Setting Up Commitment Management

This chapter lists prerequisites for the gift and pledge process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you begin the process of setting up the system for gift and pledge processing, consider the following:

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Gift Types

To set up gift types, use the Gift Types component (AV_GFT_TYPE_TBL).

This section discusses how to set up gift types at your institution. You use gift types on the Gift Entry and Gift Adjustment pages.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Gift Types


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Gift Types

Set up the various types of gifts that donors make to the institution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Gift Types

Access the Gift Types page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Gift Types).

The following values are required in the GIFT_TYPE field that resides in the AV_GFT_TYPE_TBL table:






Matching Gift




Pledge Payment


CAE Type (Council for Aid to Education type)

Select the gift type that you are defining. The Council for Aid to Education (CAE) establishes the CAE gift types, which you use to produce the CAE report.

Gift In Kind gift types that do not have a Real Estate tender type assigned to them are reported in Part IV of the CAE report (II, C2a, Number and dollar value of company products).

See Also


Click to jump to parent topicDefining Tender Types

To set up tender types, use the Tender Types component (AV_GFT_TNDR_TBL).

This section discusses how to set up tender types at your institution.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Tender Types


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Tender Types

Set up the monetary forms in which gifts are received. Examples are cash, credit card, check, and so on.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Tender Types

Access the Tender Types page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Tender Types).

Special Fields

Select Credit Card or Check if additional fields should appear when the tender type you are entering is selected during transaction entry. If you select Credit Card, fields for the card type, number, holder, and expiration date appear. If you select Check, a check number field appears.

Select Allow Zero Amount in this field to enable gifts to be entered on the Gift Entry page with no monetary value to the institution.

Note. When you enter a gift with a tender type that has the Allow Zero Amount field value selected, the Tender Detail button on the Gift Entry page does not appear for that gift. If any other gift is entered in the same session with a tender type that has a special field value of Check or Credit Card, then the Tender Detail button appears.

Item Type

Enter the item type to be used when processing a transaction with this tender to the financial system.

CAE Real Estate (Council for Aid to Education real estate)

Select if the tender type represents a property gift that you want included in the CAE report. When selected, this check box separates gifts-in-kind, such as equipment and applications, from other property, such as real estate. Gifts of property are reported in Part IV of the CAE report (II, C2b, Number and dollar value of other property).

See Also


Click to jump to parent topicDefining Designation Types

To set up designation types, use the Designation Types component (AV_INST_TYP).

This section provides an overview of designation types and discusses how to set up valid designation types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Designation Types

Designations are the projects, funds, or areas at the institution that receive appropriation from gift, pledge, or membership transactions. Designations are set up as allocation accounts that are linked to specific item types in the institution's financial structure.

When you define a designation fund, you can specify the type of designation for this particular fund. Examples of designation types are Graduate School, Law School, and so on. Designation types are used for custom reporting about designations that share a designation type. Designation types may vary from the standard CASE, FASB, and Matching Gift types.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Designation Types


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Designation Types

Set up valid designation types for a setID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Designation Types

Access the Designation Types page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Designation Types).

Important! Use a designation type of None for those designations that do not match any of the other designation types.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Matching Gift Types for Designations

To set up matching gift types, use the Matching Gift Types component (AV_MTCH_GFT_TYP).

This section provides an overview of matching gift types for designations and discusses how to set up valid matching gift types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Matching Gift Types for Designations

The values you define on the Matching gift Types page are used when defining designation funds. When you define a designation fund, you can specify the types of matching gifts that matching gift companies do not match.

Matching gift types that are not matched by matching gift companies are found in the CASE Matching Gift Details book.

This table lists the values that are delivered based on CASE matching gift rules:

For Designations

For Gift Types

Athletic activities/program

Premiums for life insurance policies

Athletic scholarships

Deferred gifts

Athletic building projects


Non-athletic scholarships

Gifts of securities

Non-athletic building funds

Volunteer time

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Matching Gift Types for Designations

Page Name

Definition Name



Matching Gift Types


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Matching Gift Types

Set up the valid matching gift types at your institution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Matching Gift Types

Access the Matching Gift Types page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Matching Gift Types).

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Designation Funds

To set up designation funds, use the Designation Funds component (AV_DESIGNATIONS).

This section provides an overview of the page used to define designation funds and discusses how to set up designation funds.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Designation Funds

The Designation Funds page helps you set up the specific allocation accounts for commitments made to an institution. Designations are the projects, funds, or areas at the institution that receive appropriation from gift, pledge, or membership transactions. Designations are linked to specific item types in the institution's financial structure. Designation Funds are defined for each setID at your institution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Designation Funds

Page Name

Definition Name



Designation Funds


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Designation Funds

Set up designations to receive gifts from donors, and assign designation categories used when generating the CAE report. Also set up default acknowledgement, tribute, and original donor values used during gift entry.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Designation Fund

Access the Designation Funds page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Designation Funds).

Designation Name

Enter the full name of the designation fund.

CASE Type (Council for the Advancement and Support of Education type)

Select the specific purpose of the designation fund as defined by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). Valid CASE types are Current Restricted, Current Unrestricted, Endowment & Similar, Loan Funds, Non-Gift, and Plant Funds.

CASE type values are delivered with the system as translate values, and they are used to generate the CAE report. Do not modify these translate values in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.

Note. This field supports Part IA and Part II of the CAE report.

CASE Purpose (Council for the Advancement and Support of Education purpose)

Select the specific utilization category of the designation fund as defined by the CASE. Valid CASE purposes are Academic Divisions, Athletics, Chairs, Equipment, Faculty/Staff Compensation, Financial Aid, Land & Buildings, Library, Non-Gift, Other Restricted Purpose, Prizes, Public Service & Ext., Special Programs, Student Projects, Research, and Unrestricted.

CASE purpose values are delivered with the system as translate values, and they are used to generate the CAE report. Do not modify these translate values in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.

Note. This field supports Part II of the CAE report.

FASB Type (Financial Accounting Standards Board type)

Select the accounting category for the designation fund as defined by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). This value is used to generate the CAE report.

Note. This field supports Part I of the CAE report.

Match Gft Type (matching gift type)

Select the category to determine if matching gift companies match gifts to this designation. The CASE Matching Gift Details book provides the following eligibility categories: Athletic Activities Programs, Athletic Building Funds, Athletic Scholarships, Non Athletic Building Funds, and Non Athletic Scholarships.

Note. Define a matching gift type of None for those gifts that do not match any of the other matching gift types; this field is required and cannot be left blank. None indicates that matching gift companies put no restrictions on this designation.

Designation Type

Select the type of account to which the designation applies. Designation types are defined by your institution and can be used for running reports on various account groupings. Examples of designation types are Law School, Athletic Accounts, and so on.

Note. Include a designation type of None for those designations that do not match any of the other designation types; this field is required and cannot be left blank. Designation types are defined by your institution and assist in categorizing accounts for internal purposes.

Item Type

Enter the specific reference to the chart of accounts within PeopleSoft Student Financials.


Enter the staff member responsible for managing this designation fund.

Formal Description

Enter a long designation description, up to 254 characters. The value you enter here can be used when you generate acknowledgements.

The Letter Generator process (CCLTRGEN) includes this field in the Comma Separated Values (.csv) data file that it creates to generate both joint and individual letters. The field name is "DesigFormalxxx." To use this field in acknowledgements, modify the acknowledgement template.

Campus, Acad Org (academic organization), and Department

Select the value associated with this designation. The valid departments include those associated with the setID you select for this designation.


Click the View link to open the attachment in a new window. Click the Add Attachment button to upload a new attachment from within the component.


You are not required to enter an event ID or a role. However, you may only enter one or the other. The system creates an acknowledgement communication record for a donor for each designation to which a gift is allocated if an event ID is entered.

Event ID

Select the event ID associated with the letter code to use for gifts and pledges made to this designation. To use the event IDs for acknowledgement letters selected on the Acknowledgement Setup pages rather than a specific letter for this designation, leave this field blank.


If applicable, select the role for the type of person who should receive notification of the acknowledgement. Role codes are descriptions of undertakings people take on at your institution. Examples are Prospect Manager, Campaign Manager, Gift and Pledge Supervisor, and so on. To use the acknowledgement role selected on the acknowledgement setup pages rather than a specific role for this designation, leave this field blank.

Tribute Recipient

ID and Name

If the designation fund is set up in honor or in memory of a person, select the ID and name of the tribute recipient for this designation fund. If the person does not have an ID in the system, type their name.

Note. The system does not make sure you do not enter a name or ID as a tribute recipient on more than one line. Be careful not to enter duplicate values.

Original Donor

ID Type

Select whether the original donor is a Person or an Org (organization).

ID and Name

Enter the ID of the original donor to the designation fund. The person or organization must have an ID in the system. The name appears to the right.

See Also


Click to jump to parent topicDefining Recognition Types

To set up recognition types, use the Recognition Types component (AV_RCG_TYPE_TBL).

This section discusses how to set up credit recognition types.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Recognition Types


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Recognition Types

Set up the various types of credit recognition that donors can receive when making commitments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Recognition Types

Access the Recognition Types page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Recognition Types). Recognition types are used during the gift and pledge entry acknowledgement processes to recognize donors who made commitments to the institution.

Note. When the system generates acknowledgement letters for gifts, it always acknowledges hard credit recognition first. If the Soft Credits check box is selected on the Institution Installation 2 page, then the system also looks at soft credit recognition to determine whether an acknowledgement should be generated.

Recognition Type Required Values

The following value is required in the RECOGNITION_TYPE field that resides in the AV_RCG_TYPE_TBL table:




Hard Credit

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Adjustment Reasons

To set up adjustment reasons, use the Adjustment Reasons component (AV_ADJ_REASON_TBL).

This section discusses how to set up valid reasons for transaction adjustment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Adjustment Reasons

Page Name

Definition Name



Adjustment Reasons


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Adjustment Reasons

Define your institution's valid reasons for making an adjustment to a commitment transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Adjustment Reasons

Access the Adjustment Reasons page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Adjustment Reasons). The adjustment reasons you define here become available for selection in the Reason field on the Gift Adjustment and Pledge Adjustment pages.

Examples of common adjustment reasons are Data Entry Error, Donor Request, and so on.

Click to jump to parent topicPreparing for Session Posting

This section provides an overview of session posting and discusses how to:

Note. You must set up both a journal source and a journal generator template for Contributor Relations.

See Also

PeopleSoft Financials, Service Automation and Supply Chain Management Application Fundamentals 9.0 PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Session Posting

Before processing transactions to an institution's financial system, you must set up designations, item types, and journal sets properly.

When you set up institution defaults using the Institution Installation page, you select the setID used to link to PeopleSoft Student Financials. This setID is used to retrieve detail calendars and item types from Student Financials.

In simple terms, designations are a representation of accounts or fund codes at your institution. When a gift or pledge payment is applied to a designation, that designation updates the actual account associated with it through the GL Interface.

Designations are tied to an item type in Student Financials. You define chartfields and item types using the Student Financials system, and then associate them with designations in Contributor Relations when you define designation funds using the Designation Funds page.

In PeopleSoft Financials, you must:

Note. You must set up both a journal source and a journal generator template for Contributor Relations.

See Also

PeopleSoft Financials, Service Automation and Supply Chain Management Application Fundamentals 9.0 PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Item Types

Item types are classifications of charges and credits. Specifying item types differentiates the various debits and credits when you apply them to an account. Your institution's policies govern how item types are defined. The item type also contains the General Ledger Interface information, which is used to transmit the transaction from Contributor Relations to the General Ledger system.

An item type may have multiple journal sets. Journal sets enable you to generate a set of balanced entries into your journals.

Journal sets may be defined for Gift, Pledge, Pledge Payment, or Tender/Clearing account transactions. Each journal set requires different debit and credit definitions. For Contributor Relations, journal set fields must be defined with a specific value based on the type of transaction for which you are setting up the GL Interface. This table defines the values that must exist; otherwise, the posting process will not work:

Journal Set

Data Entry Type

DB/CR Indicator


Tender and AP Clearing Account

Always Debit to tender and CR to clearing account



Always Credit to designation account



Always Debit to accounts receivable/Credit to designation account


Pledge Payment

Always Credit to accounts receivable

For example, when you enter a gift transaction into the system, you select a tender type that is tied to an item type with a journal set of 0, which represents the debit side of the transaction. Then, you select one or more designations that are each tied to an item type with a journal set of 1 (Gift), which specifies the credit side of the transaction.

If your institution plans to feed pledges, a pledge transaction has a debit to accounts receivable with a journal set of 2 and a credit to a designation account with a journal set of 2 (requiring two rows in the GL interface record).

If your institution plans to feed pledges, a pledge payment has a credit to accounts receivable with a journal set of 3. The tender entered during gift entry provides the debit side of the transaction.

Note. If you do not intend to feed pledges to the financial system, you do not need to create journal sets 2 and 3 for Contributor Relations item types. In this instance, an item type for a designation would have only a single row with a journal set of 1 and Credit in the DB/CR field.

See Also

Processing and Posting Sessions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCompleting Item Type Initial Setup

Use the Initial Setup page (ITEM_TYPE_TBL) to begin the process of setting up item types at your institution. The Initial Setup page is part of PeopleSoft Student Financials (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Types, Initial Setup).

G/L Interface Required

Select this check box to indicate that both a credit and debit side of each transaction are required.

Accounting Date Control

If you select the GL Interface Required check box, this field becomes active. Specify the accounting date of the item type. Select from the following values:

Run Date: Select to use the current date as the accounting date.

Item Effective Date: Select to use the applicable gift date, pledge effective date, or membership start date as the accounting date.

The Accounting Date Control value that you select affects the Journal Line Date field on the Accounting Line page (Contributor Relations, Session Management, Supervise Sessions, Accounting Line Summary) as generated by the Contributor Relations GL Interface process.

Note. For both sides of your institution's dual line accounting to be generated correctly in the GL Interface process, you must select the Accounting Date Control for both tender and designation item types on the Item Type Setup page.


Make sure the Contributor Relations classification is selected. This selection enables the specific processing of item types as required by the system and enables the GL Interface page to save with journal sets that do not have both a debit and credit.

See Also

Setting Up Item Types and Item Type Groups

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a GL Interface

Use the GL Interface page to map an item type to a specific General Ledger account. When the General Ledger interface process is run, the transactions for the item type are entered in the GL Accounts you define on this page.

Enter an effective date. You must insert a new effective-dated row to change the budget period associated with this item type. The effective date must fall on or after the effective date for the associated budget period.

Note. To change the setID for which values the system displays on this page, select PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, Table Set Control and then change the setID for FS-05 to the setID for which to view values.

The Term and Session fields are unavailable for input when the item type classification is set to Contributor Relations.

Contributor Relations uses the Journal Sets on the GL Interface page in combination to create dual-line accounting entries. Tender and clearing account item types should always be created with a journal set of 0 and one debit row for the tender account or clearing account. Gift designation item types should always be entered with a journal set of 1 and a credit row or rows for the designation account or accounts. Pledge designation item types should always be entered with a journal set of 2 and should have one debit row for the Accounts Receivable account and one credit row for the designation account. Pledge payment item types should be created with a journal set of 3 and one credit row to the Accounts Receivable account.

The following scenarios illustrate what occurs in GL Interface when the various journal sets are called.

Scenario 1

Donor makes a gift of 100 USD to a single designation:

Scenario 1, in which the gift results in a Tender Asset Account debit of 100.00 USD and a Designation Account credit of 100.00 USD

Scenario 2

Donor makes a gift of 100 USD to two designations:

Scenario 2, in which the gift results in a Tender Asset Account debit of 100.00 USD and two Designation Account credits of 50.00 USD each

Scenario 3

Donor makes a semiannual pledge of 1000 USD to a single designation that is fed to the GL (multiple designations would be credited, as in Scenario 2):

Scenario 3 (1 of 3), in which the pledge results in an Accounts Receivable debit of 1000.00 USD and a Designation Account credit of 1000.00 USD

Donor makes a semiannual pledge payment of 500 USD for the previous pledge:

Scenario 3 (2 of 3), in which the pledge payment results in two Accounts Receivable credits of 500.00 USD each and two Tender Asset Account debits of 500.00 USD each

Donor makes final pledge payment of 500 USD for the previous pledge:

Scenario 3 (3 of 3), in which the pledge payment results in an Accounts Receivable credit of 500.00 USD and a Tender Asset Account debit of 500.00 USD

Scenario 4

The donor's gift in Scenario 1 is adjusted because the gift should have been 10 USD not 100 USD:

Scenario 4 (1 of 4), in which the gift results in a Tender Asset Account debit of 100.00 USD and a Designation Account credit of 100.00 USD

Original gift is backed out with offsetting reversal entries that takes the original gift to zero:

Scenario 4 (2 of 4), which the reversal results in a Tender Asset Account credit of 100.00 USD and a Designation Account debit of 100.00 USD

The refund amount is entered to be offset when a refund is generated manually:

Scenario 4 (3 of 4), in which the offsetting 90.00 USD debit to the tender account and the 90.00 USD credit to the clearing account will be zeroed out with reversing entries when the refund is manually generated

The new corrected gift is created:

Scenario 4 (4 of 4), in which the corrected gift results in a Tender Asset Account debit of 10.00 USD and a Designation Account credit of 10.00 USD

See Also

Creating Accounting Entries Using the GL Interface Process

Click to jump to parent topicPreparing for Acknowledgement Letters and Receipts

Various pages in the system affect the setup of acknowledgement letter processing:

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Acknowledgement Rules

To set up acknowledgement rules, use the Acknowledgement Setup component (AV_ACKNLDG_SETUP).

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

Note. The rules you set up here enable the system to determine which letter a donor should receive or whether the acknowledgement should be assigned to a role so that a configurable acknowledgement can be produced. Acknowledgements assigned to a role can be viewed on the Acknowledgement List page for the resources assigned to that role. You set the priority in which the system looks at these rules using the Acknowledgement Priority group box on the Institution Installation 2 page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

No Receipt

This check box applies only to acknowledgement rules for gifts. The acknowledgement process never generates receipts for pledges. Select this check box for gift acknowledgements in either of the following situations:

  • When you want the donor to receive another acknowledgement letter, in lieu of a receipt.

    In this instance, you would select the No Receipt check box and select an event ID for a communication other than a receipt. The system will suppress the default receipt for gifts in this example.

  • When you want the donor to receive an acknowledgement receipt only (no overall acknowledgement letter).

    In this instance, you would select the check box and select the event ID for your default receipt.

Note. The system clears the No Receipt check box by default, acknowledging all gifts with a receipt (unless you specify otherwise).

Event ID and Role

Identify the event associated with the letter to send in the situation. Select the role for the type of person at your institution responsible for the action. Roles are descriptions of undertakings people take on at the institution.

You can either enter an event ID or select a role. Selecting a value for one field clears the other field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Acknowledgement Rules

Page Name

Definition Name



Acknowledgement Setup1


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Acknowledgement Setup, Acknowledgement Setup1

Set up acknowledgement rules based on service indicators and gift amounts.

Acknowledgement Setup2


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Acknowledgement Setup, Acknowledgement Setup2

Set up acknowledgement rules based on transaction adjustments, gifts in honor of a person, and gifts in memory of a person.

Acknowledgement Setup3


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Acknowledgement Setup, Acknowledgement Setup3

Set up acknowledgement rules based on deceased individuals and anonymous donors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Acknowledgements

Access the Acknowledgement Setup1 page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Acknowledgement Setup, Acknowledgement Setup1).

The system looks at service indicators set on this page for both people and organizations when generating acknowledgements.

Service Indicator

Service Indicator and Type

Select a service indicator and an acknowledgement type. For example, you can select Major Donor and Gift from the fields to set up rules for acknowledging major donors' gifts.


Enter a service indicator priority. The value you enter determines the priority used to select which acknowledgement a donor receives. For example, say you indicate President as priority 1 and Planned Giving as priority 2. If a donor is both in the president's club and a planned giving donor and these service indicators are attached to the donor's record, the letter defined for President is the one the donor receives.

Gift Amount

From Amount, To Amount, and Type

Enter an amount range and a commitment type. The amounts you enter define the monetary range for which to set up acknowledgement rules, and the commitment type indicates whether the rules apply to gifts or pledges.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicContinuing Acknowledgement Setup

Access the Acknowledgement Setup2 page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Acknowledgement Setup, Acknowledgement Setup2).

If you select the Adjusted Pledge or Adjusted Gift check box on the Institution Installation 2 page and you do not specify any values in the Adjustments group box, then the system displays an error message when you attempt to save the page. If you receive this error, you must enter an event ID or role in the Adjustments group box to save successfully.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCompleting Acknowledgement Setup

Access the Acknowledgement Setup3 page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Acknowledgement Setup, Acknowledgement Setup3).

All anonymous acknowledgements are configurable and do not have a standard letter generation option.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining an Organization's Matching Gift Rules

The Matching Rules component enables you to define the matching gift rules for an organization. You can maintain information about minimum match amounts and match ratios, the designations for which gifts can be matched, the annual matching gift budget, required information and contacts, and any matching gift restrictions the organization has.

This section discusses how to set up matching gift rules, restrictions, and required information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define an Organization's Matching Gift Rules

Page Name

Definition Name



Matching Gift Rules


  • Contributor Relations, Session Management, Matching Gifts, Add/Update Matching Rules, Matching Gift Rules

  • Contributor Relations, Session Management, Matching Gifts, Matching Rules - Workset

Enter information about an organization's match amount, ratio, and budget rules; eligible and ineligible designation type, gift types, alumni statuses, and employee statuses; and contacts for an organization's matching gift program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Matching Gift Rules, Restrictions, and Required Information

Access the Matching Gift Rules page (Contributor Relations, Session Management, Matching Gifts, Add/Update Matching Rules, Matching Gift Rules).

Minimum Match Amount

Enter a minimum amount for gifts that the organization matches. The organization only matches gifts that are equal to or greater than the amount in this field. If the gift meets this amount, the matching gift program then considers if it is given to an appropriate designation (set up on the Restrictions page). If the gift passes this test, then the matching gift program considers the matching ratios.

Currency Code

Note. The currency you select here applies to all amount fields on this page.

The following fields are informational only and are not used in the automated matching gift process:

MG Designation Type (matching gift designation type)

Indicate the designation to which matching gift funds must be applied when they are received. Values for this field include Any Eligible, Donor's Designation, and Gen'l Operating Budget. This field information only field enables you to determine to what designations a matching gift company's payment should be allocated.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.


Select the appropriate option for receipts. Periodically means receipts may be combined and sent to the organization periodically. Each Gift means the organization requires a receipt from the institution for each company gift. This field is not included in automated acknowledgement process.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Distribution Schedule

Determine the frequency with which organizations make matching gift payments to your institution. Values include: Annually, Continuously, Monthly, Quarterly, and Semiannually.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Distribution Date

Enter a value if the organization only matches gifts once a year on a specific date. Enter the date as mm/dd.

Deadline Date

Enter the date on which a completed matching gift form must be received by the organization in order for it to match the gift. Enter the date as mm/dd.

Payroll Eligibility

Select if the organization offers employees the option of having payroll deduction gifts matched through its matching gift program.

Duplicate Match

Select if the organization matches gifts that are matched by other organizations. For example, if a donor's gift is also matched by his or her spouse's employer, the donor's employer matches the gift as well.

Required Information

Select the items an organization must receive prior to matching a gift. Examples are Matching Gift Form, Original Check to Company, Donor Calls Company, and Receipt.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.


Enter any additional information about the organization's matching gift program. You can use this field to compile complex facts as appropriate for matching gift organizations so that you have access to specific decision-making information. This is a free-form text field.

Annual Matching Gift Budget

Overall Total

Enter the organization's total annual matching gift budget. This amount represents the total amount the organization will donate in matching gift payments to your institution as well as other institutions for the current year.

Donor/Institution Total

Enter the maximum monetary amount the organization will match toward one donor's gifts to your institution this year.

Institution Total

Enter the maximum monetary amount the organization will give to your institution in matching gift payments this year.

Donor Total

Enter the maximum amount the organization will pay in matching gifts for donations made by one donor to your institution as well as other institutions this year.

Match Detail

The following fields are used in the automated matching gift process.

Ratio and To Ratio

Enter the formula by which an organization calculates the amount it matches for each regular donor gift to your institution. Ratio ranges can include fractions such as 1.25:1. This field is used in the automatic calculation of the expected matching gift amount.

You can enter multiple match ratios as long as the amount ranges associated with each ratio do not overlap.

Minimum Match Amount and Maximum Match Amount

For each ratio, enter a minimum amount and maximum amount. These fields are used in the automatic calculation of the expected matching gift amount.

For example, if the matching gift organization matches 100 percent of gifts from 25 to 25,000 USD, then the first minimum amount field on this page should be set to 25 USD and the first Ratio Minimum Amount field should be left blank or set to 0 USD. The maximum amount field should include the cap for the match ratio, or 25,000 USD. The system calculates that all qualified gifts are met at 100 percent up to 25,000 USD.

If the organization matches gifts larger than 25,000 USD at a different ratio (perhaps 0.5:1) then the minimum amount for the next ratio would be 25,000.01 with the appropriate cap entered in the maximum amount field.


Ineligible Designation Types

Select the designation types that are not eligible for an organization's matching gift program. This field is used in the automatic calculation of the expected matching gift amount.

Ineligible Gift Types

Select the ineligible gift types that your organization does not match, such as dues or deferred gifts. This field is used in the automatic calculation of the expected matching gift amount.

Eligible Alumni Status

Select the appropriate eligible alumni status. Alumni status refers to the status a donor must have as a formal student of your institution in order for the organization to match gifts made to your institution. Values for this field include Alumnus, Attendance Requirement, Child or Spouse Attended, and Graduate.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Eligible Employee Status

Select the appropriate eligible employee status. Employee status refers to the status a donor must have as an employee at the organization for it to match gifts. Values for this field include All Employees, All Full-Time Employees, Employees in US or Possessions, Full-Time Salaried Employees, Non-Employee Directors, Period of Service, Permanent Part-Time, Retired Employees, Spouses of Eligible Employees, Spouses of Eligible Retirees, and Widows/Widowers of Eligible Retirees.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.


You can view existing attachments to the organization's matching gift rules record and add new ones. Click the View link to open the attachment in a new window. Click the Add Attachment button to upload a new attachment from within the component.

Matching Gift Contacts

This group box displays the name of each organization contact at the organization with an ORG_CONTACT code of MG or matching gift coordinator, and his or her job title and telephone numbers. The ORG_CONTACT code is a delivered value and should not be deleted.


Click this button to access the page where contact information can be updated.

Contact Information

This area displays phone types and phone numbers for matching gift contacts.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Giving Club Information

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Giving Club Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Giving Club Rules


Contributor Relations, Session Management, Giving Clubs, Giving Club Management, Giving Club Rules

Define the giving clubs at your institution.

Giving Club Levels


Contributor Relations, Session Management, Giving Clubs, Giving Club Management, Giving Club Levels

Define the various membership levels for a club based on a donor's giving.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Giving Clubs

Access the Giving Club Rules page (Contributor Relations, Session Management, Giving Clubs, Giving Club Management, Giving Club Rules).


Name the giving club (up to 30 characters).


Select a valid club administrator at your institution. Administrators are defined when you create Staff Assignments of Giving Club Administrator (GCA). This value is delivered in the AV_PRPS_TBL and should not be deleted.


Select the campaign to associate with this giving club, if applicable. A campaign is an organized institutional effort targeted to a specific constituency that occurs over a specified period of time with specific purposes and goals. This prompt box contains a list of all the campaigns defined at your institution.

Club Rules

Reset Membership at Fiscal Yr (reset membership at fiscal year)

Select to make the system recalculate and regenerate membership at the beginning of each new fiscal year.

Notify Staff Assigned to Donor

Select to have the ability to set up workflow to send a notification to the assigned staff when a donor is added to the giving club. Your institution would set up the appropriate workflow to generate notifications.

Special Acknowledgement

Select to have each new member of the giving club receive a custom acknowledgement letter announcing his or her membership status. This field is not used currently in the automated acknowledgement process.

Include in Calculations

Hard Credits

Select to include hard credit when calculating a donor's eligibility for this giving club.

Soft Credits

Select to include soft credit when calculating a donor's eligibility for this giving club.

Matching Gifts

Select to include matching gifts when calculating a donor's eligibility for this giving club.

Spouse Giving

Select to include spouse giving when calculating a donor's eligibility for this giving club.

Eligible Designations


Select to include all designations in giving club calculations.


Select to include particular designations such as Law School, Scholarships, and so on. These values are defined on the Designation Type page.


Select to include specific designations in giving club calculations.

Remaining Fields

Business Unit

If you select Type or Specific, select the business unit associated with the designations to include in giving calculations. This field populates by default to the default business unit you selected when setting up user defaults.

Type Code

If you select Type, select a designation type from the list of valid designation types at your institution. The designation types for the setID associated with the business unit you select appear in the prompt box.


If you select Specific, select each designation to which gifts count toward a donor's giving club membership eligibility. The designations associated for the setID with the business unit you select appear in the prompt box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Giving Club Levels

Access the Giving Club Levels page (Contributor Relations, Session Management, Giving Clubs, Giving Club Management, Giving Club Levels).


Name the giving club (up to 10 characters). Level names are usually very specific for each institution, but an example might include a giving club with levels of Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.


Displays the number of members in the club at this level.

Minimum and Maximum

Enter a giving amount range. This range determines the low and high end giving totals that make donors eligible for this giving club level. For multiple levels there can be no gaps in the ranges. If all gifts above a certain level qualify a donor for membership in the club at the highest level, the maximum amount for this level should be left blank.


Enter descriptions of any giving level benefits associated with this giving club level. Benefits are privileges given to the members of the giving club at a particular level. Examples might be library privileges, event tickets, and other donor appreciation items. The information you enter in this field is for your reference only. No benefits processing occurs as a result of your entry.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Credit Card Processing

To set up credit card processing, use the Credit Card Type component (AV_CR_CARD_TYPE), Merchant Table component (AV_MERCHANT_TBL), and Business Unit CR component (AV_BUS_UNIT).

Before you can enter gift or membership payments, or enable self-service online giving, you must set up the system for credit card processing.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Credit Card Processing

Page Name

Definition Name



Credit Card Type


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Credit Card Type

Define which credit cards are acceptable for credit card processing for each setID.

CR Merchants (Contributor Relations merchants)


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Merchant Table

Specify site-specific service provider information for each institution in your organization. This information is sent to the defined service provider as part of every credit card transaction.

Business Unit CR (business unit Contributor Relations)


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Install Contributor Relations, Business Unit CR

Associate a merchant table with a business unit. There is a 1:1 relationship between a Merchant ID and Business Unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Connection with a Third-Party Processor

To accept credit card payments over the internet, you must have an account with a merchant bank that offers internet credit card processing. In addition, you must establish a relationship with a credit card processing agency, such as CyberSource, and provide the identifying numbers for your bank account. After you have established these two relationships, you must configure the system to connect with the credit card processing agency.

CyberSource supports all major credit cards including: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover/Novus, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, EuroCard, JCB, Visa delta, EDC/Maestro, Style, and various private label cards.

See Also

"PeopleSoft Credit Card Interlink Installation and Technical Notes" on My Oracle Support

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Payment Methods

To specify credit card payments, you must use the Tender Types page to define a credit card tender type. The Tender Types page enables you to set up the monetary forms in which your organization receives gifts.

See Also

Defining Tender Types

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Credit Card Types

Access the Credit Card Type page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Credit Card Type).

Credit Card Name

Enter the credit card name. This name becomes an available value on the Tender Type Detail page and the Make a Donation - Payment Information page and also is available in self-service Involvement functionality.

Credit Card Number Length

Enter the number of digits for this credit card number. Users must enter a credit card account number for this credit card that is equal in length to the value you specify. Separate valid card length values with a comma.

Common number length values are as follows:

  • Visa: 13 or 16

  • MasterCard: 16

  • American Express: 15

  • Discover/Novus: 16

Credit Card Status

Select Active to make this credit card available for selection on credit card entry pages. Select Inactive to make this credit card unavailable for selection on credit card entry pages.

Credit Card Valid Prefixes

Enter all valid prefix numbers for this credit card. Separate valid prefixes with a comma.

Common prefix values are as follows:

  • Visa: 4

  • MasterCard: 51, 52, 53, 54, or 55

  • American Express: 37 or 34

  • Discover/Novus: 6011

Use Check Digit Algorithm

Select Y (yes) to have the system check the validity of the credit card numbers during the credit card entry process. Select N (no) to not have the system check credit card numbers for validity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Connection Parameters for a Third-Party Processor

Access the CR Merchants page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, Session Management, Merchant Table).

Payment Merchant

Select a third-party payment merchant to be used for processing credit card transactions. There are no delivered values for this field.

Consult the Campus Solutions 9.0 Electronic Payment Integration Developer's Reference Guide on the My Oracle Support website to determine how to set up your electronics payments implementation. The document explains how to set up the lower levels of the Integration Broker-based solutions, up to and including the payment merchant, which is referred to in this section.

Payment merchants are defined on the Payment Merchant page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Electronic Payments, Payment Merchant).

Security Code Supported

This read-only check box field reflects the setting of the corresponding field on the underlying Payment Merchant page. It controls the display of the Security Code entry field and the What is a security code? link on the self-service and session entry pages. When this check box is selected, the Security Code - Self Service and Security Code - Batch check boxes appear on this page.

Credit Card

Security Code - Self Service

Select this check box to enable the display of the Security Code field and associated message in the self-service Involvement payment pages.

Security Code - Batch

Select this check box to enable the display of the Security Code field and associated message in the Tender Type Detail pages for gift and membership entry.

Credit Card Tracing

Select a control for the output files the system produces during each transaction. Your choices are:

  • Connect with Trace: Connect with service provider and produce a trace file in C:\temp directory.

  • No Connect with Trace: Do not connect with service provider, but produce a trace file in C:\temp directory.

  • Production: No tracing of any kind.

  • Vendor Trace: Connect with service provider and turn on service provider tracing.

Default Options

Type of Name

Select the type of name (Primary, Preferred, Legal, and so on) that will be used as the default when the name fields are initially populated on the Credit Card Entry page. Name type is specified on the Names page.

Phone Type

Select the type of phone (Business, Home, and so on) that will be used as the default when the name fields are initially populated on the Credit Card Entry page. Phone type is specified on the Phone Detail page.

Address Type

Select the type of address (Primary, Preferred, Business, and so on) that will be used as the default when the name fields are initially populated on the Credit Card Entry page. Address type is specified on the Addresses page.

Email Type

Select the type of email address (Home, Business, and so on) that will be used as the default when the name fields are initially populated on the Credit Card Entry page. Email type is specified on the Electronic Addresses page.

Email Address

CyberSource requires an email address to be sent with each transaction. If an ID does not have an email address, the email address entered in this field is sent with the transmission.

See Also

Adding or Updating Biographical Details Data

Creating Contributor Relations Business Units

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Self-Service Online Giving and Pledges

To set up self-service online giving and pledges, use the Involvement component (AV_INST_WEB_INV) and the Giving Vehicles component (AV_GIVE_VEHICLE).

In addition to credit card interface setup requirements, you must complete eight pages to set up the system for online giving. These same pages enable you to set up self-service online pledge capability.

This section discusses how to:

Although the pages above are not required by record definition or by code, self-service donors cannot make a gift or pledge unless information has been set up on those pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Self-Service Online Giving and Pledges

Page Name

Definition Name



Involvement Setup


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Self Service, Involvement, Involvement, Involvement Setup

Set institution-specific settings for online gift and pledge sessions.

Web Designations


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Self Service, Involvement, Involvement, Web Designations

Set up the web designations available to self-service donors during online gift and pledge sessions.

Web Appeals


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Self Service, Involvement, Involvement, Web Appeals

Set up the web appeals available to self-service donors during online gift and pledge sessions.

Web Campaigns


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Self Service, Involvement, Involvement, Web Campaigns

Set up web campaigns available to self-service donors during online gift and pledge sessions. To facilitate campaign-specific giving, link available designations and appeals to each campaign.

Web Campaign Narrative


Click the Narrative link on the Web Campaigns page.

Provide donors with more descriptive information about your available web campaigns.

Involvement Setup - Campaign Linked Designations


Click the Link Desig link on the Web Campaigns page.

Link specific designations to a selected web campaign and select a specific campaign designation default.

Campaign Linked Appeals


Click the Link Appeal link on the Web Campaigns page.

Link specific appeals to a selected web campaign and select a specific campaign appeal default.

Giving Vehicles


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, CR Product-Related, Gift and Pledge, Involvement, Giving Vehicles

Define and describe alternative methods of giving.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Involvement Settings

Access the Involvement Setup page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Self Service, Involvement, Involvement, Involvement Setup).

Constituent Type

Select the constituent type assigned to the visitor when the system is processing a self-service gift or pledge and the donor does not have an existing constituent type. Examples include Friend, Alumni, Faculty, Parent, Staff, and so on. These values are defined by the organization on the Constituent Type page.

See Maintaining Constituent Types.

Payable to name

Enter the institution or department name to which the donation or pledge will be sent.

Online Gifts, Linked Gifts, Online Pledges

These three check boxes control the links that appear on the Donations - Ways to Give page:

Online Gifts: If selected, the system displays the Make your gift securely online link. This link takes donors directly to the Make a Donation - Welcome page to start the online giving process.

Linked Gifts: If selected, the system displays the Invest in existing campaigns link. This link takes donors to the Donations - Campaigns page, where they receive web-specific campaign information and can choose whether to make a gift or a pledge to the campaign.

Online Pledges: If selected, the system displays the Make a pledge online link. This link takes donors to the Make a Donation - Welcome page to start the online pledge process.

Default Payment Schedule

Select the default payment schedule value to appear on the Make a Donation - Payment Information page for pledges. Delivered values are Semi-Annual, Annual, Bi-Monthly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Weekly.

Mail in address information

The address information you define here appears on the Donations - Ways to Give page and on the Mail In Donation Form. Mail in address information is used by online visitors who prefer to make a gift or pledge through the mail.

Additional information contact

You must enter either a staff ID or an email ID in this section.

User ID

Select the ID of a staff member that corresponds to the email address that you want to appear as a link on the Donations - Ways to Give page to be used for inquiries. Only staff members set up as PeopleSoft users with email addresses appear in the list.

Email ID

Enter an email address to be used for inquiries. If the staff ID entered above has a defined email address, the system populates it by default.

Session defaults

User ID

Enter the user ID assigned to the online gift or pledge sessions. When a gift entry user creates a session, their ID is associated with that session. They can only view or change sessions that they have entered, unless given more access through their defined role. Only users with the role of gift entry operator or gift and pledge supervisor appear in the list.

Business Unit

Select the default business unit that the system assigns to the online gift or pledge session.

For online giving, this business unit must have an assigned merchant ID to correctly authorize online donations. Use the Business Unit CR page to associate a merchant table with a business unit.

See Setting Up Credit Card Processing.

Session Count

Enter a maximum number of gifts or pledges to be included in a single self-service session. The minimum number of gifts in a session is 1.

Tender Type

Select the tender type assigned to the self-service gift for online giving. Only tender types with a Special Fields value of Credit Card appear in the list.

Note. This field does not apply to pledges.

See Defining Tender Types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Web Designations

Access the Web Designations page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Self Service, Involvement, Involvement, Web Designations).

Available Designations


Enter a numeric identifier for all unique combinations of designation business unit and designation.

Designation Business Unit

Enter the operational unit to which the gift or pledge is designated.


Enter the designation or fund for distribution.


Describe the designation (up to 80 characters). The system populates the long description as defined for the designation, but you can edit the text. The descriptions appear as available values on the Make a Donation - Gift Information and Make a Donation - Pledge Information pages.


Select to make the designation available for self-service gifts. If this check box is selected for a designation, it appears when donors apply their gift to specific funds, rather than to the institution's greatest need.


Select to make the designation available for self-service pledges. If this check box is selected for a designation, it appears when donors apply their pledge to specific funds, rather than to the institution's greatest need.

Important! You must save the designations entered above, for the system to populate the list of available default gift and pledge designations below.

Default Gift Designation

The sequence number of the designation you select here becomes the default designation business unit and designation for a gift. The default designation also appears on the Make a Donation - Gift Information page. If a donor does not select a specific designation fund and selects the option to Apply my gift to the greatest need, the donation goes to this assigned default designation.

Default Pledge Designation

The sequence number of the designation you select here becomes the default designation business unit and designation for a pledge. The default designation also appears on the Make a Donation - Pledge Information page. If a donor does not select a specific designation fund and selects the option to Apply my pledge to the greatest need, the donation goes to this assigned default designation.

If you do not select a default pledge designation here, donors will be required to select pledge distribution information on the Make a Donation - Pledge Information page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Web Appeals

Access the Web Appeals page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Self Service, Involvement, Involvement, Web Appeals).

Available Appeals

Appeal Code

Enter the code for an appeal that motivates a donor to respond and donate. The appeals you set up here appear as values on the Make a Donation - Gift Information and Make a Donation - Pledge Information pages.


Describe the appeal (up to 80 characters). The system populates this field with the default value assigned to the Appeal Code, but you can edit the text. This description appears on the Make a Donation - Gift Information and Make a Donation - Pledge Information pages.


Select to make the appeal available for self-service gifts. These selections become available when donors select which appeal they are responding to.


Select to make the appeal available for self-service pledges. These selections become available when donors select which appeal they are responding to.

Important! You must save the appeals entered above, for the system to populate the list of available default gift and pledge appeals below.

Default Gift Appeal

The appeal code you select here becomes the default appeal description assigned to an online gift on the Make a Donation - Gift Information page. The self-service donor can change this from the default to another available value.

If you do not select a default gift appeal here, donors will be required to select how they heard about your organization on the Make a Donation - Gift Information page.

Default Pledge Appeal

The appeal code you select here becomes the default appeal description assigned to an online pledge on the Make a Donation - Pledge Information page. The self-service donor can change this from the default to another available value.

If you do not select a default pledge appeal here, donors will be required to select how they heard about your organization on the Make a Donation - Pledge Information page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Web Campaigns

Access the Web Campaigns page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Self Service, Involvement, Involvement, Web Campaigns).

Available Campaigns

Initiative Code

Enter the code for a campaign that motivates a donor to respond and donate. The campaign you set up here appears on the Make a Donation - Gift Information and Make a Donation - Pledge Information pages.


Describe the campaign (up to 80 characters). The system populates this field with the default value assigned to the Initiative Code, but you can edit the text. This description appears on the Make a Donation - Gift Information and Make a Donation - Pledge Information pages.


Select to make the campaign available for self-service gifts. Additionally, the campaign will appear on the Donations - Campaigns page with a Give to this campaign link next to it.


Select to make the campaign available for self-service pledges. Additionally, the campaign will appear on the Donations - Campaigns page with a Pledge to this campaign link next to it.

Link Desig (link designations)

Click to open the Involvement Setup - Campaign Linked Designations page, where you can associate specific designations with the campaign. You must link at least one designation to each selected campaign.

Link Appeal

Click to open the Involvement Setup - Campaign Linked Appeals page, where you can associate specific appeals with the campaign. You must link at least one appeal to each selected campaign.


Click to access the Web Campaign Narrative page, where you can enter a longer description of the campaign that self-service donors will see on the Donations - Campaigns page.

Important! You must save the campaigns entered above, for the system to populate the list of available default gift and pledge campaigns below.

Default Gift Campaign

The campaign you enter here becomes the default campaign description assigned to an online gift on the Make a Donation - Gift Information page. The self-service donor can change this from the default to another available value.

If you do not select a default gift campaign here, donors will be required to select a campaign code on the Make a Donation - Gift Information page.

Default Pledge Campaign

The campaign you enter here becomes the default campaign description assigned to an online pledge on the Make a Donation - Pledge Information page. The self-service donor can change this from the default to another available value.

If you do not select a default pledge campaign here, donors will be required to select a campaign code on the Make a Donation - Pledge Information page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering a Web Campaign Narrative

Access the Web Campaign Narrative page (Click the Narrative link on the Web Campaigns page).

HTML Narrative

Enter a description of any length, to provide donors with more detailed information about your available web campaigns. You can enter basic HTML markup tags to format the text that appears on the Donations - Campaigns page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Campaign Linked Designations

Access the Involvement Setup - Campaign Linked Designations page (Click the Link Desig link on the Web Campaigns page).

The selections you make on this page control the designation options that appear on the Make a Donation - Gift Information and Make a Donation - Pledge Information pages.


Select a designation sequence number; this designation is linked to the selected campaign. The Designation Business Unit, Designation, and Description fields appear to the right.


Select to link a designation to the campaign for self-service gifts. The Gifts column appears here only if the Gifts check box is selected on the Web Campaigns page. Also, if the Gifts check box is cleared on the Web Designations page for a particular designation, then the check box appears here but is unavailable for input.


Select to link a designation to the campaign for self-service pledges. The Pledges column appears here only if the Pledges check box is selected on the Web Campaigns page. Also, if the Pledges check box is cleared on the Web Designations page for a particular designation, then the check box appears here but is unavailable for input.

Gift Default and Pledge Default

You must define one default gift designation and one default pledge designation for the campaign from the list of available designations for this campaign. This default value appears when donors decide to apply their gift or pledge to specific funds, rather than the greatest need.

Copy All Web Designations

Click to populate this page with all designation values defined on the Web Designations page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Campaign Linked Appeals

Access the Involvement Setup - Campaign Linked Appeals page (Click the Link Appeal link on the Web Campaigns page).

The selections you make on this page control the appeal options that appear on the Make a Donation - Gift Information and Make a Donation - Pledge Information pages.

Appeal Code

Select an appeal code; this appeal code is linked to the selected campaign. Its Description field appears to the right.


Select to link an appeal to the campaign for self-service gifts. The Gifts column appears here only if the Gifts check box is selected on the Web Campaigns page. Also, if the Gifts check box is cleared on the Web Appeals page for a particular appeal, the check box appears here but is unavailable for input.


Select to link an appeal to the campaign for self-service pledges. The Pledges column appears here only if the Pledges check box is selected on the Web Campaigns page. Also, if the Pledges check box is cleared on the Web Appeals page for a particular appeal, the check box appears here but is unavailable for input.

Gift Default and Pledge Default

You must define one default gift appeal and one default pledge appeal for the campaign from the list of available appeals for this campaign. This default value appears when donors select which appeal they are responding to.

Copy All Web Appeals

Click to populate this page with all appeal values defined on the Web Appeals page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Giving Vehicles

Access the Giving Vehicles page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Contributor Relations, CR Product-Related, Gift and Pledge, Involvement, Giving Vehicles).

These methods appear under the Other Ways to Give heading on the Ways to Give page.

Giving Code

Displays the unique identifying code entered when the vehicle was created on the Add a New Value page.


Enter a short description of the giving vehicle (up to 30 characters), which appears as a subtitle on the Ways to Give page.


Enter a longer description of the alternative giving method. This text follows the short title displayed on the Ways to Give page.

Additional information contact

User ID

Select the ID of the defined staff member listed as a contact name for inquiries about this giving vehicle.

Email ID

Enter the email address to be used for inquiries about this giving vehicle. The system populates this field.