Maintaining Customers

This chapter provides an overview of the Maintain Customers feature and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Maintain Customers Feature

The Maintain Customers feature provides components that enable you to maintain, view, and report some student data within PeopleSoft Student Financials without having to access the PeopleSoft Campus Community application. The Maintain Customers feature has these components:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Maintain Customers Feature

For more information:

See Also

PeopleSoft Campus Community 9.0 Fundamentals PeopleBook

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Student Permissions

This section provides an overview of student permissions and discusses how to:

  1. Create student permission forms to apply restricted credits.

  2. Attach student permission forms to student records.

  3. Attach student permission forms to charge priority lists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Student Permissions

Certain types of credits to a student's account are restricted as to what types of charges they can be applied to as well as what term or terms, by Aid Year versus by Academic Year. For example, the Department of Education requires authorization from a student before applying Title IV financial aid to a students account for charges other than allowable charges, which are tuition, mandatory fees, and contracted housing and board. Additionally, some scholarships pay charges for a specific term. Student permissions, which are granted by the student, allow this money to pay charges incurred from other terms.

Institutions that use an automated system to manage student finances can create student permissions that are a record of standing permissions from students to apply restricted credits.

Note. If you attach student permissions to a charge priority, you can define the terms for which permission is required for application of payment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Student Permissions

Page Name

Definition Name



Permission Form


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Student Permission Forms, Permission Form

Create permission form for applying restricted credits.

Assign Student Permissions


Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Assign Student Permissions

Assign permission to apply restricted credits.



Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Charge Priority List, Details

Attach permission forms to charge priority lists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Student Permission Forms to Apply Restricted Credits

Access the Permission Form page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Student Permission Forms, Permission Form).

Enable for Self Service

Select the check box to identify permission waivers as eligible for use in student self-service.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAttaching Student Permission Forms to Student Records

Access the Assign Student Permissions page (Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Assign Student Permissions).

Permission Form

Enter the permission form that you want to attach to the student's record.

Originated from Self-Service

This check box is selected by default when the permission form is initiated via the self-service application.

For each Permission (Waiver) level 2 added in the Effective Date section, the Oprid and the Process Date/Time fields are modified to indicate who performed the update.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAttaching Student Permission Forms to Charge Priority Lists

Access the Details page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Charge Priority List, Details).

Attach Student Permission forms to charge priority lists during the setup of your charge priority list rules.

See Also

Defining Charge Priority List Rules

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing and Reviewing Customer Credit History

The Credit History process assigns outstanding charges for one or more students or organizations to aging categories of a particular aging set. After the charges are assigned to aging sets, you can use the Collect Receivables feature to begin the collection process.

See Also

Setting Up Aging Sets

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process and Review Customer Credit History

Page Name

Definition Name



Credit History


Student Financials, Collections, Credit History, Process Credit History, Credit History

Process customer credit history.

Credit History


Student Financials, Collections, Credit History, Review Credit History

Review the aging history of a student's account.

Corporation Credit History


Student Financials, Collections, Credit History, Review Corp Credit History, Corporation Credit History

Review the aging history of an organization's account.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Customer Credit History

Access the Credit History page (Student Financials, Collections, Credit History, Process Credit History, Credit History).

Select Option

All IDs

Select to run the Credit History process for all students or organizations with outstanding charges in the database.

One ID

Select to run the Credit History process for a single student or external organization. When you select this option, the ID field or the External Org ID field appears, depending on the value that you select in the ID Switch field.

ID Range

Select to run the Credit History process for a range of students or external organizations. When you select this option, the Start EmplID and End EmplID fields or the Start Ext Org ID (start external organization ID) and End Ext Org ID (end external organization ID) fields appear, depending on the value that you select in the ID Switch field.

Last Activity Date

Select to run Credit History process for only those students or external organizations that have had activity on their accounts since a given date. When you select this option, the Last Activity Date field appears.

Temp Table

Select this option to have the system insert records into the temp table for credit history processing. When you select this option, the Temp Table ID field and the Last Activity Date Options, Process Only, and Population Selection group boxes appear. You can use these group boxes to determine which records should be inserted into the temp table for credit history processing.

Processing Options

Aging Set

Enter the aging set containing the aging categories to which you want to assign outstanding charges.

ID Switch

Choose whether the Credit History process includes students or organizations. Select the By Emplid (by employee ID) value to run the process for students or the By Org ID (by organization ID) value to run the process for organizations.


Select the identification number of the student for whom you are running the Credit History process.

External Org ID (external organization ID)

Select the identification number of the organization for which you are running the Credit History process.

Start ID and End ID

Use these fields to set a range of students for which you want to run the Credit History process.

Start Ext Org ID and End Ext Org ID

Use these fields to set a range of organizations for which you want to run the Credit History process.

Last Activity Date

Enter the date on or after which activity must have occurred in a student or corporate account to be included in the Credit History process.

Temp Table ID

Select the temp table into which the system inserts records for credit history processing.

Last Activity Date Options

Use this group box to specify how the system should determine the Last Activity Date for the temp table option. Use this group box in conjunction with the Process Only group box.

Use This Date

Enter the date the system uses as the Last Activity Date. For example, if you enter January 10 2009, only activities that have occurred on or after January 10 2009 in a student or corporate account are included in the Credit History process.

Use Last Run Date

Select to have the system use the date when the Credit History process last ran as the Last Activity Date. To find out the last run date, the system looks at records with the same Operator ID and Run Control ID as the current run. If the last run date record is not available, the system sets the Last Activity Date as one day prior to the current run date. For example, if you run the Credit History process on January 10 2009 and the system does not find any last run record, the system uses January 09 2009 as the Last Activity Date.

Use Run Date Minus (days)

Enter the number of days that the system should subtract from the current run date to calculate the Last Activity Date. For example, if you enter 2 in this field and the process is run on January 10 2009, the system uses January 08 2009 as the Last Activity Date.

Process Only

Use this group box in conjunction with the Last Activity Date Options group box for the Temp Table option.

Last Activity

Select to run the process for students or organizations that have activities occurring on or after the Last Activity Date. For example, if you have selected this option and entered January 10 2009 in the Use This Date field, only activities that have occurred on or after January 10 2009 in a student or corporate account are included in the Credit History process.

Last Activity and Age History

Select to run the process for students or organizations that have activities occurring on or after the Last Activity Date.

By selecting this option, the process includes the existing non-zero credit history records in the temporary table for processing. These records are included to ensure that the correct aging category is applied (an existing entry moves from a past due aging category to another, for example, from past due 31-60 to past due 61 -90).

The Last Activity and Age History selection excludes the accounts in the maximum aging category, if no activity has occurred since the last activity date specified. These accounts cannot age beyond the maximum aging category. To reduce the population selected for the credit history process and improve performance, the accounts are therefore not selected. Removing a service indicator does not constitute an activity.

To Release Service Indicators

Select to run the process for students or organizations that have activities occurring on or after the Last Activity Date. By selecting this option, the process also determines whether the selected activities have service indicators which need to be released. The process uses the options you have set up in the Service Indicator Set group box to determine which service indicators need to be considered.

Include Max Aged History

If service indicators have been manually removed for any accounts in this category, the accounts will not be included in the credit history process and a service indicator will not be placed on the account again.

If you select the Include Max Aged History check box, the accounts in the maximum aging category are included in the temp table and are processed in the credit history process.

Population Selection

Use this group box if you want to use a Population Selection tool for the temp table option. You can select only PS Query or External File as the selection tool. For information about Population Selection, see the Campus Community Fundamentals PeopleBook.

Service Indicator

Service Indicator Update

Select to post a service indicator to the accounts. When you select this check box, the Service Indicator Set, Placed Person ID, and Exclude Service Impact fields appear in the group box.

Service Indicator Set

Enter the set of rules that you want to use for the service indicator.

Placed Person ID

Enter the identification number of the person who is assigning the service indicator.

Exclude Service Impact

Enter the value that restricts a service indicator from being applied through the Credit History process.

Back Date

Back Date Flag

Select this check box if you want to recalculate credit history for a previous date. If you select this option, the Back Date field appears in the group box.

Back Date

Enter the previous date for which you want to run the Credit History process.

Note. When running this option, the system will create two records: one record for today's date (effective date) and one record for the back-dated effective date record.