To set up account types, use the SF Account Types component (ACCT_TYPE_SF).

Account types classify item types into usable account groupings. Differentiating charges into multiple accounts enables flexibility in billing and assessing late fees. For example, creating a separate account type for housing enables you to bill and assess late fees for housing charges differently than you do for tuition charges.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Account Types

Page Name

Definition Name



Account Types


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, SF Account Types, Account Types

Set up account types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Account Types

Access the Account Types page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, SF Account Types, Account Types).

Account Nbr Prefix (account number prefix)

Enter an account number prefix that appears as part of the charge description on account display pages. For example, charges with the account number prefix TUITION would appear as TUITION001.

Account Per Term

Select to maintain a distinction between charges by term. If you do not select this option, all charges are placed in a single account.

Late Fee Code

This code is used with the late fee process based on aging, past due accounts, or both. Enter a late fee code to control the application of late fees to student charges in this account type. This selection does not apply late fees to external organization charges. This does not pertain to the Late Fees - Billing process.

Ext Org Late Fee Code (external organization late fee code)

This code is used with the late fee process based on aging, past due accounts, or both. Enter an external organization late fee code to control the application of late fees to external organization charges in this account type. This selection does not apply late fees to student charges. This does not pertain to the Late Fees - Billing process.

Primary Account

Select to establish this account as primary. Only one account type can be designated as the primary account.

View Unappld Pymt Credit Hist (view unapplied payment credit history)

Select if you want unapplied payments to offset eligible charges. For example, a student has a tuition charge of 5,000 USD that is 90 days past due and an unapplied payment of 1,000 USD that is in the student's account. If you clear the check box, Credit History shows 5,000 USD as 90 days past and –1,000 USD as current. If you select the check box, Credit History shows 4,000 USD as 90 days past due.

Include Pre-Pay

Reserved for future use.

Move Excess FA (move excess financial aid)

Select to have excess financial aid moved into the FA Excess account that is defined on the SF business unit. For example, a student owes 1,000 USD in tuition and receives 1,000 USD in financial aid but later drops a class and overall charges are reduced to 750 USD. If the check box is selected, the excess 250 USD is moved from the Tuition account to the FA Excess account that is specified on the SF business unit. If the check box is cleared, the excess remains in the Tuition account as a credit.

Note. When you select this option, you must also select the Move Initial Financial Aid option on the SF Business Unit, Posting setup page.

Exclude from Aging Total

Select to prevent this account from aging and being included in the collection process.

Balance Forward

Reserved for future use.

Move Exc Pmt (move excess payment)

Select to move an excess payment into the Payment Excess account that is defined on the Posting setup page in the SF Business Unit component. For example, a student receives a parking ticket for 200 USD that is subsequently paid with a 200 USD check. The student then launches an appeal and the ticket is reduced to 150 USD. If the check box is selected, the excess 50 USD is moved from the Parking account to the Payment Excess account defined on the SF business unit. If the check box is cleared, the excess 50 USD remains in the Parking account as a credit.

Note. When you select this option, you must also select the Move Initial Payment option on the SF Business Unit, Posting setup page.

Late Fee Account

This amount is used with the late fee process based on aging, past due accounts, or both. Select to designate the account as the recipient of all late fees. When you select this option, you must also enter a late fee code. This does not pertain to the Late Fees - Billing process.

Include In Class Cancellation

Select to include this account when determining whether a student's enrollment will be canceled due to nonpayment of fees. If the check box is cleared, this account will not be included in calculations. For example, you might want to include charges in the tuition account but exclude charges in a miscellaneous account.

Move Exc Waiver (move excess waiver)

Select to move an excess waiver payment into the Excess Waiver account type that is defined on the SF business unit. For example, a student owes 1,000 USD in tuition and receives a 1,000 USD tuition waiver but later drops a class that reduces the overall charge to 750 USD. If the check box is selected, the excess 250 USD moves from the Tuition account to the Excess Waiver account specified on the SF business unit. If the check box is cleared, the excess 250 USD remains in the Tuition account as a credit.

Note. When you select this option, you must also select the Move Initial Waiver option on the SF Business Unit, Posting setup page.

Include in Balance

Select to include the account in the student's account balance. If this check box is cleared, the account is excluded from the student's balance.

Payment Plan Account

Select if the account is to be used as a payment plan account.

Note. If you select this check box, do not select a late fee code. This does not pertain to the Late Fees - Billing process.

Include Billing

Reserved for future use.

Include Transfers

Reserved for future use.

Ext Org Late Fee Account (external organization late fee account)

This is account used with the late fee process based on aging, past due accounts, or both. Select to attach a late fee to the account. When you select this option, you must also enter an external organization and late fee code. This does not pertain to the Late Fees - Billing process.

See Also

Administering Payment Plans

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Accounting Dates

This section discusses how to set up accounting dates.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Accounting Dates


Set up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Accounting Dates, Accounting Dates

Set up accounting dates for a term or a combination of term and session.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Accounting Dates

Access the Accounting Dates page (Set up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Accounting Dates, Accounting Dates).

Use this page to maintain accounting date IDs and accounting dates for each term or combination of term and session.

All IDs that you set up on this page and that have an active status are available in the Accounting Date ID field on the Initial Setup page. On that page you can assign an ID to an item type to designate the specific date to be used for transactions.

See Accounting Date Options.

Accounting Date

Enter a date to be used to stamp Accounting Date (ACCOUNTING_DT) in Accounting Line (SF_ACCTG_LN) transactions.

You can set up an accounting date for a term or a combination of term and session.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Item Types and Item Type Groups

To set up item types and item type groups, use the Item Types component (ITEM_TYPE_PANEL) and the Item Type Groups component (ITEM_GROUPINGS).

This section provides an overview of item types and item type groups and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Item Types and Item Type Groups

Item types are the basic work unit of the Student Financials application. Each item type defines and describes a unique action. During the setup of your item types, you differentiate between charges and credits and define how and where each can be applied. You also group them by classification and determine how your system uses them to transfer student account information to your general ledger.

Many functions in the Student Financials application also use item type trees. You need to understand how item type trees are organized and used.

Note. Virtually everything you do within Student Financials involves item types (the exception being certain transactions in cashiering). Because of this, planning your item type setup is very important. Make sure that you create enough item types to represent every unique transaction. Also, establish a numbering scheme that enables you to group similar charges and credits. This helps you later when you define item type security and facilitates creating groups of item types for other setup procedures such as defining waivers, charge priority lists, and payment plans. Use the sample data that is provided with the system as an example.

Item Type Groups

Use item type groups to combine ranges of item types using multiple item type tree nodes. Item type groups limit the application of credits to desired charge items only. For example, if you have a waiver attached to a tuition group, you can use an item grouping to limit the application of the waiver to only tuition and housing, rather than to all fees.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Tree Manager

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Item Types and Item Type Groups

Page Name

Definition Name



Initial Setup


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Types, Initial Setup

Define basic item type attributes.

Amount Edits


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Types, Amount Edits

Define transaction amount and tax form parameters for item types.



Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Types, Miscellaneous

Define miscellaneous parameters for item types.

External Awards


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Types, External Awards

Define the financial aid external award type, source, and program code attributes for SF payments to be considered as external awards.

Posting Restrictions


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Types, Posting Restrictions

Define item type posting restrictions.

Account Types


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Types, Account Types

Link account types to an item type.

GL Interface


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Types, GL Interface

Map item types to general ledger accounts.

AP ChartFields


Click the Jrnl Set ChartFields link on the GL Interface page.

Define item type GL interface parameters for AP distribution.

Write-off ChartFields


Click the Write-off ChartFields link on the Item Interface page.

Define item type GL interface parameters for write-offs.

Journal Set ChartFields


Click the Jrnl Set ChartFields link on the GL Interface page.

Define item type GL interface parameters for a journal set.

Deferred ChartFields


Click the Deferred ChartFields link on the GL Interface page.

Define item type GL interface parameters for a deferred revenue account.

Item Type Groups


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Type Groups

Define item type groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Basic Item Type Attributes

Access the Initial Setup page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Types, Initial Setup).


Select up to three keywords that you want to link to the item type.

Tuition Deposit

Select if the item type is for a tuition deposit. This check box is active only when the Deposit item type classification is selected.

GL Interface Required

If you select this check box, you must complete the GL Interface page of this component to save the item type. You must define both a debit and credit side for the item type, the GL Pct (general ledger percent) must add up to 100 percent for all accounts on each side, and all of the required fields on the GL Interface page must be populated. If you select this check box, the Course Class Specific check box and Accounting Date Options group box also become available.

See Mapping Item Types to General Ledger Accounts.

Course Class Specific

Select if you want to override the GL Interface defined for this item type and use one that is defined specifically for certain courses or classes. When you select this check box, the GL Interface defined for the item type is overridden if you define an interface at the course or class level only and select the Track Class Pricing check box on the related term fee setup.

For example, if you want tuition revenue from certain math classes credited to a special account rather than the normal tuition account, set up a unique item type using the Course Class Specific option.

Note. GL Interfaces specific to a course or class are defined on the Student Records GL Interface page in either the Course Catalog component or the Class Schedule component.

Include in Global Invoicing

This check box is available only if Global Invoicing is enabled—the Apply Payments by Invoice option is selected on the SF Installation 2 page.

The Global Invoicing process currently selects only charges, waivers and app fees—use this check box to include additional item types.

Select the check box if you want the item type to be included in the invoice — for example, if you want to see an item type on the printed invoice/bill.

See Defining Keyword Edit Tables and a Null Due Date.

See Billing Customers.

Accounting Date Options

The Accounting Date Options group box is available only when the GL Interface Required check box is selected.

Accounting Date Control

Select the accounting date of the item type. Transactions in Accounting Line (SF_ACCTG_LN) are stamped with the accounting date.

Values are:

Accounting Date:

Select this value to use the accounting date that is set up on the Accounting Dates page.

When you select Accounting Date here, you must then select a value in the Accounting Date ID field, to associate it with the item type. The date that is used in Accounting Line transactions is the date that is set up for the term or a combination of term and session for that ID on the Accounting Dates page.

Item Effective Date: Select to use the effective date of the transaction (item) as the accounting date.

Maximum (Accounting Dt, Run Dt):

Select this value to use the date that is the greater of these two dates—the accounting date (see the definition of the Accounting Date value) and the run date, which is the GL Interface process date.

Maximum (Term Start Dt, Run Dt): Select to make the system use the more recent of term start date or run date as the accounting date. This option is useful to prevent complications resulting from accounting periods that have already been closed.

Run Date: Select to use the GL Interface process date as the accounting date. This is the default value for this field.

Term Start Date: Select to use the beginning of the term as the accounting date. For example, suppose students at your institution register for fall term courses in the spring, but you want the system to put the tuition income from those registrations into a fall accounting period. By selecting term start date as your accounting date control and specifying the fall term on your tuition transaction, the system posts the charges to the fall period.

Warning! Selecting Term Start Date in the Accounting Date Control field could cause transactions to be backdated into an already closed accounting period. Select this option with caution.

Accounting Date ID

This field is available and required only when the value in the Accounting Date Control field is Accounting Date or Maximum (Accounting Dt, Run Dt).

All IDs that are set up on the Accounting Dates page and have an active status are available values in this field.

Use this field to assign an accounting date ID to an item type to designate the specific date to be used for Accounting Line transactions.

See Setting Up Accounting Dates.


Select the appropriate classification for this item type. Your choice determines the fields that are available to you on the Miscellaneous Edits page, and indicates to the system whether the item type is a charge or credit entry.

Application Fee

Select if you are defining an item type used for an application fee. Application Fee transactions result in a charge on the student's account.


Reserved for future use.


Select if you are defining a charge item type.

Charge transactions result in a charge on the student's account and, depending on your GL setup, may create a receivable.

Contributor Relations

Select if you are defining a contributor relations item type. Typically, the Contributor Relations staff define contributor relations item types.


Select if you are defining a deposit item type. If the deposit classification is selected, a Tuition Deposit check box is also activated. If this item type is used for a tuition deposit, both the Deposit classification and the Tuition Deposit check box must be selected.

Deposit and Tuition Deposit transactions result in a credit on the student's account.

Financial Aid

Select if you are defining a financial aid item type.

Financial Aid transactions result in a credit (payment) on the student's account.

Note. Financial Aid item types also require definition in the Financial Aid application.

GL Interface Only

Reserved for future use.


Select if you are defining an item type for interest charges for payment plans.

Interest transactions result in a charge on the student's account.


Select if you are defining a payment item type.

Payment transactions result in a credit (payment) on the student's account.

Pay Plan Credit

Reserved for future use.

Pre-Paid Tuition

Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.


Select if you are defining an item type used for an overpayment refund.

Refund transactions result in a charge on the student's account.


Select if you are defining an item type used for waivers.

Waiver transactions result in a credit (payment) on the student's account.


Select if you are defining an item type for tax withholding.

Withholding transactions result in a charge on the student's account.


Select if you are defining an item type used for bad debt write-off.

Write-off transactions result in a credit on the student's account.

See Also

Completing Item Type Initial Setup

Defining Financial Aid Item Types

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Transaction Amount and Tax Form Parameters for Item Types

Access the Amount Edits page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Types, Amount Edits).

Min Transaction Amount (minimum transaction amount) and Max Transaction Amount (maximum transaction amount)

Select the optional minimum and maximum amounts for each transaction using this item type. The system uses these amounts as edits for group posting.

Base Currency

The base currency selected by your institution is supplied automatically to the Base Currency field. You can override this field.

Default Amount

You can enter a default amount for your item types to streamline data entry. This is particularly useful when you are entering a charge or payment for something with a fixed cost (for example, a parking permit). You can override this default amount whenever necessary. The default amount must be greater than or equal to the minimum transaction amount.

T4 Setup

This group box pertains to the form that is required by the Canadian government to report certain scholarships and other financial aid that must be counted as income.

T4 processing in Student Financials is a payroll interface. You can use Student Financials or Financial Aid to process income scholarships and have the scholarship income reported to the federal government through the standard payroll T4 process.

Note. If your institution does not use PeopleSoft Payroll for North America, you can run the SF Generate T4 Data process (SFGENT4) and use the output from the file generated by this process to create an interface with your payroll system.

T4A Eligible

Select the T4A Income check box and enter a corresponding wage loss plan on the CDN/ANZ Taxes page (in the SF business unit component) to indicate that this item type is considered income per the T4 definition (and, therefore, needs to be reported as income). A process in tax reporting generates the payroll interface that is necessary to generate a T4 transaction as an interface to the payroll system.

Note. Wage loss plans are set up in Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America, Canadian Taxes, Wage Loss Plan Table.

T2202A Setup

This group box pertains to the form that is required by the Canadian government to report eligible educational expenses for Canadian students.

T2202A Eligible

Select if this item is an eligible educational expense.

T22202A Offset

Select if this item is to be used to offset eligible educational expenses. For example, waivers may reduce the total fees paid by the student and would, therefore, be considered an offset.

1098-T Setup

This group box pertains to the form that is required by the U.S. government to report eligible educational expenses for U.S. students.

1098-T Eligible

Select if this item is an eligible educational expense.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Miscellaneous Parameters for Item Types

Access the Miscellaneous page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Types, Miscellaneous).

Note. Not all fields shown in the example are available for all item type classifications. And other fields may be available that are not shown. The following list defines all fields that are used with all item type classifications.

Charge Priority List

Select the charge priority list that you want to use to control which charges are eligible for payment with this item type.

If you are selecting a charge priority list for an ePayment item type, the value that you select here affects the charges that are eligible for self-service payment on the Payment Information, Charge Information, and Payment Allocation pages.

This field is used with Deposit, Financial Aid, Payment, Pre-Paid Tuition, and Waiver item type classifications.

Note. You can leave this field blank if you want charge priority lists to be ignored for this item type. If you do so, excess payments appear as unapplied payments, potentially available for refund to the student. For example, if this item type is a Financial Aid stipend that a student uses to pay for living expenses, but not available for tuition and mandatory fees, you could leave this field blank. Any stipend is then reflected as an excess payment and may be given to the student as a refund for living expenses.

Warning! Do not change this setting after transactions have been posted. Create a new item type with a new charge priority list.

Payment Overall Priority

Select the payment overall priority definition that you want to use to control the order in which payments are applied to eligible charges using this item type.

This field is used with Deposit, Financial Aid, Payment, Pre-Paid Tuition, and Waiver item type classifications.

Warning! Do not change this setting after transactions have been posted. Create a new item type with a new payment overall priority.

Adjustment Calendar

Reserved for future use.

Days to Encumber

If you want to encumber payments for a period of time before making them available for a refund, enter the number of days in this field.

The number that you enter in this field establishes how many business days must pass before a refund can be made. For example, if you entered the number 10 in this field, ten working days would have to pass before a customer could receive a payment refund (the student could receive a refund on the eleventh day).

This field is used with Payment item type classifications.

Payment Terms

Reserved for future use.

NRA Taxable Credit (nonresident alien taxable credit) and Earnings Code

Select if this item type is considered taxable income for nonresident aliens. When you select this option, the Earnings Code field becomes active and you can identify the item type with its corresponding payroll earnings code.

This field is used with Financial Aid, Payment, and Waiver item type classifications.

NRA Offset Charge (nonresident alien offset charge) and Earnings Code

Select if this item type can offset (reduce) tax liability for nonresident aliens. When you select this option, the Earnings Code field becomes active and you can identify the item type with its corresponding payroll earnings code. This field is not shown on the sample page.

This field is used with Application Fee, Billing, Charge, GL Interface Only, Interest, and Withholding item type classifications.

Tax Code

Select a tax code for charges that are taxable. For example, purchases that are made at a campus bookstore might be subject to state taxes, local sales taxes, or both. This field is not shown on the sample page.

This field is used with Charge, GL Interface Only, Refund and Withholding item type classifications.

Earnings Code Non Taxable

Enter an earnings code to be used with nontaxable payments.

This field is used with Deposit, Financial Aid, Payment, Pre-Paid Tuition, Refund, and Waiver item type classifications.

Earnings Code

If you process refunds through payroll, choose the appropriate earnings code.

This field is used with all item type classifications except Write-off.

Tender Specific

Select if you want to specify the form of tender to use with this item type. For example, if you set up an item type to be used for credit card payments, you should select this check box and specify the desired tender form in the Tender Category field. The Tender Category field appears when you select this option.

This field is used with Deposit and Payment item type classifications.

Tender Category

Select the tender category that you want to use with a tender specific charge.

Refundable Indicator

Select if you want payments against the charge to be eligible for refunding.

This field is used with Deposit, Financial Aid, Payment, and Pre-Paid Tuition item type classifications.


If you use PeopleSoft Payroll for North America, the system automatically selects and uses this option. Clear the check box if the item type is not taxable under any circumstance, or your institution does not use Payroll for North America.

This field is used with Deposit, Financial Aid, Payment, and Pre-Paid Tuition item type classifications.

Payment Priority Flag

Select to assign a priority ranking to this payment. When you select this check box, the Priority field is activated. If you do not select this option, the system ignores values in the Priority field and the payment has the lowest priority ranking (999).

This field is used with Deposit, Financial Aid, Payment, and Waiver item type classifications.

Warning! Do not change this setting after transactions have been posted. Create a new item type with the Payment Priority Flag check box cleared.


Enter a priority value.

Payment priority is used to cause payment swapping whereby payments with a higher priority can actually displace lower-priority payments. For example, you might want financial aid payments to be applied to tuition charges whenever possible, leaving the student with less out-of-pocket expenses. And rules that are associated with certain types of financial aid might require that institutional waivers be applied ahead of the aid. In this case, the institutional waivers should have a higher priority value (1 being the highest priority value and 999 being the lowest) than the financial aid, and the financial aid should have a higher priority value than a cash payment.

With payment swapping, waivers and financial aid payments (in the previous example) can be applied after a cash payment has been made and the cash payment is swapped out, or displaced by the higher priority payments. Assuming that the total payments exceed the amount of the charge resulting in an overpayment, the cash payment would then be eligible for refund to the student.

This field is used with Deposit, Financial Aid, Payment, and Waiver item type classifications.

Pick Up Receivable from Charge

Select to credit receivables based on the specific charge being paid by the payment. This selection is used in GL processing.

This field is used with Deposit, Financial Aid, Payment, and Waiver item type classifications.

Match Charge Write-Offs

Select to match write-off entries to the original charges. You must also complete the Write-Off page for each charge item type and term for which you want to match charges to write-offs on the GL Interface. This field is not shown on the sample page.

If this check box is cleared, write-offs will be routed to the generic receivables account that is set up in the write-off item type.

This field is used only with the Write-off item type classification.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining External Awards

Access the External Awards page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Types, External Awards).

Use this page to define the financial aid external award type, source, and program code.

To define an external award, complete the financial aid setup that defines the general external award attributes, then set the way your institution mapping strategy will represent a student's financial payment will be represented on a Financial Aid Award package. After this is completed, complete the External Award Cross Reference setup in Financial Aid which will maps the award attributes to a financial aid item type. Finally, complete the External Award page on the Student Financials item type setup to complete the mapping of payments to a Financial Aid award.

The Student Financials External Awards process uses the cross-reference mapping and external award attributes mapped on the Student Financials item type setup to determine which Student Financials payments to process and report as external award transactions.

See Also

[lsfa] Setting Up External Awards

[lsfa] Managing External Award Reporting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Item Type Posting Restrictions

Access the Posting Restrictions page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Types, Posting Restrictions).

Item Effdt Edits (item effective date edits)

Days in the Past and Days in the Future

Enter the number of days in the past and the number of days in the future that an item can be effective-dated.

Due Date Edits

Days in the Past and Days in the Future

Enter the number of days in the past and the number of days in the future that a due date can be set.

Appropriate Term Enroll Req for Posting (appropriate term enroll required for posting)

Select if you want the system to make sure the student is enrolled in the appropriate term before posting the charge. If the student is not enrolled, the charge is left with the status unposted. Use this feature to avoid posting charges that have a high probability of being canceled.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking Account Types to an Item Type

Access the Account Types page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Types, Account Types).


Enter the setID that includes both the account type and the item type.

Warning! You can have item types and account types duplicated in more than one setID, but this is not recommended. Exercise caution that you do not specify a setID that is incorrect for the item type that you are defining.

Account Type

Enter an account type that you want to associate with the item type. Account types provide information for prompting when you are performing data entry.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Item Types to General Ledger Accounts

Access the GL Interface page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Types, GL Interface).

Note. If you select the GL Interface Required check box on the Initial Setup page, you must complete this page to save the item type.

Copy GL Interface

Click to copy a GL Interface setup from a previous term.

Note. Although the GL Interface definition is designated for a specific term, it is also effective-dated. Therefore, you need not perform the copy function if no changes are made to your setup.

Item Type GL Entry Setup - Term


Select a term if you have a term-specific general ledger. If you do not enter a term, you must enter 0000 as a placeholder.


Select a session if you want to limit the GL Interface definition to a specific academic session.

Item Type GL Entry Setup - Effective Date

Effective Date and Status

Enter the effective date and the status for the interface.

AP ChartFields

Click to access the AP ChartFields page, where you can enter chart of accounts information to define a liability account—typically a holding account. The link is not available if this is a Contributor Relations item type.

Use this link if you use the PeopleSoft Accounts Payable interface to create refund checks for students, external organizations, or both.

Select a predefined SpeedType definition to populate the ChartFields.

Click the Copy button to copy ChartField values into a temporary variable. Click the Paste button to paste the copied ChartField values from the temporary variable into another ChartField page. Note that if one of the check boxes in the ChartField Edit Options group box on the SF Installation page is selected, then a check mark button appears next to the Copy and Paste buttons. Click the check mark to validate the ChartField combination. This button does not start journal set edits.

Writeoff ChartFields

Click to access the Writeoff ChartFields page, where you can enter chart of accounts information to define an account for write-offs. You must define a unique account for each charge that you want the system to match.

Select a predefined SpeedType definition to populate the ChartFields.

Click the Copy button to copy ChartField values into a temporary variable. Click the Paste button to paste the copied ChartField values from the temporary variable into another ChartField page. Note that one of the check boxes in the ChartField Edit Options group box on the SF Installation page is selected, then a check mark button appears next to the Copy and Paste buttons. Click the check mark to validate the ChartField combination. This button does not start journal set edits.

Item Type GL Entry Setup - Journal Sets

Each GL Interface definition requires at least one debit and one credit entry. Each debit entry and each credit entry can be split into multiple entries for distribution to your general ledger, but you must make sure that each side (debit and credit) totals 100 percent.

Jrnl Set (journal set)

Enter the journal set that is used by your institution. You can use multiple journal sets. This enables you to generate a set of balanced entries into your journals. Using multiple journal sets also enables you to set journals for multiple ledgers, for example, budget or actuals.

Use the copy icon to copy the setup for the row, which can then be pasted to the new or any proceeding row.


Select the appropriate timing for sending the charge to the general ledger. You can select either Assessment, which sends the charge when it is incurred, Satisfaction, which sends the charge when the offset is posted, or Billed, which sends the charge or waiver when it has been billed.

DB/CR (debit/credit)

Select either Debit or Credit for the DB/CR field. You must set up one debit and one credit for each item type.

Note. For charge classifications, the debit side represents accounts receivable and the credit side represents revenue.

Next to the Jrnl Set field, there are copy and paste icons. Use the copy icon to copy the setup for the row, which can then be pasted to the new, or any proceeding row.

To input all areas for the ChartFields, abbreviated display fields have been added. The number of delimiters displayed is based on the number of ChartFields. The abbreviated display fields are used to view the ChartField set up as a string, add or update the ChartField string. All ChartField edits set up on the SF Installation page are adhered to within the display field.

Splitting a Transaction Between Multiple GL Accounts

The General Ledger Percent (GL Pct), Priority, Priority Amount, and Account Limit fields are used to split a debit or credit across multiple GL accounts.

GL Pct (general ledger percent)

Enter an optional percentage of the transaction that you want posted to the GL account.


Enter the posting priority for either the GL percent or priority amount. The lower the number, the higher the priority.

Priority Amt (priority amount)

Enter an optional priority amount that you want distributed to a GL account. If you specify a priority amount, the amount specified will be distributed to the GL account definition with the highest priority. The remaining balance will be distributed to the remaining GL accounts as defined.

Account Limit

Enter a maximum monetary amount that you want to distribute to the specified GL account. For example, if you set the GL Pct field to 25 percent and the Account Limit field to 100 USD, 25 percent of a debit or credit up to a maximum of 100 USD will be distributed to the specified GL account.

Defer Revenue - Until and Deferred Date

Select the Defer Revenue - Until check box on the revenue (credit) side of your ChartField setup and specify a date. Then click the Deferred ChartFields link to access the Deferred GL Interface page, where you can define GL Interface parameters for a deferred revenue account.

If you indicate that a particular item type needs to defer revenue, the system prompts you for liability account information and the deferred date. The system uses the liability account until the date that you have indicated for that item type. The system does not automatically generate the entry for moving the deferred revenue from the liability account to the realized revenue. When this date passes, you must move the revenue into the general ledger.

Select a predefined SpeedType definition to populate the ChartFields.

Click the Copy button to copy ChartField values into a temporary variable. Click the Paste button to paste the copied ChartField values from the temporary variable into another ChartField page. Note that if one of the check boxes in the ChartField Edit Options group box on the SF Installation page is selected, then a check mark button appears next to the Copy and Paste buttons. Click the check mark to validate the ChartField combination. This button does not start journal set edits.

Deferred ChartFields

This link becomes available only if you check the Defer Revenue - Until check box above. Click this link to access the Deferred GL Interface page, where you can define GL Interface parameters for a deferred revenue account.

Select a predefined SpeedType definition to populate the ChartFields.

Click the Copy button to copy ChartField values into a temporary variable. Click the Paste button to paste the copied ChartField values from the temporary variable into another ChartField page. Note that if one of the check boxes in the ChartField Edit Options group box on the SF Installation page is selected, then a check mark button appears next to the Copy and Paste buttons. Click the check mark to validate the ChartField combination. This button does not start journal set edits.

Journal Set ChartFields

Click this link to access the Journal Set ChartFields page, where you can define the parameters for the journal set.

Dynamic Organization

If you select this optional check box, the system allocates the appropriate revenue based on the subject area of the classes in which a student is enrolled. In the PeopleSoft Student Records system, subject areas map to academic organizations, and academic organizations map to financial organizations. Consequently, the system enables you to map subject areas to financial organizations. By using these constructs with the dynamic organization capabilities, you can distribute revenue based on a student's course load using the organizational ChartField.

Note. The dynamic organization feature uses billing units. When making adjustments, the system reallocates based on the number of billing units. It does not use the adjustment calendar to determine how much remains allocated to the organization. It reallocates 100 percent of the funds.

Deferred Dynamic Org

Select to have the system defer the appropriate revenue based on the subject area of the classes in which a student is enrolled. This capability enables you to defer revenue based on a student's course load using the organizational ChartField.

Journal Set ChartFields Page

Access the Journal Set ChartFields page (Click the Jrnl Set ChartFields link on the GL Interface page).

Note. You must run the Sync Chartfield Values process before you use this page.

See Synchronizing ChartField Values.

Use this page to define the parameters for the journal set.

Select a predefined SpeedType definition to populate the ChartFields.

Click the Copy button to copy ChartField values into a temporary variable.

Click the Paste button to paste the copied ChartField values from the temporary variable into another ChartField page.

If one of the check boxes in the ChartField Edit Options group box on the SF Installation page is selected, a Validate check mark icon appears next to the Copy and Paste buttons. Click the Validate icon to validate the ChartField combination. This icon does not start journal set edits. If you do not click the Validate icon, validation is still performed when you save the Item Types component.

For Oracle Financials, the Real-Time Validation Edit option should be selected on the SF Installation page. Click the Validate icon to perform real time validation of the entered combination with Oracle GL. If you do not click the Validate icon, real time validation is still performed when you save the Item Types component.

Integration with Oracle Financials

The Journal Set ChartFields page appears and functions differently if Oracle Financials is selected in the Financial System group box on the SF Installation page:

See Defining Student Financials Installation Settings.

See Mapping General Ledger Business Units to Oracle General Ledger.

See CS90 to EBS GL Integration Developer's Reference Guide. The guide is posted to My Oracle Support.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Item Type Groups

Access the Item Type Groups page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Type Groups).


Select the setID that includes the item type tree that you want to use.

Tree Name

Select the tree name of an item type tree that includes all of the tree nodes that you want to include in your item type group.

Tree Node

Select a tree node that you want to include in your item type group.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Service Indicator Sets

To set up service indicator sets, use the Service Indicator Sets component (SERVICE_IND_SETUP).

This section provides an overview of service indicator sets and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Service Indicator Sets

Service indicator sets enable you to automatically attach service indicators to student accounts by running the Credit History process. When you define service indicator sets, you link a service indicator to an aging category and minimum amount combination. When you run the Credit History process, the system applies the linked service indicator to any student or external organization with an overdue balance that falls within the specified aging category and is over the minimum amount. In addition, if the linked service indicator is already applied to an account and the overdue balance is paid off, the next time you run the Credit History process, the system removes the service indicator.

See Also

Processing and Reviewing Customer Credit History

Setting Up Service Indicator Codes and Reasons

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Service Indicator Sets

Page Name

Definition Name



Service Indicator


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Service Indicator Sets, Service Indicator

Create service indicator sets and define descriptive information for them.

Service Indicator - Details


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Service Indicator Sets, Service Indicator, Details

Define service indicator set details.

Service Indicator - Career Setup


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Service Indicator Sets, Service Indicator, Career Setup

Define eligible academic careers for service indicator sets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Service Indicator Set Details

Access the Service Indicator - Details page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Service Indicator Sets, Service Indicator, Details).


Enter the alphanumeric code established by your institution to indicate the severity of the service indicator.

Aging Set

Select the aging set containing the aging category to which you are linking a service indicator.

Aging Category

Select the aging category that triggers the application of the service indicator to student accounts.

Min Amt (minimum amount)

Define the minimum amount that triggers the application of the service indicator to student accounts.

Service Indicator Cd (service indicator code)

Select a service indicator code from your established list. This code is linked to a service impact that controls what actions the system takes related to the service indicator.

Service Ind Reason Cd (service indicator reason code)

Select a service indicator reason code from your established list. This code explains why this service indicator is being applied.

Contact ID

Select the ID number of a specific person with the department responsible for this service indicator set.


Select the department that is responsible for this service indicator set. This is the department that the student must contact to clear the associated service indicator.

Academic Career Controls

The check boxes in this group box control where the system searches to confirm that the student is active in an academic career before applying a service indicator. At least one check box must be selected, but you can select all three. You must select the No Career check box for external organizations.

Use Records

Select if you want the system to verify that the student's academic career matches the one that you establish on the Service Indicator Career Setup page.

Use Admissions

Select to have the system verify that the student's admissions career matches the one that you established on the Service Indicator Career Setup page. This verification takes place after the academic career verification. The system performs this verification only after it performs the verification in Student Records and cannot find a match.

No Career

Select if you want the system to process the student only if no admissions career or academic career is associated with the student, regardless of whether you selected the Use Records check box or the Use Admissions check box. Selecting this check box indicates to the system that you want a service indicator placed even if the student is not activated in Student Records or PeopleSoft Student Admissions. This must be selected for external organizations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Eligible Academic Careers for Service Indicator Sets

Access the Service Indicator - Career Setup page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Collections, Service Indicator Sets, Service Indicator, Career Setup).

Academic Career

Select the academic career to which the associated service indicator can be applied.

Note. If you did not select the No Career check box on the Service Indicator - Details page, you must be sure to specify the career for all appropriate rows and severity levels.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Default Academic Term

To set up a default academic term, use the SF Term Default component (DFLT_TERM_TBL).

A default term value simplifies data entry. Typically, changing the default term value at the beginning of each term is most beneficial. Using effective dating functionality, you can predefine default term values in advance and have them automatically change on the first day of the term.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up a Default Academic Term

Page Name

Definition Name



Term Default


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, SF Term Default, Term Default

Define default academic terms.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Default Academic Terms

Access the Term Default page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, SF Term Default, Term Default).

Effective Date

Enter the effective date for the SF term that you are identifying.


Select the status for this term default.


Enter the default academic term.

Term Beginning Date and Term Ending Date

Enter the term beginning date and the term ending date.

Academic Year

Enter the academic year to which the term belongs.

Antic Aid Term From (anticipated aid term from)

Enter the value of the first (beginning) term that you want considered for anticipated financial aid (aid awarded but not disbursed).

Antic Aid Term To (anticipated aid term to)

Enter the value of the last (ending) term that you want considered for anticipated financial aid.